
Original Blood

Dante Augustus found himself mistaken for dead and buried in the family crypt. Unable to understand why he awakens to a thirst for blood and a hunger for knowledge. Why was he thought dead? Where did the thirst come from? More importantly what kind of monster was he! ------------- Updates are whenever I have time but preferably on weekends. If you like it please add it to your library and review it so that I can know where to improve.

NocturnalVampire · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Dante's Definition

I led Serena up to my office where I expected Alistair and Rose to have been waiting. As predicted when we reached the hallway Serena and I saw Alistair and Rose waiting outside. I greeted the two and used the key to the office in order to let everyone inside. It seemed as though Rose had brought a tray with some tea for the guest to enjoy while we discussed. I offered Alistair the opposing sofa while I offered Serena a seat next to me on my side. Usually when I held audiences with others I would only allow other parties to sit across from me. This was so that I could get a sense of their facial expressions. It also happened to be the case because usually I only had guests. Since Serena was my fiance and would be my wife in two days time; it was the first time I had shared this position with anyone. To my surprise Serena sat rather close to me. In the corner of my eye I could see Rose study this woman. I decided not to pay attention to it for now as Rose's gaze and our connection showed no hostility, only curiosity.

I started amongst the group by introducing Alistair and Serena to each other.

"Alistair, I would like you to meet my fiance Serena Zeakkur. Though our engagement was sudden I would like you to afford her the same respect that you show me.," I said towards the old magi.

"Serena, I would like to formally introduce to you the Prime Magister of Augustus County, Alistair Greenwood. Alistair is the one who came up with the cement for road construction.," I said towards Serena this time.

I could see a small grin appear on Alistair's face as he said, "I cannot take all the credit, Lord Dante. If you hadn't introduced me to the idea and paid for the research then we wouldn't have the knowledge."

I returned, "Well then I cannot take the credit either. I just read a book that told of a vast empire in the past whose roads can still be seen today. So who should then take the credit? Is it the author of the book I read, or is it the empire that transported supplies and troops quickly due to their roads?"

As we sat there with grins unable to take the credit for the achievement Serena interrupted. "So, about these roads how would the respected magi suggest we go about building them in the snow? The ground is very tough this time of year due to the cold, and while Zeakkur has two earth related Magi, I'm afraid they are a little inexperienced."

I could see that Alistair thought about her statement for a moment and then asked, "How do you normally mine the quarries in Zeakkur?"

"We usually either get the earth Magi to heat up the ground and then start digging. That or we use heated water with chisels.," Serena provided.

"Then we can just do the same thing. We can either get at least one of the earth Magi to heat the ground or we can have water heating stations. Either way the road will need to be built in sections.," Alistair said.

Serena let out a sigh and said, "Okay, I will send another letter to my father with further details. I know that it is extremely rude to ask but could I also include your research notes in the letter?"

"It is not rude at all my lady. You are about to marry my lord, and since he is the one who paid for the research it belongs to the Augustus family. If you send one of your servants to pick it up I will be sure to send the research notes to your quarters tonight.," Alistair answered.

"Hmm, alright then, I will take my leave so that I can get started on that letter.," after Serena said that she curtsied and then left the room.


It took me a moment to analyze the entire conversation. While it wasn't unheard of it was rare for a territory on the level of a county to hire more than one Magi. For Zeakkur to have two it meant that their quarries either had high research value, or were very profitable. Every noble had to have stone to build. That also meant that a lot of people would covet their lands.

Alistair drew my attention back when he pulled out a stack of parchment from his robes. "My lord, here is everything that I know about both the Underworld as well as the Abyss.," the magister said as he then laid those documents on the table.

I slowly reached for the documents and while there was little material I was shocked by their contents. The documents started with an explanation of the Underworld. It was not only a limbo for the souls of the dead but was also meant to contain the undead. This referred to everything from zombies to skeletons and pretty much any revenant that you could think of. The problem was that the undead could spread their disease through a bite or scratch. I realized how this aspect of the undead seemed to relate to my own ability to pass on my 'condition'. This could start the downfall of any territory as any contact with these creatures could expand their numbers. Undead hordes would also usually be accompanied by a Lich as their commander. These Liches had the same capabilities as most Magi and like Magisters they could grow in power. The difference between the undead was huge. Most undead could only stay as they were. They couldn't heal themselves, and they stayed the same as they were when they became undead. Of course that was only a hypothesis as undead hadn't roamed the land of the living for centuries. If our dimension collided with the Underworld it was likely that the whole world would become just like it. I had already lost some hope when I read this section, but when I read about the Abyss in conjunction with the Underworld I couldn't help but shudder. The Abyss was home to all manner of demons and demon lords. Most demons were already stronger and faster than most humans. Not to mention that all of them held strange abilities. The most worrisome was the rumor that they could suck the soul out of a mortal man. What was known about the Abyss was little in comparison to that of the Underworld. It seemed that before they were sealed the undead were quite extensively researched in the past.

When I looked up from the documents at Alistair we both had grim expressions. I knew that the only hope that we had laid in the information that we gained as well as the training we provided our soldiers. The problem was that no amount of training would prepare the soldiers to be able to face the likes of demons or the infection of the undead. I had hoped that I wouldn't have to use my ability that I learned when interacting with the maid outside my office on Alistair, but with the gravity of the situation I knew that I needed both assurances as well as more information. I stared into Alistair's eyes with conviction. I wasn't exactly sure what the trigger for the ability was, but I had a feeling it had to do with both eye contact and intent. After a few minutes it seemed as though there was a little resistance in Alistair's eyes before they also gained the same glazed look that the maid had given me the first time when I did this by accident.

"Alistair, I am about to reveal some information to you. I need you to never reveal this information. Also I need you to remain loyal despite the information.," I said in an authoritative tone.

"I will never reveal information. I will always remain loyal.," Alistair said in a familiar monotone voice.

I realized two things when I heard this. The commands that I gave when I used this ability had to be very simple. Even if I tried to add other more complex conditions such as, 'Also I need to remain loyal despite the information.,' changed to, 'I will always remain loyal.' Of course I could then try to use this ability in order to make everyone I had ever met loyal to me. It was likely that this ability had drawbacks. I also wasn't willing to risk servants who would already be loyal to me without this ability, such as Renlf. The only reason that I used the ability on Alistair, and not Renlf, was because the information was sensitive. Also at the time I didn't know that I had the ability when Renlf discovered my condition. The ability could also have a time limit, I wasn't sure. When I discovered this ability, when I used it on the maid, I knew that I needed to set some sort of command for the individual to return to normal. In this case I set it for five seconds.

"Good. Alistair, on the countdown of five you will return to normal. Five...Two…One.," After I counted down I could see the light return to Alistair's eyes.

"My lord, what seems to have happened just now?," Alistair questioned me.

"I used an ability that I recently gained from my time at the border.," I said truthfully.

I could see Alistair's eyes grow wide and he exclaimed, "Dante, you mean to tell me that the dimensional rift changed your body!"

I smirked at his excitement and began to explain the events that had transpired since I had emerged from my tomb. Of course as I was explaining, Alistair glanced over to Rose and asked me, "Are you sure that it is okay to be telling me all of this while a maid is present?"

"Remember when I said I attacked the maid who came to find me. Well it appears as though I've inherited the undead's ability to pass on my condition through my bite. Rose here has the exact same condition that I do now.," I replied and saw that Rose had smiled to display her set of fangs to the magister.

"Fascinating!," Alistair exclaimed and approached Rose as if to get a better look.

Before Alistair could get too close I said, "Careful Alistair, she bites."

"I'm aware, my lord. The jaws of a human alone could bite off fingers as though they were carrots. With the improved strength that you claim to have, I wouldn't want to think about what the jaws that you two have could do.," though he said this I could see that Alistair had visibly slowed.

After inspecting Rose for a bit, while maintaining his distance, Alistair turned to me and said, "I would like to run some tests in order to determine your full capabilities."

I could only nod my head at this request and replied, "I was hoping that you would. That is why, although I didn't want to, I used my ability to command you."

This seemed to further fuel Alistair's curiosity, "Could you tell me more about this ability? When I experienced it earlier I felt as though I was in a daze and my memory became a bit fuzzy."

So I explained to Alistair that I could, at least momentarily, paralyze a target and then plant either a suggestion for information or a command into their head. After considering it for a moment Alistair said, "It is likely that this an influence of the Abyss. With the ability to manipulate souls there is also an ability to manipulate the mind. I will need more time to analyze and compile the information that you've given me. Whenever you have time, and if you wish to, you can come to my lab so that further tests can be made. In the meantime the only answer that I can give you is that you are no longer human."

The two of us discussed late into the night as I began to recount more of my experiences to Alistair. I also didn't forget to mention that I had a distaste for food that included everything except for small portions of meat.

"Hmm, you said that you could tolerate the wine correct?," Alistair asked.

"Yes I could drink it with little problem, but I didn't really feel the effects of the alcohol.," I said with a little sadness. Though at least now I wouldn't become an alcoholic like so many other nobles stressed by running their territories.

"Well there are two things that need to be tested right away. First we need to know if you can survive off of the blood of animals. Second, if we can mix blood with wine to supplement your meals.," Alistair proposed.

I understood that my feeding habits became paramount in this conversation because they would need to be controlled. If I didn't control them then it was likely that I would hurt those closest to me.

"It is getting quite late and though I would love to delve more into this topic, I'm not sure about you, but I need to rest.," Alistair said as I could see the tiredness in his eyes grow as the night wore on.

We both agreed to continue the conversation at a later date and prepared to leave the office. Though there was still one more question that I wanted an answer to.

So I asked, "Alistair, before you go, there is something I would like to ask. If I'm no longer human then what am I?"

Alistair seemed to ponder for a moment and answered, "It's a combination of very old words, and generally translated it means 'one who thirst'. Given that your primary hunger is for blood the only name that I could bestow upon you and those like you is the name 'vampire'."

I felt as though that was the exact word to describe me. I didn't know why it was so appealing, but I couldn't help but mutter it to myself as I made my way back to my chambers. I wouldn't realize until Rose later mentioned it to me but a huge smile formed on my face when I heard that word.

I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter! If you liked it please leave a review and add it to your library. Sorry if it was a little shorter than normal. This chapter in particular was a little difficult to write. When I was researching how to exchavate in winter climates there were a lot of modern day options. The only solution I could find would be to pour boiling water to thaw the ground. Also this chapter has been hastily edited.

Thank you.

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