
Night of the Blood - 2 / Gu Yue is calm

Douluo continent

Eastsea Academy.

10 hours ago.

Fan Lin came to his third class and saw the good teacher, Ye Yingrong again.

"Nice to meet again kids😊. I forgot to mention to the new students that I will teach you every subject except political history, although I guess most of you might probably know about it already. So, it's time for combat training."

Ye Yingrong said with a cheerful smile.

The Class 3s previous students all queue up in two lines, the others followed them, Fan Lin was among the others by the way.

"So let's start by recording your soul power as usual."

Ye Yingrong said while taking out a soul power measurement device.

The students of Class 3 went to have their soul power checked.

For them it was a usual practice, the other students didn't find it any odd as well, seemed like everyone has already experienced this in their previous classes.

Fan Lin was the only one surprised at the sudden soul power check-up. Wu Zhangkong never did that, not was it a part of the story that he read, or barely remembered in his case.

So as the students were having their soul power check-ups, some sighed, some acted surprised even though they gave the same test two days ago in the class shuffling and Fan Lin stared at them emotionlessly.

He just reached rank 15 the previous night and two days ago, he reached rank 14.

Thankfully, the soul power test in the class shuffle can't tell when he promoted.

"Fan Lin."

Ye Yingrong called his name and he went to the soul power measurement device and inputted his soul power.

"Rank... 15!"

'Four small ranks in three months!!'

Ye Yingrong said with surprise. She took a deep look at Fan Lin's face and composed herself.

"Good job. Xing shi."

She complimented Fan Lin and called the next person.

Fan Lin thought that it was an appreciation due to pity since he and Wulin had got them a lot in their past schooling and ignored her words.

Some time later. The soul power check-up was done and Ye Yingrong put the records in her storage soul device.

"Now how about we have a little bout to check your combat skills. You guys must be pretty excited since the Class promotion exams, right?😉"

Ye Yingrong literally winked at the students who shouted in excitement.

Fan Lin looked at them.

He still couldn't understand how can the 9 year olds be excited to bash each other until submission.

"Let's start with Fan Lin and Zhu Zhao then."

Ye Yingrong announced and the students looked at the people whose name was called.

Fan Lin looked at his teacher and slowly went towards the fighting area in the eyes of others.

Another girl, presumably Zhu Zhao, followed Fan Lin to the fighting area.

They both reached the centre of the ring and faced each other.

"Fan Lin, Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul, Rank 15 Spirit Master."

"Zhu Zhao, wandering Rabbit martial soul, rank 14 Spirit Master."

They both greeted each other and Fan Lin got knocked out with a single attack.

The whole area was silent for a second before they erupted in cheers for the girl.

Fan Lin also got up and saluted her. He then slowly left in the beffudled eyes of both Ye Yingrong and the girl that defeated him.

Fan Lin had enough practice in Wu Zhangkong's class that he can lose to anyone without arousing any suspicion about it.

He had lost 17 spars and not a single student found out that he lost on purpose. That's why when they knew that he was only that got in Class 3, the impact was something their childish ego couldn't take.

Wu Zhangkong knew about it though and had asked why Fan Lin never used his spirit skill, to which Fan Lin replied that his spirit skill wasn't a combat system spirit skill.

It was barely an auxiliary skill to begin with. Wu Zhangkong didn't believe him and asked for proof which Fan Lin did by showing his white spirit soul ability- Enhanced Digestion.

From that day, Wu Zhangkong never pushed Fan Lin for anything which later became a jealousy point for the Class 5 students.

So Fan Lin's lose wasn't something that uncommon.

"Like winning with this kids on a simple bout would gain me anything?"

Fan Lin once said before being knocked out by silver haired little girl.

So as Fan Lin was silently sitting on the side while deeply in thought of the new variant of Energy Serum, Ye Yingrong was looking at him while focusing on the matches.

She looked at the perfectly fine, spaced out Fan Lin.

'He dared to not pay attention to this class as well and he even faked his fight!'

Her image of Fan Lin dropped a lot once again.

Soon the combat classes ended and other classes started. All of which were taught by her and Fan Lin was spaced out throughout the day. If not for the fact that he got everything right and she didn't wanted to ruin the mood of the class, she would have taken some strict actions.

As for Fan Lin, he didn't care because he thought she was bullying him for his martial soul, something that he had both seen and faced in the Red mountain academy. Tang Wulin being the other victim.

By the time the last class ended, she looked coldly at Fan Lin as he left the classroom.

She took out her soul communicater and contacted her sister.

"Yeah, so what do I do with this kid who is spacing throughout the whole day?"

[... I told you before. SAY THE DAMN SUBJECT BEFORE YOU ASK ME ABOUT IT? And what happened?]

"I... Let's talk later tonight."

Ye Yingrong said and cut the call.

On the other side, Ye Yingluo looked at her soul communicater while nearly crushing it.


Half an hour later.

Ye Yingrong was standing outside the training area of Class Zero, waiting for them to finish their training.

'I should ask Tang Wulin about Fan Lin. Based on the activities of the various students, he was the only one who spaced out in every class, it's like the classes were important to him. I can't allow a student to have that kind of attitude, what if the others followed his behaviour?'

Ye Yingrong thought while waiting for the students of Class Zero.

Soon the training of the Class Zero ended and they came out with Wu Zhangkong.

"Teacher Wu, can I ask some questions from your students?"

Ye Yingrong said to Wu Zhangkong the moment he came out of the training area.

Wu Zhangkong looked at his students and they nodded in approval.

"They don't have any problems so ask. Is it about that kid?"

Wu Zhangkong said to Ye Yingrong in his icy cold voice.

"Yeah. Sorry to waste your time."

Ye Yingrong bowed a little to Wu Zhangkong and went towards Tang Wulin.

"Sorry, I just need to ask something from Tang Wulin."

Ye Yingrong once again apologized to the other students of Class Zero, who understanding the situation gave Tang Wulin and Ye Yingrong some space to talk privately.

"Do you need anything from me, Teacher Ye?"

Tang Wulin said politely to Ye Yingrong.

"I just wanted to ask about how Fan Lin behaved in the Redmoon academy?"

Tang Wulin's face turned severe as he asked Ye Yingrong.

"Did he broke someone's limbs again?"

Ye Yingrong became dumbstruck at his statement.

"Who? Fan Lin?"

She asked Tang Wulin in confusion, because the kid named Fan Lin in her class got defeated by a girl weaker than himself in a single blow. Although it was fake, but she couldn't imagine Fan Lin as a violent kid.

"Yeah him. Did he attack someone again?"

Tang Wulin said seriously.

"Again? Can you tell me about his past?"

Ye Yingrong asked again.

"I can. We went to the same school as he was from the Glorybound town. He had the same Martial Soul as me but his cultivation speed was slower than mine. He liked to be alone all the times so much that I had never heard him talk more than a few sentences in my whole time at the Glorybound town."

"Then one day, something happened and some student got injured, his mother said that he was the one who did that and the school punished him about it."

"Later on, he hit a little girl..."

Tang Wulin stayed silent for a second before continuing.

"He was once suspended for a month for something but the school never made it public. I have heard rumours that he broke the limbs of some seniors for unknown reasons."

Tang Wulin said to Ye Yingrong.

"What about the child killer? Didn't the Glorybound town was scared of it?"

She asked Tang Wulin about the infamous child killer that the whole Federation wanted.

"About that, I have never seen anyone in our town scared or afraid of the child killer. My mother said that it was a myth to scare children. The other adults said the same."

Tang Wulin said to Ye Yingrong.

"Thanks for the information."

"No need to thank me Teacher Ye."

Ye Yingrong thanked Wulin and went towards Gu Yue to know her thoughts on Fan Lin.

"None. We have no enmity or association with each other."

That was the reply Gu Yue gave to her. She was surprised by her cold behaviour towards a teacher like her.

Ye Yingrong thanked Wu Zhangkong and left the place. Her mind couldn't connect the spaced out, emotionless Fan Lin to the violent limb breaking maniac that Wulin described.

[Did he?]

She really needed to talk with her sister on how to handle a student like Fan Lin, the only problem student in her class.


Fan Lin, on the other hand left the Eastsea Academy to get some fresh vegetables for him to eat.

"Let's halve the amount of food from yesterday. This should be enough for cultivation."

Although Fan Lin agreed on slowing down his cultivation to one small rank a week but that had a small problem in the long term.

His Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul was called the trashiest martial soul for a reason and the reason being that the cultivation speed of the Blue Silver Grass slowed down by a huge margin with every single rank upgrade.

Let's say that he kept advancing at his current pace of one small rank per week, then he would be Rank 20 in five weeks ( Hypothetical scenario, reality could be different)

The moment he gets his second Spirit ring or spirit soul, his cultivation speed will drop by a margin of 40-60%.

This wasn't him saying it, it was the 20,000 years of intensive research on the Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul that was done due to the popularity of a Certain Tang Sect founder, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul.

Shi Hun gave the journal to him before leaving and it contained the information on his Martial Soul Blue Silver Grass.

Fan Lin spent the whole night reading it and came up with the sick plan of using food to increase his cultivation. This was the only thing he could do to prevent his speed from dropping.

He just had around seven months and he had to be above rank 25 Soul Grandmaster to enter Shrek.

If his cultivation speed dropped 50 percentage and with the increased difficulty of cultivation in higher ranks, he might take months to advance a single rank.

For those that thought it was a joke. They remembered the case of Tang Ya, awakened with rank 7 innate soul power and still took 8 to 10 years to reach Rank 30 Spirit Elder.

The cultivation speed of an innate rank 7 and innate rank 2 was like Mt. Everest and Mariana trench. (Heaven and Earth for those who don't know about Mt. Everest or Mariana trench.)

So even though his incomplete Energy body had increased his cultivation speed, having it halved at each rank upgrade would make it useless in the future.

He had to find ways to increase his cultivation speed as he progresses his cultivation or he would be the next Tang Ya except he didn't had a lover or friends to help him.

One way was to eat and exercise, which he put on a hold the previous night.

As for others, he couldn't think of anything else except the Energy Serum and that's why he spent his whole day in trying to find a better variation to the Energy Serum.

He failed at that so now he was in the forest taking out his clothes and preparing his body for the intense torture he was going to have.

8 hours later.

Fan Lin layed in a pool of his blood, his body still healing at different places.

"So halving the amount of food just reduces the implosion timing by 50 percentage. From an hour to 30 minutes.

He weakly said while looking at the shades of moonlight peering through the dense canopy of the trees.

"By that logic, wouldn't I face no implosion if I reduced the amount of food to zero!"

Fan Lin deeply sighed and flapped his legs in the blood pool.

"Still need time to recover my legs."

He weakly said while checking his nearly torn apart lower body.

"Thankfully I am still alive but for how long? The implosions were intenser than yesterday. Are the implosions increasing in force or is my body unable to take too many damages continuously for two days? If it's like that, then using masochism to increase my rank won't be possible since it will be just depleting the potential of this body for faster gains, aka using poison to quench the thirst and creating weakness in body that could be exploited by others or what many called as internal injuries. My lifespan is also reducing with each healing."

"It wouldn't matter now but at a later time, this will either destroy everything I have achieved or leave me crippled cuz even this incomplete Energy body has its limits on the amount of times it can heal, I just don't know how many times though? Further testing needed."

"At the least, I now have an idea of how to proceed. I need to make my physique stronger, that way I can do far more strenuous activities, which in turn will deplete my excess energy as a faster rate and I would be able to reduce the implosions or maybe even stop the implosions for once and for all."

"I should increase my daily workout, if I can call that, by the time my physical capabilities are at least five times better than my current body, I may be able to stop the implosions."

"For now, I should not use my first spirit skill/ability for the meantime and I need to reduce my food intake as well. That should not cause any energy explosion."

"Considering my energy body has the passive ability of always keeping my body in the optimal state, I don't have to worry about muscle straining or losing my muscles if I stopped exercising."

"I should add a maximum state in the new Energy Serum as well, that way, I will always have the passive optimization through the optimal state and sudden shift to be battle scenarios from the maximum state. I should combine and create better effect for the newer Energy body where my body could always be in the peak condition all the times, having the passive of peak optimization and peak adaptable state in relation to my physique."

"I did add them to Chunnibyou's strengthening serum but adding that into the Energy Serum will be nigh impossible."

"Although doable but I would need around three to four years to do that. So that's not effective in my present case and I don't want to bet my life of physical combat."

"If only I can explore the various areas of this world, I can expand my knowledge and then it would be possible to create them, easily at that."

"I should focus on now, my cultivation... I currently have no way of increasing it anymore without suffering from the backlash. I should be just content with what I have then. I will think about the future in the future, that's two months later when I meet the handler and Shi Hun again."

Fan Lin thought out loud while checking his legs once again.

"Completely healed."

He got out of the blood pool made out of his blood and went towards his storage ring.

"I should buy a bucket to wash the bloodied body the next time it happens."

"I should also add some soap and loose clo-"

As Fan Lin was turning to erase the blood pool to completely rid of any evidence while self talking to himself, he saw a figure that made him blank out for a second.

'What are you doing here?' is what Fan Lin wanted to say.

"Don't run, don't scream." Is what he said to Gu Yue who stood at a distance away from the area that Fan Lin was in.

"I can explain. It's definitely not what you think."

Fan Lin said while moving towards Gu Yue. His body drenched and dripping with blood with each step of his, while a pool of blood layed just near him.

Gu Yue silently looked at him. Fan Lin came in front of her and immediately caught her by her chin while putting something in her mouth.

Gu Yue lost her consciousness and fell down on the ground because Fan Lin had released her by then

''What is she doing here?"

Fan Lin thought as he immediately took his poison suitcase and found a green coloured poison.

'From the Eastsea Park's entrance till here takes around 28 minutes by walking, 5 minutes if you run and the fact that I didn't see her when I left the pool, it isn't that long when she first saw me then, but she could've been hiding as well.'

'Let's erase half an hour of her memory then.'

'She is an important character and her losing any important plot point would be disastrous for Wulin.'

Fan Lin took out a clean cloth and wiped his hands and Gu Yue's face with it.

He opened her mouth again and dropped a few drops of the green liquid.

The green liquid was a memory erasing poison while the one that he gave her before was a really strong sleeping poison, a drop of it was enough to put a whole town to sleep till their deaths.

It even worked on rank 60 Spirit Emperors. Shi Hun was the test first test subject for it.

Fan Lin checked if Gu Yue was properly unconscious and looked at the surroundings.

'Need to take care of everything here.'

He took out various vials from his suitcase and threw it into the area. The vials disintegrated into various smoke clouds that filled the area.

In a blink of an eye, all the blood disintegrated, the destroyed grass and trees recovered to their original forms and the area looked more lush and filled with life than the surroundings.

He put the green coloured liquid back into the suitcase and put the suitcase back into the storage ring.

'I should have created a diluted version of the Blood vanquisher and I could have used it on myself.'

'Using the actual one on me will just leave a dried up husk.'

"The normal way then, Fan Lin took out a few shirts and use them to wipe the blood from his body. He changed into a cleaned set of clothes and looked at Gu Yue.

'Why do I just have a single handkerchief with me?'

"What to do with her? Let's take her to the academy, cuz leaving her here isn't appropriate (and I don't know if something might happen to her)"

Fan Lin grabbed Gu Yue's foot and started to drag her towards the entrance of the Eastsea Park.

30 minutes later, he reached the park and carried her on his shoulders when he saw the guards.

"Wait, what are you doing to that girl?"

The guard obviously stopped Fan Lin and asked about the stuff on his shoulder aka Gu Yue.

"I found her fainted in the Park so I am taking her to the academy nurse. She is a student of the Eastsea Academy, so am I. Here."

Fan Lin showed the guard his Eastsea Academy ID card.


"Let them go, he is a regular in the park and he doesn't leave till the morning, he's leaving now must be because of her."

Another senior guard said to the first guard. It was the guard that Fan Lin bribed for night time permission in the beginning of the school term.

The first guard reluctantly allowed Fan Lin to exit the park and looked at his senior.

"But his clothes are different, he was wearing another set of clothes when he came and he was alone."

The another guard listened to his junior and thought for a minute,

"You go and check with the school."

He said to his junior who left in a hurry. He may take some bribes to allow the children in for some fun and training but he wasn't a bad person, just a little greedy but not a bad person.

On the other hand, Fan Lin rushed to the Eastsea Academy, showed his ID card and Gu Yue's face to the school guards and entered the school.

The guards knew of Gu Yue's face more than Fan Lin who regularly left for night-outs and immediately informed the infirmary about her while asking Fan Lin to deliver her to the infirmary.

Fan Lin looked at them and carried Gu Yue towards the infirmary, after a distance away, he gently dropped Gu Yue and began dragging her by her foot.

As Fan Lin was just 500 m away from the school nurse. He heard a voice that he had been vehemently avoiding due to Gu Yue.

"What are you doing to her?!!?"

Tang Wulin screamed while running towards Fan Lin.

"I found her unconscious (conscious) in the Eastsea park and am taking her to the school nurse."

Fan Lin said to the dashing Tang Wulin who reached him before his sentenced finished.

"How can I believe you?"

Tang Wulin asked seriously.

"Ask the guards or the teacher when she checks her. She has been unconscious for a while."

Fan Lin calmly replied.

"... Okay but why are you dragging her like that?"

Tang Wulin said with confusion. He didn't like Fan Lin but he knew he can believe him.

"I don't want to leave any traces of my fingerprints on her upper body nor do I want to touch her."

Fan Lin said with Gu Yue's foot still in his hand.

"Just like you didn't like any meat in your food?"

Tang Wulin asked.


"Then let me carry her, dragging her like that may cause her head to hit something."

Tang Wulin offered while looking at Gu Yue.

"Okay, you carry her."

Fan Lin said while releasing Gu Yue's foot, causing it to fall on the ground.

Tang Wulin carried Gu Yue on his back and asked for the direction of the infirmary.

"Just 500m away. Let's go."

Fan Lin said and Tang Wulin followed beside him.

"How does she became unconscious?"

Tang Wulin asked.

"Don't know, it could be anemia or just that time of the month."

Fan Lin nonchalantly stated.

"What time of the month? What's anemia as well?"

Tang Wulin asked, he still didn't know about these kinds of stuff.

"Anemia is just a weakness caused by the deficiency of iron. That time of the month is, just a time of weakness for the girls. Ask Wu Zhangkong to teach you about it in detail later."

Fan Lin emotionlessly remarked. He didn't know how to explain that stuff to a nine year old, neither was he going to. That's too young. Though neither Tang Wulin not Fan Lin looked like 9 year olds to began with.

Anyone can easily mistake them for 13-14 year olds.

"That's Teacher Wu for you and I will ask him later."

Tang Wulin reprimanded Fan Lin.

"What are you doing here at this time of the night?" [Fan Lin]

"I needed to go to the Blacksmith Association today but the classes ended too late and I was late for the association, which caused me to be late to return. What about you? Still doing your night strolls?" [Tang Wulin]

Tang Wulin said with a smirk.

"Just practicing in the Eastsea Park." [Fan Lin]

"Ohh. I thought you haven't changed since Teacher Ye came to ask about you." [Tang Wulin]

Tang Wulin said and looked at the infirmary in the distance.

"Ye Ringrong did?" [Fan Lin]

Fan Lin said, confused at the situation. He didn't remember doing anything to stand out, he even lost the fight and answered everything correctly in the class as well.

'Should I have answered some things incorrectly?'

As Fan Lin was going into deep thought, Tang Wulin's reprimanding voice came once again.

"It's Ye Yingrong and Teacher Ye for you. You never change, do you?" [Tang Wulin]

Tang Wulin loudly exclaimed.

"By the way, what was she doing in the Eastsea Park?" [Tang Wulin]

Tang Wulin asked Fan Lin.

"Extra curricular activities maybe, how would I know? I just found her." [Fan Lin]

"You really like to venture at night."

Tang Wulin said to Fan Lin.

"Did your sister tell you that? I thought she left you"

Fan Lin calmly replied.

"Don't you dare badmouth her."

Tang Wulin angrily said.

"I didn't badmouth her and what would you do? Forget the last time when I broke your legs, although weirdly, you were able to walk the next day."

Fan Lin's voice turned completely emotionless, making Tang Wulin remember some bad memories.

"I am not the same as I was then."

Tang Wulin said with determination in his eyes.

"At that time, I told you that your sister was at the fault for annoying me. There are a few things that I hate and she did just that."

Fan Lin continued to speak.

"She was just a little girl at that time, okay? and she didn't know about it. She was just trying to make you happy because you treated her well."

Tang Wulin defended his sister.

"A person's ignorance can't be used as a justification for the things that they did. It was never about whether she knew or not, it's about did she dared to feed me meat or not. You know the answer and I had told her that I don't eat flesh.."

Fan Lin said to Tang Wulin.

"You just said a single sentence- I don't eat flesh of living, breathing things. She misunderstood it as you not eating a living chicken but a cooked one and what did you do? You dared to ruthlessly punch her in the gut."

Tang Wulin said while throwing a punch at Fan Lin with all his strength. Fan Lin immediately put Gu Yue in front of him while ducking down.

Tang Wulin immediately tried to hold his strength when he saw that his punch was going to hit Gu Yue but he was a few moments late as Gu Yue was punched directly on the side of her face, throwing her nearly 8 metres away from them.

"See, you get angry at the fact that I punched your sister in the past, that same exact anger came to me when she nearly made me eat that chicken."

Fan Lin continued.

"Just like you treasure your sister, I also have some things that I treasure, some promises that I don't want to break. Some taboos that no one should cross. she did that and it's precisely because I realised that she didn't do that intentionally that I stopped at just that."

"You! Bastard!"

Tang Wulin roared and came to punch him again. He really loved his sister and he would not allow anyone to bully her.

Fan Lin easily dodged the angry Tang Wulin and kicked him in the direction of Gu Yue.

Tang Wulin may have been taking combat classes from a teacher like Wu Zhangkong but he still wasn't a match for Fan Lin cuz Fan Lin lacked knowledge on how to fight like a Soul/Spirit Master.

As for hand to hand fighting, he was a previous member of a shady organization that was filled of people who like tear people apart. Fan Lin didn't lack that.

Adding to the fact that Tang Wulin lost nearly all of his combat training experience in his anger and just rushed at Fan Lin like a mad bull, the result was obvious be it the current scenario or the beating an year ago.

Fan Lin slowly went near Gu Yue as in their bickerings, they nearly forgot about her.

'She is an part of the protagonist group, won't die that easily.'

Fan Lin thought as he checked her pulse and fed her the antidote of the sleeping poison. It would have been quite suspicious if she didn't woke up after getting punched on her face.

Tang Wulin, who just got up and was ready to attack stopped himself as he remembered the situation.

He was going to bring Gu Yue to the infirmary not hurt her.

"What are you doing with her mouth?"

He asked as he saw Fan Lin peering through her mouth.

"Checking for internal injuries, she got hit by you, weirdly enough, not that much injury was inflicted but..."

"You have your fingerprints on her thighs, I have my fingerprints on her arms(while placing her in front of him) and her clothes are dishevelled while her face has an injury. Things just got a lot serious for us. From first sight and this looks like an assault case."

Fan Lin said to Wulin in his calm voice.

"What do you mean?"

Tang Wulin asked Fan Lin.

"Nothing, take her to the nurse."

Fan Lin looked at Gu Yue seriously.

It was at this moment that a thought came to his mind.

He didn't know how the people of the Douluo continent check periods.

He never learnt it for obvious reasons. He never needed to.

So he had no knowledge on it.

Now he had told Wulin and the others that he found her unconscious, that wasn't suspicious enough to warrant a lookout on him but that and this were two different scenarios.

When he said the he had found Gu Yue unconscious, she just had drag marks on her clothes; On the other hand, Gu Yue now had a punch mark on her face with their fingerprints on some sus places on her body.

Now if the teacher of Class Zero aka the Chilling Prince Charming Wu Zhangkong were to be suspicious and asked for the nurse to check for any kind of 'those' types of injuries.

THAT would be a no no situation for Fan Lin.

Because when the nurse checks for any signs of bleedings or injuries on Gu Yue and founds blood on not her but on Fan Lin's lower body...

'That would be impossible to explain.'

'I was training in the forest and got an injury, the blood is from there,'

Except there was no injury as it had healed.

There was no proof of his training because he erased it himself a few minutes ago.

As for the main question of what the heck was he doing outside the school at night, Fan Lin just couldn't say he bribed the doorman to go out at night to meditate in the forest.

He could... but that wouldn't change anything.

Now onto the current situation, as Fan Lin was thinking of this scenario in his mind, Wulin came near him.

"Did you do something? Is that why you are asking me to take her to the nurse?"

Wulin asked as he picked up Gu Yue from the ground and onto his shoulders.

"You have the face of innocence, I don't and I am just overthinking."

Fan Lin got up from the ground and said. His plan was for Wulin to take Gu Yue to the nurse while he would go to his dorm to wash up any signs of blood, if he had any.

He knew that it was suspicious but did he have a choice.

'I could be just paranoid.'

Just as he was turning backwards, he saw a fountain just below the infirmary.

"Take her to the infirmary fast, I will meet you in a few moments."

Fan Lin said while tapping Wulin on the shoulder.

Tang Wulin looked at him and towards the infirmary that Fan Lin was staring at.

Fan Lin started walking towards the infirmary, or to be more precise the fountain.

"What are you planning?"

Tang Wulin said while catching up to him. He put the revenge of the sister on the back of his mind. Now wasn't the time for that as Fan Lin's sudden change in interest made him wary about something.


Fan Lin calmly replied.

"You don't change your mind easily, what is it now?"

Tang Wulin pressed on with his words.


Fan Lin repeated his reply.

"Okay then why were you running away just now?"

Tang Wulin asked, both of them steadily moving towards the infirmary.

"Look here Wulin, you don't have the face of a criminal or pervert and let's not talk about me."

"Just think, two guys, one dishelleved beaten up girl who's unconscious; in the middle of night. What would be your first thought if you encounter a situation like this?"

Fan Lin calmly said.

"... The two guys did something to the girl, but we didn't, I mean we did but..."

Tang Wulin tried to answer but failed. The situation was that weird. They did harmed Gu Yue on there way to the infirmary but that wasn't intentional.

"Now listen, one of them doesn't seem like the culprit, then wanna guess who will be branded as the culprit? I will be, even though you did the deed."

"So take her to the infirmary and explain the situation to the nurse. Your words will hold more weight than mine."

Fan Lin said, the fountain just a distance away from him.

"Well I was going to do that anyways and you still have your inferiority complex about your face, I never thought you would still hold onto it."

Tang Wulin seriously said. Fan Lin stopped in his tracks and looked at him in confusion.

"Kid, I was just stating a fact and when I said that your words would hold more weight than mine, I meant your title as a student of Class Zero and winner of the Grade 1 Class promotion exams, not your face, that was just an example of the feeble nature of humans."

"Plus I was sure that Wu Zhangkong will help you in that. You are his student."

Fan Lin said and went near the fountain.

"It's teacher Wu for you and we are the same ag-- What are you doing?"

Tang Wulin asked as he saw Fan Lin jumping in the fountain and washing himself heavily in the water.

Fan Lin didn't answer and Tang Wulin went near to check on him.

He still had no idea on what Fan Lin was thinking.

Fan Lin on the other hand was flailing his legs as much as he can in the fountain water. He wanted to leave all the signs of blood on him.

He was flailing so hard that Tang Wulin was now worried that his words might have MENTALLY hurt Fan Lin.

30 seconds later.

"I was just washing myself clean because I felt dirty."

Fan Lin said while coming out of the water.

He was sure that he was fully clean now.

"I didn't ask" [Wulin]

"Why are you still here? Go take her to the infirmary."

Fan Lin said to Tang Wulin who put his hand on his forehead.

"What the heck is wrong with you? What dirty?"

"Ignore that and let's take her to the building."

Fan Lin urged Tang Wulin to follow him to the infirmary.

"Wait a second, by dirty, you meant when you held Gu Yue."

Tang Wulin said with anger once again rising in him.

"I never said that and yeah I was repulsed by the thought of holding her close to me but that was due to the fact that I didn't want any rumours to occur if someone saw us like that and I don't like her."

"Then why did you wash up in the fountain?"

"Because I was dirty."

"You didn't look like dirty to me though."

"It's my body, I will decide if I am dirty or not. Now explain properly."

In the meantime that Fan Lin and Tang Wulin were having another small argument, they reached the infirmary and Fan Lin looked at Wulin to take the first steps.

'I should have just meditated like I normally did.'

Fan Lin regretted as he entered the infirmary.

He really wanted to avoid the protagonist group due to this type of stupid scenarios.

He could mess with the whole world but he had to leave the protagonist group to their premises or he would have to take care of the problems that only the Protagonist group could solve.

It was the one to one personal problems that was created by the author for the Protagonist group to solve and Fan Lin knew that even if the whole world had far more geniuses before the protagonist group, only the Protagonist group could, would and will solve it.

That's their destiny and also a power boosting stage.

This was one of the reasons why he wanted to avoid the protagonists.

The other being that he didn't care about them. They were just stupid kids who hadn't even seen the world properly.

They were worthless to him, and he wasn't a sociopath that would take the opportunities of little kids.

Now he was in the middle of the event with two members of the protagonist group and his actions might change the plot.

'Today is the unluckiest day of my life.'

Fan Lin thought.

Unbeknownst to him that it was the luckiest day of his life as... Gu Yue was hearing everything while playing dead.

Fan Lin did gave Gu Yue a really strong toxin but Fan Lin didn't know exactly what Gu Yue was.

He had no idea that his poison wasn't properly effective against her.

And in context with how Fan Lin treated her on his way till the infirmary, he would have died a thousand times if not for the fact that Gu Yue had a mental fortitude of a Dragon.

'Not one, not twice but three whole times.'

First when Fan Lin fed her the toxin forcefully.

Second when he dragged her by her foot and lastly when Tang Wulin punched her straight on the face.

At that time, both Tang Wulin (actual protagonist) and Fan Lin (Fan-fic protagonist) would have died, ending both the books, Gu Yue was just so enraged that she would have not cared about anything at that point.

Fan Lin still haven't realised just how lucky he was to survive his night and he never will. No one would tell him that the most dangerous event of his life was when he faced against Gu Yue and he survived. Without even a single injury or mental trauma at that. Heck, he didn't even know about it.

So if you look at the situation from a different perspective, the True MVP of the night wasn't Fan Lin who unknowingly survived the strongest soul beast the half the silver dragon - Gu Yue, three times at that.

Nor it would be Tang Wulin who put his anger and rage for Fan Lin aside to help his classmate and also survived.

It was Gu Yue.

She was not just forcefully touched by a unknown person of a different gender with bloody hands, she was also fed a weird toxin that immediately took control over her body with the same bloodied hands of Fan Lin. (She did cleanse her body in a second but it counts.)

If not for the fact that she was wholly interested in Fan Lin's restoration of the area, she would have choked him to death by her own hands.

She then heard Fan Lin mumbling things while restoring the area but couldn't even fathom what happened before she was fed something once again by the dirty hands of Fan Lin and when she tried to focus again, the area was recovered but then he dragged her by the foot.


Fan Lin had at least enough courtesy that he didn't choose the paved stone path but the grassy one while dragging her but that didn't matter.

Then he changed her position two times in front of the guards and then he dragged her to the infirmary again.

And then... as she was listening to their conversations and realised that Fan Lin and Tang Wulin had a connection, also explaining why Fan Lin regularly glanced at Wulin, she was suddenly yanked by Fan Lin and punched by Tang Wulin.

The sheer force of the punch threw her 8 metres away and what did they do, they started arguing, completely ignoring her existence as her body laid on the ground in a messy state like an abandoned doll.

If not for the fact that her mental fortitude was better than many adults, and she had to play dead, she would have buried them then and there.

So as she witnessed(sensed) the small argument that they had and then once again was force fed something that re-energised her whole body... Again by the hands of Fan Lin, this time they were clean though.

Yet she was unable to fathom it, unable to fathom what was she fed or how did it work? Or exactly what the heck did he want?

From his and Tang Wulin's initial conversation she noticed three things.

Didn't eat meat (hated it)

Had hurt Wulin before!

Was a human.

And that didn't help.

She had no idea on exactly what Fan Lin was capable off or what did he wanted. A normal child would not be so calm while bathed in blood, nor would he be bathed in blood.

She didn't know anything about him and now she needed answers. She can't let anything unknown near Tang Wulin. He was her prey.

He could be a thorn in her path and she can't let him grow into a danger for her or her goals.

'What was he doing in the forest?'

She thought as the nurse came to check on her.

'What did he say? Yeah, I was found unconscious in the Eastsea Park.' What should I say? I know.'

Gu Yue thought as she opened her eyes as the nurse was going to check on her.

"What are you doing?"

Gu Yue calmly said to the nurse who was going to check her face for the punch mark.

"You are awake! Good. Let me call your teacher."

The nurse, a little perturbed by the icy cold eyes of Gu Yue went to inform Wu Zhangkong.

She felt scared.

Gu Yue on the other hand silently got up from the bed. Her eyes cold with with anger, she wanted vengeance and she will have it.