
Kai's hangover

Kai's POV

I woke up in bed. How I got in bed I don't remember. Shay lay next to me in a chair. He had a bowl of water on the little table where the lamp used to set. There was a semi-wet towel on my head. Shay stirred in his sleep and finally open his eyes. He had me a glass of water and a couple of pills.

"Here take these, they'll help with your hangover" Shay said.

"How did I get in bed?" I asked.

"I don't know you were already in bed with the trash can, and wet towel on you when I got home" Shay said.

"I can't remember anything I was so drunk" I said.

"Why did you get so drunk anyway, you usually don't drink." Shay said.

"I don't remember why I was drinking" I said.

"So dumb, I'm going to school and then to work. Will you be ok." Shay said.

"I'll be fine. Go to school you need an education." I said

"Yeah yeah whatever you say big brother" Shay said.

Shay left to school. I was left alone, when my phone went off with a text.

"Hey Kai, how are you feeling today?" Matthew texted.

"I'm feeling fine now. Did you come over yesterday?" I texted.

"Yeah I did. You don't remember?" Matthew texted.

"No I was to drunk. Why did you leave?" I texted.

"I had to go home, but I tried my best to take care of you while I was there." Matthew texted.

"Where are you? Shay went to school this morning, so your probably there too." I texted.

"I'm at school. It's was free period so I decided to see how you were doing." Matthew texted.

"Thank you for taking care of me yesterday and looking after me today." I texted.

"I know I'm an amazing friend." Matthew texted.

Yes that's right your just a friend even though, I wish you were so much more then that. I love you Matthew James Lorance but you don't know that. I can't tell you because you already like someone else. If you didn't like them then you would leave me wouldn't you. You'd go abroad and leave me here in the slums. Why can't we have the same status. Even if we did have the same status would you accept me. Would you still choose the other person? Why do I have to love you?

"Your silent, what are you thinking about?" Matthew texted.

"I can't remember anything at all about yesterday" I texted.

"Really? So you don't remember calling me Shay?" Matthew texted.

"No, I don't and I'm so sorry for calling you Shay" I texted.

"I think the person I like also likes me Kai" Matthew texted.

Of course they would like you Matthew. Your so special and you don't even see it. The person who caught your heart is one lucky person. If only that person was me.

"Really, you must be so happy." I texted.

"I am. I really like that person and I think I fell for them too." Matthew texted.

"I wish you lots of happiness with that person." I texted.

"Kai, are you gay?" Matthew texted.

"No....Why do you ask?" I texted.

"Lair you told me yesterday you were" Matthew texted.

"Why not just tell me you knew?" I texted.

"I wanted you to trust me and tell me on your own." Matthew texted.

"Your not grossed out by it" I texted.

"No never. Your my best friend Kai and I love you the way you are." Matthew texted.

"Really, your not just saying that?" Kai texted.

"Of course I'm ok with that." Matthew texted.

"I'm gald we're still friends Matthew." I texted.

"Kai I have to go but I'll come over after classes." Matthew texted.

"Goodbye Matthew, hope your classes go well." I texted.

"Goodbye Kai, I'll see you later." Matthew texted.

Matthew stopped texting after that. I couldn't wait for Matthew to get done with classes. It felt like I waited forever for Matthew classes to end. Finally classes were over and Matthew knocked on my door.

"Come in" I yelled.

He came in and closed the door.

"How are you feeling?" Matthew asked.

"Fine, I feel fine Matthew." I said.

"Good. That's really good" Matthew said.

Matthew walked closer to the bed and sat down on the edge of the bed. Matthew was to close. Well I liked his closeness but for his own safety he should really back up. Only he didn't back up. He leaned closer to me and my heart stopped because he pressed his lips against mine. He kissed me and like I thought his lips were so soft. Damn he's a good kisser. Has he kissed someone else before but why is he kissing me doesn't he like someone else. I pushed him off me.

"Why did you kiss me?" I asked.

"I'm in love with you Kai and I think you feel the same way." Matthew said.

That was all it took for me to lose the control. I grabbed Matthew's shirt and pulled him into a kiss again. We kissed for a long time. Matthew laid next to me and slowly fell asleep. Matthew's phone went off later that night.

"Matthew where are you? Your parents are really mad at you." Frederick texted.

"Matthew is sleeping." I texted

"Sleeping? Who are you?" Frederick texted.

"Yes sleeping, and I'm Kai." I texted.

"You must be him. The one he loves." Frederick texted.

"He told you?" I texted.

"Of course he did. He's like my own son. I'll come up with an excuse for him." Frederick texted.

"Ok thank you. I'll take care of him." I texted.

I fell asleep after that. When I woke up I found Matthew was still in my arms and it was a Saturday. Matthew looked cute sleeping so I stayed there just watching him. Shay came in to find me and Matthew sleeping.

"Hey, I'm going out with some friends." Shay said.

"Ok, be careful and stay safe." I said.

"Will do. Have fun with your guy." Shay said.

"Will do. Now off you go." I said.

Shay left and I went back to sleep. When I woke up the smell and blueberry pancakes filled my nose. It smelled good so I went in the kitchen.

"Mmm smells good" I said.

"My favorite food. You hungry?" Matthew asked.

"Starving." I said.

"Good eat up." Matthew said.

I ate alot of pancakes. Matthew sat down and watched me eat. I must've had whipped cream on my face because Matthew stood up and bent over and licked my lips. Then I pulled him closer and kissed him. Good I loved him. After breakfast, Matthew washed the dishes. Then we went back to bed.