
19. Relatives and Relationships

Our Lady of Longbourn

Chapter Nineteen – Relatives and Relationships

News about Darcy reached Elizabeth in a completely unexpected manner.

For three very long days she had lingered at Archer House waiting for some sort of information about the new Duke. She had cursed herself for not expressing her feelings and scolded herself over and over again for allowing herself to have feelings for him. Most of all, she was frightened for him. She had seen his wounds. She had personally helped to stop the flow of his life's blood. She couldn't imagine that he would suddenly be well from such a grievous wound.

She had written to Mary for information, but hadn't received anything back yet. Kitty was the only other member of her family who knew what had happened, but it was doubtful that she knew what was happening now.

So it was unexpected when a footman stepped into the drawing room and extended a tray with a card which read "Miss Georgiana Darcy." It was the appropriate visiting hour, and Jane had finally taken off mourning, so Jane nodded, "Please show Miss Darcy in, Ronald."

Soon a tall young lady, blond with blue eyes, stood nervously in front of the sisters. Elizabeth sensed the girl's shyness and immediately moved to seat her and make her feel welcome. As she stepped forward, she was suddenly wrapped in the younger girl's arms. Blushing at her forwardness, Georgiana released Elizabeth and stepped back, mortified. With tears in her eyes she whispered, "Thank you! Thank you for saving my brother. I'm sorry… I…"

Elizabeth reached out and took both of Miss Darcy's hands in hers, "I'm honored to meet you, Miss Darcy…"

"Oh! Please call me Georgiana? After all, you saved Fitzwilliam and he lo…" Her already flushed face became redder.

Elizabeth heard what wasn't said and blushed herself, but her spirit soared with hope. "Please call me Elizabeth, Georgiana. And this is my sister Jane, Lady Archer." When curtsies were exchanged, Elizabeth couldn't wait any longer, "Please, can you tell me… how is your brother?"

"Much better now, though the trip was rather taxing. You probably didn't hear that they have moved him to London? He is here in Darcy House. Richard… that is Colonel Fitzwilliam… told me that he had a really frightening fever for one night, but it improved." Georgiana looked at Elizabeth shyly, "He also told me about everything that you did to save him."

Her face became fierce, "I knew first hand that George Wickham wasn't a good man, but I never thought he would do something this… this evil."

Jane, ever the peacemaker, ordered a nice tea and helped to calm the young lady. The three of them visited and talked of many things. Soon they were fast friends.

When it was time for Georgiana to conclude her visit, she took Elizabeth's hand, "I hope that both of you will accept an invitation to tea tomorrow at Darcy House?" Her eyes fixed on Elizabeth, "I know that Brother wishes to see you and know that all is well."

Elizabeth blushed, but Jane grinned and nodded, "We would be pleased and honored to accept your invitation, Georgiana."


Charles Bingley escaped Netherfield Park as soon as he could after breakfast. Caroline was treading on his last nerve now that Louisa and Hubert Hurst had removed to London. With Darcy in London as well, she saw no reason to remain in "this barbaric backwoods nowhere."

Charles had two reasons to remain and keep Caroline here for as long as possible. The first reason, and the reason he did not want her in London, was that she did not yet know of Darcy's attack or his elevation. If she knew, she would be storming the doors of Darcy House, wanting to personally nurse him and prove her suitability as the next Duchess.

The second reason was that Charles was still hoping that Miss Catherine's eyes and heart might be turned in his direction. There was something special about her. She was certainly quite pretty and definitely the style that attracted him, but there was more. There was a hidden strength in her that he liked. He knew that there was some story, a story somehow tied to her injured small finger, but he had not managed to get the story from her.

She was quiet, but when she spoke she displayed intelligence and knowledge. She was not as effervescent as her older sister Elizabeth, but her gentle confidence pleased him. She was talented; he had seen her drawings and they looked just like the illustrations in the catalogs that his sisters devoured. And she was the first woman who didn't seem to measure him by his income or his standing.

Now if he could only convince her to see something special in him.

He was riding through Meryton when he saw her ducking into the local dress shop. It wasn't a place he would usually frequent, but he hoped to steal a moment with her, so he dismounted and tied off his horse. When he entered the shop, the three shop ladies were marveling over the same drawings he recognized. Neither they nor Kitty saw him step in, so they spoke in normal volume as the head dressmaker exclaimed, "These are just what we needed to finish off the catalog, Katerina! Angelique will be so pleased! And this one here will definitely be an exclusive! So beauti…"

She stopped speaking as she saw the new arrival. Kitty turned as well and her face turned scarlet. Bingley only smiled at her, "Hello. I saw you step in and hoped to visit with you. Would it be possible to escort you back to Longbourn once you are finished here?"

Kitty could only nod, mortified. She quickly wrapped up her discussion with the dressmakers and excused herself. When she stepped out, Charles offered her his arm. She took it meekly and they began walking out of town towards Longbourn. Finally, they both spoke: "Please do not…" "I'm amazed…"

Both stopped to allow the other to speak. Charles finally said, "Please, Miss Catherine, continue."

"My… my mother and father… and Lydia don't know that I am 'Katerina.' It isn't exactly acceptable for a genteel lady to design dresses for modistes… soo…"

"You may rest easy on that matter, Miss Catherine. The truth is that I am quite impressed. You see, Katerina's designs are all that my sisters and the ladies of the Ton can speak of these days. I knew that your drawings were good, but now I am quite astounded."

"Soo… will you keep my secret?" Kitty asked with trepidation.

"I will. Miss Catherine, I have long since noticed that neither you nor your sister Elizabeth seem to find any problems with my connections to trade. If that is the case, then why should I judge you for using your talents so well?" They walked on in silence, though it was now a companionable silence. Kitty even seemed to increase her hold on Mr. Bingley's arm.

This tiny change in pressure gave him the confidence he needed to say, "As you have now surrendered your secret to me, may I now share one of my own?"

Kitty looked up at the handsome man and nodded. "I leased Netherfield because it was my father's dream for me to become a landed gentleman… but I find that it does not suit me. I have immense respect for men like Darcy… and even for your sister who I now know is master of two estates. But this lifestyle doesn't suit me. I love the hustle and excitement of trade. I enjoy opening new avenues for products. I love bringing in new goods and seeing the excitement when people here at home see them or taste them for the first time. It suits me."

His companion maintained the same pressure on his arm as they continued to walk. And then she answered, "Elizabeth says that the distinction between classes is artificial. She says that people get to the top and then build walls to keep others out so that they can stay on top. We've talked about this a lot and we agree that my Uncle Gardiner is one of the best men in England, even if he chose trade. He is wealthy enough now that he could buy his own estate, but he and my aunt choose not to. If one of their children wishes to, they will support him… or her… but they won't push them.

"In fact, Elizabeth thinks that this new century will be a time where the merchant and tradesman will rise in status while the nobility will slowly fade. She's much more intelligent than I am, but her explanations make sense."

Charles nodded, but they were nearing Longbourn and he had more to say. He stopped and turned to face his companion, "Miss Catherine, is there any hope that this tradesman might win your heart in the future?"

Kitty blushed prettily, but she met Mr. Bingley's eyes squarely. "Yes, Mr. Bingley; I believe that is a very strong possibility."

Charles grinned, making himself even more handsome, and offered his arm again. They continued on in companionable silence.


The ladies from Archer House enjoyed a pleasant tea with Georgiana at Darcy House.

Colonel Fitzwilliam made an appearance to report that the Baron had been seen boarding a ship bound for the Orient the previous day. Richard excused himself. Now that his cousin was safe, he had to return to his unit. As he rode away, he shook his head in wonder, I haveve now seen Lady Archer, Miss Elizabeth, and Miss Catherine... if the other two are just as beautiful, it is a wonder that the men of the Ton aren't storming Meryton.

When tea was finished, Georgiana shyly suggested that her brother would dearly love to see Elizabeth. Blushing, but eager, Elizabeth consented. She was mortified when she was shown up to the Master's private chambers, yet nobody else blinked an eye in reproach, so she squared her shoulders and entered.

Darcy looked pale, though much better than before. On seeing him, Elizabeth's eyes teared up and she walked forward without intending too. She came out of her stupor to find that her hands were holding his good hand, and their eyes were locked together.

"Miss Ben… Elizabeth," the newly elevated Duke said softly, "You came. I was worried that you wouldn't."

"Of course… I mean… yes, I came. How are you feeling? I heard that you had a high fever?" The last came out almost as a sob.

Darcy squeezed her hands, "That's what they tell me, though I don't remember. I am getting better each day. The doctor tells me that even my collar bone will heal, though it may hurt in bad weather. It would have been much worse if you hadn't saved my life…"

Elizabeth started to pull away and Darcy gripped her hands, "Please! You don't take 'thank you's' well, so I will not say anymore… but we began another conversation that I wish to finish. Please have mercy on me and don't leave again without answering my question."

She knew what question he was asking about, but the answer was not that simple, "I was told that you are engaged to a cousin?"

Darcy shook his head, then winced and groaned. Elizabeth looked alarmed, but he smiled in reassurance, "If I move too much, the shoulder is agitated. In answer to your question, I am not engaged. My aunt wishes it to be so and she proudly proclaims it, but neither my cousin Anne nor I have any intention of fulfilling her wish." His eyes held Elizabeth's captive, "I am not engaged, dear Elizabeth… now, my question?"

Elizabeth took a deep breath, "I had to save you. I could not let those men kill you… I… you are important to me."

The patient smiled in joy and Elizabeth could hardly breathe for his handsomeness. "Elizabeth, will you allow me to court you? Before you answer, understand that it is my intention to win your heart and make you my wife."

"But… I am only a country girl."

"You are a gentleman's daughter. I am a gentleman… albeit now a peer. If I can be elevated, so can you be."

"But what of my mother, my younger sister, even my father sometimes? They will not actually do you credit."

"You have yet to meet my aunt. I would exchange all of your family for her on any given day."

"Do you know that I am the Master of two estates? I am filling the role of a man. What would the ladies of the Ton think?"

"I met with the Duke's solicitor this morning, Elizabeth. Do you know that I now own three other estates, one even larger than Pemberley? And every one of them has been neglected and abused. Your intelligence, energy, and experience would make you my ideal partner in life. I am not worried about the 'Ladies of the Ton'.

"Now, Elizabeth," his expression allowed a little of his vulnerability to show through, "If you do not wish my attention, then speak now and I will never bring it up again. My wishes and desires are set, but one word from you and..."

Elizabeth quieted him by the simple expedient of moving a stubborn lock of his hair out of his face. Her hand lingered there, and then slid along his cheek. "Fitzwilliam Darcy, nothing would please me more than for you to court me… well, perhaps one thing, but everything in its own time."

Understanding her words, Darcy almost proposed on the spot, but instead he caught her hand with his good one and kissed it, holding the slender, delicate limb to his lips. "Thank you, Elizabeth. I will be out of this bed soon so that I can court you properly."


The Reverend Mister William Collins arrived at Longbourn promptly at two in the afternoon, as promised in a lengthy and pompous letter. Mrs. Bennet was a bundle of nerves at having to welcome the man who intended to steal Longbourn and cast her out into the hedgerows. Mr. Bennet had received the letter over a month prior, but had not chosen to inform his wife until the previous day. There had been no peace in the household since that moment.

A single afternoon and evening was sufficient for Mr. Bennet and his two resident daughters to tire of the man. Mrs. Bennet had not even extended that level of tolerance until she learned his true purpose for visiting: he was seeking a wife from among the Bennet daughters.

It had been some time since he had heard about the family, so he was expecting to find five beautiful girls waiting for him to choose from. Now he was informed that the first was married and a countess, that the third was married and a doctor's wife, and the fourth was soon to be engaged to a wealthy man. This left only two girls, one who was too young and quite silly… though he quite appreciated her buxom figure. The other, a Miss Elizabeth, was currently in London attending her sister. Mrs. Bennet promised to send for her right away.

A series of expresses passed between London and Longbourn. Mrs. Bennet demanded Lizzy's return. Elizabeth informed her that she was tied up in London. Mrs. Bennet ordered Lizzy to come anyway. Elizabeth cited outside concerns that would make that impossible. Mrs. Bennet sent the Bennet carriage for Elizabeth. Elizabeth kept it and the driver there to prevent her mother from coming herself.

Meanwhile, Mr. Collins met others in the neighborhood and heard the speculation that a Mr. Darcy was courting Miss Elizabeth Bennet. Collins thought the name sounded familiar, but he shook it off for more important concerns. Most of the other young ladies in the neighborhood seemed to scatter when he came around, but one slightly older lady, Charlotte Lucas, was welcoming.

While Mrs. Bennet alternated between being bedridden with vexed nerves and storming around the estate cursing her disobedient second daughter, Mr. Collins was falling in love… or at least a close approximation. Before the second week was out, Sir William Lucas happily speculating on the eventual engagement of his almost-spinster daughter to the Reverend William Collins.

It was one of the rare occasions that Mr. Bennet chose to spend the day away from his bookroom and as far from Longbourn as being on foot would permit. Then it was his turn to send an express to his daughter. It read: "Stay in London for now. It is not safe for you here at the moment. By the way, Charlotte Lucas will soon be Mrs. William Collins, and the next mistress of Longbourn. – Love, Father."