
Our Forbidden Desire

When 17-year-old Kylie's dad passes away broke, her mom marries rich businessman Anthony Brentford, who pays their debts. Visiting her sister Emma abroad, Kylie meets Tristan, Anthony's mysterious 21-year-old son, sparking first love. Months later, Tristan suddenly appears at Kylie’s school to sweep her off on a dream trip to Paris where their feelings intensify into love so Tristan asks to meet her family in LA and Kylie arranges a dinner with her mom where Tristan and Kylie arrive shocked to discover their parents wed making them step-siblings but their powerful feelings remain leading them to continue the forbidden relationship in secret until caught by their parents resulting in an ultimatum forcing them to choose between family or love so they run away together now completely cut off financially by Tristan's dad struggling to build a life from nothing as young outsiders overcoming challenges that only strengthen their once fairly tale bond.

Daoistt9Lu0L · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter Four

I watched Tristan drive away in his flashy sports car, my heart still racing with surprise and excitement. He was actually here! But I had so many questions about why he showed up at my school for just a quick hello.

"Kylie...earth to Kylie!" My friend Sara finally snapped me out of my daze. "That hot college guy clearly came here just to see you! How do you two know each other? Spill!"

I smiled shyly. "We met in Italy over summer break. But it's complicated..."

I gently brushed off my nosy friend, still digesting this strange turn of events myself. But I was dying to tell someone all about my crazy Italian romance.

Just then, my phone dinged with a new text from an unknown number: 

Can't stop thinking about our magical summer together. Meet me for dinner tonight so we can talk? I'll send a car at 7. - Tristan

My heart did somersaults and I hastily replied yes before realizing Sara had been reading over my shoulder.

"Oh em gee, you have to let me help you get ready for your big date!" she squealed. "We only have a few hours to make you irresistible!"

I hesitated but soon found myself enjoying Sara's makeover pampering. She even lent me a slinky black dress that fit like it was made for me. The outfit was finished just as a sleek town car rolled up outside my modest house.

I took a deep breath before sliding into the luxurious car's back seat, where Tristan sat grinning casually in a sharp suit. 

"You look incredible," he said, kissing my hand politely. His lips left my skin tingling. 

I blushed and silently scolded my thumping heart as we drove onto a posh restaurant's secluded garden patio. Soft lights and flowers adorned every inch, with a personal butler waiting on our table. It felt like a fairy tale scene.

Over expensive dishes I could barely pronounce, Tristan explained more about his wealthy, globe-trotting life. His father was a billionaire businessman, while his mother passed away years ago.

"So you just travel the world all alone?" I finally interjected. "Don't you get lonely?"

Tristan shrugged and changed the subject. I got the sense that family chatter made him uncomfortable.

Soon he shifted focus completely to me, asking thoughtful questions and listening with genuine interest about my modest teenage life in Los Angeles. I found myself opening up emotionally in ways I never expected. No one had ever made me feel so intensely understood before.

The conversation flowed naturally through dessert, Tristan mentioned "I stay alone even here in LA. My father remarried last summer, I never met his wife because I don't really like the idea of stepmom and stuff…"

I replied "Is this perhaps a coincidence? My mom also remarried last summer but I like my rich step dad. I even stayed at his mansion before I went to Rome''

Tristan said, "Good for you!" And suddenly gazed at me unexpectedly seriously. "What would you think about coming to stay with me for a while?…"

I almost choked on my fancy French pastry. "What? You mean like...move in with you?"

"My family has estates everywhere you could imagine. I hate rattling around those big empty houses alone. It would be nice to have someone to share them with," he explained casually.

My mind reeled at his lavish globetrotting offer. However, conflicting practical worries like school, my mom, and abandoning my ordinary life crowded my excitement. 

Sensing my hesitation, Tristan reached for my hand saying, "You don't have to decide anything this second. Just promise you'll really think about it?" 

I hesitated but finally nodded. As we walked hand in hand out of the restaurant, Tristan pulled me into a soft, thrilling first kiss under the stars. I felt intoxicated, half from the romantic ambiance and half from simply being close to him again.

The next weeks flew by surprisingly fast. Although I couldn't stop analyzing Tristan's extravagant proposition, deep down I already knew my choice. His world held everything mine lacked - adventure, luxury, passion. Still, the idea of leaving home felt huge.

My mom could tell I was wrestling with some inner conflict. One night at dinner she asked gently, "Is everything okay, honey? You seem stressed lately."

I slowly explained about reconnecting with Tristan, glossing over most details that would worry her. But still, she seemed to understand what I left unsaid. 

"I can see something - or someone - has stirred up big feelings," she noted. "So now you have to search your own heart about what path is right for you next."

I knew I had her blessing to spread my wings, even if it took me far from our humble nest. I just needed to find my courage.

The perfect catalyst came days later with an invitation to a glamorous Beverly Hills gala at the hotel Tristan's friend's family-owned. I begged Mom to let me attend. 

"It sounds like the perfect chance for you to dip one toe into that jet-setting water," she agreed with a knowing smile.

I nearly fainted seeing my gorgeously converted Cinderella reflection before the party. And I trembled entering the stunning event solo to look for Tristan, feeling woozy with anticipation about this being a pivotal night.

My eyes finally landed on Tristan working the party crowd with ease. Our eyes met and, excusing himself, he maneuvered gracefully to me. Joy lit up his face as he offered me a crystal champagne flute.

"You are radiant tonight," Tristan whispered close to my ear. My pulse quickened at his proximity and flirtatious energy. "So I take it, you've at least considered my proposition?" 

I smiled mysteriously. "Maybe I just wanted a glimpse into your world to help me decide."

We shared a subtly thrilling secret smile. Taking my hand, Tristan guided me toward the dance floor saying, "Then allow me to roll out the red carpet welcome."

As a live orchestra began swelling with romantic music, Tristan pulled me delicately into the frame. Being folded into his embrace brought back vivid sense memories of our passionate Italian encounter. I soaked in his expensive cologne as we gently swayed, lost in our shared gaze once more.

"Do you trust me?" he murmured after a few dream-like songs. Cryptically, Tristan drew me toward a side service exit from the grand ballroom without another word…