
Beat for a second visit

I decided since I couldn't stop thinking about Kai, I'd go see him. As I turned the corner to go to Kai's, three men stepped in front of me.

"Hey kid, is there something wrong with you?" the biggest man asked.

" No, there's not. Can you move? I'm in a hurry." I said.

"Leo you here what this kid just said. He's in my way yet he ask me to move." he said again.

"Cruz we should just go. This kid isn't worth the time." said Leo

"Come on Leo, I need to beat someone since Kai isn't home." said Cruz.

"Yeah but look at him. He's just a stick. He won't even fight back like that other kid." Leo said.

"I don't know what your business with Kai is but I won't stand by and let you hurt him." I said.

"Leo did you hear what this kid just said. He said he knows Kai". said Cruz.

"So why not just beat him to teach Kai a lesson." said the third guys.

"Good idea Louis." said Cruz.

And so I got beat pretty bad. Though I didn't care as long as Kai was ok. I put my hoodie up so no one could see my face. As I turned to leave, I ran into a person.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't see you there" said the person.

I knew this voice. It was Kai's voice. Oh no what am I gonna do. If he hears my voice he'll know it's me.

"Hey are ok?" Kai asked

I shook my head yes. I was fine but I couldn't tell him that.

"Ok it's getting late. You should hurry home." Kai said.

I shook my head yes and shuffled off. I heard foot steps behind so I turned around and looked up only to find Kai looking at me.

"I thought it was you. Why didn't you answer me?" he said.

"..." I said.

"Look at me." Kai said.

Kai took my face and pull down my hoodie. Oh no my face what would he say would he be mad.

"Come on I'll clean you up" Kai said.

"Ok." I said.

He took out the cleaning supplies. He cleaned my face and patched me up.

"Feeling any better." Kai asked.

"Yes, are you mad?" I said.

"No, I'm disappointed. Why didn't you listen to my warning?" Kai said.

"I missed you." I said.

Kai's POV

Damn he's so cute. I really like him but he's not gay. I know he's not he told me he was married once. Why would he miss me. I know he wanted to met me again but to risk his own safety. How could he be so stupid?

"You must be stupid. I told you not to come back here." I said.

"I'm sorry but I wanted to see you again." Matthew said.

"Ok I understand if you ever want to see me again call me." I said.

"Ok what's your number? " Matthew asked.

"479-455-9858. What's yours?" I said.

"479-455-5898." Matthew said.

"Thank you coming to see me again Matthew" I said.

"Your welcome, my parents asked me to go abroad for awhile but I don't want to go anymore." Matthew said.

"Why not, it's a great opportunity." I said.

"I have someone I want to stay for now. Someone I like alot and don't want to leave." Matthew said.

"Who is it? Do you love them?" I asked.

"It's a secret. I don't know if I love them but I think I'm falling for them." Matthew said.

I guess Matthew saw something in my eyes. Because he said he'd tell me if the person he liked also liked him.

"Ok deal" I said.

"I have to go Kai but I'll text you later." Matthew said.

I watched Matthew turn and leave as the sun started to set. I thought he was the most amazing site I'd ever seen. And it was right then and there that I realized I was falling in love with Matthew.