
orphanage To Another World

This story has been moved to my account Oshimura

TrulyDesire · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

[Night POV]

When Grafiya took a seat across from me, I had the system spawn some tea in front of her and waved my hand towards it. She took the cup in her hand while shaking. She must have been traumatized. I didn't say any word to her and let her drink tea for a bit. Once she finished, I got up and walked towards her. She looked at me, but didn't move. I reached my hand out, and patted her head. She started to tear up, before grabbing my arm and crying into it. While she was letting her inner feelings out, I had the system pull up her status.

[Name]: Grafiya [Last Name Abandoned]

[Age]: 11

[Race]: Devil (10% Concentration)

[Power Rating]: High-Tier Human

[Talent Rating]: Terribly Low


[Mana Manipulation Rank G] [Cleaning Rank G]

While observing her status, the system wasn't lying about her having bad talent. I didn't care much though, if she wants to get stronger, then I will guide her to it. I can buy several different things to upgrade her talent, but the decision is up to her in the end. Based on what I know of her character though, she will probably seek power no matter what. Once she finished crying, she fell asleep. I brought her in a bedroom close to the bathrooms and the dinning room. I bought some cleaning magic from the system shop and used it on her so that she wasn't covered in dirt and grime once I placed her in bed. She was still covered in torn clothes, so I bought a wide selection of clothes that auto-fitted to whoever wore them. I filled her bedroom closet with the clothes and left it open so she would see it when she wakes up.

Once she was settled in bed, I went to the kitchen and started cooking. I decided on baking some chicken, mashing some potatoes, and cooking some corn. When I was halfway done cooking, I heard Grayfia walking towards the dining room. She peeked into the kitchen for a bit and saw me cooking. I figured this was as good a time as any to start talking to her.

{Hello Miss, are you feeling better now? My name is Night Morales, you can call me Mr. Morales, and I'm the owner of this orphanage.}

{He...Hello, my name is Grayfia. Nice to meet you Mr. Morales.}

She seemed like she was trying her best to speak, but was struggling to do so. I just smiled at her and figured that I might as well tell her this now, so she doesn't question it later.

{Grayfia, I know what happened to you. Don't worry though, I find out what happens to anyone that comes here. Think of it as a power of mine.}

Instead of her being scared, she had a serious look on her face as if she confirmed something in her head.

{You said that this place was an orphanage that you own right? Can I live here? Also can you train me to get stronger?} [Grayfia]

Well, she asked a lot sooner than I thought she would. Based on what I know of her original character, she probably has some kind of affinity with ice magic. I will probably add something else on top of that as well to cover her physical aspect. Maybe some swordsmanship. Or gauntlets? Eh, I'll just put a bunch of weapons in the training grounds and let her pick one. I could also go with a sacred gear. Apparently I can buy those in the shop. This requires more looking into. I agreed to let her live here and I got another system notification.

[Grayfia has become a resident of The Orphanage. Quest are now available under Grayfia's status.]

When I looked over her quest, just one was available at the moment.

[A Quest For Power]:

Grayfia has requested to gain power to protect herself in the future.

Help her reach the power of a Satan-classed devil or higher.

[Rewards]: Gain shop points for each new rank of power gained (amount varies depending on rank). Gain power slightly higher than hers every time she ranks up. Grayfia's unending respect and loyalty.

[Failure]; Really?

I chuckled when I looked at the failure message. Grayfia noticed this but chose not to comment. When I finished thinking over how I was going to proceed with this quest, I served food to Grayfia, and ate food myself. She had a beaming smile on her face as she ate food. It made me wonder how she became so expressionless when she got older in her original timeline. Oh well, food for thought. I served Grayfia some seconds and went off to make a library. I am going to need to educate her as well. It seems like she already has a ton of education, but technology isn't very advanced where she is from. Even though the supernatural had much better tech than the masses, this whole place is probably a mystery to her. I walked off to an empty section of the orphanage, and purchased a library under the upgrade section. It would mostly be empty, but I spent an extra 5,000 points for a worthy investment. It seemed like a lot considering what my starting total was, and the fact that I'm only at around 8K right now, I thought about it this way. A twice critical that has the potential of evolving into a boosted gear without a soul, is 500 points. That alone, told me how valuable the points were.

The reason I dropped so many points on the upgrade for the library, is because even though it may seem empty, whenever reading material on a large amount of things is needed, this library would magically compile everything on that subject. It can't be as vague as magic though, since when I tried that, it filled the entire library, and the library itself used space magic to expand to accommodate the amount of information there was. I went ahead and canceled that selection, and the library cleared itself. To think that, that wasn't even all of the information on magic either. In order to get the max upgrade on the library, I need 200,000 points. Just with what I saw though, I knew that the investment would be worth it. There was also this nifty feature of the place. Whenever a resident of the orphanage choose a patch for themselves that they wanted to pursue, any books on the subject allowed me to impart the knowledge they held directly into my brain. I believe the system called these things 'skill books'. It only worked for me though, I couldn't use them on anyone else. I couldn't even buy them in the shop. I could, however, impart the knowledge I receive onto anyone I choose though.

After messing around with the library for a bit, I went to check on Grayfia, and noticed her go for a third plate of food when she noticed I left another available for her. I smiled, and went off to set up a training grounds for her to use. Since I don't have as many points to work with, I could only do separate upgrades for each training ground. The one I went into was the closest to the room I assigned Grayfia. I spent around 600 points to do an upgrade for the place. The training grounds now had a large variety of weapons, targets for archery against one wall, several dummies for people to practice on, a healing feature for the residents and myself, and the place will self regenerate if large damage is done to it. When that was taken care of, I went to get Grayfia and show her around.

[Grayfia's POV]

Around a week passed by since I started living in Mr. Morales' dimension. I started calling it that, rather than just his orphanage because it is so much more than that. When I finished eating my fourth plate of food, I realized how much I actually ate and didn't expect to eat that much. Then again, I haven't eaten like that in years. In a place where I didn't have to keep up appearances, or worry about my surroundings in any way. When Mr. Morales came to get me, he cleaned the table, the dishes, and the kitchen before I could even blink. I was bewildered when I saw this, but didn't question it since some of the feats that people from my world accomplished were crazy as well. He led me to an empty library that was absolutely gigantice. At first I was sceptical of the place, it may seem extremely clean, but it was barren. Mr. Morales waved my skepticism away though, and told me to think of what I wanted to learn. What did I want to learn? What is a good way to gain a large amount of power? I didn't have to worry about time since I doubt that Mr.Morales is human, and he seemed to have lived here for a long time.

This entire place has been a mystery to me for, due to the advanced technology that Mr. Morales was using. It wasn't too far ahead of the devil society, but it was still by far much better. Now, there were several things that I wanted to learn, but I wondered if he could even teach me it? I didn't have much doubt in that regard though since he could make this place. I decided to start with something that would prove whether this whole situation was a hoax or not and asked the library for information that should be impossible.

[I want information on how to use the power of destruction.] [Grayfia]

I looked at Mr.Morales to glean some kind of reaction from him, but what I saw made me shiver slightly. He smiled. After that, I sensed magic fluctuate into the air, and books started to form. There weren't many books, around six of them. Then a small bookshelf formed nearby and a table was created. The books flew to that table and a chair was formed in front of me. Mr. Morales motioned for me to sit in the chair. After some time to put on a calm expression, I took a seat, and was moved to the table in a quick manner by him. A book flew towards me and read 'The basics of true destruction'. Before I could reach out and touch the book, my hand was blocked by an invisible barrier, and Mr. Morales asked me a question.

[Is this the path that you would like to take? Keep in mind that while you can learn multiple things, once you choose to learn something, you can't back out. There will be no take backs, I will push you to the limits of the path you choose, and take you even further beyond. So I ask you again, is this the path that you would like to take?] [Night Morales]

I retracted my hand and gulped some saliva. It felt like I was making a deal with something worse and better than a devil at the same time. I felt suffocated by his question. I felt a large amount of magic that made the leader of the Lucifuge clan pale in comparison. He stared at me with a serious expression. I started sweating, did I want to use the power of the Bael clan to rise in power? Based on the whole situation, this seemed like a terrible choice. Was I wrong in thinking to use the power of the Bael clan? Perhaps I was, so maybe I can do something to change the power so isn't just like the original? No, maybe the answer is to pursue power that I can truly say is my own? Let's go with that option and see what the reaction is.

[Change the information to Elemental Magic!]

I yelled in nervousness, but thankfully Mr. Morales didn't bat an eye to it, and removed the book on destruction. I sat back and watched as hundreds of books started to fill the aisles of the library. Around 24 books flew to the table and went into the small bookshelf beside me. Why pursue one form of power when I could do multiple? Some of the books had basic elements like fire, water, earth, and air. There were elements I didn't expect though, like ice, molten, wood, space, and time. My eyes widened and I reached out to the books instinctively. Once again though, I was stopped by an invisible wall.

[Is this the path that you would like to take?] [Night]