
Our Family Legacy? Murder.

Alyx and Mandy have a normal life. They are just trying to finish their last year of high school, dreaming of leaving town and going to New York. Till one day in their history class they are assigned a family tree project. Seemed simple enough, until they uncover a secret about their Great Great Grandmother. No one spoke of her, she died mysteriously and they never found her body. The deeper these sisters dig, the more dangerous it gets.

ThatOneThespian · Teen
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3 Chs

City of Angels(continued)

"GRANDMA! What in the hell are you doing?!" Mandy shouted. "Gran, why are you on the table? You shouldn't be up there if you broke your hip last week. Remember what the doctor said!"

"Oh hush you two, those fuckwad doctors don't know what they are talking about, my hip is fine!" Her hip was not fine. She was just way too stubborn to admit it. "And Amanda Irene Blathers watch your language. I'm just a poor old innocent lady, that's the devil's tongue you got!" Climbing off the table to make a point, their 4-foot 11 bullet of a grandma gripped them both into a hug to make a point. 

"That light bulb needed to be fixed. Alyxandra here is too scared to do it, Amanda doesn't like getting your pretty nails dirty, and my poor baby is working all the time to do it. Since there is no man in the house then I must become the goddamn man of the house! Hmph!" She exclaimed, giving a nod of satisfaction with herself while Alyx and Mandy tried not to laugh. 

"Mammy, girls! I'm home! Anyone here?"

"We're in the kitchen Mom!"

Head full of dark brown hair walks into the kitchen, holding a bag of Chinese takeout and wearing scrubs. Alyx's mom works at the senior living facility as a nurse helping take care of those who live there. The twin's mother was a 1950s Hollywood star beautiful. And they looked nothing like her. The only thing they got from their mother was their nose. The twins didn't look like their dad or their Grandma Irene either. They found it odd sometimes but they don't question it because there is actual video evidence of their birth from their mother that their father had taken.

Their mom looked over at the kitchen table to see a box of light bulbs and one of the chairs pulled out. "Mammy," she said giving her mother a look of concern, "Why the fuck are the lightbulbs out?"