
Original Blood

Dante Augustus found himself mistaken for dead and buried in the family crypt. Unable to understand why he awakens to a thirst for blood and a hunger for knowledge. Why was he thought dead? Where did the thirst come from? More importantly what kind of monster was he! ------------- Updates are whenever I have time but preferably on weekends. If you like it please add it to your library and review it so that I can know where to improve.

NocturnalVampire · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Dante Augustus

Waking up in complete darkness wasn't what I had in mind for the start of a wonderful day. When life gives you lemons it is best to make do. I felt the soft silk sheet that seemed to cover my body. I pulled the sheet away only to find darkness once again. Still unsure of my surroundings I reached for purchase. All I got in return was the damp stone wall that surrounded me. Underneath my body I could tell that there was a layer of comfortable bedding. I tried to reach for the memories that could've given me answers. My head felt as though several firecrackers had been set off. Everything in my mind was shrouded in fog. I searched, and searched, only to be lost. I decided that it would be easier to start with what I did know.

First my name was Dante Augustus. Secondly I was a member of the noble house of Augustus. When I recalled these facts I remembered my family. A younger brother and an ailing father. All of this information came in bits and pieces. Through the pieces I could recall I finally solved a small portion of the large puzzle. Letting out a sigh, I realized where I was. The Augustus family crypt. With the location came more information. A servant had been sent to check on my body. It was likely that I had been presumed dead and then subsequently buried. Obviously this was not the case as I was clearly alive. This was also not the first time something like this had happened. Nobles had built extensive crypts in order to prevent such scenarios. It was better to have someone retrieve you. Unless you wanted to be buried in the ground with no escape.

Sure enough the first rays of light appeared. The rays came from the cracks that the headstone couldn't quite cover. I was grateful that the servant had arrived so soon. I felt parched. It was as though I hadn't sipped even a drop of water for days. Until I had some fresh water down my throat I wouldn't even be able to speak. Slowly the lid that was my headstone slid away. With it was the image of a girl. I recognized her face but couldn't remember her name. She had been a servant of mine since childhood. The girl had long golden blonde hair and striking blue eyes. With the torch in her hand it seemed as though she was the goddess of the sun. A goddess that had come to greet me after my time locked away in darkness. She moved closer as if to inspect me. Suddenly something seemed to take over my body. I grabbed her and sunk my teeth into her neck. A hot crimson liquid slid down my throat. It was as if I had finally found a reservoir in a vast desert. Slowly I came back to my senses. The deed had been done. The thumping noise of her heart slowed. I felt shocked at my actions. Horror at the monster that I'd become. Confusion. All of these emotions filled my face. A face I saw in the reflection of the girl's eyes. Contrary to my own emotions those eyes seemed different. Contentment, happiness, and joy as though some burden had been laid to rest. Though it was only a moment later that those same eyes closed. For what seemed like the last time.

Most would've panicked in that situation. Unable to come to terms with taking another life in that way. For some reason I was more calm and methodical. I held onto my servant's body and climbed out of the coffin. I had decided that she deserved the best resting place. That of my own for having killed her. I gently placed my servant's body into the coffin in place of myself. Methodically I tried to make her body as comfortable as possible in the bed. The silk sheet that had covered me earlier laid strewn about the coffin. I realized this had been my burial shroud. I took the shroud and placed it over her. I decided to leave the cold headstone. Being in the same position earlier I had felt trapped. I didn't want her to feel the same way. The immense guilt that I felt made me think illogically.

I picked up the torch that the maid dropped earlier. Making my way out of the crypt I walked along the rows of coffins that contained my ancestors. The walls of the tomb seemed damp and the air chilled. As I walked I was slowly but surely gaining back bits of my memory. All of these memories pertain to my family. What I did know was that my family ruled over a county within the Asheal empire. The territory itself mainly relied on lumber production to bring in profit. Eventually I would have to make my way to the estate. I would have to also explain what happened to the servant that went to check on me. Eventually I found myself in front of a set of stone steps that led to the outside. As I climbed the steps my heartbeat sped. I was excited to finally be out of the cold damp crypt.

The sight that I was greeted with was of tree groves. Between the groves I could see a gray stone wall that surrounded the estate. Snow covered the landscape and my breath was now a fog. Another strange factor was my reaction or lack thereof to the cold. There was an empty sconce at the entrance to the crypt. It was the servant who probably took the torch. I placed the torch back in its spot. I followed the footprints in the snow back to the estate.

Soon I felt the terrain start to slope upward. I could see the sight of the familiar manor that belonged to my family. Looking at the recognizable gothic architecture I somehow knew that I was home. I stood before a massive wooden door that was covered with intricate carvings. I couldn't remember their meaning. Nonetheless I traced my fingers to feel the grain of the wood along the door. Taking one of the knockers in my hand I slammed it into the door.

BOOM, BOOM the door rattled.

After I waited for a moment. The door creaked open to reveal a male servant with a startled look to me. Strangely I no longer had the desire to feed on this servant. I took a moment to ponder the implications.

"My Lord Dante! You are alive!," the servant exclaimed with jubilation in his voice.

I could tell from the way the servant reacted that I had been loved inside the estate.

"I'm sure that my father will want to see me," I said as I walked through the opening.

This time I noticed a change in the air. It was warmer. I remembered that ovens were used not only to cook but also to keep the estate warm.

The servant standing in the foyer of the estate didn't run screaming upon my return. This was because mistaken deaths had been a common occurrence across the empire. One of the memories that I could recall was a history lesson from my childhood. There had once been an emperor who had also been mistaken for dead. The royal physician had been executed as a consequence by that emperor's heir. Since no other noble wished for such a fate vast crypts and tombs were constructed. This was true for almost every noble estate in the empire. Of course in the event that a noble was mistakenly pronounced dead, it was custom that they would meet with the family head. This had been an often occurrence. So often that it wasn't strange for dead nobles to walk back to their estate as though nothing happened. The meeting with the head of the family was to prevent conmen who wanted to assume a noble identity. If it was the head of the family that was mistaken they would need to meet with the heir.

In my case the head of the family was my father. So to begin the process of my return I would need to speak with him. He would then ask me a question that only the heir would have the answer to. Luckily I still remembered this answer. The servant that had welcomed me into the estate discussed this matter in the foyer. Unfortunately my father had been in poor health for quite some time. Due to this I was named the regent for the Augustus estate as soon as I was of age. If I had not returned then that responsibility would've fallen on my little brother's shoulders.

The servant that I had been speaking with led me to my chambers. My room was filled with familiarity. The first item that I noticed was my bed. While the Augustus family wasn't poor by common standards it was very humble with its spending. By noble standards we appeared poor. Despite this the bed had been constructed with the best materials. Silk sheet, and fine wood. Across the room there was a small desk from which I would work with less important documents. More important documents were relegated to the study. That didn't mean that I didn't need to complete these documents, just that they weren't secret. I searched the desk to see if any of the documents here had information on my supposed death. Most of the documents pertained to budget or expenditure reports. As I was going through the documents a letter fell out of the stack. The wax seal on the letter had already been broken. I took out the parchment without expecting much but I received a surprise. Written on the letter was a report from the guards at the border of our territory.

The guards expressed in the letter that strange events were happening at the border. Strange creatures had been reported roaming the land between another territory and our own. This particular opposing family didn't get along with mine. So when someone inquired about this on our behalf there were no clear answers given. At the very bottom of this letter was the stamp of approval from the Prime Magister.

When I realized that the letter contained more information than I hoped. I rang the servant bell. I was quickly greeted by the head servant Renlf. Renlf had been serving my family since the time my father ruled. Renlf was therefore an older man with wrinkles and white hair. He wore the standard servant uniform with black and white designs.

"Young Lord, how may I be of service?," Renlf asked with concern.

"I would like for you to call Magi Alistair to my office. I have a few questions for him."

"Also it seems as though one of the maids is missing. I believe that she was assigned to visit my coffin. Could you send someone to look for her?," I asked gently after remembering the events in my tomb.

"I will do as you say.," Renlf replied, visibly shaken, before taking his leave.

While waiting for Renlf to fetch the Magi I went to my dresser for a change of clothes. The clothes that I was currently wearing were for my funeral. Though they were quite formal that didn't mean they provided comfort. Throwing on a white tunic with some black pants I made my way to the office. The office wasn't far from my room that happened to be on the second floor. I was hoping that further answers to my mistaken death would be in some document. Unfortunately most of the documents that had been in the office were removed. After giving up I look out my window at the town below.

It seems that the former Augustus Lords had placed the manor on the hilltop that overlooked their territories. It was quite the spectacular view. Winding rivers that fueled lumber mills flowed into an extremely large lake. At the edge of the lake stood a small town that housed the Augustian subjects.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"You may enter.," I called out.

The door clicked open and I saw Renlf followed by Alistair. The Magister entered the room. I gestured to the sofa and offered Alistair the seat that was meant to receive guests. My own sofa sat directly across from it. A table separated us; it was just tall enough that items could be placed on it. Alistair accepted my offer and took a seat.

"Has the other matter that we discussed been taken care of?," I asked Renlf who remained standing.

"Yes Lord.," Renlf affirmed that someone had been given the task of finding the missing maid.

I wanted her body to be found. I wanted to at least make sure that the body of the maid was taken care of. I wouldn't lie and say that I didn't feel guilty. I could acknowledge that the maid had simply been unlucky to find me. That I held no control over my actions at the time. If I said that, I would be lying. I desired her blood. As a result I killed her and thus I would probably kill again. If I was placed in such a situation then I had to at least find out why.

I turned my attention to the Magus sitting across from me. Unlike Renlf who was getting on in years Alistair seemed to age slower. Magi, Magisters, or Magus as they were known, aged very slowly and could use magic. Only a select few people had the talent or ability to become a Magus. Though somehow most of the noble families of my status had at least one Magister working for them.

Alistair appeared to be a white haired man with a full beard. Without a single wrinkle he was both old and young. The Augustus family would usually foot the bill for any research he was conducting. It was because of this that I knew Alistair mainly focused on Alchemy and theoretical magics.

"Alistair, it is good to see you again!," I exclaimed. Though I only had recollections.

"Likewise my lord."

"I am sure that you can understand why I called you here?"

"I would assume that it has to do with the dimensional rift my lord?," Alistair answered as though it was a question.

When I heard this I realized that I had two options. The first option involved playing along as though I already knew what he was talking about. The second option would be more realistic and involve telling the truth. So I decided to admit the loss of my memories to Alistair. Since he was primarily an alchemist he also was the physician.

"I suppose you could say that. When I was presumed dead some of my memories seem to have been…jumbled. I can remember that it had to do with this letter.," I said and handed the letter I found on my desk to Alistair.

Taking the letter Alistair began to stroke his beard in contemplation.

"I remember this letter my Lord. I approved and sent the concerns to your desk. I thought that there might have been a potential rift between our dimension and another. I was apparently mistaken. Based on the reports that came back after your accident…," Alistair seemed to pause, "it appears as though there are not one but two rifts. You were caught up in both my Lord. It was a surprise that we even had a body to bury.

Hey this is my first time publishing! I hope that everyone enjoyed the story so far. I you like it please add it to your library. I would also appreciate any reviews with constructive criticism.

As I am still getting my legs under me for this story chapters will be shorter, and will become longer later on. || chapter has been edited/rewritten.

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