
Orion:The Journey To Godhood

If being reborn in a 10-year-old body is not bad enough doing so without any cheats in a world way more massive and dangerous than it has any right to be certainly is. Mature, Determined SI-OC.

ghjggxcfx · Book&Literature
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7 Chs

Ch 4:Every legend has to start somewhere

After dinner, Orion made his way back up to his rented room, eager to continue delving into the world of magic. The room was small but cosy, with a single bed and a small wooden desk in the corner. Despite not having any visible light source or switch, the room was brightly lit with a warm, golden glow that seemed to emanate from the walls themselves.

Taking a seat at his desk, Orion picked up the book he had bought earlier, "An Introduction to the Magical World." As he flipped through the pages, he noticed that the book contained various laws and rules that governed the magical world.

One particular section caught his attention - it talked about the recent history of the wizarding world. It stated that for a long time, the magical world was ruled by a council of influential wizards and witches known as the Wizengamot Lords. However, in recent years, due to some conflicts, the Wizengamot Lords renounced their seats and a more democratic elected system was established.

The book went on to explain that many conflicts were fought because it was very hard to control powerful wizards. Since the time of Merlin, the wizarding world had been separated into two parts - the Democratic Party that run by governments and rules and the other part run by a loose council of very powerful sorcerers called the Human Council.

Orion was surprised to learn that there was such a division in the magical world. The book explained that almost all wizards below a certain level of power were a part of the democratic system, and they were mainly responsible for ensuring education, dealing with muggles, and low-level conflicts. On the other hand, the Human Council was responsible for dealing with powerful magical research, deities, demons, and elves.

The book didn't go into much detail about the Human Council, but Orion was fascinated by the idea of a loose council of powerful sorcerers who governed a separate part of the magical world. The book mentioned that if someone broke a rule, they were treated as an enemy and hunted by every other member.

As Orion read on, he realized that the magical world was much more complex and nuanced than he had originally thought. The book emphasized the importance of following rules and regulations in the magical world, as there were severe consequences for breaking them. Orion made a mental note to be careful and avoid getting on the wrong side of the law at least without fully understanding.

Overall, the book was a fascinating read, and Orion was grateful to have bought it. He felt like he had gained a basic understanding of the magical world, and its customs and advancements.

After finishing the book, Orion realized that it was already past midnight, and he was feeling quite tired. He carefully placed the book on the bedside table and decided to get some rest. As he lay down on the bed, he couldn't help but admire the cosy and comfortable room that he had rented in the Hogshead.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he felt a strange sensation, and the room suddenly became pitch black. He sat up, surprised, and reached for his wand to cast a Lumos spell, but to his surprise, the light turned on automatically. He looked around the room, wondering what had just happened.

After a few moments of confusion, Orion realized that there was some kind of magical enchantment in the room that turned the lights on and off automatically.

The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting warm golden hues across the room as Orion woke up, feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. He got up from the bed, feeling the soft rug beneath his feet, and stretched his arms high, letting out a contented sigh. After getting dressed and having a refreshing shower, he made his way to the front desk for breakfast.

The smell of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air as Orion walked in, and he felt his mouth start to water. He chose a table near the window, enjoying the view of the bustling street outside, and ordered a plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon. As he sipped his steaming coffee and savoured the food, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the pleasant start to his day.

After breakfast, he returned to his room and started to read the other books he had purchased from the bookstore. He came across a section that explained the different types of magic. As he read, he was amazed by the intricate details and fascinating concepts he had never even imagined before. He learned that magic could be broadly divided into two types: internal and external.

Internal magic relied only on the magic produced by a wizard's body, while external magic relied upon magic in and around us. He marvelled at the thought that theoretically, all external magic could be done by internal magic. However, in reality, for most wizards, internal magic was minuscule, even for the most powerful wizards. Internal magic was still minuscule in comparison to magic in the environment.

He also learned that there were various magical talents in this world, and his ability to hear the "melody" of magic was called magical hypersensitivity. He was amazed to find out that generally, children struggled with controlling this trait, often leading to bad situations in zones dense with magic. However, probably because, his soul is an adult one, he found it rather easy to control. Maybe this was his 'golden finger' after all despite being a reincarnate he has no system or any overpowered unheard magic.

But he knew that diving straight into the magic books would consume all his time and attention, so he made the decision to finish his shopping first.

Orion stepped out of the Leaky Cauldron, the familiar warmth of Diagon Alley enveloping him as he walked down the cobbled street. He had a small list of supplies he needed to purchase before starting his magical education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. His first stop was Madam Malkin's, a small, cosy shop with elegant robes hanging from the ceiling.

As he walked in, the bell tinkled merrily, announcing his arrival. A plump witch with rosy cheeks and a friendly smile greeted him. "Hello, dearie! Hogwarts robes, I presume?" she asked.

Orion nodded and the witch quickly measured him and started bringing out different robes for him to try on. She chatted amiably with him while he tried on the various robes, suggesting different styles and colours that would suit him.

After trying on several robes, Orion finally settled on a set of sleek black robes, accented with silver trim. "These are perfect, thank you," he said with a smile.

Next on his list was Eeylops Owl Emporium. He had always been fascinated by owls and had decided that he wanted one as his familiar. The shop was dimly lit, but the glow of the moonlight shining in through the windows illuminated the cages that lined the walls.

As he walked through the shop, he saw a variety of owls of different colours and sizes. But his eyes were immediately drawn to a pitch-black owl that was perched on a wooden stand in the corner. The owl's eyes shone like polished onyx as it cocked its head to look at him.

Orion approached the owl tentatively, extending a hand. The owl hooted softly and nuzzled its head against his hand. It was then that Orion knew that this was the owl for him.

After completing the purchase, Orion took the owl out of the cage and held it gently in his arms. The owl nuzzled its head against his neck and Orion felt a connection between them, a bond that would last a lifetime.

After finishing up his shopping, Orion returned to the Leaky Cauldron and released Tenebris, his newly-bonded owl. After thinking of a few names, he decided on Tenebris, which the owl seemed to like a lot despite it being a little too edgy for Orion's taste. After arranging all his clothes and other items, Orion sat down for lunch in the Leaky Cauldron's cosy dining room.

The aroma of fresh bread and hot soup filled his senses as he sat down at a wooden table. He ordered a bowl of hearty beef stew and some crusty bread, which arrived at his table steaming hot. As he savoured the warm, comforting flavours of the soup, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance to experience this new world.

After finishing his meal, Orion returned to his room and eagerly opened his first-course book, "The Fundamentals of Magical Theory". He learned that magic was a force that could be used to change the world, but only if the wielder knew how to use it. Science was crucial in understanding how to harness magic for specific tasks, as the more precisely one understood the task at hand, the less magical energy would be wasted.

For example, Orion discovered that levitation spells could be performed in various ways. One could use magic to simply push an object into the air, create a stream of air to lift it, or even generate a localized anti-gravity field around the object. Each method had its own advantages and disadvantages, and it was up to the caster to choose the most efficient way to accomplish the task.

He learned that while the scientific model of magic is widely accepted, it is far from perfect and there are still many unanswered questions. As he delved deeper, he found that not everything could be explained by this model, leaving him with even more questions than answers. The book spoke of the limitations of current scientific understanding, and the importance of intuition and creativity in the practice of magic.

Orion couldn't help but wonder about the mysteries of magic that science couldn't explain. Was there more to magic than just a force that could be harnessed to accomplish tasks? The book didn't provide any more answers.

As he continued to read, he came across a section that emphasized the importance of basic magical control. According to the book, one of the best ways to develop this skill was to practice pushing or pulling objects of varying masses, while controlling all variables like speed and trajectory.

Feeling inspired, Orion set the book aside and stood up from his bed. He looked around his room, trying to find something to practice on. His eyes landed on a nearby book, and he focused his mind on trying to push it. But no matter how hard he concentrated, the book remained stubbornly still.

Frustrated and disappointed, Orion slumped back onto his bed. He could feel his magic, but it seemed unresponsive to his attempts to use it. He wondered if he was doing something wrong, or if he simply lacked the innate ability to control magic.

Orion felt a sense of relief wash over him as he read the next part of the book. He felt silly for not having read it earlier, but at least now he had a clear direction for his training. The book explained that for children under the age of 7, magic often responded to instinct and emotions. However, for older individuals like Orion, the best way to develop magic control was through meditation and gradual practice.

Orion sat down on the rug in the centre of his room, crossed his legs, and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to clear his mind. He had never tried to meditate before, so he wasn't sure how to begin. He focused on his breath, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly, trying to relax his body and mind.

As he sat there, he began to feel a tingling sensation in his fingertips. He concentrated on the feeling, trying to coax it into spreading through his body. It was slow going, but gradually he began to feel the energy moving up his arms, into his chest, and then down into his legs.

It was like a warm, comforting blanket wrapping around him, and he felt a sense of calm and relaxation wash over him. He lost track of time as he continued to meditate, focusing on the feeling of his magic flowing through him.

When he finally opened his eyes, he was surprised to see that it was already morning. He had been meditating all night without realizing it. His body felt a little stiff, but he felt more relaxed and focused than he had in a long time.

He smiled to himself, trying to keep a positive atmosphere, though he knew that he still had a long way to go before he could control his magic

In my alternative universe, I wanted to explore the idea of earlier education for magical children. I decided that they would learn additional things that give them an advantage, but the main reason for ealier muggle born education is politics as I have possiblely alluded in this chapter

this ch was really hard to write I had to rewrite this ch multiple no of times as I though i was doing way too much exposition. In one of my earlier drafts I included almost all of the history , so what do you think of this final ch , is it still too exposition heavy

My first fanfic give it a review and powerstones pweese

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