
Oscar Dahlia

"Careful, Dahlia. I might grab hold of those delicate legs and never let go." The man was crazy, and so was the warning. ——— Dahlia, a talented ballet dancer, returns to the city she once escaped from fueled with hatred and a taste for vengeance. Lead with challenges she meets a mysterious and dangerous man. Oscar, a lurking hound dog, poised for a bite.

Derxill · Urban
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1 Chs


"Hmm! Hmm!!"

In the desolate winter, Dahlia weakly hums a tune, each feeble steps she takes leaves a trail of blood on the snow.

Holding a wailing baby, she hushed him with a finger, as the baby sucked her finger, looking at the baby tears rolling down her cheek to the baby's forehead.

She turned around the area, a question lingered; How far has she run?

Dahlia's eyes squinted in the binding snow as she raised her head to the sky. Suddenly, something shifted inside her erupted into echoing laughter, reverberating through the deserted street. Alone, she appeared like a madwoman, but Dahlia continue laughing, like a foolish child in the snow.

It was already an odd reason for her to be there, alone in the snow. Her gaze fell on the tiny infant cradled in her arms, and her laughter subsided, it slowly morphine into a deep, painful sob.

She cried out, not bothering to suppress her anguish. For five long years, she had been trapped in a life of servitude, her every move dictated by cruel masters. But now, she was finally free. The mere thought of it overwhelmed her, and she cried even harder.

Though, it wasn't her own freedom Dahlia was celebrating. It was the freedom of the baby in her arms, who had lost its mother just like she had, an orphan.

The baby was now free from the same chains that bound Dahlia for so long. And as Dahlia hold the child close, she knew the had a long and difficult road ahead of them. But for now, they were free.