
Osmosian Gamer(Rewrite Up)

A guy awakens as an Osmosian in the Marvel Universe with the powers of a Gamer. This is his ascent to power in a world of gods.

DanteMustDie · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Attack and Unexpected Turn

Over the next week I had made a lot of progress developing my use of Asgardian Magic. Frigga proved to be a highly experienced teacher and she taught me a lot about the finer points in controlling the magic.


[Skill Leveled: Asgardian Magic: The ability to use the energy within you to perform different functions based on the teachings of the Asgardians. Lvl3/10]

I could shape the magic into many forms and could control multiple constructs at once. Along with this, I could use finer parts of the magic, such as illusions, but I couldn't hold too many up at once as of yet.

I hadn't just worked on magic. We had gotten around to working on controlling the flames I had obtained by being a Phoenix Force conduit. I could now shape them safely, but if I tried to control too much at once, I would begin to lose my hold on the flames.


[Skill Leveled: Cosmic Fire Manipulation: The ability to create and control cosmic fire. Fire does not need oxygen to burn and can even burn in the depths of space. Lvl 4/10

Rogue had also been updating me on her progress with Sif. She had been progressing well in Asgardian fighting techniques, but she could only make so much progress in a week. Her work had paid off in increasing the level of super strength as well.


[Skill Leveled: Super Strength: Strength greater than the average human. Current lifting strength: 1200 pounds. Lvl 4/10]

Other than training, I had also spent some time sparring with the Asgardians. It was good practice fighting against someone who can take a hit and it made me realize that I really enjoyed using the bone claws I had obtained from Wolverine. There was just something satisfying about having the weapon come from your own body. I had started to always keep my skeleton coated in adamantium, without coating the outside of my body, since adamantium claws were great at negating durability.

It was one day when I was training with Frigga that a horn was heard.

"What does that mean?" I asked her.

"It means we're under attack." She responded.

'So the dark elves have started their attack. I need to take this opportunity to absorb the Aether.'

"I'll go find Jane. They're probably after her."

"I'll come with you. They're most likely after the Aether, we need to protect it." Frigga said.

'This will make it a little harder to absorb the Aether, but it's fine. Frigga died in the movie and I'm not going to just let my teacher die.'

Moving quickly, we made our way into the palace. As we moved, we came across some dark elves, but I made short work of them. Moving through them at super speed, my claws cut through them like butter. We quickly made our way towards Jane's room and entered to find her alone.

"Where's Thor?" I asked her.

"He said he had to go help defend Asgard." Jane said, sounding worried.

"He'll be fine. He's strong. Right now we need to protect you." I responded.

"They're after me aren't they. I'm the reason Asgard is being attacked." Jane said.

"No, the dark elves would've attacked Asgard anyway. They hold a grudge against us." Frigga assured her.

The wall behind us was suddenly shattered. I could see it moving in slow motion as the pieces expanded out. Speeding over to Jane, I grabbed her and moved her out of the way. Frigga had put up a shield between her, so she was safe.

Malekith walked through the opening, looking towards Jane.

"You have something that belongs to me." He said.

"Protect Jane, I'll handle him." Frigga called out to me and formed constructs around her, ready to fight Malekith. Looking towards Jane, I grabbed her hand.

"It'll be fine, we'll protect you." I said with a smile, while absorbing the Aether from her. I could feel it struggling, trying not to leave its host. I concentrated entirely on extracting the Aether from Jane, bringing it into myself. I could feel the power surging into me. I had finally extracted it all and got an alert, but ignoring it for the moment, I turned back to the fight.

Frigga was beating Malekith, driving him into a corner handily, when a monstrosity came through the opening and moved to attack her. I was about to move to intercept it when Rogue appeared behind it, throwing it back through the wall and then made her way towards me.

"I see that training paid off." I said with a smile.

"Yes, Lady Sif really put me through my paces, but it was worth it." Rogue replied.

Looking at Malekith, he was backed into a corner, backup plan.

"I can always find the Aether later, but I'll take it away from Asgard at least." He said and pulled out a device, throwing it forward. From the device, a void formed. Malekith took the opportunity to flee the room as the void began to suck all of us in. I sped over to Jane and got her out of the room. Moving back, I did the same to Frigga and returned to move Rogue as well when the void began to collapse in on itself, sucking us in. Making one last attempt, I tried to Phase-Shift out of the way with Rogue holding on to me, but the void affected my shift and I could feel something had gone wrong as my vision faded to black.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I could hear voices speaking around me.

"They came out of a vortex and appeared directly here. We don't know who they are, or how they got here Barry." A gruff voice.

"Felicity said they don't show up in any database, so they're probably from an alternate earth. Crazy that they come right now though." Another male voice responded.

"We'll just have to wait until they wake up and see what they know." A female voice said near me. The names felt familiar, but I couldn't quite place them. I knew the voice was near me, though, and I was in an unfamiliar place, so it was time to get some information. Opening my eyes and moving quickly, I grabbed the person who was close to me and held them in a headlock, with my fist directly underneath their chin.

"Where am I and who are you?" I asked, looking at the large group of people in front of me. A good amount of them were in super suits.

"Calm down, you don't want to do that." The person in a red suit with a lightning bolt on the chest said to me.

"I want to know where I am. If I don't get answers well..." I trailed off and extended two of my claws on either side of my hostages head, while the middle one slowly rose up halfway, sitting beneath her throat.

"Okay, I know he's threatening her and all, but you've got to admit, those claws are wicked." Someone else said.

"Buddy, I don't think you know who you're dealing with." The red suited man said again, looking amused at my threat.

'Wait a minute, The Flash. That's who that is. Barry, Felicity, that guy must be Cisco. I'm in the Arrowverse. My Phase-Shift must have mixed with whatever Malekith did. Who am I holding then?'

Looking at the person in my arms for the first time, I realized I was using Supergirl as a hostage. She didn't look worried at all.

'So that's why they find it funny. They think I can't harm her.'

"I don't think you realize who you're dealing with." I said and extended my claw slightly, drawing blood from Supergirl. The calm look on her face vanished as a scared one replaced it, while the rest of the group looked on in shock.

"I have no reason to harm anyone here. You said they, where is the person I came here with?" I asked, while taking the opportunity to absorb Supergirl's DNA. I got an alert, but put it off to deal with it later.

"They're right over there." Barry said and pointed to the side. Keeping an eye on the people across from me, I could see an unconscious Rogue laying down in a bed near me.

I released Supergirl, who quickly sped over to their side, looking at me with a calmer look on her face, but I could see the fear that was still there. That was the thing about people who were invulnerable, they didn't know what to do when it was gone. She was used to Kryptonite being the only thing that could harm her, but now there was something new, something unknown.

I moved towards Rogue, checking on her. She seemed fine, just unconscious. Looking back at the group of heroes, I could see that Oliver now had his bow trained on me.

"Who are you?" He asked me.

"Kevin Levin. It appears that we've found ourselves on an alternate earth." I say.

"So you are from a different earth then. Did you travel on purpose or by accident?" Caitlin Snow asked me.

"Accident, we were in a fight with a bad guy and he threw a device that sucked us into a void. I managed to get most of the others out, but Rogue and I got sucked in."

"So you're a hero then?" Barry asked me.

"He just threatened to kill Supergirl." Oliver said.

"And you used to kill people all the time. He woke up in an unknown place, I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt." Barry retorted.

"Fine, it's your problem if he attacks us." Oliver said, putting his bow back on his back.

"So do you need help finding a way back?" Barry asked me.

"No, I think I can manage to make something to find my own way back if you can give me some supplies. I'm willing to trade, however. You all look like you're about to fight something, I'll help in exchange." I say.

"Alright, you help us with the Dominators and we'll give you the supplies you need to make your way back to your earth." Barry agreed.

"So get me caught up, what's going on." I asked.

From there, Barry explained to me what was going on. This was apparently the Dominators crossover, where they were fighting an alien invasion. From there, it was decided that everyone would be sparring against Kara to get ready to fight the Dominators. It was at this point that Rogue woke up. I quickly explained where we were and what was happening, with her wanting to help fight as well.

"Alright come at me whenever you're ready." Kara said to the group.

Everyone else slowly moved around, attacking her and targeting her with arrows or their various weapons. I was content to wait to attack and look through the alerts I had gotten.


[Skill Gained: Aether: The remnant of a singularity that predated the universe, which represented the fabric of reality. Gives the ability to shape reality to the users will, dependent upon how much control they have of the power. Lvl Max]

[Skill Gained: Kryptonian Physiology: The physiology of a Kryptonian. Provides the user a wide array of powers dependent on how much solar energy they have absorbed. Lvl2/10]

[Skill Changed: Super Strength and Kryptonian Physiology overlap. Kryptonian Physiology is superior, Super Strength is incorporated into it.]

[Skill Leveled: Kryptonian Physiology: The physiology of a Kryptonian. Provides the user a wide array of powers dependent on how much solar energy they have absorbed. Lvl3/10]

'So if there's overlap in a skill, it combines and gains levels to the superior one. That's good to know, it means getting similar skills is worthwhile.' Moving over to Rogue, who was similarly waiting to join the fight, I held my hand out to her.

"I absorbed her power, absorb it from me, but only show the Super Strength. They don't know what we're capable of yet." I telepathically said to her. Rogue nodded and took my hand, absorbing the power. She flexed her hands a bit.

"Well this is an upgrade." She though.

"Yeah, and the power increases as more solar energy is absorbed. Imagine how much stronger it will be once more solar energy is absorbed." I thought to her.

Rogue looked excited at the prospect and moved to the join the fight, ready to test out her newfound power. She jumped up towards Kara, throwing a punch at her. Kara moved to catch her hand, but was thrown towards the ground since she wasn't expecting the strength that came from Rogue. Rogue and I didn't have anywhere near the full power of a Kryptonian yet, but Kara got cocky and didn't expect the amount of strength Rogue can produce with those powers.

Kara recovered quickly, getting back up and throwing a punch at Rogue, but she did it with no technique. Rogue had spent time training with the Asgardians and Wolverine and had much more technique then Kara, which meant that she could make up for her lesser strength. She dodged Kara's punch and returned and grabbed her arm, flipping Kara over her body and into the ground.

"Damn" Thea said.

Kara wasn't particularly damaged, she was invulnerable after all, but she did get taken down. Rogue backed off and moved towards me, while I stepped forward.

"I guess I can't just sit this one out." I say.

Kara looked at me and I could see the fear in her eyes when I popped out my claws.

"Actually, I think Kara could use a break." Oliver said.

I shrugged and put my claws away, moving back over to Rogue.

'Now I just need an opportunity to absorb Barry, that should increase my super speed's ability a lot.' I thought.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------POV Change Third Person

Oliver walked up to Kara and gestured for her to follow him. The two moved away from the sight of everyone else and Kara looked at Oliver.

"What's up?" She asked him.

"He scares you." Oliver replied simply.

"Pft, no he doesn't. Why would he scare me?" Kara said, acting nonchalant.

"He scares you because you're used to being invincible. Barry told me about Kryptonite, but that's different. That's a material you need to look out for, something you've always known about, but Kevin, he's a person who's able to hurt you. That's a new fear for you and you don't know how to handle it." Oliver said.

Kara looked ready to argue before changing her mind "Fine, maybe he worries me a little, but don't act like I'm the only one. He's powerful and completely unknown, you are worried about him too."

"I am, but that's different. I'm wary, but you're fear could hurt the team. He's helping us, so you need to try to find a way to move past this." Oliver said.

Kara sighed and replied "I'll try, it's just knew to me. I'm sure I'll get over it. I'm going to head back." Kara didn't wait for a reply and flew back towards the rest of the group.

Oliver looked at her retreating figure and though 'I doubt it will be that simple.'

I know this is a weird direction to take the story in. He's also getting pretty overpowered I think, so I might incorporate more comic books power levels to the story. This little arc will only last one more chapter before returning to the marvel universe. If people are that opposed to it, I'll rewrite the chapter without the dimension hop.

DanteMustDiecreators' thoughts