
Otherworldly family

"We....died?" "Huh?! Now we're in a village in another world?!" "Alright, a second chance at life!' "I better not screw up, wouldn't want to die again, hehe." "Magic, huh? We'll figure that out later but for now, I can't wait to see all that this world has!" A boy and his family are killed in a truck accident and reincarnated in another world, learning how to use magic with a now-altered personality from the brother and sister what adventures does this world have in store for them? And will Aiden stop getting into trouble?

Raider_920 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Agrath royal academy entrance exams begins: Raver vs Akeru.

Chapter 38

Announcer: Sorry about the interruptions from lady Ahana, now we will proceed to the duel between these two individuals: Akeru Brightfil, a 16-year-old villager, from the Village in the South, Sheates, he seems to possess no magic.

The crowd laughed.

Announcer: Okay, let's calm down, hahaha, and then in the other corner, a beast man of unknown origins.

Nobel Man#8: Where do you find these people, it's like anyone can just enter this school.

The crowd laughed harder.

Aiden: Hey Draven...

Draven: Yeah, Aiden...

Aiden created a fireball in his hand and threw it at the center of the arena, Draven doubled down and shot a light beam into the flames and made the flash bomb, it shone so brightly within the arena that those who looked directly at it were temporarily blinded.

Aiden: No one laughs at my brother.

Draven: Announcer, can you stop that meaningless chatter and let them duel?

The Arena was as quiet as a graveyard.

Nobel man #8: Did you just attack us with that, Peasant?! Do you know what happens to peasants who attack me?!

This man was over 6ft tall and spoke with a demanding voice.

Draven: That wasn't an attack, and even if it was, I did it, Got a problem?

Draven glared at him.

Nobel man#8: Don't get cocky, child, I'll discipline you!

Draven: Can you just sit down and let this start already?

Announcer: H-He's right, let us begin. Please the candidates should step into the ring.

Akeru and Raver climbed the stairs and stood on top of a circle that was drawn on the ground, after they did, a green dome covered the circle.

Announcer: That dome prevents any stray magical attack from getting out but people can still be knocked out of the ring, the ring has a 30m radius in diameter and is 8 meters in height giving enough space to duel freely.

Akeru: Wow, everything's green.

A gentle breeze blew in.

Akeru: Wind can still get in, and the sun isn't so scorching, this would be good for my garden.

Raver: Huh?! Enough with your detailing!

Akeru: O-oh I'm sorry, I made you angry.

He bowed his head.

Raver: I'm not angry!

Akeru: T-then why are you yelling at me?

Raver: Hahaha, you don't have to be afraid of me, I won't hurt ya!

Akeru: O-oh, M-m.

Announcer: As you know, killing is not allowed, once the opponent concedes you are obliged to stop, you can win by doing one of the followings: Concession from your opponent, A knockout, or pushing your opponent outside the ring. Do you understand this?

Akeru: I-I do.

Raver: Yeah!

Announcer: You may begin!

Common Man#3: Who do you think is going to win?

C.M#4: The larger kid, looks stronger and has magic seems great, but the smaller one looks weaker and the announcer said he has no magic.

C.M#3: So it'll be one-sided, huh?

C.M#4: It will.

[Back to the ring]

Akeru closed his eyes took in a deep breath and gently released it through his mouth.

Raver: You don't have to be nervous, I won't hurt you that much.

Akeru dashed towards him and took a swing of his Ice sword, Raver blocked it with his arm and the ground beneath them got destroyed.

The crowd looked in shock.

Raver: I didn't know you were this strong! Looks like I don't have to hold back!

Raver tried to punch Akeru, but he used his sword as a shield, the punch connected to the sword, and Akeru was pushed back.

Raver put his hand into the ground and dug out a huge chunk of the earth and threw it at Akeru.

Akeru's POV

If I were Aiden, I'd slice through the rock, but if this were Crysta she'd dodge, I can do both but I'll save energy and dodge.

Akeru dodged the boulder.

And ran at him again.

Raver: [Physical enhancement magic: Strong arm]

A red see-through armor appeared on the arms.

Akeru: ...

Raver: This increases my power and speed times ten of what it was originally, sorry but I'll have to beat you up!

He ran at Akeru and tried to punch him, Akeru parried his hand with his sword, and Raver's arm hit the ground and caused more damage.

Raver: How did you...? Grrr!

Raver relentlessly kept attacking Akeru but he just dodged and parried.

Raver: *Heavy breathing*

Raver's POV

How is he so fast without magic? If I could get one shot in I could take him down.

Akeru walked up to him and pointed his sword at him.

Akeru: Do you concede?

Raver: Yeah right!

Raver increased his speed and punched Akeru in the face...

Raver: Huh?

...Or so he thought, Akeru caught his hand before it could connect.

Akeru kicked him and he nearly went outside the ring.

Raver's POV

That hurt? But my defense was also increased.

How did he catch my hand so close?! Does he have magic and is just not telling anyone?

And what's with his calm composure, it's frightening!

Raver: Are you hiding your real abilities?!

Akeru: Hmm?

Raver: You aren't trying hard at all and it's pissing me off! Fight me with everything you've got!

Raver dashed at Akeru, Akeru stuck his sword into the ground and connected Raver's punch with his own.

Raver: Ouch!

The ring got destroyed even more, the entire arena dome was covered in dust


Draven: I-is that Akeru?

Aiden: I-I don't know.

Draven: H-He's strong, has he shown you this before?

Aiden: F-first time I've seen it.


Luna: Go Akeru!

Crysta's POV

Hmph, I guess he's been working hard.

Crysta: Let's go.

Luna: Okay.


Rai crut: I remember back at the forest seeing him beating some armed men alone, he didn't show this level of strength.


Brian: Another Brightfil that'll be a hindrance...


Raver: Argh, my hand!

Akeru: I-I'm sorry about that, you told me to go all out so I couldn't disrespect your words.

Raver: Apologising makes it even worse!

He tried to punch Akeru, but caught his arm and twisted it.

Raver: Argh!

Akeru: I'm sorry, please could you concede? I don't like hurting nice people...it makes me sad.

Akeru had a tear in his eye.

Raver: I'll never concede!

He freed himself.

Raver: If you don't like hurting people I'll just give you a reason! After I win this I'll fight and beat up your sister-

Akeru punched him in the stomach before he completed his words.

Akeru: Please don't bring my family into this.

Raver: GAH!

Announcer: Winner Akeru Brightfil, wins by knockout.

The crowd was silent.

Akeru walked down the stairs and went to meet Aiden.

Akeru: How'd I do, Aiden?

Aiden: Y-you did great Akeru, I mean the guy might not be able to digest for a while but you did great.

Akeru faced Draven.

Akeru: I'm sorry that I hurt your friend Mr. Draven.

Draven: I-Its alright, he likes fights, he'll be f-fine, Mr. Akeru, er, I mean Akeru.

Akeru smiled.

Aiden, (Whispering): Hey Draven, you're not scared of him are you?

Draven, (Whispering): Says the guy quaking in his boots.

Aiden, (Whispering): Says the guy who called him "Mr"

Akeru: What are you two talking about?

Draven/Aiden: Nothing, sir.

Akeru: "Sir"?

Aiden: Would you prefer "Lord", sir?

Draven: How about "His eminence", Sir?

Akeru giggled.

Akeru: You two are funny.

Lyra: You're behaving an awful lot like Aiden now, Draven.

Draven: I'm sorry, whenever I'm with him, he somehow makes me act like that, it's fun.

Lyra: From prince charming to the jester, hmph, FUNnny is the word I'd use.

Aiden: Heh, I'm the jester? Hahaha, Wait, that was rude.

Lyra: Looks like you've won this one, Akeru, Congratulations on beating Raver without magic.

Akeru: T-thank you miss...?

Lyra: I'm Lyra, part of Draven's team.

Akeru: Pleasure to meet you, Miss Lyra.

Lyra: Lyra is just fine.

Announcer: The platform automatically repairs itself, so candidates can destroy it as much as they please without worry

The next duellers are...