

[Warning : Important Message, This book is about sensitive subject such as Suicide, Death, Abandonment and Abuse (Physical or Mental) to Avoid if you have a sensitive soul you have been warned !] Remember, in this world, every step, every decision you make counts. Your mistakes will only follow you like your shadow. Across the skies and seas, You find yourself in a story you had no choice in, or so they would have you believe. An endless loop, a curse finally broken. You can save them all if you really want to. Can you finally give all these people the happy ending they deserve? DISCONTUNED

KosukeCreations · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Goodbye Sunset.

Sunset tries to hold back form laugthing...

Sunset : "Oh that's cute... you just broke your promise to the only one that could save you !"

that was true they were free but was the Creator mad at them...?

no he wasn't and they knew that.

Even with their full power it was clear they couldn't defeat Sunset, it felt like they were still holding back, even with Nael creating a sword out of nophing but dark magic and quay using their magical power to their full potentiel...

Even with everyphing they seemed to had they still couldn't beat Sunset.

Sunset : "You both are weak. and you know why... somephing is missing or rather someone is."

...Quaysho looks sad... and Satanael, ...well it's hard to tell...

Katsu and I couldn't help them... somephing was preventing us form getting to close of the battle field...

but than i notice they were fighting right where the symbole of both angel and demon world was... the symbole of the Creator...

that's when i knew...

what they were about to do...


Katsu : "What wrong Eclispe ?"

"I think... they're going to make a big mistake..."

Katsu : "Uh ? what do you mean by that ?"

"I think... that...they're gonna try to call the Creator... to make him stop this himself..."

Katsu : "What-?!"

Sunset : "Æsther is gone don't forget that..."

Nael : "...You don't have to remind us of that..."

Quay : "It's still...painfull you know..."

Sunset : "You can't defeat me like this."

Nael : "You're right we can't."

Sunset : "Ahahah so you agree with me ?!, ...wait, what ?"

Quay : "We can't defeat you but He can."

Sunset startd laugthing like creazy...

Sunset : "Haahahahahah you really think that the Creator is going to show up ? have you oost your minds ?!"



Shouts Katsu suddently stopping Sunset laugther, Quay and Nael both look behind them to look at Katsu and than me.

"Of course he'll shown up, somebody has to stop ya !"

Both Nael and Quay smile at us before facing Sunset again...

'You just have to believe...' says a unknow voice...

again this voice... who is it...? that's not the Creator for sure... Katsu seems able to hear it to she's as confused as me.

Quay : "I think you forgot what Orkashy and Aqualo told us..."

Nael : "Or what he would always tell us..."

'In time of need...' start the mysterious voice.

"Just say my name..." i continue.

Nael set the dragon that represent the demon world in black flames with his weapon. Quaysho him set the Phoenix representating the angel in white flames, a fire of black and with.

Quaysho : "When the light shows you the truth, will you be able to accepte it ?

to break free, seek that burning fire inside you and turn it into the light that will guide you..."

Nael : "When the Darkness hide the lies form you, will you still be able to not seek the desire for chaos burning inside you ? can you instead turn this chaos into darkness and use it to reval to you a hiden path ?"

'Or will you be able to seek both path...?

to combine Darkness and Light, to the truth and lies that were told, to seek both fires that are burning inside you...

to see the only path that no one else can...

to hear what no one could hear...

to live you wrote for youself...'

Quay : "Be it For Peace..."

Nael : "Or be it for Chaos."

'Can you hear me...? he'll ask...'

Quay : "For I, Quaysho Hushiro, symbole of peace, for I, me who the light chose to guide to your domaine."

Nael : "For I, Satanael Rayshii, Symbole of Chaos, For i, me who the darkness choose to guide to your doors."

'For I, Æsther Xœshii, symbole of the balance between Chaos and Peace, for i, that both light and darkness choose to guide to You Creator.' finish the mysterious voice...

Sunset : "Wait what...?"

Sunset seems as confused as us right now...

a strong light than robs of your vision as we hear a small laugther...

than darkness come in to stop form saying what's happening.

Finally... it's revealed to us...

a man is standing there in between Quay, Nael.

"You called for me ?" ask the way to familliar voice...

that's when t hit me...

"Creator ?!" i yelled.

He slowly turn around to look at me, his eyes still hiden form sight.

"Ah Eclispe i see that you are here as well."

He than loon at Katsu who's in shock...

"Can she see you...?"

"She can, i do believe she also can hear me now, i suppose that it is because these two ask for me to come out of my domaine."

Katsu : "That's the Creator ?!"


"Hello dear, nice to meet you."

Nael : "We did not call you here to talk to us Creator."

Quay : "Nael... be nice."

He than turn to face Sunset.

"Ah yes, i do apologise. So... we meet again Sunset."

Sunset : "Creator."

"I do believe it's time for you to let go."

Sunset : "I already pretty much destroyed this world Creator."

"I it still standing as far as i am concerned."

Sunset : "They broke your Promise Creator, are you really going to side with them...?"

"I am not mad. I cannot hold them back anymore as i believe that they can finally controle their powers."

Sunset : "I refuse to go anywhere with you Creator !"

"I didn't plan for you to come back with me Sunset, you've done to much harm, i cannot let that be forgotten..."

Sunset : "!..."

Katsu : "What will become of them than...?"

Quay : "Right that's a good question, Creator what are you going to do...?"

"I'm going to make things right... the life of one shall be taken and given to one that's been taken by my own hand for the wrong reason."


Sunset : "So this is it for me uh?"

"We won't miss you."

Sunset looks at me mad.

Quay : "The others can rest in peace..."

Nael : "...I guess the others won't be arund as much as before after this... it's going to be weird... being the last three..."

Sunset didn't try to fight... we watch as the Creator kill them with only one hit... damn...

The Creator than crushed Sunset sould into pieces and than a shadown figure forms in where Sunset was standing a minute ago...

But i don't recognize the person that endeed up open their eyes to look at all of us confused.

'Hm Hey ? did i miss somephing ? i was like dead five minutes ago and than Pouf ! here i am in front of the You Creator, The fuck ?????'

say the person, that voice...

it was the same as the mysterious voice speaking...

could this be Æsther ?

"Hello to you to Æsther."

Quay : "Æsther !"

Nael : "Oh my days...Æsther it's you... it's really you !"

They both hug Æsther...

Æsther 'HELP-! these two are hugging me to tigth !'

Katsu and I get closer form the group.

"Sooooo, Hi, uh welcome back i guess ? it's nice to meet you."

Katsu : "Seems like these two really miss you, ahahah, you must be good friends."

"I see that all is well."

Nael : "Almost all Creator."

Nael let's go of the poor Æsther and Quay does too...

Nael : "I still have a world to fix."

"I take it that you want to prove me that you can do it all alone ?"

Nael : "I do, i want you to watch close, Quay, Æsther, keep a eye on him for me."

Quay : "Will do."

Æsther 'Sure-"

Everyone watch as Satanael use his magic to repair the cracks in his world, it was quite somephing to watch... the world look like nophing had happend, and so Satanael come back to us looking really pround.

Quay : "Good job Honey."

Æsther 'GG Nael'

Katsu : "That was impressif."

"Nice powers you got dad."

"I have to say... that was quite the shown Nael."

Æsther 'Wait... Did that kid just called you dad ?!'

Quay, Nael and the Creator starts to laugth...

Æsther 'Hey ! stop making fun of me ! i need anwsers !'

Me and Katsu can't help but laugth with them at the face of their poor friend who was so confused it was sad to watch.

Æsther 'Just what did i miss ?! tell me !!'