
orphanage To Another World

This story has been moved to my account Oshimura

TrulyDesire · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

I've lived for over 84 years. The sad part about all those years, is that I never married or had kids for myself. My name is Night Morales. I did raise several generations of kids in an orphanage that I owned and funded myself though. Almost all of my money was gained through the stock market. I managed to buy vast amounts of stock in various industries during the market crash, and managed to get enough money for several lifetimes. I could have explored pleasures beyond my wildest dreams if I spent money on it, but I didn't want to delve down that road and ring myself dry. So instead, I bought and funded several orphanages to raise many upcoming generations of kids. I also ran an orphanage by myself. I started all of this around the time I was 28 years of age. Now I lie on a hospital bed, surrounded by many of the people I raised over the years. Male or female, it didn't matter. Whatever they pursued or wanted to do, I helped them all the way.

Most of them were in tears as they watched my heart rate slow down. This is the type of scene I was hoping for before I passed on. Family as far as the eye could see, here for you even in the end. Before I passed away, I wrote my will a few years ago to make sure that all of my money was funded directly into several charities and orphanages to make sure that eache up and coming generation without parents would be raised correctly. After taking in this sight around me, I felt that I had no more lingering regrets. After that, everything faded to black.

It didn't take very long for me to 'wake up' in the middle of a white room, with an old laptop in the center of it on a table. I knew that I passed away, so I figured that this was some kind of afterlife. I was somewhat surprised that I wasn't greeted by anyone, but shrugged it off and opened up the laptop. What greeted me were several screens that popped up in front of me instead of on the laptop.

[Welcome to the Reincarnation Cycle 5.0. Due to an enormous amount of good karma that entity 'Night Morales' has obtained, and knowledge of previous life. Introduction to the system by ROB entity has been omitted. You can customize your body for reincarnation in any way possible. You will be given a special system made specifically for the ability [Orphanage To another World.] Details on this ability will be given upon reincarnation. You can also select any two abilities they can think of. The only restriction in place is that you will be perpetually stuck at the age of 35. According to the scans of your previous life, this was your prime age for you to handle everything.]

Even though there wasn't much said, that was still a lot to take in. If I am going to be stuck at the age of 35, does that mean that I won't ever age anymore? Awesome! Also, this whole situation sounds like transmigration rather than reincarnation but eh, technicalities. Since I was going to have a system, I didn't go too crazy on my abilities and decided on something that would keep me alive. I went with [Impossible Healing Factor], which allows me to heal even if I am reduced down to atoms, and [Abnormal Status immunity] that allows me to be immune to any form of drugs, mind manipulation, poisons, etc. Those two abilities may make me unkillable, but I still have no combat ability whatsoever. I didn't plan on getting one at the start and decided to just get one from the system once I start.

Now onto my body. I went with something similar to my original body at that age. Shoulder length silver hair, grey eyes, lightly tanned skin, and a height of 191 cm. Then I looked at the race options and saw too many to count. If I was going to be involved with stuff that went along the lines of eastern or western fantasy, then I might as well make myself a race regarding that. The first thing that came to mind was to be a humanoid dragon. It would be awesome to have, and I would be able to turn into a dragon once I got strong enough. I went with that choice, even if I wasn't on a time constraint, I wanted to hurry up and explore this place. Once I completed the character creation, I was greeted with a white light, and everything went to black again.

Once a few moments came to pass, I slowly opened my eyes to adjust to a dim light. When I was finally able to come to my senses, I was greeted by a system notification.

[Hello Mr. Morales. Welcome to your Orphanage! In this place, you can view any of the current residents from anywhere, look at their current status, upgrade the orphanage, and more. This is your ability [Orphanage To Another World.] It connects your orphanage to various doors in different fantasy/wuxia worlds across the multiverse! As of right now, it is closed until you are prepared for visitors. The current state of your Orphanage is as follows: Two stories tall, 15 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, one large dining room, one kitchen, one master bedroom, 2 courtyards, two training grounds, 1 farm, and 1 playground. To upgrade the orphanage, purchase items, skills/cultivation techniques, and more, just state 'System Shop'. You will start out with 20,000 system points. You gain more points by assisting and raising residents of the orphanage. To view your status, just think about viewing it. To view any resident's status, just think about viewing theirs. Good Luck Mr. Morales, this will be the last tutorial, everything else will have to be learned on your own. We hope you guide several generations to the Light! P.S. We did one last thing for you, which is to add on three of your abilities from your previous life into this one.]

[Cleaning ability obtained at the max level!]

[Cooking ability obtained at the max level!]

[Farming ability obtained at the max level!]

I sat on a nearby chair while reading the message. I quickly bowed my head and thanked who or whatever gave me this opportunity. Once I finished, I took a deep breath while thinking about the whole situation. I was currently in the main hall of the orphanage. I could see outside the window that there was a door in the middle of the grasslands that surrounded my orphanage. I'll have to set up a table and chair there before I open my doors to anyone. Possibly have some food and water at the ready as well. First things first though, I decided to take a look into the system shop. When I opened it up, it had options for anything I could think of, it even had an advanced search option if I wanted to get specific. First thing I bought though was cleaning supplies. The orphanage itself wasn't dirty, but it wasn't clean either, and I'll be damned if my home isn't sparkling by the time I'm done with it! By the time I finished cleaning, I purchased a few bots to help keep the place cleaned for now. I would still clean everything myself once a week, but I wanted everything to be regularly maintained.

Once that was taken care of, I noticed that I had one of those, long, old man beards that made me look like some kind of ancient elder from a sect. Not that I minded though, it would probably help people respect me better in the long run. I would trim it a bit if it grew any more though. I stoked up on food and drinks for now within the storage area of the kitchen. I saw several magical sigils lining the storage room and noticed that when I observed it, it told me that time would not move for food and drinks stored in here. That was good to know. Once that was taken care of, I bought various fruit and vegetable seeds from the shop. A weird thing that I noticed while buying them, was that there were seeds for various meat as well. It was weird to say the least since meat normally comes from animals and not plants, but hey, who am I to judge what was probably a crazy experiment gone right?

By the time I finished farming, a day had already passed. Apparently I don't need sleep. Good to know. I went near the entrance door to my little 'world', bought a nice table, chairs, and a small outside storage unit. This storage unit allowed me to access my kitchen storage from out here as well. Nobody else can access it or anything in my orphanage without my permission.

I took a seat at the table and served myself some tea. When I was taking my first sip, I told my system to open up my orphanage. It took around an hour, and a few more cups of tea, before someone came running through the door.

[Grayfia (Previously Lucifuge) has entered the orphanage! A summary about her current would will be imparted into the user's brain. Due to passive ability [Impossible Healing Factor] there will be no pain when accepting the information.]

Within the span of a few seconds, waves of information flooded into my brain. When she closed the door, I got a better look at her. She was just a kid version of the original Grayfia, without the maid uniform. According to the summary I was given, she came from a parallel version of the Highschool DxD universe, where she was being chased by her family for having terrible talent as a devil and struggling to serve the Lucifer family as a maid. She was originally going to be captured and sold to another devil family to serve them, but she stumbled upon my door instead. She had long silver hair, and red eyes. Her clothes were basically rags, and she looked no more than ten. By the time she looked over to me, I beckoned her over to the table with one hand, and she slowly walked over.

[Grayfia POV]

They were after me, that much I knew for sure. I had nowhere to run at this point. All I could do is hope that I could find some form of salvation within this dark alley that I was running into. Even then though, I was just grasping at straws that didn't seem to be there. For all 11 years of my life, I struggled to live up to the Lucifuge name, but failed every time. The amount of magic in my body was pitiful. It wasn't even at the level of a low class devil, it was only slightly higher than a human was born with. Most of my family called me an abomination growing up, and stayed away from me or abused me to entertain themselves. That is what brought me to the predicament I am currently in. I failed at being a maid, and I failed at being a devil. I ran down this seemingly endless alley. I felt like it went on forever. I could hear laughter some distance behind me, so I picked up my pace. Once I finally reached the end of the alley, I spotted a strange door. It had a design of a wise looking old man, teaching some kids to read. Behind them was a dragon sleeping with a smile on its face. I didn't have the time to fully take in the image before I barged through the door.

When I stepped through the door and closed it behind me, what greeted me were grasslands as far as the eye can see. In the center of it all was a large building. When I looked to the left of me, I saw an older man that looked almost the same as the design on the door. He was sitting at a table sipping tea. He took a quick glance at me, before waving me over to him. I carefully walked towards him, somewhat afraid of him. Although, considering this mystical place is probably owned by him, if he wanted to do something to me, he could had done so already. With that thought in mind, I hurried along to sit across him.

Hello Everyone! Purity here! If you came from Lusty's novel, I'm thankful your here, but don't have any dirty thoughts when reading my fanfiction! (Or do but don't let her know). Anyways, I hope you all enjoy and see you next chapter!

TrulyDesirecreators' thoughts