
Stay true to yourself

Douluo Continent

Eastsea City.

Eastsea Academy.

The next morning.

Fan Lin stopped his cultivation and stretched his body. Despite cultivating for nearly 20 hours and not sleeping a wink, he was feeling refreshed and alive. Like the first night of his re-marriage.

Fan Lin went to the shower to bath. After bathing, he wore his regular school uniform and went to the venue of Class 5.

This was the second day of his school life in Eastsea Academy.

Today, Wu Zhangkong was wearing a pair of pants colored in grey, black and white, along with a white shirt. His attire's style was simple, but it accentuated his tall and slim figure.

By simply standing, his body emitted blasts of cold air, silencing the class effectively.

"Today officially marks the start of your classes. Most of your lessons will be taught by me. Stand up," Wu Zhangkong spoke with a cold attitude.

The whole class quickly jumped to their feet.

"Come with me!" Wu Zhangkong shoved both his hands into his pockets and walked out of the classroom, followed closely by the students. Being new at this, they lacked the concept of queuing up, which made it looked like a mess. However, nobody dared to speak aloud in front of this icily arrogant god and his powerful aura.

Wu Zhangkong brought the group of students to the field. "Line up in pairs, and stand properly."

Zhangkong spoke deeply, "For the first lesson today, you will be showing me your abilities. Thereafter, you will proceed into actual combat. I'll be the judge. Elimination will occur after a single loss. Show me your true colours!"

A girl raised her hand, "Teacher Wu, I am a Tool Soul Master, do I need to join in the actual combat?"

Wu Zhangkong answered the student icily, "In the battlefield, would your enemy spare you if you told them you were a Tool Soul Master? First group, prepare yourselves, we shall start from this end." He pointed towards Tang Wulin and Zhou Zhangxi's end.

'Why is the protagonist always the first?' Fan Lin couldn't help but think about it. Tang Wulin on the other hand was avoiding him like a plague. It was the same as when the other students avoided him when he broke the spine of that bully.

Wu Zhangkong commanded the students to form a circle around the competing duo.

"You may begin. No rules as to how you may defeat your opponent," Wu Zhangkong pointed out plainly, but his words were directed towards the entire student body as well.

Zhou Zhangxi roared loudly, wide-eyed. His soul ring appeared as a white circle beneath his feet, the ray of light instantly flowing upwards, following the contour of his body. In the same moment, his massive build grew in size, particularly the muscles in both his arms, which were visibly swelling up beneath his school uniform.

A little brown monkey appeared on his shoulder. It seemed to be his spirit soul, a ten year spirit soul.

First soul skill, Power Amplification!

Zhou Zhangxi took big strides in Tang Wulin's direction, producing a thundering 'dongdong' sound when he stopped on both of his feet. As a match to his massive build, there was his aggressive vigour.

A few long strides took him to Tang Wulin's side. With both his hands stretched in Tang Wulin's direction, he aimed at both Tang Wulin's shoulders at once.

Tang Wulin shot out both his fists at the same time, aiming towards both Zhou Zhangxi's hands.


Deng, deng, deng! The massively-built Zhou Zhangxi was forced backwards three steps before he managed to regain his balance.

With a big step forward, Tang Wulin threw a punch in Zhou Zhangxi's direction.

To counter Tang Wulin's punch, Zhou Zhangxi gritted his teeth and forced out all the strength within his body into the punch directed at Tang Wulin.


Zhou Zhangxi staggered backward continuously. He finally couldn't stabilize himself from the force and landed on his butt.

However, Tang Wulin stood grounded just like before, though his upper body swayed a bit.

'How could this be?' Zhou Zhangxi was at a loss. If one could say he'd been defeated during the match that day due to being careless, what about today? He'd released his martial soul and even utilized his soul skill, Power Amplification, yet Tang Wulin's strength still crushed his. It was simply unrivaled and had even forced him on his butt.

"Stop!" Wu Zhangkong commanded icily and pointed at Zhou Zhangxi. "You. Out."

If a Power System Battle Soul Master lost to their opponent in strength during a match, then there was no longer a need to continue the match.

"Why didn't you use your martial soul?" Wu Zhangkong eyed Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin answered, "He wanted to compete against me in strength."

Wu Zhangkong's expression turned frosty. "If he told you to eat shit, would you? Take on every match as if it were a battle. Winning that battle is your sole objective. Even a lion has to give its all to catch a rabbit. You can't allow even the slightest chance for your opponent to defeat you. You advance, wait for the next match."

Losers were kicked out and winners were reprimanded. The stress level of the students multiplied rapidly.

"Next match."

The second pair were Yun Xiao and Xie Xie, the two whom had stood closest to Tang Wulin and Zhou Zhangxi.

Yun Xiao, with a bitter face, begged Xie Xie to be easy with his actions. "Please be lenient with me! I'm just a support-type soul master. I can't endure much."

Xie Xie commented, "To each their own."


As soon as Wu Zhangkong announced this, Xie Xie dodged to the side. A yellow ring of light shone beneath his feet at almost the same time. His speed was unimaginably fast. His Light Dragon dagger had a bright golden glow coming from it and it neared Yun Xiao within a short span of time.

Right at that moment, a miracle appeared. The white glow flashed from Yun Xiao's body, making the students feel as if there were a flower of light before them. When Xie Xie ambitiously struck, his dagger met nothing but air.

Tang Wulin had fought twice with Xie Xie, and agreed to a third battle. Thus, he was focusing hard on this match. He realised that Yun Xiao had been holding something glimmering when Xie Xie had rushed towards him. In the blink of an eye, their positions swapped, and Xie Xie's attack failed.

However, Xie Xie's response was quick. When he realized that his opponent disappeared, he'd already shifted his Light Dragon Dagger backwards. It appeared that his arm had moved into an unbelievable position as if he were jointless. Light and shadow came together as if to protect his back.

Yun Xiao was quick enough to only use his soul skill once, but it was soon shrouded by Xie Xie's Light Dragon Dagger. In addition, Yun Xiao's soul skill didn't allow for continuous use.

Just as Yun Xiao was about to be sliced apart by the Light Dragon Dagger, a huge palm appeared and dragged him to the side.


Xie Xie turned around with the dagger at his chest. Though his actions were swift, there was no trace of panic. His small, handsome face was full of ice, causing the eyes of the girls in their class to shine.

"Not bad. You advance." Wu Zhangkong nodded towards Xie Xie before turning towards Yun Xiao. "You activated your soul skill at the precise time. However, you had underestimated the abilities of your opponent. You should have distanced yourself from him after activating your soul skill. When an Auxiliary System Battle Soul Master is restrained by an Agility System Battle Soul Master, you should find ways to strengthen your chances of survival."

"Yes. Thank you, teacher." Yun Xiao held a round disc in his hand which seemed to have many intricate lines on its surface. He listened to Wu Zhangkong's words.

Facts have proven that the Eastsea Academy's teachers had a unique vision when determining how the classes were sorted. After almost every match, the participants would be berated by Wu Zhangkong.

Of the 21 students, eight of them were Tool Soul Masters and were not equipped with any battle skills. Their capacity for assisting abilities were hopeless as well. Of all the Battle Soul Masters in class, three of them were close to the level of the trash martial soul, Bluesilver Grass.

Within these matches, there were even two Tool Soul Masters with no battle skills at all. They were merely pushing at each other within the duration of the match.

Although Wu Zhangkong had guessed that the caliber of the class as a whole was bad, he hadn't expected that it would be to this extent. If not for the free compulsory education, it would have been meaningless for the students within this class to continue their training. Reaching the rank 20 would be next to impossible.

From the current situation, only Xie Xie had caught Wu Zhangkong's eye within the mass of students.

"Second round starts. You and you. Both of you shall compete." Wu Zhangkong, with a severe-looking expression, pointed at Tang Wulin and a female student.

While Wu Zhangkong was observing the second round battles, Fan Lin was sitting in the midst of girls while staring at Wu Zhangkong.

As for his match status, he had already lost to the girl who claimed to be a tool master.

It was an insignificant battle where the tool martial soul girl rammed him in the head and he dropped to the ground.

'But really, if the authorities got to know that their child killer was defeated by a 9 year old girl. They would have committed suicide. They really would.'

Fan Lin thought while keeping his eyes on Wu Zhangkong; as for why he was amidst the girls? It was the only way to keep a lookout at Wu Zhangkong without him knowing because every single girl was currently staring at him.

'I have heard that you can get pregnant at the age of 12 without any physical strain in this world due to the stronger bodies of the soul masters. Does that make them hornier in their teens? A field that requires thorough research.'

Fan Lin was thinking about nonsensical things while looking at Wu Zhangkong except his stare was so intense that some girls were even making various stories. Some were even rooting for him in their minds as well except these were things that Fan Lin would never know.

Because if he does, then Fan Lin would not mind turning the school into a graveyard.

Soon the competition ended with the final battle between Tang Wulin and Xie Xie. Xie Xie won. After making sure that both the participants were safe and sound. Wu Zhangkong turned and faced the class. He spoke coolly, "The competition has ended and all of you have witnessed it. What are your feelings?"

"Rotten wood cannot be carved!" This Icily Arrogant Prince Charming answered his own question.

"It is no wonder why all of you have been sorted into class five, you are all a bunch of trash. However, even if you are all merely scrap iron, I will take pride in tempering all of you. As all of you would've seen from the previous match. What is Tang Wulin's martial soul? It is the widely-recognised trash martial soul, Bluesilver Grass. However, Tang Wulin has successfully made it all the way to the finals, and even almost won the final match."

"I was the winner, right?" Xie Xie grieved silently, why did it sound as if he lost the match?

Wu Zhangkong ignored him and continued. "He relied not only on his martial soul, but his body strength as well. Some say that physical power is useful in your current stage, but would be useless when everyone has upgraded their ranks and accumulated many soul skills.

"However, let me mention this; you are in no position to even think about accumulating many soul skills. You should first ask yourself, how many of you are able to reach the stage where you are able to possess a second soul skill? How many more can possess a greater number of soul skills? As you are in charge of your body, would you not think that having a strong physique is useful?

"Soul power is no longer the only criteria used to assess an individual's potential in becoming a Mecha Master. Possessing a powerful enough energy storage soul tool would allow ordinary people to become aMecha Master as well. However, a strong physique is the foundation of all Mecha Masters. Without a good body, you will not be able to withstand the strong impacts that exist within a mecha, nevermind the high intensity combat. Therefore, those with a weak martial soul should start your physical fitness training with me tomorrow. Physical training in the morning, then theory and knowledge class in the afternoon.

"This morning's class will end here. With regards to the competition earlier this morning, I want all of you to think about it. I will be teaching meditation for this afternoon's theory and knowledge class. Class dismissed!"

This speech was one of the longest speeches the Icily Arrogant Prince Charming had given during his capacity as their teacher, yet it didn't feel like a lecture. Rather, it was a mere statement of facts. Regardless of whether he was calling them trash or announcing the initiation of special training, his tone remained confident.

Fan Lin was looking at everything that was ensuing before him. Once the competition ended, he went with the queue of the students and returned to his room.

After watching Wu Zhangkong for the past few hours, Fan Lin came to a conclusion that Wu Zhangkong wasn't interested in him.

That look that he had the previous day must be either curiosity or just a misconception from Fan Lin's side.

Regardless of what it was, Fan Lin was relieved. Of all the poisons that he had made, none of them worked on people that are above Rank 50 Soul King. That was the limitations that he had and also the reason why he wanted to research the native flora of this world. As for his previous worlds poisons, he did thought of creating them but decided against it after feeling the changes in his mentality and the success of the plan.

He didn't need to use any of his poisons if he just followed the plan.

He decided recreating the higher level of toxins and poisons that he once made. Those that could destroy a city in minutes.

So until the time comes, he was going to lie low, for a good hunter is never perceived by its prey.

Fan Lin soon reached his dorm room and began to meditate. He didn't want to waste a single of his moment until he gets strong enough to maul Yun Ming.

He was not going to waste any of his precious time before that.

Two hours later.

Fan Lin chew some carrots that he personally grew and continued with the afternoon class.

The meditation method that Wu Zhangkong taught was obviously much more complicated than the meditation method that was taught at the elementary academy. However, the results had proven to be far better. Legends have it that this method originated from the continent's legendary Shrek Academy, and was a simplified version of their great meditation technique.

'Seems fishy.'

Under the pressured stare of Wu Zhangkong, the students' learning speed increased. They were able to grasp the basics of how to revolve their soul power within one afternoon.


In a small seafood restaurant in a corner of the Soul Master's association, the War God Temple officers were having a small meeting.

"So the reason why I have called all of you here is this. It is a weird purchasing order." The group leader of the current War God Temple envoy showed the copies of the ledger to his group mates.

Since he had gotten a general gist of the character and needs of the child-like killer aka Gloomy Forest. He knew that the killer must need ingredients that are hard to find.

And the best place to buy those hard to find ingredients would be the biggest black market shop and by luck, he was right. He did find a ledger that had an unusual order of 167 common herbs stated by their drawings and 13 spiritual herbs stated by their names.

He immediately contacted the headquarters and sent a copy of the ledger to them. After that he called all his junior the next day, which was today.

"So what are your views on this?" The group leader asked his juniors. He was waiting to get muffled faces to act cool when one of his junior exclaimed.

"Senior, I think you ducked up. Big time at that." The junior couldn't help but look at his senior in pity. The others were not able to understand what happened but they knew that the person who said that came from a prestigious pill ans apothecary making family.

"What do you mean?" The senior or the group leader, asked in disbelief. He felt that his analysis wasn't wrong.

The junior who spoke before looked at his senior and then at the contents of the ledger and then at his senior," Over 11 of the 13 spiritual herbs and a few of the common herbs are the ingredients for the energy overflowing pill. The same pill that is used to cure impotency."

"Many people are ashamed to order the ingredients directly so they often add other ingredients and common herbs to hide the fact that the ingredients are for the energy overflowing pill. And by the way, this pill recipe is a third class one as well. The chances of recieving backlash after using this pill is around 45% and–"

"I don't need to listen that much."

The junior was going to tell the whole history of the pill when his senior stopped him.

"So it means that it is the wrong one." The group leader asked.

"Yeah, it is." The junior replied.

"Oh duck!, I sent the recipe as a proof of my success to the headquarters. I am done. I am so done!" The group leader said with a hint of desperation and despair mixed in his words.

"At least you should have asked us before sending it to the headquarters senior. Well don't worry, the headquarters know about the fact that the child-like killer is extremely smart. We just need to say that we got toyed by him again and it will be over." The junior suggested.

"Your words make it look like the headquarters doesn't have any faith in us." The group leader said and calmed himself down.

"Since the main lead that I got turned out to be a false alarm, all of you go do your work, I will also scourge the black market to find other unusual records."

The group leader said and ordered some seafood for himself to eat. All the others also ordered their own dishes, ate it and left.

If only they had checked it once more, but who could change the history.


Night time

Fan Lin stopped his cultivation and got up from the floor of his dorm room. It was night time and he was feeling hungry.

He took out some carrots and tomatoes from his storage ring and began to eat it. These were what that he planted himself in the Glorybound City.

When he was eating his carrots, he took out the recipe for the energy overflowing pill. It was something that he took from the house of of the people he killed and acquired most of his poisons ingredients from. He found the recipe to be useful and hence took it.

When he went to the Black Market a few days ago, he knew that there could be ways to track him via his order so he mixed the ingredients from the energy overflowing pill into the order as well.

This was done to prevent two things, one was to ascertain the identity the actual ingredients that he needed and secondly to help him hide his main agenda that was the common herbs.

Only a few people in the soul masters world would pay that much sum to order common herbs and plants. It was uncommon and things that are not common are recorded.

He didn't want the recipe or the ingredients of the Half Energy serum to leak as it was a groundbreaking medicine if it succeeded.

"Some things should never be found out."

He chewed on the last piece of tomato and began his meditation once again.