
Otherworldly family

"We....died?" "Huh?! Now we're in a village in another world?!" "Alright, a second chance at life!' "I better not screw up, wouldn't want to die again, hehe." "Magic, huh? We'll figure that out later but for now, I can't wait to see all that this world has!" A boy and his family are killed in a truck accident and reincarnated in another world, learning how to use magic with a now-altered personality from the brother and sister what adventures does this world have in store for them? And will Aiden stop getting into trouble?

Raider_920 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Agrath Royal Academy pt 1: Walk to school.

Chapter 35

Aiden and his crew walked in through town heading to the academy.

Aiden's POV:

Wow, here at night and here during the day have different vibes, I feel like I'm forgetting something.

Akeru: Aiden?

Aiden: Hm?

Akeru: Is something wrong?

Aiden: Hehe, nope, why do you ask?

Akeru: You were being quiet, so I thought something was troubling you.

Aiden: Nah, I'm- Oof.

Someone hugged Aiden from behind.

Aiden: Huh?!

Lucy: Miss me?

Aiden: Oh, hey, Lucy.

Crysta: When did you two become so friendly?

Aiden's POV

Crap, I forgot all about last night's affairs!

If she tells my sister anything or my mom finds out mom, I'm dead both ways!

Ahhh, one of the cons of coming to another world with your family!

Aiden: Hehe, well you see, er, we met in the forest, while you weren't there, hehe.

Crysta: You couldn't have gotten 'this' close due to one day of seeing each other.

Aiden: Maybe she's er, er, friendly, hehehe.

Aiden's POV

I'm dead.

Lucy's POV

Hm? He didn't tell anyone? By the looks of it might cause trouble for him.

Lucy: Yeah, we both met in the forest, he helped us out with a Crystal.

Aiden's POV

Eh? Wait, she's helping, gotta back this up.

Aiden: Yeah, that's what happened.

Lucy, (Whispering): I brought your shirt back for you

Aiden, (whispering): Why? You could have kept it or burnt it.

Luna: *Sniff-Sniff* Hey I can smell a faint scent of Aiden on her-Ahhh!

Aiden threw her towards the school.

Crysta: What the?!

Aiden: Oops, reflexes.

Akeru ran after Luna.

Crysta glared at Aiden and then left.

Aiden's POV

I'm in trouble. I forgot that Luna has an incredible sense of smell and hearing, *Sigh* There should have been a better way to handle this other than throwing her, It's way too early to be flinging cat-girls.

Lucy: You seem jumpy this morning.

Aiden: *Sigh* You made me jumpy. Is that the shirt I gave you yesterday?

Lucy: Yes, I wanted to return it.

Aiden: B-but you're wearing it, how would you have returned it? *Sigh* Nevermind. Why aren't you dressed like you're headed to school?

Lucy: Because I'm not.

Aiden: Huh?

Lucy: Truth is, we didn't want to go to school, we all had other things we wanted to do, but we were used against our will to get Clay into the school for his assassination project.

Aiden: Hmm...

Lucy: Why the long face?

Aiden: Heh, nothing, I was just hoping to see you guys today, that we would get to compete again.

She held his cheek.

Lucy: We're fine, and if you keep up with your promise we'll be even better.

She smiled.

Aiden: Right!

Lucy: So do your best out there today, so I and my sisters will be cheering you on from the crowd.

Aiden smiled.

Aiden: Well then, looks like now I have to put on a good show.

Lucy: I know you will, you're Aiden brightfil.

She smiled, and Aiden's face turned red.

Aiden: Y-Yeah, bye!

Aiden sped walked away.

Lucy giggled.




Aiden: Boys don't blush! Boys don't blush! Boys don't blush! Boys don't blush! Boys don't blush!

He stopped.

Aiden: *Heavy breathing* Stop it, heart, she was being friendly.

He rested his back on an empty stall.

Aiden: *Sigh* Empty, huh? Maybe the person was sick.

He looked on the ground and saw a scorch mark.

Aiden: Wait...those are...mine, this must be Ellie's stall... but why isn't she here? Clay!

Aiden's POV

Was it a bad idea to leave her with him? It's cause I wanted to end that night fast I didn't think about the repercussions.

Oh well, she wanted the bad boy, she got 'em, I'm getting late for school.

I should be worrying about one thing at a time, yeesh, I'm not omnipotent, you know.

Aiden left the stall and headed for school.

[10 minutes later]

He arrived at the school, and outside the gate, he saw Akeru, Crysta, and Luna with Draven and his crew.

Aiden: Yo Draven, what's-OOFF!

Crysta heavily punched Aiden in the stomach.

Akeru: Aiden!

Elnora: Oof, that's gotta hurt.

Crysta: If you knew you didn't want to talk about it, tell us, don't throw Luna, she could have gotten hurt.

Luna: I'm fine though, I landed in Mr. Draven's arms.

Draven: A gift from the heavens.

Aiden, (Rasped voice): Hehe, sorry... Luna, I'll make it up to you.

Crysta removed her hand from his stomach.

Akeru ran to hold Aiden.

Crysta: Recover quickly so we can go.

Aiden,(Rasped voice): Hehe, it'll only take a second, you guys can go in without me.

Akeru: B-but you're hurt.

Aiden, (Rasped voice): Hehe, Crysta's has done far worse than this, but this time... I earned it.

Akeru helped Aiden up and they all walked through the gate.





Aiden: Woah! Here's different!

Draven: There's a ring now?

Lyra: It must be a match-up fight, *Sigh* I really hate fighting.

Aiden: Matchups, huh? Sounds interesting.

Akeru: Look over at the corners those giant magic crystals are still there.

Crysta: Those are the least of our problems, we have to figure out how to win whoever where paired up with.

Aiden: I hope I get someone cool!

Draven: I hope we get to fight.

Aiden: Oh? Wanna settle the score?

Crysta: Calm down, both of you, besides, I want to fight Aiden, with a reason none of us have to hold back.

Akeru: I-I want to help Aiden fight.

Aiden: Yeesh, Crysta, you sound like I owe you a grudge or something.

Announcer: Good morning the future of Agrath, I'm glad to see all of you made it back today. We have successfully apprehended the criminal who besmirched our sacred exam grounds with his presence.

Aiden's POV

They... caught Brian? or Clay?

They brought a man out.

Aiden: Who the hell is that?

Announcer: This man is known as Clay Manchester, an infamous assassin sent to kill our students, he was caught by one of our most dutiful Royal knights, today we drag this criminal to court and he will get the death sentence for putting our students in harm.

All the high-class society men and women, the commoners at the bottom clapped and sang the praises of the royal knights

Aiden's POV

Why do I get the feeling Brian had something to do with this...

Draven: Aiden, that wasn't the man we fought yesterday, was it?

Aiden: Nope, he's a fake.

Draven: The guy we fought escaped yesterday, to have caught him the day after would have been impossible, he was too crafty to be caught this easily.

Aiden: Yeah...too crafty.

Aiden glanced at Brian Akill, who was putting on a smirk.

Announcer: You all may be wondering why this new ring was built, Today will be the last of your entrance exams, at least 3 members of your team must win for the whole team to be admitted to the school, if more than 3 members lose the remaining that wins will be admitted admit those who lost will be rejected.

In other words: Don't depend on anyone for a win, do it yourself. Such is the way of Agrath.

Draven: What are those crystals for then?

Announcer: To check your magic levels, if must fill up to a specific point for a person to be admitted.

Aiden's POV.

No, Akeru!

Draven: Is it necessary? What if we're drained from fighting and can't meet the quota?

Announcer: Depends how hard you fight, If you can finish your fight within two minutes, then it doesn't matter whether you're empty or not, it's an automatic entry.

Draven: And how long do we have to fight for?

Announcer: Each pair will fight for 5 minutes.

Draven: What are the conditions for winning?

Announcer: There are four ways to winning, they are: Immobilizing your opponent, Concession, Knock out, or Out of boundaries. If you can make one of these happen to your opposition, then you win.

Draven: This has been very informative.

Announcer: We have a board of who's fighting whom.

Aiden: Hehe, this is gonna be fun...