
Otherworldly Interference

What happens if Harry Potter died at the age of 10 and the soul in his body is replaced by someone from Earth?

Alsiel_A · Book&Literature
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67 Chs

Christmas Preparation and Surprises

Harry woke early on Christmas Eve, the sky just beginning to lighten with the promise of dawn. He yawned and stretched, glancing at the bedside clock that read 5:50 am. Rising quietly, he moved towards the heavy velvet curtains of his bay window. He parted them and opened the window, stepping out onto the balcony.

The cool morning air greeted him, refreshing and crisp. Below, the waters of East Portlemouth spread out to the horizon, a serene expanse that always calmed his mind. He gazed to the right, taking in what he could see of the mansion grounds. It was a vast estate, more of a small castle than a mansion, though only the right part was in use due to the family's current size.

Harry's thoughts wandered. Maybe they should get some house elves. With their help, they could utilize the entire mansion. He made a mental note to ask the Hogwarts elves about it when he returned.

Breathing deeply, Harry felt a sense of peace wash over him. The tranquil scene of the water and the gentle morning breeze was soothing. A smile tugged at his lips as he considered an exhilarating idea. Flying around the mansion or perhaps even diving directly into the pool at the back sounded like the perfect way to start the day.

Quickly, he grabbed his subspace pouch and pulled out his other broomstick, the one he didn't use for Quidditch. Holding the broomstick firmly in his hand, he jumped from the balcony. In mid-air, he mounted the broom and shot off towards the sea, laughter bubbling in his chest. The freedom of flight, the wind rushing past him, and the expanse of water below made him feel truly alive.

Harry loved magic, but he loved flying even more. Up in the air on his broomstick, he felt free. This was something he had wished for countless times in his past life: the ability to fly. Every time he was on the broom, he felt like he was on top of the world.

As he guided his broom around the estate, he took in the breathtaking view from above. The mansion's extensive grounds were sprawling and meticulously maintained. Below him, the boathouses lined the dock, their roofs reflecting the early morning light. The garden was a patchwork of colors, with neat rows of flowers and shrubs creating intricate patterns.

Harry circled above the sparkling pool, its clear water shimmering in the morning sun. He could see the open grounds beyond, a vast expanse of lush green grass. The Quidditch pitch was there too, the hoops standing tall and proud, waiting for the next game. Harry had not used the Quidditch pitch at all. Now that he thought about it he didn't know much of anything about the mansion and it's grounds.

"Maybe I should start a morning routine of flying," Harry mused aloud, grinning to himself. "Nothing quite like a good flight to start the day."

He soared higher, feeling the wind whip through his hair, and then dove down towards the Quidditch pitch. He pulled up at the last moment, laughing with exhilaration. Flying was pure joy, a reminder of the freedom he cherished.

"One day, I'll fly around the world," he promised himself. "But for now, this estate will do just fine."

With a wide grin, Harry turned his broomstick towards the large pool behind the mansion. The water glistened in the early morning light, inviting and calm. As he neared the pool, he descended gracefully and landed softly on the edge. He placed his broomstick down and kicked off his shoes, quickly shedding his clothes down to his trunks.

With a playful laugh, Harry took a running start and dived into the pool. The cool water enveloped him, instantly refreshing his body and mind. He surfaced with a joyful whoop, his laughter echoing around the quiet grounds. The sensation of the water was invigorating, amplifying the sense of freedom he always felt while flying.

Harry swam around the pool, enjoying the weightlessness and the coolness of the water. He floated on his back, staring up at the sky, which was now a soft, glowing blue. The serenity of the moment was perfect. 

"Flying and swimming, the best combination," he said to himself, smiling as he kicked lazily through the water.

After a few laps, Harry paused at the pool's edge, resting his arms on the side. He looked around at the mansion, the gardens, and the distant Quidditch pitch. The estate was vast and beautiful, filled with possibilities.

"I should invite Ron and Hermione over during the summer," he thought aloud. "We could have a proper Quidditch match, and maybe even a barbecue."

He imagined his friends' faces, delighted and excited by the grandeur of the estate. Both Ron and Hermione had no idea of the estate and the grounds after all. They had just Floo'ed into the living room. Now that he thought about it, Apart from Mr. Weasley and Sirius, no one knew the mansion from the outside. It would be a great idea if he could host a party, calling everyone he knew. He smirked at the thought of showing off the Quidditch pitch, sea and the pool.

"Just imagine the guys faces when they see the Quidditch pitch," Harry chuckled to himself. "They'd probably want to move in."

Harry pulled himself out of the pool and lay on his back on the warm stone, letting the sun dry his skin. He closed his eyes, soaking in the tranquility. Christmas Eve had started wonderfully, and he was determined to make the most of the day ahead.

The idea of a grand gathering began to take shape in his mind. He could see it now: friends and family, gathered on the open grounds, enjoying the lush gardens and the vast expanse of the estate. The boathouses at the dock would be perfect for a little adventure on the water, and the pool would be an instant hit.

"And Hermione," Harry continued, "she'd probably appreciate the library more than anything. I should make sure it's ready for her visit. Not that I would let her read all the books though."

"Maybe a summer party," he mused aloud. "It would be fun."

He could see it all now: a barbecue by the pool, Quidditch matches in the afternoon, and evenings spent around a bonfire, sharing stories and making memories. The idea brought a genuine smile to his face.

"Maybe I should ask Sirius to move in with us. Living in the Grimmauld Place alone could be quite vexing for him. I will have to talk to Dad about it", Harry mused to himself. 

But for now he should think about what he would get for everyone for Christmas. He got up and mounted his broom again and kicked off the ground towards his room. He flew to the right wing of the mansion and landed gently on his room's balcony. 

Harry quickly stowed his broomstick back in his pouch and placed it on the bedside table. He glanced at the clock, which read 7:03 am. Stretching, he headed into the bathroom for a shower. The warm water washed away the last remnants of sleep, leaving him feeling invigorated and ready for the day.

Stepping out of the shower, Harry wrapped a towel around his waist and walked into his walk-in closet. He scanned the rows of neatly arranged clothes, pondering what to wear. He wanted something comfortable yet stylish. Today felt special, and he wanted his outfit to reflect that.

He finally settled on a pair of well-fitted jeans and a cozy green jumper that brought out the color of his eyes. As he dressed, he thought about the gifts he needed to get. For Ron, something Quidditch-related, perhaps a new broomstick servicing kit. For Hermione, a rare book on magical creatures.

After getting dressed, Harry headed down to the kitchens, contemplating what to get for his Petunia, Vernon and Abigail. As he walked, he mentally sifted through gift ideas, wanting to choose something meaningful for each of them.

Arriving in the kitchen, he found it deserted. It seemed Petunia was sleeping in late today for a change. Harry didn't mind; it gave him some time to himself. With a shrug, he turned and exited the mansion, making his way towards the garden. The morning air was crisp, and the sun was just beginning to warm the earth.

In the garden, Harry wandered among the neatly trimmed hedges and colorful flower beds, lost in thought. He wanted to find the perfect gifts for his family, something that would show his appreciation for their love and support.

As he walked, an idea struck him. Instead of racking his brain at home, why not head to Diagon Alley and browse the shops? There would be plenty of unique gifts to choose from, and he could enjoy the bustling atmosphere of the wizarding world.

Decision made, Harry turned on his heel. With a pop, he vanished from the garden, reappearing moments later in the cobbled streets of Diagon Alley. The familiar sights and sounds greeted him, filling him with a sense of excitement and anticipation.

Diagon Alley was bustling with witches and wizards, all in the festive spirit. The shops were adorned with Christmas decorations, and a light dusting of snow added to the magical atmosphere. Harry's eyes lit up as he took in the scene, feeling a thrill of excitement.

"Right, where to start?" he muttered to himself, scanning the storefronts. He decided to begin with the bookstore. Hermione was sure to appreciate a rare book on magical creatures or ancient spells.

As he entered Flourish and Blotts, the bell above the door tinkled, announcing his arrival. The shopkeeper, Mr. Flourish, looked up and smiled.

"Good morning! Doing some last-minute Christmas shopping?" he asked, coming around the counter.

"Morning, Mr. Flourish. Yeah, I'm looking for some books.," Harry replied, glancing around the shelves.

As Harry browsed through the shelves, he sought out books that would help his friends connect more deeply with their magic. Among the titles, he found "Unlocking Your Magic: A Beginner's Guide" and "The Essence of Magic: Understanding Your Power." These were the kinds of books that wizards often overlooked, thinking they already knew everything there was to know about magic. But Harry knew from experience that delving into the fundamentals could lead to profound insights.

With the books in hand, Harry made his way to the counter, where Mr. Flourish was waiting with a friendly smile.

"Find everything you were looking for?" Mr. Flourish asked, as Harry placed the books on the counter.

"Yes, I think so," Harry replied, nodding. "I'd like six copies of each of these, please."

Mr. Flourish raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Six copies? Planning a study group, are you?"

Harry chuckled. "Something like that. Just spreading a bit of holiday cheer."

Mr. Flourish nodded understandingly and began to ring up the purchases. "Gift wrapping, I assume?"

"Yes, please," Harry confirmed. "And if you could wrap them up in green paper, that would be great."

"Consider it done," Mr. Flourish said with a grin, as he set to work wrapping the books in green paper and tying them with ribbon.

After carefully wrapping the books in green paper and tying them with ribbon, Mr. Flourish handed them over to Harry with a smile. "There you go, all set for the holidays."

"Thanks, Mr. Flourish," Harry said gratefully, sliding the wrapped packages into his pouch. "How much do I owe you for these?"

Mr. Flourish glanced at the register and then back at Harry. "That'll be 15 Galleons for the lot"

Harry nodded and reached into his pouch, counting out the coins before handing them over to Mr. Flourish. "Here you go. Thanks again."

As he left Flourish and Blotts, Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. With the books taken care of, he made his way to the Quidditch shop next. Stepping inside, he was greeted by the familiar scent of leather and broom polish.

"Good Morning, young man!" called the shopkeeper, a cheerful wizard with a shock of red hair. "What can I do for you today?"

"Morning!" Harry replied with a grin. "I'm looking for some Chudley Cannon merchandise. Got anything new in stock?"

The shopkeeper's eyes lit up with excitement. "Funny you should ask! We just got a shipment of T-shirts in yesterday. Perfect timing, eh?"

Harry's grin widened. "Great! I'll take one of those, please."

The shopkeeper nodded and quickly fetched a T-shirt from a nearby rack. "Here you go, Harry. That'll be 5 Galleons."

Harry paid the shopkeeper and thanked him before tucking the T-shirt into his pouch alongside the wrapped books. Just as he was about to leave the shop he remembered that Ginny was a fan of the Holyhead Harpies.

Harry paused. "Actually," he said, turning back to the shopkeeper, "do you happen to have anything from the Holyhead Harpies?"

The shopkeeper's eyes brightened at the request. "Ah, a Harpies fan, are you? Let me check."

He disappeared into a back room for a moment before returning with a small velvet box. "We just received these new Holyhead Harpies brooches. They're enchanted to shimmer with the team's colors when worn."

Harry examined the brooches with interest. They were finely crafted, the Harpies logo intricately detailed. "This is perfect," he said with a smile. "I'll take one of those as well."

"Ah, here it is," the shopkeeper said, presenting the velvet box. "A lovely choice, if I may say so."

"Absolutely," Harry agreed, reaching for his pouch. "How much is it?"

"Ten Galleons," the shopkeeper replied.

Harry counted out the coins and handed them over. "Thank you."

"My pleasure," the shopkeeper said warmly, wrapping the brooch carefully. "Wishing you a wonderful Christmas, Mr. Potter."

"Same to you," Harry said with a smile, tucking the brooch safely into his pouch before heading out into the bustling streets of Diagon Alley. Harry starts thinking, Ron, Hermione and Ginny's present are done. Whose present should he get next? Just as these thoughts crossed his mind, his eyes fell on the signboard of Twillfit and Tattings. He decided that he will get a good dress for Petunia and headed towards it.

Harry entered Twillfit and Tattings, the bell chiming softly as he stepped inside. The shop was filled with the soft rustle of fabric and the murmur of conversation. A saleswoman approached him with a warm smile.

"Good morning. How may I assist you today?" she asked politely.

"Good morning," Harry replied. "I'm looking for a dress for my mum. Something elegant and high-end."

The saleswoman nodded understandingly. "Of course, sir. Right this way."

She led him through the shop, guiding him towards a section filled with exquisite dresses. Harry's eyes scanned the array of fabrics and styles, searching for the perfect one for Petunia.

Finally, his gaze landed on a dress displayed on a mannequin. It was a floor-length gown made of shimmering silk, adorned with delicate lace. The skirt flowed gracefully, cascading in gentle waves to the floor. The color was a rich emerald green, complemented by intricate beadwork that caught the light. He knew instantly that it would be perfect for Petunia.

"This one," Harry said decisively, gesturing towards the dress. "It's perfect."

The saleswoman smiled approvingly. "An excellent choice, sir. Your mother will surely adore it."

Harry nodded, a sense of satisfaction washing over him. "I'll take it."

The saleswoman carefully removed the dress from the mannequin and brought it to the counter, wrapping it in tissue paper before placing it in a sleek black box.

"That will be twenty-five Galleons, please," she said, offering Harry the box.

Harry counted out the coins and handed them over, grateful for the assistance. "Thank you."

"It was my pleasure," the saleswoman replied warmly. "Wishing you and your family a joyous Christmas."

"Thank you, wishing you the same!" Harry said, putting the box into his pouch as he left the shop. With Petunia's done, now, it was time to find something special for Vernon and Abby and others as well. Deciding to get pocket watches for Sirius and Vernon, Harry made his way to Obscurus Books, the bell above the door chiming softly as he entered. The shop was dimly lit, shelves filled with ancient tomes and mysterious artifacts. He approached the counter, where a wizened old shopkeeper greeted him with a smile.

"Good afternoon, young man. What can I do for you today?" the shopkeeper inquired, peering over his spectacles.

"Good afternoon. I'm looking for two pocket watches," Harry replied, scanning the assortment of timepieces on display.

"Ah, pocket watches, you say? Excellent choice," the shopkeeper nodded, reaching under the counter to retrieve a velvet-lined case. "We have a fine selection right here."

Harry examined the watches, running his fingers over the intricate designs etched into the metal. Each one was a work of art, with delicate filigree and ornate engravings.

"I'll take these two," Harry said, pointing to a pair of particularly elegant watches. "One for my godfather, Sirius Black, and the other for my dad, Vernon Dursley."

The shopkeeper nodded, understanding Harry's request. "Very well, young Harry. And would you like any engravings on these?"

"Yes, for Sirius's watch, please engrave a stag, a werewolf, and a dog," Harry said, recalling the significance of each symbol. "And for Dad's, just the most intricate pattern you have."

The shopkeeper nodded again, taking the watches and disappearing into the back of the shop. Moments later, he returned with the watches, now beautifully engraved according to Harry's instructions.

"These are perfect," Harry said, admiring the craftsmanship.

The shopkeeper rang up the purchases, and Harry counted out the coins, handing them over with a grateful smile.

"Thank you," Harry said sincerely.

"It was my pleasure, Mr. Potter," the shopkeeper replied warmly. "Wishing you and your family a joyous Christmas."

"Thank you, wishing you the same!" Harry said, tucking the watches safely into his pouch before leaving the shop. With Sirius and Vernon's gifts sorted, it was time to find something special for Abby and the others. He really didn't know what he should get for Abby. She liked chocolates the most, but he couldn't just get chocolates for her Christmas present now, could he?

Leaving Abby's gift for last, Harry decided to get the other gifts first. For the twins, he headed to Gambol and Japes, the original joke shop in Diagon Alley. There, he picked out a joke box filled with their latest and greatest pranks and gadgets. Fred and George would be thrilled.

Next, he thought of Mrs. Weasley. He found a beautiful self-knitting kit at Stitch in Time, a shop specializing in magical knitting supplies. The kit contained enchanted needles and an assortment of luxurious yarns, all designed to create intricate patterns on their own. Mrs. Weasley would appreciate both the practicality and the beauty of the gift.

For Percy, he went to Eeylops Owl Emporium and selected a dignified-looking tawny owl. Percy had been left without a pet after Harry had forced out Pettigrew, and he thought an owl would be both useful and companionable for him. He gave the shopkeeper the Burrow's address to deliver the owl.

At Slug & Jiggers Apothecary, Harry found the perfect gift for Madam Pomfrey: an Enhanced Magical Potion Kit. It contained rare ingredients and advanced tools for brewing complex potions, something Harry knew she would find both practical and intriguing. He was really grateful to her for letting him stay in her personal quarters last time. 

As for Dumbledore, Harry initially thought of getting him a book. But then he remembered reading in his past life that Dumbledore had a peculiar fondness for socks. He went to Madam Malkin's chose a pair that not only changed colors but also warmed the wearer's feet on cold nights. 

While at Madam Malkin's, Harry also decided to get some new robes for Lupin. He knew his History professor often struggled with money, and a set of high-quality, comfortable robes would be a practical and appreciated gift. Harry selected a set of dark, elegant robes that were both durable and stylish, perfect for everyday wear or special occasions.

Finally, it was time to think about Abby's gift. He pondered deeply as he walked through the bustling streets of Diagon Alley. Chocolates were her favorite, but they seemed too simple. Suddenly, an idea struck him. He made his way to Magical Moments, a shop known for its unique and personalized gifts. 

"Good afternoon," Harry greeted the shopkeeper. "I'm looking for something special for my little sister. She had a nightmare about dark wizards attacking our family, and I want to give her something that will help her feel safe."

The shopkeeper, a kindly woman with twinkling eyes, nodded thoughtfully. "How about a necklace with an amulet? It can be enchanted with protective wards."

Harry's face lit up. "That sounds perfect! I'll take it."

The shopkeeper led Harry to a display case filled with beautiful necklaces. Harry chose one with a delicate silver chain and an emerald amulet, its color reminiscent of his mother's eyes. 

"This one is perfect," Harry said. "Can you enchant it with protective wards?"

"Absolutely," the shopkeeper replied, taking the necklace carefully. "It will take a few minutes."

As the shopkeeper worked on the enchantments, Harry watched closely, feeling a sense of relief knowing that Abby would have a way to feel safer. He would add some more charms and wards to it too.

Once the enchantments were complete, the shopkeeper handed the necklace back to Harry, now glowing faintly with magical energy. "There you go. The protective wards are in place."

"Thank you so much," Harry said, paying for the necklace. He placed it carefully in his pouch, feeling a sense of accomplishment. 

After buying Abby's gift, Harry had completed all his shopping. He stepped into a quiet alley and Disapparated, reappearing in his room at the Dursley mansion. He placed his pouch on the table and glanced at the clock. It was almost 11 now; he had spent nearly four hours in Diagon Alley. His stomach rumbled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten since early morning.

Harry headed downstairs, the familiar and comforting smell of home filling his senses. As he entered the living room, he saw Vernon and Petunia sitting together. Vernon was engrossed in the newspaper, while Petunia was reading a book. When they saw Harry, both looked up with warm smiles.

"Morning, Harry," Vernon greeted, setting his newspaper aside.

"Where have you been, dear?" she asked, giving him a quick hug.

"I went to Diagon Alley to get gifts for everyone," Harry said, his stomach growling audibly. Petunia chuckled.

"Sounds like you need some breakfast," she said, guiding him towards the kitchen. "Sit down, and I'll get you something to eat."

Harry sat at the kitchen table, his hunger growing as Petunia prepared a hearty breakfast. As she placed a plate filled with bacon, eggs, and toast in front of him, Harry started eating eagerly.

"What are we doing for the feast tonight?" he asked between mouthfuls.

Vernon, who had followed them into the kitchen, replied, "The Weasley family is coming over for dinner."

Harry nodded, shoveling more food into his mouth. "That's great," he said, swallowing. "Where's Abby?"

"She's gone over to the Burrow to play with Ginny," Petunia replied, pouring Harry a glass of orange juice.

Harry took a sip of the juice, feeling refreshed. "Is Sirius coming over for dinner?"

"Yes, he is," Vernon confirmed.

Harry looked thoughtful for a moment. "Do you think we could invite Lupin as well?"

Petunia and Vernon exchanged a glance and then nodded in agreement.

"That's a splendid idea," Petunia said with a smile.

"Absolutely," Vernon added, getting up from his chair. "I'll Floo to Sirius's place and let him know. Maybe we can both go and call Lupin over."

"Thanks, Dad," Harry said, feeling grateful.

Vernon walked over to the fireplace, grabbing a handful of Floo powder. He tossed it into the flames, which roared green. Stepping into the fireplace, he called out, "Number 12, Grimmauld Place!" and disappeared in a whirl of green flames.

As Harry finished his breakfast, he felt a sense of accomplishment from his morning of shopping. However, his mind wandered to Hedwig, who had not yet returned from delivering a letter to Randolph Spudmore. A knot of worry began to form in his stomach. He couldn't shake the feeling that something might be wrong.

"Everything alright, Harry?" Petunia asked, noticing the furrow in his brow.

"Yeah, just thinking about Hedwig. She hasn't come back yet," Harry admitted.

"She'll be fine, Harry," Petunia reassured him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "She's a smart owl."

Harry nodded, trying to take comfort in her words, but the worry lingered. He decided to keep himself busy with preparations for the evening, hoping it would distract him from his unease. As he helped Petunia clean up the kitchen, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of the upcoming festivities, eager to see the joy on everyone's faces when they opened their gifts.

As Harry helped Petunia clean up the kitchen, he pondered on a thought that had been in the back of his mind. "Mum, if we got some house elves, we would be able to use the whole mansion, right?"

Petunia paused for a moment, considering his question. "Well, Harry, we would probably need at least eight house elves to manage the entire estate properly."

Harry nodded, making a mental note to ask Tinsel and Dinky, the house elves at Hogwarts, about it. "I've met a couple of house elves at Hogwarts," he said, glancing at Petunia. "Their names are Tinsel and Dinky."

As soon as he mentioned the names, two loud pops echoed through the kitchen, startling both Harry and Petunia. Before them stood Tinsel and Dinky, the familiar house elves, looking up at Harry with wide, expectant eyes.

"Master Harry Potter is calling Tinsel and Dinky?" Tinsel asked eagerly, his large eyes shining.

Harry was taken aback, his mouth agape. "I... I didn't know you could just appear like that."

Dinky bowed low. "We is always listening for Master Harry Potter, sir. We is always ready to help."

Petunia, recovering from the surprise, smiled warmly at the elves. "Well, this is a pleasant surprise. Hello, Tinsel, Dinky. It's nice to meet you."

The elves bowed again. "Hello, Mistress Petunia," they chorused.

Harry, still a bit stunned, gathered his thoughts. "Well, I was just thinking about how we could use some help managing the entire mansion. Would you two be able to assist with that, or maybe know other elves who could?"

Tinsel and Dinky exchanged a glance before nodding vigorously. "Yes, Master Harry Potter, sir. We can be helping, and we knows other elves who would be honored to help too," Dinky said, her ears twitching with excitement.

Tinsel added, "We knows many elves who would be proud to work for Harry Potter and his family, sir."

Harry hesitated for a moment. "But you two work at Hogwarts. Would you have any problems doing this?"

Tinsel shook his head vigorously. "No problem, Master Harry Potter. We can be asking Headmaster Dumbleedor to let us free so we can work for you."

Dinky nodded in agreement. "Yes, Master Harry Potter. We is sure Headmaster Dumbleedor will understand and give us permission."

Harry smiled, relief washing over him. "That would be wonderful. Thank you both so much."

Petunia looked at Harry with pride. "This is a wonderful idea, Harry. With their help, we can make full use of the mansion."

Harry felt a surge of excitement. "Thank you, Tinsel and Dinky. I'll leave it to you to find the help we need."

The house elves beamed, clearly delighted. "We will not let you down, Master Harry Potter, sir," Tinsel said before they both disappeared with another pair of pops.

Harry turned back to Petunia, who was smiling at him. "That was quite impressive, Harry. Things are really coming together."

Harry nodded, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Yeah, they are. Now, let's get everything ready for tonight. It's going to be a Christmas to remember."