
Otaku Cultivator Exploring The Multiverse

We all know how cultivation novels are, starting from nothing and by the end of the novel, he becomes god. But what if the Main Character becomes god by the end of the first volume? then add the fact that he got multiverse travelling powers? and most of all he is Otaku who 'tries' living normal life and fulfilling his Otaku dreams? A 'Wish Fulfilment' type of story, when a normal Otaku type of guy gets the power to travel the multiverse! Cover Art Created by ZeroExperience20

Dragon15681 · Others
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147 Chs

The Twisted Formation

It took several Hours for Qingyue to show the whole city even with her Earth Profound Cultivation, the city didn't have that much for attractions, several Bars, restaurants, Inns even a Brothel, which Qingyue only mentioned and forced him to walk several hundred metres around it, he did like the marketplace since it was real and ancient marketplace feeling to it, as a geek for history he did love seeing people sell all sort of different type of meat as well as fruits with all sorts of colours, the only thing left for him to do is to visit auction house which is only in the capital city of the empire.

'It seems Blue Wind Empire is truly small... yet in earth standards... its probably several Russia's put together, which is massive for a normal human being... 'Raynor simply sighed at Wuxia size logic...

Neither Raynor or Qingyue paid attention to whispering masses as in such ancient times the only entertainment would be gossiping, yet no one said nothing to their faces as their pressure created from their cultivation kept everyone away.

While they were seeing places, Raynor was leaving runes on walls, trees and other places, and of course no one saw him do it...

Once back at home, Raynor went to finish his formation while Qingyue simply sit down and started to space out, she just learned something completely absurd earlier today... she still trying to process it, but more she thought about it the more she realised that this world no... the universe she is in... is very small...

She has a new goal now and that is to go to see Raynor universe, she wants to see the place where human's conquered things without Profound energy.

"Hey, you okay? You shouldn't think that much... first we should conquer one universe at a time... Okay?" Qingyue blinked at him.

"You want to conquer? " She asked him, at the same time questioning herself if she properly heard him.

"Yeah... I mean I am male... and in this kind of Universe we should reach Peak first then we can Conquer this place, and you then can question your mother for doing a poor job of being one... " She smiled... the plan he proposed is simple yet the best one, as she can't think of anything else at this moment...

"So we just stay here and cultivate? " He smirked same time he did few hand seal which she couldn't see the purpose of, then she felt air got saturated with profound energy, it was to the point that its actually visibly effects surroundings, she even saw Raynor's wolf's ears perked up as he started greedily absorb profound energy from his surroundings.

Raynor tsk'ed at the wolf and walked over and touched him, the wolf instantly opened his eyes and wanted to lick his face as he was absorbing energy at least 40% faster now...

"That's right Yue'er there is no point for us to leave... there is nowhere else in the world where we could cultivate faster now... and besides our cultivation method would make us stand at the peak in a matter of weeks..." she simply shook her head, how absurd this is becoming.

"Since we have lots of time now, tell me what you know about this world! " He sighed at her question.

"All right then... " He sits down next to her.

~~~~~~Few hours before in Xiao Clan~~~~~~

Xiao Lie walked in Xiao Che pavilion where his small house is situated, with nothing but a bedroom and bathroom its one of the smallest house in whole Xiao Clan, even with Xiao Lie status he could only secure such house for his Grandson.

Arriving at his house doors he knocked "Che'er are you home? Your grandfather here came to visit you!"

Slowly doors opened and 15-year-old scrawny boy with black hair came out.

"Grandfather did something happened? " Xiao Lie got complicated look for second, and solemnly nodded.

"Che'er... Xia Qingyue came to visit and she brought medicine for you in exchange to cancel the engagement... " Xiao Che eyes widened he became depressed even more when he was.

"Don't worry Xiao Che this medicine was made by Throne level expert and it will heal you of your crippled veins!" Xiao Lie tried to elevate Xiao Che spirits which worked.

"Really Grandfather !?!"The old man nodded solemnly.

"Yes... Now let's go inside... I will observe how these pills will work!" Xiao Che nodded and he allowed his father to enter inside, once inside he puled out white pill first.

"Now consume this pill..." Xiao Che looked at pill which was almost transparent, observed closely, then he swallowed it...

And nothing happened, he nearly got depressed again until the old man pulled out another one which nearly took Xiao Che breath away.

As pill was white and black with golden moving letters.

"This is a pill which will reconstruct your profound veins, its considered poison, but in your situation, its medicine as this pill purpose is to destroy old veins and rebuild new ones... " when Xiao Che heard his grandfathers words he nearly passed out, as such thing will hurt him severely! but Xiao Lie noticed his Grandson distress and decided to tell about the pill he consumed before...

"The white one you took before are pain killers... now lay down in your bed and consume this pill..." Xiao Che took the pill and laid down in his bed, took a deep breath and slowed it, he didn't felt anything but, he could see his fingers and muscles twitch from time to time, if he could feel it he could probably scream from pain!

Xiao Lie closely observed his Grandson, for nearly one hour until he noticed that twitching has stopped, he sighed in relief.

"It's over... How you feeling Cheer? " Xiao Che looked at his own hand.

"I feel weaker... then before... But that's suppose because I lost my [First of Elemental Profound] cultivation. " Xiao Lie nodded with his assessment.

"You are right... give me your hand for a moment..." Xiao Che nodded and Xiao Lie send small amount of profound energy at Xiao Che body and checked his veins, he was shocked that his grandson has 16 entrances already opened and more importantly his veins are like brand new!

"Good! Good! It worked! Now Che'er consume this pill! It will elevate you to [Peak of Elementary Profound]!" Xiao Che eyes widened at such heavenly pill!

"Are you sure Grandfather? Such medicine use on me?" Xiao Lie looked at his Grandson

"It was given by Xia Qingyue just for you to use your Grandfather has another 15 of those for our clan!" Xiao Che nodded and took it from his hand and swallowed, almost instantaneously he felt power explode from the stomach and send it into dantian from there it spread out through his body making him continuously breakthrough all the way to [Elementary profound].

For the first time in his life he felt what power feels like, jumping out of his bed, almost hitting sealing with his head, and with landing which needs a lot of work, Xiao Che was back on his feet.

Xiao Lie shook his head he was disappointed at his grandson, of course, he will never tell him that, there was no need to try to show off here as there was no one here an apart from him! Yet he almost injured himself!

"Che'er come... sit... your grandfather wants to talk with you about something" Xiao Che nodded and slowly walked over and took a seat on edge of his bed.

"Che'er I know you feel powerful now, but it's only the beginning of cultivation road, your Grandfather hopes you will listen to me and forget about Xia Qingyue... " Xiao Che had pained look for moment but he hid it...

Xiao Lie sighed as he saw his expression "Che'er she is [Seven of Earth Profound] and she is the same age as you! but that is not the most important thing! The most important thing is who is standing behind her! A man with unimaginable background! Even Blue Wind Empire can't do anything to him! When Xia Hongyi talked about him he was pale like paper! and he is mere 3 days reached Level of Throne!"

Xiao Che couldn't believe what he just heard

'In 3 days what kind of monster is he... So that's how Qingyue got those pills...'

"Was it him who made those pills?" His grandfather nodded.

"And most importantly Che'er he is her master and lover, apparently he is the same age as you and Xia Qingyue" Once he heard that he nearly lost consciousness.

'15-year-old throne! How is that even possible! Aren't they suppose to be old men cultivating for over a hundred years!'

"It's better if you forget about her and they are more fish in Ocean Che'er..." He solemnly nodded, he is willing to forget about her, but first he needs to see him himself, and if it's true about his strength...

Xiao Lie saw Xiao Che serious face decided to leave and inform clan about new pills he received as well as new 'Overlord' of their city...

Xiao Che walked outside with his grandfather, he wants to test his new cultivation and see his new limits.

Sometime later when Xiao Che was practising martial arts given to him by one of the pavilion leaders, he felt profound energy around his home got saturated several times over out of nowhere, he got extremely happy.

'Heavens are smiling upon me! Maybe by end of this weak I will breakthrough to Nascent Profound!'

Little did he knew that it was not heavens who did this or it was on purpose, it was nothing more than leftovers, as the formation was already overflowing with Profound energy.

~~~~~~Back with Raynor~~~~~~

Qingyue hummed at Raynor " Since you know locations of these treasures shouldn't we collect them? Like the Heretic God fire seed which is close to this place?" Raynor thought for a moment.

"Not really... the one I am somewhat interested in the Lotus flower to reach throne level, not even the beast legacies are worth mentioning to be perfectly honest, as a Heretic god was nothing more than creation god-level figure while phoenix was true god realm beast"

Qingyue could only snort in a childish manner "You just sounded incredible arrogant for a moment..." He blinked once.

"Wow... I did?" she nodded with a smirk.

"it seems those 3 experiences don't even see the legacies as important" He nodded at her remark.

"Anyway we should reach Sovereign first or higher then we can collect those things, fire seed and water seed would be good for mastering laws or to be used to grow herbs with water or fire attributes. "

Qingyue could only laugh as Raynor is probably the last person in Primal Chaos who could use Heretic God seeds for... growing up herbs...

After talking a little bit more Raynor returned to tune up the Formations, the security will turn on overnight, for now, the first stage of preparation stage which is to flood the city with profound energy was a success, next and last part is security startup itself, all the runes are spread out as well as relays outside the city only thing he needs is to fine-tune it.

Raynor decided to use a very twisted formation for security, in this world people are extremely arrogant, that tends to happen when someone kisses one ass for whole life and think world spins around them, thus this formation...

It has three stages of security.

First one seals off one cultivation... now how does one does that? Simple really... cultivators are still human and humans still have brains and its brain which dictates how rest of body moves, of course, they are being which don't need a brain to function like the ones after Divine Spirit realm, but there are runes for all situations so Raynor found how to work around that, or at least he thinks he found how...

So how does this formation work? Simple! formation will block of connection between brain and profound veins forcing person thinks that his profound energy got sealed off, in truth, it's still there, but after this enemies, profound energy will be out of control and that's where the second part comes in... Raynor left over several hundred points around the city where loose profound energy will be absorbed when enemy attacks... thus increasing profound energy in the formation, this energy can be syphoned out and given to the owner of the formation.

And the third stage is ejection from the formation, that's right! once energy is drained one will send off flying from the city, if it's inside the building it will be teleported to outside and then it will be send off!

That's why he calls it Twisted formation... its daylight robbery of profound energy for anyone who has evil intention inside the formation, meaning any act of robbery, assault, pub fight, will be send off outside city walls... before profound energy is robbed thus making city guard job useless...

Of course the are ways to fight inside this formation which is the official declaration of a duel where both sides have to agree or being part of Raynor future Sect...

Raynor has confidence this formation can seal of anyone below Divine Spirit, but for anyone above he is going need to be that level himself to see how much different body functions to beings below that level, only then he can be absolutely sure that runes will work, otherwise he will be 'flying blindly'.

After finishing the last set of runes, Raynor did few hand signs and formation centre glowed, sending profound shockwave through the whole city... every one with a little bit of sense can feel something washed them over, yet no one can tell what happen... Raynor can't wait for tomorrow to see people faces, since this city just became his backyard...

"How we shall call this formation? I doubt you got this from Runic God experience..." Qingyue walked over to his side, as she noticed that he stopped what he was doing.

"You right about that... Runic God was too much of an overbearing being, he would never use such twisted formation, His style of fighting was fighting strength with even greater strength, his enemies would despair as the world itself would fight for him, as he never wielded a weapon in his life, by the peak of his power or at least I think it was his peak since there are glimpses of his personality, he even stopped using hands in combat since he could create a runic letter with thought itself "

Qingyue was shocked just how powerful can one be with just one experience, yet Raynor had 3 of those, now she wonders about the other two

"And the God of Medicine? " Qingyue noticed that Raynor paled when she mentioned God of Medicine.

"He is... probably the most terrifying existence on the battlefield if he ever participated before, you think that God of War or God of Destruction is terrifying? Yes, they can do massive damage and probably wipe out planets with a wave of the hand but God of Medicine? He will turn one greatest ally against each other... "

"Greatest Ally? " Qingyue asked as she had a questioning gaze, Raynor simply touched her and her eyes widened to massive proportions as her profound entrances got closed, she got terrified for a moment as she felt his hand touched her again opening all 54 profound entrances once more.

"His touch could literally disable controls of body, not to mention he was greatest poison master as well" Qingyue calmed down, before asking.

"Why was he poison master? Isn't he supposed to be a healer?" Raynor smirked at her ignorance, which infuriated Qingyue she already knows when Raynor is making fun of her and when not.

"Qingyue... one can heal poison with another poison its common knowledge... at least in my world." she pouted at his smirk.

"Well sorry for not knowing 'common' knowledge!" seeing that she is getting angry Raynor decided to save himself as he quickly hugged her." she quickly caved in from his hug

"Now you own me Profound arts!" She had a winning smile on her face as if she won something great, it's refreshing to see her not being an ice statue.

"Since my frozen Cloud arts vanished after I started cultivating Heavenly Dancing Dragons, now I need fighting Arts!" Raynor could only nod since he really needs profound movement technique as well as body cultivation one, and maybe he should add a sword-fighting method too?

"Very well we can discuss this after dinner..." She agreed, as they started to walk towards the kitchen to grab something to eat.

"By the way, you dodged my question how we should name this formation... " Qingyue said almost in a sing-song voice, which caused Raynor to nearly miss his step and face plant into the ground.

"You right... after dinner then... " Raynor sighed and Qingyue nearly smirked at him.