
Our Forbidden Desire

When 17-year-old Kylie's dad passes away broke, her mom marries rich businessman Anthony Brentford, who pays their debts. Visiting her sister Emma abroad, Kylie meets Tristan, Anthony's mysterious 21-year-old son, sparking first love. Months later, Tristan suddenly appears at Kylie’s school to sweep her off on a dream trip to Paris where their feelings intensify into love so Tristan asks to meet her family in LA and Kylie arranges a dinner with her mom where Tristan and Kylie arrive shocked to discover their parents wed making them step-siblings but their powerful feelings remain leading them to continue the forbidden relationship in secret until caught by their parents resulting in an ultimatum forcing them to choose between family or love so they run away together now completely cut off financially by Tristan's dad struggling to build a life from nothing as young outsiders overcoming challenges that only strengthen their once fairly tale bond.

Daoistt9Lu0L · Urban
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Chapter Five

Hand in hand, Tristan briskly led me through the bustling hotel kitchen and onto a hidden elevator. My heart raced with exhilaration and uncertainty about where we were sneaking off to.

When the doors reopened, he escorted me grinning into a lavish penthouse decorated with stunning flowers and flickering candles. Floor-to-ceiling windows revealed glimmering city views under the starry night sky.

"Where are we?" I asked breathlessly, taking in the extravagant scene.

"My private suite," Tristan answered, nuzzling my neck playfully from behind. "For very very special guests only." 

His touch and closeness made me shiver. This secretly familiar intimacy already felt so natural again.

Guiding me toward the vista panorama, Tristan retrieved two fresh champagne glasses from an ice bucket and handed me one. We toasted wordlessly to new adventures with giddy smiles.

"So have you thought more about traveling with me?" he asked between thrillingly electric gazes. My curiosity must have shown plainly on my face because Tristan continued. 

"Tomorrow I'm leaving for two weeks in Paris to scout family properties. Come with me, Kylie. Be spontaneous and escape for a little holiday before deciding anything bigger."

My head spun picturing romantic Parisian getaways with Tristan. Still, doubts crept in. "That sounds truly magical...but my mom, and school..."

"We can work everything out later," he interrupted reassuringly. "I already discussed the possibility with your mother on the phone. You know she likes me a lot. As for school, consider this educational world experience." 

My eyes widened. "You asked my mom's permission to take me abroad?"

He winked secretively. "I can be very persuasive when motivating people toward what they truly desire. And your mom is really understanding and amazing I need to meet her in real life soon" 

I flushed realizing he had read me perfectly and orchestrated this whole scenario. Glancing back at the dreamy Parisian vision he painted, my racing thoughts outran any remaining hesitations. I was ready to fling myself into this fantasy fairytale. 

Impulsively I grabbed my overnight bag I had packed just in case and headed toward the suite's opulent bedroom to change for bed. To my surprise, Tristan followed.

"Do you mind? I need to get ready to sleep," I informed him pointedly.

He held up his hands innocently but made no move to exit. "I promise to be a gentleman. I'll close my eyes." Suiting actions to words, he shielded his gaze dramatically.

I rolled my eyes but something thrilled deep inside at his playful antics. Quickly I swapped my glitzy gown for a comfy sleep tee, critically ensuring it fell modestly to my knees. 

"Okay, decent," I announced. Tristan uncovered his eyes with an exaggerated sigh. 

"That's hardly fair. You look even more tempting now if that's possible," he teased, openly admiring my bare legs. I flushed, half embarrassed and half secretly tantalized. 

His sparkling eyes turned serious then. "Tonight has been amazing, Kylie. Thank you again for deciding to come away with me." My heart lurched at his unexpectedly vulnerable tone.

Acting on pure impulse, I rose onto my tiptoes and kissed Tristan tenderly. I heard his sharp inhale as he froze in surprise before wrapping me into a passionate embrace. 

We tumbled deliciously onto the massive bed, lost in kissing's dizzy bliss. Ever the gentleman, though, Tristan soon broke our lip lock gently. 

"As incredibly hard as it is to stop..." he panted heavily, "we should try getting some rest before our early flight."

I couldn't disguise my goofy grin over this dizzying turn of events as we settled platonically beneath the satiny sheets. Tomorrow a romantic Paris adventure awaited! My old boring life already felt like years away.

Tristan's private jet landed the next afternoon at a swanky airport on Paris' outskirts. A uniformed chauffeur whisked us off to the center of glitzy high fashion and culture. 

I gazed starry-eyed out the limo's windows at iconic landmarks while Tristan made mysterious arrangements on his phone.

We pulled up alongside the glittering Seine River outside a picturesque boutique hotel I recognized from magazines. Bellhops whisked away our minimal luggage.

The compact but posh room featured more stunning views of the Eiffel Tower and quaint Parisian streets. My awe amused Tristan, who was clearly accustomed to luxury living. 

"So Mademoiselle, what would you like to do first?" Tristan asked, wrapping his arms around me from behind. "The options are endless."

I couldn't resist playing out my every girlish Paris fantasy - sipping decadent hot chocolates in cozy cafes, strolling hand-in-hand along the riverbank, kissing under the Eiffel Tower as it dazzled brilliantly at dusk. And Tristan indulged my eager tourist whims patiently. 

That first enchanting night we dined al fresco by twinkling fairy lights. Tristan raised his wine glass for a toast. 

"Here's to following wild dreams," he said with a wink. I grinned back breathing in this blissful, romantic ambience. No fantasy could beat how right now felt meant-to-be.

As we meandered slowly home alongside the glittering river with a full hunter's moon, Tristan paused suddenly under a lamppost. He turned me gently to face him.

"Have I told you yet today how beautiful you look?" Tristan murmured, pushing a loose wisp of hair from my face and tracing my lips tenderly with one finger. 

My pulse hammered like butterfly wings. No more words were needed. We came together in a kiss conveying longing built up since our first electric connection months ago, only intensifying now. 

Back in our elegant suite, inhibitions lowered, and things grew hot and heavy fast. In a passionate daze, we sank into plush pillows. But Tristan pulled away breathing hard when my hands explored under his shirt.

"We should slow down," he whispered. Confused and embarrassed, I started apologizing when he hushed me sweetly. "Trust me, I want nothing more. But you deserve to be properly courted first."

My heart melted at his sincere tone. I understood we both harbored intense feelings, even if not acting on them physically tonight. Curled safely in Tristan's arms instead, I fell into blissful dreams about all that lay ahead.

The next few days flew by, filled with quintessential Paris delights - long aimless walks, cozy meals, and stolen kisses. Each moment our connection strengthened into something inexplicably but undeniably real.

On our final night in the City of Light, I could no longer contain my blossoming feelings. As we swayed gently to a crooning French love song inside our suite, I whispered close against Tristan's chest "I'm falling in love with you..."

He froze momentarily before dipping his face toward mine yearningly. But instead of answering, Tristan simply captured my lips in a wordless passionate reply that left no doubt. After all our romantic buildup, actions spoke louder than words now.

And this time when sensations escalated between silk sheets, Tristan didn't pull away. We indulged long-restrained hunger, celebrating a new intimacy milestone. 

Completely spent afterward, sweaty limbs intertwined under the glow of Paris' nighttime aura, Tristan finally murmured against my tangled hair "I've loved you from the first moment I saw you, Kylie..."