
Original Blood

Dante Augustus found himself mistaken for dead and buried in the family crypt. Unable to understand why he awakens to a thirst for blood and a hunger for knowledge. Why was he thought dead? Where did the thirst come from? More importantly what kind of monster was he! ------------- Updates are whenever I have time but preferably on weekends. If you like it please add it to your library and review it so that I can know where to improve.

NocturnalVampire · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Dante's Surprise Wedding

"My son, I am afraid that my time on this earth is nearly over.," my father said wistfully.

I knew that he was right. I didn't really want to admit it but my father was in an even worse state than he appeared. The only reason that he had made it this far was due to Alastair's expertise in alchemy. Though my father was unafraid of death, in fact I'm sure that some part of him would welcome it with how much pain he was in. The reason that he chose to suffer was for the sake of me and my brother who was but a young child. We had lost my mother when she'd given birth to my brother some seven years prior, and though we mourned her loss we both loved my younger brother. Alastair had also tried to save her, but using alchemy in that situation would've harmed my younger brother which she refused.

Letting out a long sigh I said, "Father, whatever happens know that I will protect our family. My younger brother and I will be okay."

Seeing the determination in my eyes my father spoke with mirth, "I am aware of that Dante. However I would not be a doting father if I didn't at least take the opportunity to see at least one of my sons married before my death."

Saying this he opened one of the end tables beside the bed and produced a letter that I took from his shaking hands. Upon receiving it I saw a seal from the Zeakkur county on the envelope. I suddenly knew the contents of the letter before I even opened it. It was a confirmation of engagement between Zeakkur heiress and myself. I was rendered speechless for a few moments. I knew the Zeakkur family pretty well and though I couldn't be sure if I've met the heiress before I knew her father. Lord Leonardo Zeakkur and my father Bishop Augustus had been friends since they were children. Due to our families being close in territory it would make sense that we would unite in marriage. Unlike our family with two sons, the Zeakkurs only had one daughter to take over. Of course the two families were not likely to announce this engagement and were not likely to even announce the marriage. Due to the political situation in the territory a Duke had been missing for a long, long time. Therefore all of the surrounding families fought over the title. The emperor had more important matters to deal with than to sort out this issue at the borders of his empire. If Lady Zeakkur and I married then there would be a significant boost in our power as a whole and winning this power deadlock would be much easier, though it was still risky. It was for this reason that I understood the agreement between my father, Bishop Augustus, and Leonardo Zeakkur. If it was before my 'accident' then I would have no problem marrying the lady. Now I couldn't be sure if this hunger for blood was permanent; I didn't know if I would end up killing my wife on our wedding night!

"Father, if this is something that you wish I will do it. When can we expect the lady to visit?," I asked after gritting my teeth. I realized that I would not be able to get out of this agreement anytime soon. Sure I could plot to make the lady hate me and then break off the engagement. Though this was not in my nature and so I would not do so. The only thing that I could hope for was that the lady disliked me of her own accord.

"Dante, you are to prepare to meet Serena Zeakkur immediately. Before the events at the edge of the territory where you were presumed dead she had already been on her way here. She should be here by this afternoon.," Bishop Augustus replied with the authority of a lord. Something he rarely did when it was just him and his sons. I got up from my chair and said, "I will take my leave then and prepare to meet the lady."

My father simply nodded. He had already spoken more to me at this moment than he usually did and it must've taken what little energy he had. Upon leaving the room, due to my frustration, the metal door knob was crushed under my grip. Shocked, the only thing that I could say was, "I'll send someone to see about the door.," before making a swift exit. After making my escape I went directly to the office and summoned Renlf.

"So still no word on your granddaughter?," I asked in a hopeful tone.

"Not yet my lord, however all of the tracks leading away from the crypt lead back to the estate. It stands to reason that even if she ventured out there and left then the only place she could be would be here. I don't know why that girl wouldn't present herself if she learned that we were looking for her!," Renlf said with emotion.

I felt guilty over these words. Maybe if I had secured her body better we wouldn't be in this situation. I still couldn't be sure if she was alive or if some grave robber had stolen her body from my tomb. Either way I had left her in the cold and the dark and owed her a debt.

"Keep an eye out if you see anyone acting suspicious within the estate let me know.," I said authoritatively, "There is another matter that requires my attention at the moment with my fiance's visit. I must apologize to you Renlf, for not being able to give full attention to this matter. My father surprised me with this news and I can't ignore this sudden visit."

"No need to apologize. I understand the situation, and the servants have already prepared a room for her ladyship upon her arrival. Someone in her entourage has already ridden ahead to let us know that she will be arriving much later in the evening.," Renlf said with understanding.

I was glad that Renlf understood the situation and was so calm. Should I give him a raise?

"That's good to hear. I will have to meet with my brother now that she is on her way so that they can be introduced when she arrives.," after giving these orders I dismissed the servant to complete his tasks and left the room.

It was important to complete all official matters in the office and separate my work from personal matters. I made my way to the lower floors and prepared to meet with my younger brother who would usually be taking a break from his lessons around this time. I had felt that this entire experience with my near death was probably very upsetting for him. Not really having a chance to know our mother and with a severely ailing father I was practically the only family that he had. My death followed by my father's would've left him completely alone in this world. Undefended, most of the other families in the area would've used him and then thrown him to wolves, and nothing would be left of the Augustus family. I myself knew that the weight of the citizens and my family laid on my shoulders which is why I had to grow up pretty quickly compared to my peers. At the age of fifteen I had already been named regent in my fathers name. This gave me most of the authority, and while my father was still the lord, could keep a foolish young lord from abusing his power. I was grateful for all of the servants of the family for sticking with us through very difficult times as they acted as my teachers instead of opportunists.

Stepping out into the courtyard I could see my younger brother, of no more than seven years playing with the snow. Noticing me almost immediately I had to suffer a tackle as he threw himself into my gut. "Oof, haven't you gotten a bit larger since the last time I saw you?," I asked. Looking up at me I could see that there had been tears in his eyes and a wave of guilt crushed me. Kneeling down to eye level, I looked my brother in the eye and said softly, "Cecil, you know that I would never truly leave you right?" I could see the relief in his expression at those words as he brought my neck into a strangle hold. "Brother, promise to never leave me again.," he pleaded through tears. It was at that moment that I noticed a hunger come over me as I heard the heartbeat coming from my brother's chest. Luckily I held a strong enough will to avoid doing something that I would regret for the rest of eternity and simply said, "I won't. I promise."

Moving back inside the building I decided to have lunch with my brother in the dining room. I could feel the hunger welling up in me during that embrace with my brother and wanted to see if my diet would only consist of blood. I had noticed that I was no longer hungry when I returned to the estate the previous day. If I could still eat normally then maybe it would at least curb some of my new impulses. Sitting down at the long dinner table across from my brother; servants began to bring in dishes. Typically lunch in the estate would be light with not as many dishes as a full course dinner. Cutting into the meat I didn't seem to have any issues though I noticed that it wasn't very filling. I tried to eat some of the other items but found that the smell alone was revolting. Eventually I gave up trying to finish the meal, though it was useful to know that I could at least consume a bit of meat to keep up appearances. Though already I could tell that my stomach didn't necessarily like it. My brother and I held some light discussion as he began to tell me about his lessons, and where he was struggling. It warmed my heart to hear that at least in his view life was good.

For the rest of the morning I spent my time with my brother and we both just enjoyed being around each other. Though it pained me I tried to keep some distance between us due to my growing thirst.

"Cecil, we will be having a visitor later today. Can you be on your best behavior when she arrives?," I asked my brother. I knew that Cecil was a good kid and that nothing would go wrong when my fiance visited. Still I liked to tease my brother from time to time by suggesting he was a troublemaker. My tactic seemed to have succeeded as Cecil began to puff his cheeks in irritation and said, "Of course, humph." I laughed heartily at this sight and that just seemed to further his irritation. A servant approached silently and said, "My lord Serena Zeakkur will be arriving shortly." I just nodded my head and prepared to meet with my fiance.

Bringing Cecil to the front of the estate we stood before the gothic style doors that were the front entryway and awaited Serena's arrival. Slowly a carriage that was accompanied by several knights on horses arrived. Supported by a footman helped her down from the carriage and I couldn't help but stare at her for a few moments. She had been one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. Though it was common for those in the Augustus house to have black hair, Serena's was the color of the night sky and was even deeper than ours. Her hair cascaded down as though it was a waterfall observed at night, and her eyes that seemed to study me were like emeralds. The dress she wore was a deep red like blood. I couldn't help myself from being stunned by her beauty and secretly cursed my father for not preparing me.

"Lady Zeakkur welcome to our home.," I said as I approached the entourage.

"The pleasure is mine, Lord Dante. Also please call me Serena. We are to be married soon after all.," Serena said with a sly smile.

Hearing her words I couldn't help but glance at my younger brother who seemed to have stars in his eyes.

"Sister?," Ciecil called out in wonder.

"Ara, and who is this handsome young man?," the vixen seemed curious as to the identity of the young boy.

"I'm Dante's brother Cecil! Are you going to be my new sister?," my brother asked with expectation.

To which that woman smiled with the most dazzling smile and said, "Well I suppose I am." I could see that although the woman didn't know what to think of me that she at least liked children which was a good sign.

"My Lady…," I stopped myself, "Serena, I would like to invite you to dinner. Would you be willing to join us this evening?"

To which the woman replied, "I would like that Dante."

It was at that moment I knew that I wouldn't be getting out of this marriage and the only thought that I had was, 'Damn!'

So I was only going to release chapters on the weekends. However I have been writing a lot more than I anticipated so I will be reviewing and releasing chapters since I have enough for an entire week. There are a few things that I would also like to mention. The first is that the story will continue to be in the first person perspective. Second to give readers a clearer view of the characters I have written some of the chapters with alternating viewpoints. If a majority of readers like those chapters then I will release more. If not I will still keep them and then contiue on without shifting perspective. So if you like what you read please add it to your library and leave a review.

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