
Original Blood

Dante Augustus found himself mistaken for dead and buried in the family crypt. Unable to understand why he awakens to a thirst for blood and a hunger for knowledge. Why was he thought dead? Where did the thirst come from? More importantly what kind of monster was he! ------------- Updates are whenever I have time but preferably on weekends. If you like it please add it to your library and review it so that I can know where to improve.

NocturnalVampire · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Dante's Lesson

When I was on my way back to my room I couldn't help but have a smile on my face. I had just made it to my door when I realized that Rose had been following me. I turned around to face Rose with a raised eyebrow and asked, "Rose, is there something that you need?" The woman blushed a little before she said, "I'm hungry." I could see her eyes glow a bit in the darkness when she made that statement. I remembered that Rose hadn't been fed all day. She had let me feed from her wrist earlier, but I hadn't let her feed at the time in case things became messy. Focusing on my hearing I closed my eyes to listen to any heartbeats or footsteps, and found none. I could quite literally hear everything in the hallway from the creaks in the wood to the sound of the wind beating against the windows. I let out a sigh and said, "Follow me.," as I opened the door to my quarters. "Close the door.," I ordered Rose and began to remove my shirt to reveal a perfectly sculpted body, so that I wouldn't get any blood on my clothes this time. After closing the door Rose turned back to me with an even deeper blush on her face. I just chuckled and then grabbed her arm and pulled her to my chest. "You said you were hungry. Then feed my little vampire.," I said with a little bit of teasing. Without further prompting the hunger seemed to take Rose over as she bit into my neck. Since I had already fed from Rose's wrist earlier I had decided not to partake myself. If I did I likely wouldn't have been able to control myself and would've broken my earlier commitment to Serena.

After some time Rose seemed to be done with her feeding as she pulled away although reluctantly. "Thank you Dante.," she said while wiping the blood from her lips. I could see that she didn't want to part from me so I decided to ask, "Would you like to stay here tonight?" The question seemed to throw her off, but soon a look of excitement covered her face. "I'll take that as a yes then? Don't get too excited. I just don't want you to begin feeding on the rest of the staff. As I previously stated I will only take you as a consort after my marriage and as long as Serena agrees," I said with a grin. Rose to her credit only gave a slight nod at the reminder. I reached for the bed without another word and held the covers open for Rose to slip inside. Rose accepted my invitation after slipping off the maid clothes, and I held her in my arms as we drifted off to sleep. I wouldn't lie and say that it was easy to sleep next to a woman that I was so attached to without having some feelings of lust. However, being next to her and just feeling the warmth of her body on a cold winter night was enough for me. Of course I would have to make sure that no servants entered the room as our state could be mistaken for something more serious, but I could care less at that moment.

When the rays of dawn of the morning sun approached it drifted through the gap in the curtains into my room. The sun still brought me no amount of pleasure and I still hated it with all of my heart. On the other hand the more I experienced it I found that the light was easier to manage. Rose's golden hair seemed to cascade onto my chest and my sheets as she was still snuggled in my arms. I didn't want to disturb the beautiful sight so I let her lay there as I stroked her soft hair. A little moan escaped her lips and eventually she began to wake up on her own. As I looked into her eyes I could see a dreamy expression in those reddish blue pools.

"Can't we stay like this a bit longer," Rose complained.

"Unfortunately for you, my dear Rose, we've already spent quite some time here. If we stay any longer then I'm afraid that some servant will wander in.," I said as I poked her forehead with my index finger.

Sometimes you need to just take a moment to enjoy the moment. I understood this fact very well as when it came to running a territory it could be very stressful. Most nobles will lose themselves in this feeling, and forget that they are people too. This was especially the case with the threat of the undead and the demonic on our doorstep. So this night that I spent with Rose was very important to me, and allowed me to feel closer to someone. When you spend your time on top of so many others you feel lonely and it was good to know there was someone at your side.

Rose grumbled a bit which made me let out an amused laugh. As she was getting dressed I couldn't help but appreciate the view for a moment. Then I picked something for myself from my wardrobe. Rose accepted her role as a maid as soon as the uniform was on and then proceeded to help me get dressed. Usually I wasn't in the habit of allowing the servants of the estate to dress me, but I would always make exceptions for Rose. After the two of us were dressed I wasn't as worried about a random servant walking in.

When I exited the room I realized that there had been no cause for worry as the hallway seemed to have been deserted.

"Rose go and see if Alistair needs anything, and try not to eat him.," I ordered Rose jokingly as we parted ways.

Usually I didn't have time for breakfast and skipped the meal, but I didn't have much to do until the council could meet. So I decided that I would take this opportunity to have a meal with my family. As I approached the dining room I was glad to see my little brother interacting with Serena. It was as if everything was perfect. Despite that I could feel that with the coming hordes of monsters on the way this would change quickly. Though that wouldn't stop me from trying to protect these two.

"Oh, is my handsome brother already trying to take away his brother's fiance?," I asked the pair jokingly as I took my seat at the head of the table.

"I don't understand what you are saying, sister is sister, and brother is well…brother.," Cecil said with puffed cheeks.

Serena decided to play along with my scheme with a sad face, "So the beautiful young master couldn't be bothered with an old woman like me, how sad."

"What!? No, No, sister is pretty. I'm sorry.," Cecil said in a panic which caused the two of us to laugh with care at his cuteness. Though once Cecil realized that we had tricked him he just stewed and poked at his food with his fork.

"Ha, Ha, brother, I'm sorry. Did we tease you too much? How can your big brother make it up to you?," I asked, trying to appease the seven year old boy.

"Could you help me with some of my studies later?," Cecil asked shyly.

"I always have time for my brother.," I said, "How about after breakfast?"

I understood that Cecil wanted to spend more time with me, and if it hadn't been for the coming conflicts, or even my rushed marriage. I probably would've spent more time with my brother.

Cecil nodded his head in excitement at my question.

"Dante, I received a letter back from my father," Serena said after finishing her meal.

"Oh, and what was his response," I asked with curiosity.

"He is in agreement. Other than that he says that he will be attending the wedding tomorrow.," she replied.

"Well, the estate will be prepared though like the other night it will be quite small, and take place in the foyer. The councilors of my estate will be present as well as the servants. There should also be more than enough room for your family.," I said, making sure she knew the details. My father had already planned the whole thing.

"Is there anything else that you will require?," I asked, trying to be as accommodating as possible.

"No, the dress itself has already been prepared before I made my way here. It was included in my personal belongings.," she said, though I could detect a bit of frustration in her words.

Serena wasn't frustrated at me, but instead at her father. She had already informed me that she wasn't informed of an engagement or even the marriage until very recently. I was in the same boat as I had even been pronounced dead before I learned of it.

"Try not to blame our fathers too much. I'm certain the reason that they had us marry was because they trusted one another. Our families trust each other and they want what is best for both of us. Not to mention that I quite like you so I have no qualms…," I said but drifted off at the end when I realized that I had revealed my feelings to the woman.

"Sigh. I'm of the same mind. I know the reasons as to why my father made his decisions, I just wish that he had been more upfront with me. I probably would've made the same decisions though I would've at least asked my own child's opinion before concocting some crazy scheme. Not to mention that I quite like you as well.," Serena said with a sigh and ended with a blush.

I didn't expect for my accidental confession to be reciprocated. Not that I was complaining. I at least knew for sure that my fiance was a willing partner, at least partially. Our discussions continued on for some time and eventually Cecil also finished his meal.

"Cecil, I can help you with your studies now. If you like?," I asked my brother.

"Brother, we can't leave yet you haven't finished your meal.," Cecil replied after noticing my rather full plate.

"It is okay. I don't usually get to eat much breakfast anyway.," I replied rather hastily. I didn't want others to notice that I didn't eat much. The problem was that the morning meals didn't contain much of anything that I could eat such as meat in small quantities. I figured it was a good idea to go and see Alistair this afternoon so that we could come up with a solution.

Not allowing for any more questioning I turned to Serena and said, "My brother and I will be continuing his studies. If you have any questions about the ceremony tomorrow then you can speak to head servant Renlf."

I proceeded to drag my brother to his classroom. When I was his age until I took over as regent I had also used this room. It still had that same familiar smell of chalk and a desk for Cecil to work on. I could see that several books were stacked as well as a black tablet and chalk stylus. There was relatively good lighting in the room much to my annoyance. After I had built up a tolerance to the sun I decided to push through for the sake of my brother and ignored it.

"So what is the subject that you are struggling with the most?," I asked.

Cecil just picked up the first book in the stack and handed it to me. When I read the title it said, 'On the structure and composition of the empire.' I remembered this particular book and I figured it would be rather dull for a seven year old. The book mainly discussed who was who among the nobility. Specifically each house, and their respective duties. Whichever tutor suggested this for my brother was obviously doing a poor job and needed to be replaced.

"Well this topic does seem a little advanced… Instead let's go over the 'basic' structure of the empire. The empire employs a feudal system to maintain its territory. At the top sits the emperor who is also the king of Asheal. In total there are four kingdoms. The other three kingdoms are the Caiborg kingdom, the Togon Kingdom, and finally the Olakar kingdom where our territory is located. The kings of the kingdoms are then followed by dukes who are then followed by counts and so on and so fourth. Are you with me so far?," I asked after a simple explanation.

Cecil nodded as he took notes. Even though he was only seven years old I was glad to see that he was diligent.

"Will I ever visit any of the other kingdoms?," Cecil asked

"When you turn twenty, like me, then you will go to the school for nobles in the empire's capital.," I said with a bit of sadness.

"Will you be going to this school?," Cecil asked with a bit of worry. He had just gotten me back and I could tell that he was afraid of losing me again.

I smiled and replied, "No, because I am the heir, and because of our father's illness, I am exempt from attending. It is likely that your new sister is exempt for many of the same reasons."

"Can I not turn twenty then?," Cecil asked, which just caused me to laugh. The boy just puffed his cheeks again as it was a serious question for him.

The two of us just spent the rest of the morning discussing the state of the empire and the future. All in all I enjoyed my time with my brother, and I was glad that we had that precious time with each other. Eventually the next tutor showed up and I left to head towards Alistair's lab.

Alistair's lab was located in the same wing as my father's quarters. This was mainly so that if anything happened to my father he would be able to respond quickly. When I entered the darkened wing I gave a sigh of relief at the lack of sunlight. I was already at my limit when I had been tutoring my brother. Alistar's lab was located on the first floor of the wing next to one of the sets of stairs that was used by the servants. Sometimes the materials that he needed for research were quite heavy and this location would make hauling those materials easier. I knocked on the door and entered the room. What greeted me was the smell of herbs and the sound of bubbling solutions. Rose stood off to the side.

"Alistair, I'm here to submit myself to your test.," I said once I saw Alistair pouring over a book and mixing something.

"Ah my lord! You are just in time. Here, try this.," Alistair said while handing me a vial of red liquid.

I recognized the liquid as blood, but from the smell I could obviously tell that it was not human. Without really questioning it I gulped down what I assumed was animal blood. I trusted Alistair enough to not poison me after last night's events. After waiting for a few seconds I could tell that the blood had some effect on my growing thirst, but I would need a large quantity of it to completely satisfy me for a day. After reporting this information to Alistair he replied with some disappointment, "Rose said the same thing. I just needed to confirm it."

Alistair poured out the concoction that he had been working on into a glass and said, "Here try this."

After getting a whiff of the tonic I realized that it was wine, but there was also the familiar scent of Rose's blood in it as well. Instead of taking a gulp of it like the last brew, I took a tiny sip and the effects were immediate. I could feel the familiar warmth of the alcohol as it spread through me as it left a rather sweet aftertaste.

"This one was much more helpful, and I think it would help with my meals. Thank you, Alistair.," I said with genuine gratitude.

"I am happy that I could help. I call the concoction blood wine for obvious reasons…would you mind if I took a blood sample?," Alistair accepted the gratitude and then asked with some trepidation.

"Sure.," I replied. I then took a seat across from where Alistair had been working and offered my hand. Alistair took out a needle and then pressed it quickly into my finger. It did take a little force but the skin broke and a little blood trickled out. Soon after the wound visibly closed and Alistair exclaimed, "Fascinating! This also happened when I tried to collect blood from Rose for the blood wine. It seems as though you've also inherited the regeneration from your demonic half."

I quickly looked over to Rose and asked, "Are you okay?"

Rose smiled and replied, "I'm okay, master. Alistair tried his best not to hurt me also because I was doing it for you I didn't mind."

I liked Rose's dedication towards me, but I still didn't wish for her to be harmed for my sake. "Until we can find a way to draw blood without harming Rose I don't want you making any more of the blood wine.," I told Alistair.

"Of course, my lord, I'm already in the process of finding a method.," Alistair said with a serious expression.

"Good. Now hand me a knife and one of your glassware, so I can give you a proper blood sample.," I ordered and Alistair complied.

Taking the knife I held the blade to my palm and made a long cut. Blood began to spill immediately, and though it took more time the wound closed and it stopped. At the sight of a glass filled with my blood I could see the glow of hunger in Rose's eyes grow. Handing the glass to Alister I decided it was time to leave to feed my personal servant.

"Rose, it is time to go.," I said as I made my way out of the lab.

"Yes master!," Rose readily replied.

Before I had completely left I turned back to Alistair, and as I flashed him a large grin I said, "Don't forget. You will be officiating my wedding tomorrow."

"I haven't forgotten my lord, I will be sure to be on time.," he replied, but we had already left the lab long before we could hear him.

If you liked what you read please add it to your library. If you liked it or didn't please leave a comment or write a review. So we are finally at Chapter 9. Honestly I didn't think that people would pick this story up so quickly. I am really grateful for all of the support so far. Chapter 10 will be on the way it is also pretty long. There are a lot of characters to introduce and I want each one to feel different. I also want to make sure that it has the same quality or better of the other chapters. So I've been spending quite some time on it. So I may or may not be releasing tomorrow. I would also like to go over the previous chapters one more time to make them even better. However I will be posting monday for sure. This chapter is being released early for the same reasons as the last. There was an additional part that I would've liked to add to this chapter. Unfortunately I just didn't have the time to make the edit.

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