
Do I hear wedding bells

Matthew's POV

Today I, seventeen year old, Matthew James Lorance would be marrying the love of my life. His name is Kai and he is eighteen years old. He's 5'9 and has sandy blonde hair with big blue eyes. He's kinda tan and loves to read. He has a younger brother named Shay who looks just like him expect for his eyes. While Kai has deep ocean blue eyes, Shay has soft blue eyes that are almost a little gray. I already told Will and Ash that I would be marrying Kai today. I asked them to be our witness and of course they said yes.

"Matthew are you ready!" Kai yelled.

"Just a second I'm almost ready!" I yelled back.

"Ok, just hurry up. We have to be there in thirty minutes!" Kai yelled.

"Ok done. I'm coming!" I yelled.

"Oh wow, just wow." said Kai.

"What do I look funny" I asked.

"No you look absolutely amazing." said Kai.

"You don't look to bad yourself" I said.

Kai pulled my into a hug and kissed me. It was an amazing kiss too but I have to tell you I like the kiss I got after we'd said I do better. We got in the cab Kai got earlier. When we got to the courthouse to sign the marriage license, we found that Will and Asher were already there waiting for us. Kai noticed that I looked a little pale and that was normal it had only been a day since I'd just gotten my first set of treatment.

"Matthew, are you ok?" Kai asked.

"I'm ok, I promise to let you if I'm not feeling well." I said.

"Is the treatment getting to you?" Asher whispered.

"A little." I whispered back.

"That's normal, here eat these." Asher whispered.

I looked down to see what Asher had given me. I saw that he had given me some crackers. I ate them like he said and it seemed to help. I didn't know how long Asher had been sick but it was nice having him around to help me.

"Are you four ready?" asked Joe Biden.(courthouse person)

"Yes, we're here to sign a marriage license." I said.

"You and who else?" asked Joe Biden.

"That would be me sir." answered Kai.

"Alright, here ya go." said Joe Biden.

We signed the papers first and then Asher and Will did. Finally Joe Biden stamped it to show that Kai and I were officially married. Kai swooped me up and spun me around then gently kissed me. That was the happiest day of my life. I loved every minute of every day with Kai. And for that one moment everything was perfect.