
Our Family Legacy? Murder.

Alyx and Mandy have a normal life. They are just trying to finish their last year of high school, dreaming of leaving town and going to New York. Till one day in their history class they are assigned a family tree project. Seemed simple enough, until they uncover a secret about their Great Great Grandmother. No one spoke of her, she died mysteriously and they never found her body. The deeper these sisters dig, the more dangerous it gets.

ThatOneThespian · Teen
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3 Chs

City of Angels

The ticking of the clock is too loud. The squeaking of the shoes from the kids around her, and the chair is too hard to sit on. She can't focus on the poem in front of her as the teacher reads it, she has no idea what is going on and she needs to get out of here. 

Alyx sits in the back of the classroom, last desk on right; left if you are coming into the classroom. English is her least favorite subject mostly because of her Dyslexia. It makes everything ten times harder to understand because she is taking twice as long as a normal person to get through a sentence. If it wasn't for her sister Mandy helping her through the years she doesn't think she would have ever been able to get through school. 

Alyx at this point can barely breathe and it wasn't because she was getting frustrated with The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, but it was because her best friend was coming back today from Los Angeles. She hasn't seen him in over a year and now he is finally coming back. She had no idea why the thought terrified her. She should be happy that he's coming back after being scouted for his dream dance school. It was strange. 

Was it the fact that she's been in love with him since they were freshmen? Was it the fact he hasn't spoken to her in a week and she felt that something was wrong? It could be anything but all she knew was that she needed Mandy. The bell rang and she dashed out of class heading towards the student parking lot. Mandy is the only one with her license, so Alyx always rides to school with her twin sister. 

She knows it's a bit pathetic, being a senior in high school and she couldn't drive on her own. But she always had this sense of anxiety within her. Ever since she was a little girl she feared herself driving. With anyone else behind the wheel, she was fine. But she had no clue why she was so afraid of being the driver. So she had concluded last year when Mandy got her driver's license she will just always carpool with her. 

Alyx found the spot where her sister had parked that morning to see an old beat-up 1999 Chevy Silverado that they inherited from their dad. And standing at the driver's side was her curvy, long ombre-haired twin sister. Alyx and Amanda are identical twins. They just have a few keen differences that always help others tell them apart. For one Alyx has heterochromia. Her right eye is green and her left eye is gray. While her sister has green eyes. 

Alyx had always preferred short hair, just above her shoulders, Mandy likes her hair long. Alyx is the skinnier one because she does sports, but she's also shy and has a secret love for anything math. Mandy is an amazing actress and is the one out of the two of them who has a backbone. Alyx loves to in her free time, make Mandy red carpet-worthy outfits. They always said they'd move out of their small little town together and live in New York. Where Mandy will act and Alyx will become a fashion designer. 

As Alyx walks closer Mandy looks up at her phone and smiles at her sister. "There you are, Al! I thought something happened to you, I'm usually the last one to arrive at Big Cluck." She pats the side of the truck as if it was a dog.

"If you thought something happened to me, why didn't you come looking for me?"

"Oh, I was about to. I was going to put it up in my story asking if anyone has seen a more anxious version of me stalking the halls."

"Wow, great to know that my twin worries about me," Alyx says, rolling her eyes and trying to seem annoyed. But failed when Mandy noticed the smirk on her face. "Have you heard from Monroe yet?" Alyx's smirk went away as she shook her head. "Well you know the goofball, he'll text you soon. And if not I'll kidnap him myself for you." 

On the drive home, Alyx wondered and wondered why she hadn't heard from him. Had she said something wrong? Was he mad at her? It was eating at her but she didn't have any time to focus on that. The girls arrived home to find their grandma Irene standing on the kitchen table trying to fix a lightbulb that went out weeks ago.