
Otherworld Pervert in DXD

Yuki, a normal college student who loves to watch anime and video games, died after finishing the Highschool DxD. Darkness embraces him, his urge and desires granted him his wish to be transported into another world. Will Yuki change the courses of the events? Or will he use his powers to fulfill his lustful desires and evil deeds? ... The protagonist is brokenly overpowered but in the first chapters he was still gaining it. If you really admire Issei Hyoudou then probably this is not for you. Issei is a sidekick at best. Also Mc nature and ideology is different from others. He is an abomination of lust, using his knowledge to manipulate, blackmail and abuses his powers to conquer everything. .... As all of you guys, I'm not doing this for power stones but if you are interested in the story or some want to give critique about it. Please my only request is give a review in a very honest opinion. The more harsher the better. I'm just at the beginning of the writing journey so I hope you will help me and I'll be glad if you like it.... I don't own the Highschool Dxd or any other works that I put in the novel. I changed various laws so expect some different powers from the mc. I got the cover on pinterest if you own that just message me and I will drop it. Check the tags for more info. Expect tons of grammatical errors and misspellings. It's my first book in english. Warning - The contents may be offensive and the writing is vulgar, If you have a faint heart please read at your own risk. This consist rape, mindbreak and diffirent kind of immorality. So please if you don't like such a thing maybe you can turn back.

Evil_Peppa · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 11

>>> Nostalgia and First love?<<<<

People were dozing off or using their phones as they waited for the Shinkansen to reach their destination after a day of work or school. (E/N: Shinkansen is Bullet train. If you've been in Japan before probably you know this.)

One young man in the crowd stood out from his looks and mannerism. Although his lower face was covered by a white mask, his piercing blue eyes that squint in concentration while reading his manga were enough to attract the attention of not only the female students but also the work ladies.

"Is he a model?" 

"So handsome" 

"Ne ne, do you think I should talk to him" 

"Bah, shame on you, he is the age of your son. I should talk to him" 

But Yuki didn't care about the murmurs around him. His foot kept taping the floor in a rhythmic frequency as he listened to his music. (Baddest-K/DA)

'Ugh, To think that I'll have to go to another town just to find a brothel. Did Sona do something so that there won't be one in Kuoh. Knowing Rias, she wouldn't care about that kind of stuff. So it must be that stuck up megane chick' Yuki sighed as he adjusted his mask.

He thought about testing his powers in random people to earn points. But he didn't want to deal with girls looking for him after he had sex with him so he opted for the easiest method: prostitutes. 

He could've already amassed a lot points by now just by having random sex around the town, but he chose not to since he wanted to spend some days, to first get used to his new life - after all, it wasn't everyday that you reincarnated in an anime world - and also because he was mainly too lazy to have sex with people who offer no resistance. 

You see, Yuki was a pervert who enjoyed breaking people's will, fucking them as they resisted, resigned themselves to their fate, guiltily start enjoying and finally can't live without his dick. Hina, his teacher was fun to play with, and he knew that she would eventually succumb but he couldn't wait to break apart those supernatural beauties: Rias who had already fallen to that pervert, the innocent Asia, Akeno … Should he wait for Akeno to fall for Issei before he breaks her in front of him. 

Yuki licked his lips in anticipation. He wanted to see that pervert's face as his women left him one by one while he could only watch in silence. 

'Hehehe, I can't wait' 

Yuki shook his head to calm himself down, to do that, although psychological tricks were good, he still needed strength, in other words System points. 

That's why he was going to experiment on prostitutes and see how many point he can earn by having sex with normal people. If he could earn enough points, then he wouldn't mind going after normal girls. Although he won't be as excited fucking normal people who offer no resistance, if it meant to have free points and getting closer to his goals, then he didn't mind bite the bullet (poor him).

Yuki raised an eyebrow seeing a highschool girl being harassed by a middle aged man. 

'I'm so unlucky. Why did I take the train during rush hours?' She thought while being pushed by the guy from behind. 

Yuki shook his head when he looked at her face. That guy sure was horny to molest such a gloomy looking girl. Petite, plain, chest length-black hair tied in a low twin braid, thick black square rimmed glasses; she was the female equivalent of those fat otakus in hentai. 

The people around them didn't react to the spectacle and averted their eyes. They were either too scared to stop it, or they just didn't care and were already used to such occurrences. Of course if it was a beautiful girl then almost all the people here would've cried to injustice and beaten the molester. But who would dare to step up for such a plain looking girl who didn't offer resistance? 

'Humans sure are hypocrites~' Yuki shook his head and returned to reading his novels. He wasn't any different than the others and he knew it. Why would he save her and be the hero when he could focus on his manga? 

But the more time passed, the more annoyed he became. After all, the two were just a few steps away from him and he could hear the heavy breaths of the guy and the weak protests of the girl. He didn't give a shit even if she was raped in front of all those people, but could they stop bothering him when he was trying to read. 

He had always hated when people interrupted his reading. In his past life, he blocked all his friends who dared to call him when he was watching anime or reading on his phone. He didn't know why he was so unlucky in his past life, but every time the episode got to the good part someone called him and ruined all the excitement he had.

'Fuck it' Yuki grew tired of it and decided to take action. Even his Cold Prince title which usually suppressed his emotions couldn't calm his growing frustration. 

He walked towards the guy and roughly pulled his arm that was getting close to the girl's breasts. 

"Oi teme!" He tightened his hold on the frightened man and asked in a cold voice, laced with irritation "Are you done?" 

People looked at them curiously and waited in anticipation about what was going to happen. Their eyes shone in curiosity and anticipation as if they were watching a movie. Even the people around the three stepped back forming a circle around them. What was going to happen? Will the handsome lad save the plain looking girl like in those movies? Will he beat up the scum who molested an innocent girl in the train? Will the girl fall in love with him and decide to offer her body as a repayment? 

Hais~ If only they had some popcorn to snack on.

"I-I..." The man stammered and winced in pain when helt the grip on his wrist tightened. His face grew pale by the second as he heard the murmurs in the crowd and felt his bones starting to crack. 

Seeing someone stop her molester, the young girl looked at him daze. She scrutinized his face and the corners of her mouth curved slightly, feeling curious about the face behind that mask.

"Get the fuck out" Yuki growled and pushed him away and took a handkerchief to clean his hand as if he touched the most disgusting thing in the world. If he wanted a girl at least he should raped a beautiful one, such lack of taste. 

"R-remember this" The middle aged men hurriedly flee as soon as the doors opened. 

Yuki rolled his eyes when he heard the cliche line of every loser in anime. The source of his irritation finally gone, he turned around to go back to reading his manga not caring about the looks of admiration he got from the other passengers. 

Yuki suddenly felt someone tug his uniform from behind. He turned around and squinted his eyes at the girl fidgeting in her place and looking at the ground. 

"Uhm...anoo...T-thank you.." 

"Don't worry about it" Yuki replied in an uninterested tone. He didn't care about her gratitude, he just wanted to read his manga in peace. 

"W-what's...your..name?" The girl looked up this time and asked. The reflection of the light on her glasses hiding her eyes. 

"Shizuku Yuki" He fixed his mask again and turned around "Oh looks like it's my stop. Goodbye". 

He waited till the moment the door closed before he slipped off the train. He didn't want to deal with the nerdy librarian chick. After all she was the reason he couldn't read his manga in peace. 

The girl looked at the figure of Yuki that was getting further and further away and smiled feeling her heart race against her chest even though she had already realized that he didn't want to save her. After all the irritation in his voice was clear to know that she had bothered him for some reason. 

'Shizuku Yuki...' 

"I like how you're neither here nor there, Now there's nowhere else you're meant to be while I'm waiting" Sanshokui said with a smile on her face, earning weird looks from the nearby only onlooker.








==== Occult Research Club =====

The atmosphere was currently heavy as all of the peerage members were looking at Asia who was fidgeting. 

"I can see why Issei-san hated him so much. The second I saw him I felt so weird" The blonde nun said with a low voice. She trembled as recalled the sensation she experienced for the first time after those two blue eyes peered at her "It was horrible. "

"Sigh* what's wrong with you guys?" Rias sighed and rubbed her forehead. "First Issei and now Asia too" 

"We have more problems to deal with than a normal human" 

"And what's that horrible feeling?" Akeno placed a cup of tee in front of the little girl and asked in worry. 

"When he introduced himself…" Asia's face turned bright red as she recalled that sensation earning curious looks from the rest of the peerage "i-i-it fel-"

"I think you're just attracted to him" Koneko interrupted her and continued munching on her cookies without a care in the world.

"Attracted to Shizuku-kun!?" Steam came out of Asia's head as she hurriedly denied seeing Issei's face turn pale "No I'm not! It's just… hot all the way down there"

"Arara~ All the way down where?" Akeno squinted her eyes in amusement, curiosity, lust, seeing the innocent young girl point at her the space between her legs. 

Heating her words, Rias and Akeno started laughing seeing her so innocent. Kiba coughed and looked away with a small blush on his face, Koneko continued eating and Issei looked at Asia in shock, tears streaming down his face like waterfall.

"Asia-chan, you've never like this before?" Akeno crossed her arms under her voluptuous melons earning a perverted look from Issei who was still crying. 

"Never!" Asia immediately rebuked using his hands to cover up his face "It felt weird… not pleasant at all" 

"Do you feel it when you're with Issei?" Akeno asked again, her smile getting wider and wider by the second, enjoying the feeling of corrupting the innocent maiden. 

"No! Why would I feel something terrible like this from him" Said innocent maiden hurriedly denied, making Issei cry harder while Akeno licked her lips in enjoyment. 

"You love Issei don't you?" Rias asked, her eyes glinting with mischief. She had been thinking of ways to have Issei for herself. Maybe she could use this opportunity to finally have the man she loved for herself. 

"Of course yes" Asia nodded with a red face. 

"Asia…" Issei smiled brightly hearing her words. He thought that that bastard had managed to take away his innocent Asia from him, but looks like he's just hot. Even if he was handsome, he would never be able to steal his Asia from him, she was just too pure to fall for lust. 

"Then would you want Issei to touch you all over your body?" Rias smiled slightly seeing both of her cute little servants open their eyes wide. 

"If Issei wants to, then I will let him do whatever he wants! H-h-he's the man I love after all, so it's normal right?" Asia clenched her tiny fists and announced in a meek voice, but her eyes were filled with resolve and determination. 

"Hehehe" Issei turned his head to the side and laughed perversely, a trail of blood coming out of his nose as images of the naked Asia appeared in his head. 

"Then what about Shizuku-senpai?" Koneko asked while looking at the girl with an emotionless face. 

"Noooo! Why would I?" The blonde shook her head and continued "He's definitely a bad person just like Issei-senpai said" 

After all, ever since she saw the new student, everytime she closed her eyes he would appear in her mind. She hated it! Even when she was sleeping naked with her crush, those blue eyes haunted her in her dreams, never letting her forget about him. 

"I don't think that he's a bad person" Koneko frowned and continued while pointing at Issei who was still daydreaming about Asia, or maybe Rias as he kept mumbling oppai over and over again. "I talked to him a few days ago and he is the opposite of the pervert here who can only think of oppai"

"He loved his mother dearly and respects the girls as equal while appreciating their beauty. I don't think you should judge him without even having talked to him in person Asia. Aren't nuns supposed to be compassionate and treat everyone equally without bias" 

"I-i..."Asia stammered and lowered her head in shame after hearing Koneko's sound argument. Maybe she was wrong. After all, he only talked to her once and he was very polite then. Maybe she saw him in a bad way because her crush hated him. 

"Fufufu, to think that Koneko-chan would speak so highly of him" Akeno put a finger on her seductive lips and giggled "It makes me want to meet this handsome Ice prince that everybody speaks so highly of"  

"I heard from Sona that the teachers think highly of him. Not only is he a good student, he is also polite and isn't a pervert despite his excellent looks" Rias said with a pensive look, a tiny seed of curiosity started growing inside of her towards this new student who has become the talk of the school for his cold temperament that made the girls' heart beat faster. 

"Guys maybe I should go home early. I'm exhausted" Issei, stood up with a dark expression seeing every girl think so highly of the guy he hated. The fact that Koneko compared them only made it worse. Even his bushou unconsciously compared them when she said that he wasn't a pervert despite his looks. Did that mean that she didn't like perverts and preferred the more honest type of guys who "appreciated the girl's beauty". Issei called bulshit. He felt that the guy was more than he let on and it appears that everyone was getting fooled, even his crush. And Issei could do nothing about it. 'I'll swear, I'll make him reveal his true self one way or another. 

"Issei!" Asia shouted in worry but Issei, for the first time time, didn't even look at her and closed the door behind. 

The clubroom turned silent as all them worried about their peerage member

"Yuto?" Rias called the blonde guy who was leaning against the wall and looking at the door in worry 

"Yes buchou" The blonde came out of his reverie and stepped forward.

"Look after Issei and make sure he doesn't do something he will regret in the future" She rubbed her head and looked at the stack of paper on her desk in frustration. "We're already having problems with the Fallen Angels in our territory, I don't want something else to happen"

Kiba nodded before he left the room. 








*Atchoo!* Yuki rubbed his nose with the back of his head and looked at the ceiling deep in thought 'Is some beautiful lady thinking about the innocent me?'

The surrounding seemed quite blurry as pink lights covered the entire room. Three women laid beside him, sleeping with a satisfied smile on their face, their entire body covered in cum. 

Yuki checked his status and frowned seeing the amount of points he got after an entire evening spent with three women. 

Name : Yuki Shizuku}

  Race : Human

   Age : 17

Titles : Anti-Social Handsome (effects non)

             Mr. Pervert from another world

             (Boosted Sexual Capabilities)

              Cold Blooded Prince( Emotional   state is firm and neutral in any situation)

Strength (40)

Agility (40)

Endurance (40)

Magic(locked) cost: 800


Sacred Gear ???? cost: 1200

Stat points : 1400



'So normal people in this world only gave this much?' Yuki thought sadly as he looked at his stats who only grew by 500 points. One night with Hina gave him more than that. In other world his hypothesis was already 50% correct. He only needed to test it on another human anime character to see if it was really the case or if his teacher was somehow special. 

Even though he didn't gain that many stat points, It was still enough to unlock his sacred gear and upgrade some of his stats. 

He thought about killing Issei Hyoudou if his sacred gear was weak to gain more points and upgrade his other stats. But if the sacred gear is good enough, then will just stick to his plan to cuckold him and keep him as a potential meat shield against enemies while he was growing in strength.

Although there is the risk that Issei might get stronger than him since he was the mc and it was a double edged sword to let him grow, Yuki was confident in his abilities thanks to his knowledge of the plot and his ability to gain stat points with sex and killing. 

"Kokabiel, Arrogant Vali, Norse Gods, Loki, 3 factions, Cao Cao" He started counting all those variables that will inevitably become his stepping stones to become the stronger

"Gabriel...." He froze as he thought of the most beautiful women in heaven and licked his lips in anticipation "hehe. Not only is she strong which will give a lot of points. She is a beauty who I will enjoy corrupting to my heart's content. Just imagining defying her while she cries and asked God for forgiveness makes me har" 

"I am a spy, a sleeper, a spook, a man of two faces." Yuki said with a viscous smile before he drifted off to sleep.

Word count (3140)

Next chapter: Legendary power up!

3k words bwhahahhaha.

Guys I recommend watching: Otome Dori.

You know guys, I love watching NTR because sometimes vanilla is boring shit. But I became more depressed after watching Otome Dori. I'm a bit sadistic but that shit ain't for sadistic, its for masochist.

Evil_Peppacreators' thoughts