
Contract with the Grimoire

Morning,the light enters from the windows and illuminates the room.Yue Yang slowly opens his eyes,looks around himself and stretches like a lazy cat.He then sits up and warms his sleepy body.At that time the sliding door is open and Fourth mother enters the room

"good morning san-er, have you slept well?"

The boy rubs his sleepy eyes and quickly answers

"yes,I have,Fourth mother"

"Then go and wash yourself, your hair is a mess"

"yes, fourth mother"

Yue Yang stands and heads towards the door.

At that time a cheerful voice resounds through the hallway

"good morning big brother!"

the owner of such voice is Yue Bing,Yue Yang's little sister

(for those of you who haven't read the novel she is 5 years younger than her brother so she is currently 4 years old and to the current Yue Yang her origin is unknown,not because he doesn't know how children come to be but because he literally doesn't know who are her parents)

"Morning,sister Bing"

he answers in the most depressed way he possibly could because he intends to make fourth mother believe that he is sad due to his parents death or at least that what he wishes to express but the most he can do is slightly lowering his shoulders and speak in a weaker voice.

He doesn't know if it works however Yue Bing's reaction gives him confidence

"brother are you alright?"

at that question he simply answers

"I am just a little bit sad,you shouldn't worry so much"

he then proceeds towards the bathroom leaving behind the two girls who look at his back, their gazes are filled with worry.

Although he wishes to show them he is depressed it's not like he is just faking it.In fact by becoming Yue Yang he also gained his memories and feelings such as sadness for example.

After washing himself he heads towards the kitchen in order to have breakfast.

He sits and after eating he opens his mouth and says

"fourth mother,I would like to contract a Grimoire"

hearing his will she stays silent and just stares at him with a pondering expression.Seeing such a reaction he lowers his head and explains

"I wish to have power in order to protect those I care for"

'That's right I need power in order to protect and to kill my enemies'


saying so she stands up and walks away leaving him alone in the room.After a while she returns and in her hands she holds an ancient book.

He stands up and walks towards her.

When he is in front,he stops and his gaze moves towards the book.He observes it.

The book is bronze in colour and has a motive in the corners,it is very thin.

after observing it for a while he raises his arm, intending to touch it.When he does so a pillar of light envelopes him.the pillar goes way beyond the clouds.

let me know your thoughts regarding this chapter which mostly acts as filler and a way to introduce new characters

Yuto_mastercreators' thoughts