
Ye Yingrong

Douluo Continent

Eastsea City.

Eastsea Academy.

Fan Lin was sitting in his class waiting for the teacher to come. In fact, the whole class was waiting for the teacher to come.

After some time, a female teacher entered the class, went to the podium and looked at the entire Class 3.

"I'm the teacher in charge of class three, Ye Yingrong," she said, stressing her name in particular.

"The previous Class 3 students must know of me already but to the new students, I will teach you about combat training. I am a day late for my introduction as I couldn't meet you guys yesterday due to conflicting schedules."

Ye Yingrong cheerfully said to her students in the Class 3. Her smile made the students feel happy.

Ye Yingrong truly was a beauty. Her height exceeded 170 centimeters, her figure was superb, and her eyes were bright and full of spirit. Her rarely seen long, light green hair was tied in a ponytail and, with the addition of her fair skin, oval face, and cherry mouth, many would find it believable if they were told she was just an advanced academy student!

She had joined Eastsea Academy as a teacher at the age of 23 and was already a four ring Soul Ancestor.

It was something that even Wu Zhangkong considered excellent for her age.

Fan Lin looked at her and then thought of the triplets that were defeated in just some paragraphs in the original story.

'The triplets advanced to Class 1, I think.'

'But what do I do with this information? Couldn't there be something more?'


'Ahh, she a beautiful big sister that is the teacher of grade 2.'

'And how is this information helpful to me? I am not thinking of marriage for my son or something, I need concrete information to at least know what to not do in front of this teacher.'

Fan Lin thought a little and moved on because he came to a realisation that Ye Yingrong was a cannon fodder side character. Her contribution to the story wasn't much, meaning she couldn't change that many things in the story.

With that line of thought, Fan Lin relaxed and continued on with her class.

She gave a brief introduction about the things that will be thought in her class and about the things that she had thought in the past three months.

It was a brief 10 minutes of explanation in a cheerful story like manner that every student felt comfortable with.

'This woman knows how to teach.'

Fan Lin also nodded his head at times to indicate he was listening although he wasn't paying attention to anything she said.

His mind was in a deep thought about something crazy.

'Should I create a better energy serum, like another one but this time, I will use every bit of my knowledge and start from the scratch.'

'Since I already have experience from the last two Energy Serum failures, I could just use that to create one that won't have any backlash or sudden death by internal explosion or implosion.'

'I would need to experiment on more herbs and plants though, with Shi Hun gone and my contact with the informer/broker gone with him, ordering the things needed will be impossible since I don't even know what to order in the first place.'

'I would need to go on a search from place to place to learn and derive every single bit of usage of the flora those places offers, only in that way, I would have a rough idea of the ingredient composition and requirements for this new Energy Serum.'

'Or I can just ditch all that for now and just focus on my cultivation. I have the Blue Silver Grass martial soul and from what I know, this martial soul's cultivation speed drops as you reach higher stages.'

'Tang Ya is a really nice example of the tragedy as her innate 7 soul power wasn't able help her that much in cultivation after her third ring. She was a tragedy.'

[If you wanna know about her, either read DD2 or just go to fandom and search about her.]

'The difference between Blue Silver Grass and Blue Silver Emperor was something that could not be surmounted.'

'Blue Silver Emperor was a top(probably) Martial Soul.'

'Blue Silver Grass... let's not talk about that. It will hurt my heart to insult a beautiful plant and my limited future capabilities at the same time.'

Fan Lin was deep in thought while nodding at regular intervals.

Fan Lin didn't know.

About what?

Fan Lin wasn't a Soul Ancestor. Hence he didn't know about the sensing capabilities of a Soul Ancestor.

Ye Yingrong was cheerfully telling about the various battle scenarios and strategies that were used in the class promotion exams.

This was one of her ways to teach students as they had seen the practical use of the different strategies and combat scenarios in the Class Promotion exams already.

Now those memories would slowly repeat themselves in the minds of the students of Class 3 as they learn about how each strategy was made, implemented and achieved their purpose, or if they didn't.

All the students were thinking about her teachings with awe and wonder... Well not all the students as one was just nodding at regular intervals or when the other students exclaimed.

Ye Yingrong took notice of it as well. At first, she thought that the kid was just nodding at her statements or the strategies used by each class but when the kid started nodding at random stuff like the random jokes in between the strategies that she said to keep the joyful mood of the class, she began paying attention to Fan Lin aka the kid while going on with her lesson.

Soon she realised that although Fan Lin was nodding at regular intervals, he wasn't paying a single point of attention towards her class.

'To display such behaviour on the first day of the class! Such brashness!'

She slowly circled the class while teaching and stood behind Fan Lin.

The other students didn't even realise that their teacher was moving to punish a student.

They just thought her actions were like those storytellers that say their stories while moving a lot!

'He is Fan Lin from Class 5. Martial Soul Blue Silver Grass. Cultivation rank when he entered the academy was 10, current rank is 14. Hmm, must have worked hard if his cultivation has improved this much but that is not reason to not listen in the class.'

Ye Yingrong recalled Fan Lin's details from the students record book she was given.

She remembered Fan Lin as the other Blue Silver Grass kid in the Class 5 and it did surprise her a little to see two Blue Silver Grass kids from the same town.

"Fan Lin here will tell us about the battle strategy of Class 3 in Class Promotion exams."

'He must know about the last Promotion exams as it just happened two days ago, but what about Class 3's battle with Class 5.

It had ended quickly so trying to come up with an answer would be hard but she had just went over it in the class and if Fan Lin was paying attention, he might have heard about it as well.

The moment Fan Lin heard his name, he immediately stopped his thoughts and looked at the direction of the voice.

He saw the Class incharge of Class 3, Ye Yingrong looking at him with a cute and harmless smile.

The others were also looking at him with a single thought in their minds.

'The teacher's gonna take a random questionnaire!'

Fan Lin took a moment to process Ye Yingrong's words.

He heard about Class 3 and strategy so he asked a question instead.

"Class 3's strategy?"

"Yeah, Class 3's strategy in the last Class Promotion exams."

Ye Yingrong replied with a smile.

"Oh. Well isn't it about those triplets that got out in a minute as Class 5 used improvisation during the match. Yeah, they got done in an instant."

Fan Lin answered confidently.

Ye Yingrong looked at Fan Lin, her smile just a little bit strained.

''A simple answer would be aerial superiority and I asked about Class 3 not Class 5 but good job noticing that Class 5 used improvisation during the battle. Pay attention in the class okay😊."

Ye Yingrong said politely. Fan Lin's statement hurt her a little as SHE was the one who taught Class 3's candidates!

Who knew that the Class 5 would win so easily against them.


Fan Lin replied and kept looking at her.

Ye Yingrong also looked at him and then continued teaching. She wasn't a petty person but she did held grudges.

'It's just that I can't find a suitable punishment for this kid without disrupting the joyful atmosphere in the class. I will punish him in the next class."

Ye Yingrong kept her cheerful smile and returned to the podium while explaining about the different class systems and group combat combinations in detail.

'She is a good teacher.'

Fan Lin thought as she listened to her.

'But I know about the different class systems already. I was also this close to getting a new composition from the materials that I possess.'

'Should I began thinking about it from the beginning again? But I shouldn't get caught a second time, that would leave a bad impression on the teacher.'

'Despite the fact that she looks gullible, woman are irrational when they are mad.'

'I should just write everything since I know most of what she is going to speak anyway. That way, I can say that I was paying attention, I can even score some topper points for taking notes as well. She won't ask a person twice.'

Fan Lin immediately began writing all the things she was teaching and stuff that she was going to teach in his rough notebook and went into complete calmness, free from any disturbances.

From the outside, he was facing his notebook and seemed to be reading but he wasn't.

His eyes turned completely devoid of any semblance of emotions. So did his face, he could even pass as a mannequin if someone dropped him at the clothing store.

Ye Yingrong continued on teaching and some time later, her eyes went to Fan Lin who once again wasn't paying attention to her class.

She looked at his notebook that was filled with the topic that she was explaining to the students and her anger towards Fan Lin rose.

The notes weren't in the order that she explained, some of it weren't even explained by her yet.

'Is he trying to say that he doesn't need to pay attention since he already knows this topic?!'

'Not only is he not paying attention, he even dared to do it twice, even when I said not to!'

'Does he think that my classes are nothing just because he knows a few things from the outside?'

'How dare he!'

As her image of Fan Lin dwindled while her anger rose, her face didn't change from her joyful and cheerful smile as she finished her class professionally.

Not a single student realised the change in he emotions that she had in the class.

As for Fan Lin, he woke up from his thoughts the moment the class ended and went to his other class for the day.

All in the watchful eyes of Ye Yingrong.

'Does he even realise that except for one subject, I am his teacher for all the subjects in Class 3?'

Ye Yingrong looked at Fan Lin as he exited the room.

'I need to know about this student from Teacher Wu. I can't think that Teacher Wu's student would be like that. Considering the rumours of the demon training and theory classes that he taught, his students should be quite docile in nature. So why wasn't he?"

'Can someone even dare to defy Teacher Wu's icy glare?'

Ye Yingrong went to the Teacher's area to see if Wu Zhangkong was free.

It was her free time on that day and she really wanted to know if Wu Zhangkong had taught Fan Lin.

He was the only Class 5 student in her class and that would mean that his cultivation growth and aptitude was deemed appropriate for Class 3.

She was going to spend her whole year with the Class 3 and she wanted to rule out the sore thumb as soon as she can to make the class more enjoyable for everyone.

What if others decided to copy Fan Lin?

What if others said that she was showing favouritism by not giving him any punishment?

What if Fan Lin's rude and neglecting behaviour spread to the whole class?

It was some of the possible scenario that she thought could happen.

And that's why, she wanted to know more and either try to fix Fan Lin's habit in a peaceful and joyful manner or it could be done the hard way as well.

'Being a teacher is a tough job, you have to show cruelty sometimes. It's all for the better future of Fan Lin.'

Ye Yingrong's passing thoughts as she went to the teacher's area.


If you want to know what the combat system classifications are, just let me know and I will post them in the trivia section.

I can't think of anything else for now.