

[Warning : Important Message, This book is about sensitive subject such as Suicide, Death, Abandonment and Abuse (Physical or Mental) to Avoid if you have a sensitive soul you have been warned !] Remember, in this world, every step, every decision you make counts. Your mistakes will only follow you like your shadow. Across the skies and seas, You find yourself in a story you had no choice in, or so they would have you believe. An endless loop, a curse finally broken. You can save them all if you really want to. Can you finally give all these people the happy ending they deserve? DISCONTUNED

KosukeCreations · Fantasy
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26 Chs

The Creator domaine

I took a while to adjust to everything...

after everything that happend it was hard to not think back to the days were everyone was here... well almost everyone, now i get the chance to get to know Æsther, they were the one who was supposed to look after Quaysho and Satanael, they were their protector.

I quickly learn that Æsther had a terrible sight, they almost blind at this point. I can't imagine what's it like to not be able to see the world as clear as the others, to know that someday you won't ever see anyphing again.

I guess that's why they traval a lot.

I learn a lot of things form them...

they said they mostly past their time with the Creator in his domaine when they're not with Quaysho or Satanael helping them in anyway possible. Katsu quickly begame friends with them as they were always around for a while.

It's been what ? maybe 3 weeks since everything... i haven't form the Creator ever since, neither as Quaysho or Satanael for that matter.

Not even Æsther could reach him, unable to go to his domaine for some reason Æsther decided to stay with us until the Creator gave us a sign that he had come back...

And he did came back...

he had to come back...

july 7th...

The day where Ikyra died along side his world.

the day where everything changed for ever.

we were all outside talking when we heard the Creator voice call for us.

"Can you hear me ?" he asked...

everyone but Katsumi froze, she couldn't hear him, not while he was inside his domaine.

Æsther 'He's...back ?"

Quay : "Of course he's back..."

Nael : "I think he wouldn't miss this day for the world."

"Well thank for killing the mood..."

"I am sorry, to come back so suddenly. I am sorry to have to make you remember this day... i know how close you guys where close to him, especially you Eclispe..."

Æsther : "...I almost forgot..."

Quay : "..."


Katsu : "...i'm guessing the Creator is talking to you, this doesn't sound like a happy conversation thought..."

Nael : "Years ago at this very date a close friends of us, died, falling with his world...he just couldn't escape... it was to late..."

Katsu : "I'm so sorry..."

"If you still can find your way back, i ask you to come to my domaine, please do bring Katsumi with you."

"He wants us... to come see him..."

Katsu : "Do what you must do love."

Æsther 'Oh no he want you to come to.'

Katsu : "Uh ? why ?"

Quay : "Don't know, he won't tell us even if we ask anyway."

Nael : "Well all have to do is find our way back to the Creator's domaine."

"That's easy enough for all of us."

Æsther 'Yes, and i do imagine the doors a already open if he wants to see Katsu as well.'

Katsu : "Well let's go, don't worry about me i'l follown you."

Æsther was taking the lead we were all following them since they knew the route by heart by now, we than find youself in front of a giant open door in the middle of nowhere, it looks like it leads to no where thought.

"It feels weird going back over there... It's been years... since last time..."

Quay : "It has been quite some time..."

Nael : "Eh- speak for yourself."

Katsu : "This is my first time here !"

I take Katsu hand as we all enter though the doors, we end up in a completly blank place... no doors no nophing just emptyness...

all that was if the Creator wasn't just standing there a smile on his face.

"Welcome back home."the Creator say looking at us, he than look directly at Katsumi.

"As for you, Welcome in my domaine."

Katsu : "T-Thank you...?"

Nael : "So, what's wrong ? why did you call us ?"

Quay : "I think we sould rather ask why you asked us to come with Katsumi she isn't one of us."

"Now that doesn't change the fact that she was already saw me. as for why i called, i figure that you might want to see him."

"See him...? what you mean ?"

Nael : "What you want us to see a ghost ? you know i'm the only one with Æsther who can see them right ?"

"I know."

"Ikyra, don't be shy come on out..."

That's when... we saw a familliar figure... head down... he was hiding beind the Creator...

I couldn't believe it...

Nael : "Ikyra...?"

Quay : "...Ikyra ?!"

Æsther 'Dude ! Ikyra is that really you ?!'

"Ikyra...? but...how...?"

Ikyra : "Hm...hey..., sorry... this is weird... it's been so long since i last saw you guys..."

Katsu was confused...

"Every life wrongfully taken away by Sunset was restored."


Nael : "No way..."

Quay : "Really ?!"

"If i wanted Katsu to come today is because i was an offer."

Katsu : "i'm listening."

"Can i ask you to take care of Eclipse for me...?"

Katsu : "Of course, but i feel like there is more to this."

"I wish for you and Eclipse to keep helping the demon world, they need you, but i also want you to give back to life to Eclispe world, together as a team, can you promise me you'll try your very best to do so ?"


Katsu : "Of course... you can count on us Creator."


Katsu : "Don't worry were not alone..."

I look as every world creator that had lose their life to Sunset suddently appreare out of the black emptyness that was the Creator's domaine...

'Youre not giving up are ya kiddo ?' asked a way to familliar voice...

"Orkashy..., Everyone..."

Nael : "You're all...back..."

Quay : "I think i'm going to cry for day..."

The Creator smiles at me as i look at him...

Æsther : "Everyone ! you're all okey ! oh how much i miss you guy's !"

"Were... finally all back together..., oh...how i miss you guys..."

As we all reuniate, Katsumi stop us in our tack as she call for us.

Katsu : "Guys sorry, but... you might wanna see this."

We all look at the Creator who's eyes were not longer hiden...

"What a beautiful sight, truly i expect a lot form all of you."


"Yes i am aware, it seems as this was the best time to reveal the truth to all of yours eyes. I hope that you weren't expecting too much of me."

Nael : "Honestly, i wasn't expecting anything."

Quay : "Ohhh pretty !"

"It suits you well."

Katsu : "They look good."

Æsther : "Looking good."

the other nod their heads as to say that they agree with us.

"You're all to kind."