
Osmosian Gamer(Rewrite Up)

A guy awakens as an Osmosian in the Marvel Universe with the powers of a Gamer. This is his ascent to power in a world of gods.

DanteMustDie · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Asgard and Learning

When we came out of the Bifrost, we found ourselves standing in a bronze colored room, with a man standing in front of us.

"Wow." Jane said as she looked around.

Meanwhile I was looking directly at Heimdall.

"Welcome to Asgard." He said.

"Heimdall my friend. We need to hurry to the healers, so we can't talk right now." Thor said.

Heimdall nodded and we quickly made our way towards the city, but I glanced back at Heimdall, noticing him looking at me particularly closely, like he was trying to discern something. We moved along the bridge, taking a moment to take in the majesty of Asgard.

'It really is something else.'

Once we made it into the city, we passed by numerous Asgardians who all waved at Thor, but he didn't take much time in his hurry to get Jane checked out.

We entered the palace and Thor led us to a medical room where Jane was asked to lay down so they could scan her.

"It seems as though she as taken in a large influx of energy, but we can't identify what exactly it is. It seems to resist all methods of removal." The healer said.

"Is it dangerous?" Thor asked.

"If it isn't removed soon, her mortal body will collapse under the strain of that amount of power."

"Maybe my father will know what it is." Thor said.

"Lord Odin would be the most knowledgeable, it is most likely he knows what this energy is." The healer agreed.

"Come, let us see my father." Thor said, gesturing for us to follow him. We made our way to throne room, entering to find Odin sitting upon it, with his wife sitting next to him.

"Son, who is this?" Odin asked.

"This is Jane Foster of Earth, along with the man who contained the Phoenix, Kevin Levin, and his companion Rogue." Thor said.

"So you're the one who contained the Phoenix. Tell me boy, how did you manage to stop the host from succumbing to the influence?" Odin questioned.

Stepping forward, I smirked saying "And why should I tell you that. My methods are my own."

Odin looked angered as he said "You will tell me boy. The Phoenix is a threat to everyone, a method to contain it has been searched for."

"I don't particularly care, I still see no reason to tell you."

Odin slammed his staff down as he stood up, looking down at me.

"I am the King of Asgard. You are within my borders, you will obey me." Odin bellowed.

Taking a step, I cleared the distance between us in an instant. I could tell that Odin could still see me, but chose not to react.

"And I'm not really feeling like dealing with your condescension. I've been here for all of two minutes and I can tell the Asgardians look down on us. Thor doesn't show it, but it appears in small references he makes to Earth that you all view us as lesser beings. Mortal this and mortal that, but now a mortal you look down on has information you want. So no, I'm not going to tell you how I did it because for once, a mortal has the leg up on the high and mighty Asgardians." I say, looking Odin in the eye.

"I will still be respected." Odin said and slamming his staff into the ground and shooting a beam of energy at me. I absorbed the energy and redirected it, shooting it back at Odin, but he deflected the energy into the air, dispersing it.

"Calm down dear." Frigga said to Odin. He hesitated looking like he might attack me again, but in the end stopped.

"Fine, you want to be treated like an equal. Then what do you want in return for that information" Odin asked, much more calmly as he sat down. Taking a step back, arrive next to Rogue, Thor, and Jane again, with Thor looking at me in shock, while Rogue doesn't look particularly surprised and Jane looks confused, but still nervous about meeting her semi-boyfriend's parents so she wasn't all that focused on my actions.

"Honestly, the information will be of no use to you, do you still want to trade for it?" I asked.

"Yes, regardless of if it was a method only you could use, eventually we may find a way to replicate it." Odin responded.

"Fine, then in exchange for the information, I want to be taught Asgardian Magic by your wife." I say.

Odin thinks about it for a moment and turns to his wife. "What do you think, would you be up to it?" he asks.

"I see no problem, it has been a long time since I've had a student." Frigga says.

"Very well then, you will be taught Asgardian Magic in exchange for the information." Odin says.

'It'd be a bad idea to question his word right now. I'll have to just take it at face value.'

"Alright then, the method I used to restrain the Phoenix was wrapping her entire body in Adamantium to restrain her and absorbing the energy she was outputting, allowing her to calm down. It was lashing out due to being restrained by a man on Earth, so after lashing out it calmed down when the energy was being absorbed." I say.

"It was foolish for that man to think he could restrain a cosmic entity. But you absorbed the energy of the Phoenix, did you become its new host?" Odin asked.

"No, I just got a store of cosmic fire I could use, but I haven't tried using it since I wasn't sure I could control it." I lied, keeping the fact that I had become a Phoenix Force Conduit. I was lucky Gamer's Mind made all kinds of telepathy not work on me, including discerning the truth.

"We could potentially develop a device to absorb a good amount of Phoenix energy to help calm it down. You gaining the power of its fire is interesting, Phoenix fire is some of the most powerful in the universe. Frigga could help you with controlling it along with learning magic, consider it an apology." Odin said.

"Very well, I appreciate it."

"Now Thor, why did you bring this woman here?" Odin asked, moving on from me.

"She has been inflicted with some sort of energy due to the Convergence that will destroy her. The healers cannot identify it, I was hoping you would be able to." Thor said.

"Very well, let me see. Come over here." Odin said.

Jane and Thor moved forward, making their way to Odin. He placed his hand on her head and sent a form of energy over her. As it made contact with her, the Aether lashed out, sending a blast of energy which Odin deflected with his scepter.

"This is the Aether." Odin said.

"What is the Aether?" Jane asked.

Odin then used the Book of Yggdrasil to give a history on the dark elves and the Aether, which I didn't pay attention to, already knowing it. Once that was done, Odin said "I will try to find a way to remove the Aether without killing the host. It will take some work, however. Thor can show you where you can stay."

Thor led us out of the Throne Room, with Frigga calling out to me "Meet me here for your lessons tomorrow."

I nodded and we were led by Thor to where we were staying. As we walked, Thor said "That was either very brave or very stupid. My father is not a man who takes being challenged well."

"Yeah well I got tired of being looked down at." I say, not really worried. Odin was old and dying, he wasn't anywhere near his prime.

"Yes, I myself have made that error without realizing it. I will strive to fix it." Thor said.

We were led to a room. Rogue would stay with me, while Jane would stay in her own room.

'Definetely because Thor wants to visit.'

Rogue and I sat in our room, leaving Thor and Jane to themselves.

"Alright Rogue, say what you want to, I know you've been holding it in since the throne room." I say.

She lunges forward, wrapping her arms around me. I was surprised for a second before slowly moving my arms around her.

"I was worried, you just challenged a god in his own palace, the king of gods. You could've died." Rogue said.

"It's fine, I had a back up plan if things went south. I'll clue you in next time though."

"You better, I don't want to worry like that again." Rogue said.

Eventually Rogue ended the hug and I talked to her.

"You should try to receive some combat training while we're here. Thor should know someone who can help you learn to fight extremely proficiently." I say.

"Alright, we can ask him tomorrow. So you'll go to learn magic and I'll learn to fight better. Should I go with Super Strength?" Rogue asked.

"Yeah, it would be the power best suited for fighting. That or Super Speed, but Super Speed is kind of a cheat with its boosted reaction time. Super Strength can help close the gap in strength between you and an Asgardian." I say to Rogue.

Rogue nodded and moved to her own bed, with us both going to bed for the night.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The next day we got out of bed and headed over to Jane's room, knocking on the door to find Jane and Thor exiting.

"Well you two had fun last night." I say with a smirk.

Jane just looks at me deadpan while Thor laughs and says "Indeed."

"Thor, Rogue and I were wondering if you knew someone who could help her learn to fight better while I'm learning magic." I said.

Thor looked thoughtful for a moment then said "I know the best fighter in our kingdom, Sif. She's my friend, I'm sure she can help Rogue with fighting. Let's go find her."

"You guys take care of that, I need to get to the Throne Room for my lessons on magic. Have fun Rogue." I say, splitting off from the group.

I quickly made my way to the Throne Room and found Frigga waiting for me.

"Come, I will show you to the training ground where you can practice." Frigga said, leading me outside and to a open training ground.

Frigga then started her explanation.

"There are numerous different kinds of magic in the universe. One form is the one Earth Sorcerers employ, which is focused on channeling energy from other dimensions. The method that Asgardian Magic users employ is focused on channeling the energy you find within yourself. It is not some mystical power, as Midgardian legends have portrayed it, but instead an advanced field of science. I will teach you to channel that energy and give it form."

"Alright, so where do we start?" I asked.

"I'm going to send some energy into your body, it will show you the path you need to take to reach the energy core within yourself."

Frigga reached out, pressing a hand onto my chest and I felt a warm sensation flow through me as the energy entered me, traveling through my body and reaching my core. I could feel the pool of energy there now, sitting ready to be accessed.

"I can feel it." I said.

"Good, now try to pull from it and give it form outside of your body."

I nodded and reached inside myself, feeling the energy. I tried to pull it out of my body, but it flowed through my mental grasp. Changing methods, I tried opening mental holes in the energy, allowing it to flow out of my body. Taking ahold of the energy, I formed it into a ball in front of me and plugged the mental hole.


[Skill Gained: Asgardian Magic: The ability to use the energy within you to perform different functions based on the teachings of the Asgardians. Lvl1/10]

"Good, you are taking to it quickly. From here I will teach you different methods to employ that energy." Frigga said.

From there we spent most of the day working on different methods of shaping the energy. We didn't move on to separate applications yet, but instead shaping the energy and seeing how many different constructs I could form and control at once. I could only control two by the end of the day, but I started off at a single one so that was progress. It was fun forming different animals and shapes out of the energy, creating a deer to run around or a small tree to grow out of my hand.

Once our practice was done for the day, I headed back to my room to find Rogue already there.

"So how did your day go?" I asked.

"Good, I've begun learning under Lady Sif."

"That's good, I had fun learning magic, it's a lot like energy manipulation so far."

We both just talked about our days for a little while longer and went to sleep, ready for more days of learning to come.

Don't know how well I portrayed Odin here. I was going to rewatch Thor: The Dark World, but I think I'll just work off a plot summary since it lets me make the story my own instead of just copying dialogue and I don't have that much time free. I also don't know if I'm right about how Asgardian magic works, since I don't have a great understanding of it. If someone wants to explain it, that'd be helpful or I can just work off my understanding and fill in the gaps the way I want.

DanteMustDiecreators' thoughts