
Character list

p.s:I will only write the characters that already appeared in this novel.all the new characters will receive a description.its length will determine the new character's importance.

the descriptions may be altered

[]Four great clans

[]Yue clan

-old ones(characters of LLS)

[Yue Yang]

[Yue Bing]

[Yue Shuang]

[Yue Hai]

[Yue Tian]

-new ones(characters I designed)

[Yue Lu Bei]: appears in Ch.8.(he is the gate keeper,I just gave him a name)

(quick description: A strong and gentle looking old man.despite his age his physique is quite extraordinary, similar to that of a body builder)

[Yue Ming]: appears in Ch.14.(the misterious opponent of Xue Tan Lang)

(quick description:a misterious young girl belonging to the Yue clan, her strength is comparable to that of Xue Tan Lang who she considers a rival. she is slightly shorter than Xue Wu Xia and Yue Yang. her hair is blonde and she usually ties it in a ponytail while her eyes are emerald. due to a problem within her body she can't use the elements and she relies on physical strength.she possesses the ability to see souls)

[]Xue clan

-old ones(characters of LLS)

[Xue Wu Xia]

[Xue Tan Lang]

-new ones(characters I designed)

[Xue Lan]: appears in Ch.12 (self proclaimed elder who wishes to oppose the marriage)

(quick description: A tall and slender middle aged man. his appearance is quite creepy and he is a man who sides with the strong in order to obtain benefits)

[]Feng clan

-old ones(characters of LLS)

-new ones(characters I designed)

[Feng Lin]: appears in Ch.15

(quick description:a kid with muscles who uses lightning and thunder)

[]Yan clan

-old ones(characters of LLS)

-new ones(characters I designed)

[Yan Duan]: appears in Ch.15

(quick description:a short kid who uses two knifes)

the list will be updated as the story goes on

Yuto_mastercreators' thoughts