
24. The Netherfield Ball

Chapter Twenty-Three – The Netherfield Ball

Elizabeth looked down at the Boson's gift with bemusement, then up into the big man's concerned face. "Bosun... I remember everything you taught me about one of these... and I even practiced, but surely you don't think that a ball is that dangerous?" Her sparkling eyes grew more serious as Toliver's expression remained unmoved.

"Yer Ladyship, Ahm not jes' askin' yer to wear it for tonight. I'm askin' yer... no, ah'm beggin' yer to wear it anytime you go anywhere." His thick street accent grew worse whenever he became agitated, a fact that Elizabeth recognized. She looked down at the knife's sheath and harness. It was light, but seemed designed for comfort.

Sighing, she smiled at her huge protector, "As you wish, my friend, though I'll feel quite silly."

"Silly and safe is better'n the opposite. And should I remind you that you never expected to see anyone shootin' at yer man either, Yer Lady..."

"Stop!" She glared up at the giant, a poodle challenging a mastiff, "I will wear it if you stop calling me that in private. I am Elizabeth."

Bosun rubbed the back of his neck with one meaty palm, "My Lady, you're a Countess now, whether you likes it r'not… It is not like before, when they jes' called you such. Now you are truly Lady Bennet... an' you'll be Her Grace in jes' six days..."

Elizabeth sighed and pushed the big man out of her doorway. She knew he was right, but she had never had any ambitions to be any more than just the daughter of a country gentleman. She loved Darcy for himself, not his recent elevation to the highest of the nobility. For another long moment she looked at the serviceable fighting knife, a perfectly-balanced weapon with an eight-inch blade. She had enjoyed her knife-fighting lessons two years ago, though the idea of actually using the weapon on another human being had sickened her. Both the bosun and Stephen had felt it was important, citing the fact that she was moving about in the world of men. She relented and was surprised to actually enjoy the practice. Still... she shook her head one last time and then strapped the device to her leg as promised.


Jane returned to Longbourn so that she could enjoy preparing for the ball with her sisters. There were moments she regretted her decision, as Fanny Bennet fluttered around complaining about her nerves and issuing contradictory orders to her harried daughters and more harried servants. Nevertheless, she cherished this time together.

The added benefit to her presence was that she arrived in the the Kirby crested coach, thus ensuring that at least some of the ladies would arrive on time. The surprise of the evening for most of the sisters was the behavior of Lydia. Not only was she unusually quiet, but she requested extra lace for her dress... and then proceeded to cover her decolletage. Kitty was startled, Jane bemused, and Fanny irritated. "Don't be ridiculous, Lydia! You're concealing one of your best features!" Elizabeth simply met her little sister's eyes with a look of approval.

Mary, having never found even a modicum of enjoyment from the chaos of the Bennet household before a dance, wisely chose to remain home with her loving husband and prepare herself calmly for the night. Ezekiel appeared after she was fully dressed and ready and smiled at her lovingly. Then he presented her with a small jewelry box, "I will never be able to give you the sort of jewelry that Stephen or Darcy can offer their brides, Mary... but I thought that this would look splendid on you."

Mary opened the box to reveal a delicate gold chain holding a small but very detailed cameo. It was rose-colored and matched her dress. Her eyes met those of her handsome husband and their expressions both took on a familiar look... and the younger Jones family was late for the ball that night.

Lord Fitzwilliam Darcy, the Duke of Carlisle, tried to resist the urge to pace, or fidget, or snap at the early guests as he watched for the approach of his beloved Elizabeth. She was supposed to arrive early and stand in the receiving line, but with her mother... and there she was, stepping out of her sister's carriage. He wanted desperately to leave the receiving line and rush down to her, but it wouldn't be proper... and then she was there before him and Darcy finally felt like he could breath again.

Their eyes met and it took an act of almost super-human will on both sides not to exchange a passionate kiss. Instead, Darcy lifted her hands to kiss them and then she took her place in the line beside him. Lord Matlock turned his eyes from the pair and smiled at his wife, "They look well together, my dear. George and Anne would have been pleased."

His lady nodded, "I do believe that you're right." Her eyes drifted over to where several young ladies were talking with her younger son, "Now if we can only find the right girl for Richard."

The Earl followed her gaze and saw the youngest Bennet girl walking towards the laughing Colonel. He quietly asked, "Please tell me that you aren't thinking of the youngest Bennet girl?"

The Countess shook her head just slightly, "Whatever Richard said to her, she is being more circumspect, but inside I believe that she is the same girl. No, he plans on introducing her to Major Curtis." Her husband considered this and then nodded in agreement. Major Curtis, the youngest son of a noble family, was tall, handsome, in need of funds, and more than able to curb the girl's wild ways. Better still, he would soon be promoted to Colonel and would take up station for an extended tour in India.

The guests poured in. The locals were vocal in their praise of the decorations and their joy for "their" lady. The visiting Ton were much less enthusiastic, but they did notice how perfect the couple seemed together. For some of these, especially mothers and single daughters, this admission was neither easy or pleasant. Notables in the peerage were greeted first by the Earl and Countess of Matlock or the Earl and Countess of Kirby, and then introduced to the pair. Many, of course, knew Darcy as Mr. Darcy. Now his new honors made him something new entirely. Most were more interested in meeting and making their own impressions of the newly elevated Countess of Longbourn.

The reactions of the peerage to the Royal Act that awarded a female a patent of nobility were varied and volatile. The issue was debated loudly in drawing rooms, in gentlemen's clubs, In shops, and even in gambling hells. It was unprecedented, but it was now fact. The only part of the situation that appeased many was the fact that the young woman in question would soon marry the Duke, and therefore her titles would devolve to his control... or at least that is what they told themselves. It didn't stop the Ton from talking, however, and everyone wanted to see this person who dared to break the status quo.

Regardless, there were also many of the upper tier who, thanks to the intervention of notables like the Matlocks, the Kirbys, and the Queen, were ready to support the new peers and their history-making elevations. Elizabeth, aware of the conflicts, was determined to treat all well and to behave with decorum. Her biggest hurdle was preventing Darcy from attacking when anyone sneered or spoke condescendingly to her. But the night was starting well, and when the music started the handsome couple made a pretty picture.

Darcy and Elizabeth moved through the first dance with perfect grace, but little was said until Elizabeth, with a teasing smile, said, "Come, Mr. Darcy, we must have some conversation. I will talk about the size of the room..."

Darcy chuckled and replied, "And I will brag about how stunning a certain lady looks this evening. Will that suffice?"

"Ah, but Your Grace, we already both already complimented Georgiana on her appearance this evening... and Ki... Catherine has Mr. Bingley to do the honors... Oh, but you meant Lydia! Of course, I should have seen it. She does look exceptionally well this night."

The dance took them apart and back together again and the Duke gave his beloved a scolding look. "You know of whom I speak, Lady Elizabeth Bennet."

Elizabeth gave her tall partner another smile, "Of course I do... but if my mother realized how much you admired her, she would be all flutters and palpitations... and where would that all lead?"

The Duke growled softly and gave Elizabeth a smoldering look, "In six days you will be my wife, Elizabeth... and then I will provide ample demonstration of who I was talking about."

This time Elizabeth was silent as she tried to quiet her beating heart and ignore the sudden warmth in the room. Darcy only allowed himself the smallest of triumphant smirks.


Mrs. Frances Bennet sat close to Lady Lucas and was tempted to crow about her triumphs loudly and with great emphasis, but the Countess of Matlock had stationed herself next to her. Fanny had always wanted to be somebody... a person who others looked at with awe and respect... like the Countess. So, for the moment, she schooled her aching desire to taunt her rival and settled for watching her beautiful daughters as the men gravitated to them. I will wait until the Countess returns to London... and then I'll give "Lady Lucas" a sound drubbing.


Charles Bingley couldn't keep his eyes off of "his" Catherine as they completed their dance and he led her to her seat at the supper table. Oddly enough, until this point ever female who had drawn his attention had been his "angel," but not Catherine. She was more. She was real... even more so because he now knew the story of her deformed finger.

Two days before the ball, Charles stole Kitty away from the decorating so that he could share a private walk with her. As they strolled, he took a deep breath and said, "Miss Catherine, we have only been courting for a short while, and I do not wish to rush you, but I..."

"Wait," Kitty said in such a firm tone that Charles stilled immediately. "Before you say any more, there is something that you have to know... but I must ask you for your absolute assurance that what I tell you will never go any further."

Seeing the anxiety on her face, Charles took her hands and nodded firmly, "You have my assurance. I will never reveal anything of what you tell me."

Kitty expelled a heavy breath and steeled herself before continuing, "I am a murderer. I killed a man."

Inside, Charles reeled back in shock, yet somehow managed to keep his composure as the young woman told her tale. When she was finished, she stood there like a frightened animal, ready to bolt. Mr. Bingley reached down and took the hand with the mangled finger. Ignoring all decorum, he gently took off his Catherine's glove, lifted her hand, and gave a kiss to her pinky finger. "You are not a murderer, Miss Catherine. You are a hero; a warrior. And you are every bit as heroic as your older sister."

Kitty trembled with a mix of emotions, but the look in her eyes as she met his gave Charles the confidence he needed to continue, "My heart is quite lost to you, dearest, loveliest Catherine... And I would be the happiest of men if you would consent to be my wife."

Now, as the guests finished their meal and sat back with their drinks, Mr. Bennet rose and drew everyone's attention. "Lords and Ladies, Ladies and Gentlemen, neighbors and friends, thank you for coming this evening to attend the first ball at Netherfield Park for many years, and this in honor of my daughter, Lady Elizabeth Bennet and her betrothed, His Grace, Lord Fitzwilliam Darcy, the Duke of Carlisle. They also thank you and welcome you and hope that you will be able to attend their wedding in six days at St. Paul's Cathedral. His Grace and Her Ladyship have also given me permission to make a second announcement."

While everyone watched in curiosity, Mr. Bingley and Kitty stood. Mr. Bennet continued, "I am proud to announce the engagement of Mr. Charles Bingley to my daughter Catherine." While everyone clapped and the couple blushed and smiled, Darcy stood, "Charles Bingley has been my close friend since Cambridge, and Miss Catherine is a young woman who I will be very proud to soon call 'sister.' So I ask you all to please raise your glasses together with me for a toast... To Charles Bingley and Miss Catherine Bennet, may God richly bless your union." All agreed and drank.

The Countess of Matlock had kept herself near to Mrs. Bennet for the announcement. That worthy exclaimed quite loudly in joy, but in a much more constrained manner than usual. At one point she couldn't resist mentioning that Kitty could have "caught" a peer, but she was resigned. It took a herculean effort on her part not to yell down to Lydia that she expected her to do better.

When there was a call for the ladies to exhibit, Mary held off to allow others to precede her. When her turn came, she played a light and pleasing peace that set the mood for the dancing to resume. All applauded her beautiful playing, Ezekiel most of all.

Lord and Lady Archer, though well known in Meryton, were nonetheless popular among the guests. Not only were they a very handsome couple, but the extracts of the Commodore's mission had finally been made public and printed. His task force had clashed with pirates and navies in the Orient and emerged triumphant, further strengthening Britain's claim to that region of the world. It was to be his last assignment because he was being promoted to Rear Admiral and placed in the Admiralty now that he was the Earl of Kirby.

Peter Long and John Lucas both gravitated to the man. As young boys they had dreamed of running off to sea, though both were older sons and therefore the rightful heirs. That love for adventure had never left them and Stephen Archer was the epitome of high adventure in their minds.

Mr. Collins did manage to secure one dance from each of the Bennet sisters, although Charlotte was the recipient of two dances and most of his attention. He was just as clumsy as they had feared, making the experience both mortifying and painful to their toes. Still, while stupid and clumsy, he was not a bad man, so they endured his attentions as well as they could manage.

Lydia's reward for this was to be introduced to a tall, blond, well-built and extremely handsome man in uniform by Colonel Fitzwilliam. "Miss Lydia, may I introduce you to Major Phillip Curtis? He has expressed a desire to meet you. Phillip, it pleases me to introduce Miss Lydia Bennet, the youngest sister of Lady Archer and Lady Bennet."

The major gave Lydia a devilish grin that made her flush and made her knees feel weak as he bowed over her hand. "My dear Miss Lydia, may I have the next set?" Lydia could only nod and gaze at the man as he led her into line on the dance floor. Colonel Fitzwilliam's eyes drifted to Darcy and the two smiled. Darcy, and Bingley had agreed to increase Lydia's dowry in order to attract a man who would marry the young lady and take her far away for at least a few years. India seemed like just the right distance. Now if we could just do the same with Caroline.

Earlier in the day Charles had received an express from his aunt informing him that Caroline had leased a conveyance and had left her care. Nobody knew what to expect next from her, but Charles intended to deal with her situation once and for all. He would not allow his devious and mean-spirited sister to make life difficult for his beloved.

The night essentially passed without too many notable problems. Jacob Mason managed to step on the hem of Mrs. Long's dress and rip it. The Taylor sisters got into a heated argument on the dance floor when they both fixated on the same man. Arthur Densmore got carried away at the card table and gambled away his wife's prize pig... which led to a great deal of squealing from the lady. But other than these exceptions, a fine night was had by all.

Mrs. Bennet fell asleep in the carriage as they rode home. The effort of restraining herself had been altogether exhausting. Mr. Bennet watched, bemused, as all three of his remaining daughters looked off into the distance, with love-struck expressions on their faces.


In different parts of England, three women fumed and plotted. Lady Catherine de Bourg glared hatefully down her dining room table at Rosings, trying to think of a way to separate her nephew from "that country upstart usurper." Caroline Bingley paced the floor at the inn where she had to break her journey to London, planning and discarding ways to compromise her Duke and destroy Miss Eliza's reputation. And in her London boarding house, Annabeth Williams, known to most now as Mrs. Young, explained her plan to the criminals she had recruited.

Wilbur Wyatt, the burliest and most dangerous of the group, regarded the woman possessively. The man gave Annabeth the shivers, but she was willing to take him to her bed to ensure his cooperation. Of course, he didn't know that she already had a plan for disposing of each and every one of her accomplices.