
Otherworldly family

"We....died?" "Huh?! Now we're in a village in another world?!" "Alright, a second chance at life!' "I better not screw up, wouldn't want to die again, hehe." "Magic, huh? We'll figure that out later but for now, I can't wait to see all that this world has!" A boy and his family are killed in a truck accident and reincarnated in another world, learning how to use magic with a now-altered personality from the brother and sister what adventures does this world have in store for them? And will Aiden stop getting into trouble?

Raider_920 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Agrath royal academy Pt2: Unfairness.

Chapter 37

Announcer: For the many matches scheduled for today, I will call out the first set, and as usual it will be at random through the oracle ball.

Announcer: All should look at the screen above us, it is filled with the list of names and pictures of those who would be dueling,

The list is as followed:

1st match: Raver vs Akeru Brightfil

2nd match: Rai crut Hallen vs Chronil blank

3rd match: Acto blannen vs Acer Aldric

4th match: Brian Akill vs Bloker Bigod

5th match: Alan vs Chase Cansi

6th match: Aiden Brightfil vs Jack wittaker

7th match: Armin Clifford vs Aaron

8th match:Draven Lucius apollo vs Calico ruren.

9th match: Versi coldherten vs Henry Versel.

And many others!

Announcer: The names listed above will fight and show us what they're made of in entering our prestigious school!

The crowd cheered.

Aiden: Check it Akeru, you're first.

Akeru: I-I-I'm first?! I-I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to fight.

Aiden's POV

He's more worried about his opposition than himself, talk about confidence. Kh, kh, Kh.

Aiden: Hahahaha. Come on Akeru, you've got this, you'll be fine.

Akeru: You think so?

Aiden patted him on the head.

Aiden: I know you do...and besides, you all got better people to fight, who the hell's Jack?!

Draven: *A-Ahem* He's, Uhm...*Ahem* he's beside you, Aiden.

Jack was glaring at Aiden.

Aiden: Ohhhhh, so YOU'RE Jake.

Jack: Jack, you idiot!

Aiden: He's pretty rude, right Draven?

Jack: You're not whispering you know!

Aiden: He also has nice hearing.

Draven: I know right?

Jack: You're siding with this commoner, Draven?

Draven: He is interesting, so why not?

Jack: Tch! I don't care, I'll win this stupid fight and make you all regret speaking about me in this manner.

Aiden: Okay, bro, good luck.

Aiden gave a thumbs up, then walked away with Draven.

Jack's POV

Everyone's always looking down on me in this crappy Entrance exam, to the point even commoners like Aiden, began to do so.

I'll be the one to win this then I'll shut those other Upper-class assholes up!

Jack, (Murmuring): I'll win!

Brian: Of course, you will.

Jack: You? What do you want?

Brian: Oh, I'm just passing by and I saw a Soon-to-be classmate in despair, so I thought I'd check up on him.

Jack: Yeah, right, no one's that nice, say what you want before I freeze you!

Brian: Take it easy, you're something of an Ice user, you should have a cool head at all times.

Jack: Scram!

Brian smiled.

Brian: Good luck with your matchup.

Jack: I don't need your luck, get lost!

He slowly walked past Jack

Brian: I would be glad to have someone like you in my class...

Brian's POV.

...to use as a tool.

Announcer: The match is about to start any more questions?

Ahana: Yes! Why aren't the girls allowed to participate?

Announcer: Because girls are excused from fighting, there is no need for it.

Ahana: Why?! I've honed my skills to fight against an opponent all my life and now that such an opportunity has come, you're saying were excused?

Announcer: Please don't argue with me, Lady Ahana, I didn't make this rule.

Ahana: Then who is? Why can't they let us fight?

Areli: And why must we end up sweaty and dirty like the boys?

Ahana: What's the point of my training then? What's the point of coming to this school if I can't find out my strengths and weaknesses? This is just misogyny.

Breeze: Oh, dear sister, don't make a fool out of yourself in public, you really shouldn't try to act like a boy.

Ahana: Breeze...you accept this?

Breeze: Of course I do, I'm not planning of being a knight, why should I take up a blade and fight?

She giggled.

Ahana: Announcer, I would like to fight in the boy's duels, please grant my request.

The crowd began to murmur.

Man #44: A girl isn't supposed to fight, go and sit down!

Woman #23: She's so shameful wanting to fight like the men.

The crowd flung insults at Ahana, but she wasn't budging.

Announcer: I have spoken to a member of the committee, and they said if you can get six girls including yourself, we'll add you to the boy's tournament and If you lose no girl will ever be allowed to participate again.

Ahana: Fine then, I appreciate you helping me.

Ahana walked over to Calliope and bowed her head.

Ahana: Lady Calliope, please lend me your strength in this fight.

Calliope: What made you think I'd want to fight? Haha, Hilarious.

Ahana: A, no?

Calliope: A clear, No.

Ahana: Thank you for your time.

She walked over to Areli and did the same.

Ahana: Areli, with your power I know we can win this.

Areli: I was against the idea in the first place, why would you ask me again?

Ahana: I was hoping you'd have a second thought after finding out we could fight.

Areli: My answer is no. You're a woman you should get over this fighting obsession thing.

Ahana: Thank you for your time.

Ahana went to Breeze.

Ahana: Dear sister, with your, 're strength I'm sure we can win, please assist me.

Breeze: Oh? Heh, bowing your head gives me a sense of joy, keep lowering it until I make a decision.

Ahana: I will. I hope for a positive reply, If you say yes, We can show the world how talented my younger sister is.

Breeze git irritated by Ahana's words.

Breeze: You should have stayed quiet, I'm not joining.

Ahana: Please, if my words offended you, I am sorry, reconsider joining.

Breeze: I. Said. No.


Breeze: Leave.

Ahana: Thank you for your time.

Woman#78: Stop disgracing us!

Ahana: What's disgraceful is how you're overly dependent on men despite having surplus magical powers, with all that power what do you do? Nothing, absolutely nothing, we Nobels are supposed to use our power to help those who are in need, but instead, we abuse our privileges and-

Announcer: Ahana! The committee says if you say one more word you will be disqualified.

Ahana stopped talking and went to another girl to ask.

Aiden: Yo, Crysta, looks like this one's on you.

Crysta: Meaning?

Aiden: Heh, I wouldn't know, I just thought that would be a cool thing to say.

Crysta turned her head and saw Aiden tie his Coat as a skirt and tie his shirt like a crop top.

Aiden, (High pitched voice): So let's do this, Woohoo, girl power!

Crysta: *Sigh* What are you doing?

Aiden: Supporting the girls, Instead of Aiden today I'll be Aideina.

Crysta: You make an ugly girl...*Sigh* I get what you're saying,

Aiden: Great now let's go!

Crysta: You're not coming with us. Please, dress normally. Come on Luna let's go.

Crysta walked away with Luna.

Draven: Did you have to ruin the moment with this?

Aiden: Heh, what do you want from me? I couldn't think of anything else.

Draven: You could at least have not done the dress-up bit, Haha.

Aiden: I was going for laughs but she didn't even crack a smile, Ice bitch.

Crysta: Cursing your sister because she didn't smile.

Aiden: Ahhh! We did you come from?!

Crysta: Don't worry, I won't harm you...yet, I just came back to ask Draven whether that elf over there could help, she looks strong.

Draven: You mean Elnora? I'm sure she'd love to.

Elnora: I get to fight, beat up nobels guys and I won't get hunted down? Why would I turn it down, let's go!

She leered.

Draven: Hehe, you're scared of her?

Aiden: Hehe, a little.

They both laughed, Draven looked at Aiden from head to toe.

Draven: Isn't it time you changed out of this?

Aiden: Oh yeah, I feel draft.

Draven: Crysta was right though, you'd make an ugly girl.

Aiden: Still pretty than you though.

Draven: Not in this universe.

Aiden: Oh yeah?

Draven: Yes.

Aiden: Let's settle this then.

Draven: Sure.

Aiden/Draven: Akeru, I'd look better as a girl than he would, right?!

Akeru: Uh, er, Uhm...

Announcer: Akeru Brightfil to the Arena, please. Raver to the Arena, please.

Akeru: I'm sorry you two, I'm being called.

He sped off.

Raver: Don't worry Draven, I won't harm him too much.

Draven: Give everything you have out there, Raver.

He went into the arena too.

Aiden: Wanna place a bet on who wins?

Draven: Hehe, how much?

Rosette: You shouldn't be betting on your friends, Draven.

Aiden: Uh... who's she?

Draven: She's a friend.

Aiden: Wow, she's cute, anyways the match is about to start, and I can't wait to see Akeru fight.

Draven: So do I.