
Imagine you and me [Part 1]

Douluo Continent

Shrek City

Spirit Pagoda Headquarters

"What is the purpose of all the grass and leaves?"

Gu Yue asked while pointing at the heaps of grass and leaves that filled his room. It was her fifth week in Fan Lin's tutelage and whenever she came, his room was always filled with leaves and grass and that too fresh leaves and grass.

"Just for some mundane creation."

Fan Lin answered indifferently. He had been teaching Gu Yue for the past weeks and this was the first time she asked that even though she had seen for many times.

"I will come later on." [Gu Yue]

She said to him. No matter how reluctant she was to be facing Fan Lin outside their cooperation, even she had to agree that Fan Lin deserved his rank 7 Mecha Designer rank. He was exceptionally good at creating fast and efficient designs without any failures.

After Fan Lin showed her his designs, she began to use those designs to observe the nature of Fan Lin since she found some similarity between his behaviour and his designs.

His designs were like punishments, or a deadly trap to be a more coherent wording, it felt like they were specially made to bound someone and trap or immobilize while slowly draining the life out of them.

This fact clearly showed in his soul power circuits and various other designs as his circuit designs seem to connect the machinery's (Battle Armor and Mecha) power supply directly to the soul power of the Spirit Master.

It was the same as drilling a hole into a tank and connecting it to a glass.

No matter how much you empty the glass, till the time the tank had the water supply, the glass will be full.

The same annotation as a person caught in a deadly trap. No matter how much he struggles or bleed, his body will do its all to keep him alive until it finally ends up of fuel aka blood or energy (as in the energy gained through food. Normal human energy that is required for everyday life else we die due to weakness)

Or in Fan Lin's case, it was how he had blackmailed her into being his puppet and she had no choice but to agree due to her need to keep Fan Lin alive.

Once he found something useful, he would get it, use it however he liked and leave after he was done.

Take Shrek as an example. He came with all motivation, stayed until he find a better alternative, found one and then left Shrek without any hesitations.

Although leaving Shrek also involved the fact that it was going to be destroyed someday but she didn't know that.

'He did the same with me as well. When he needed me, he came to me and talked nicely, the moment I wasn't needed, he even stopped calling me.'

He was like quicksand, you won't die by being buried in it but rather slowly but surely starve to death you would be stuck in it with no one there to help you.

"Let me escort you. I am going to my shop to deliver the shipments as well.

Fan Lin said while following Gu Yue who was leaving.


Gu Yue just nodded her head and they both took a cab to the Shrek.

"Can I ask what inspired you for your Mecha Designs? They are QUITE unique."

Gu Yue asked him to pass the time in the two hour cab ride. Fan Lin looked at her and then onto the passing by scenery.

"Imagine you are in a forest filled with animals and you want to lay a trap."

"A forest changes everyday, every second, every season and every year. The forest is ever-changing. If you want to lay a trap, you have memorize the location of the all the animals, trees, plants and leaves; you have to know how each animal behaved, what they eat, what path they choose normally, what path would they choose if there was a variable in their usual path, and to how becoming victim of the trap yourself."

"You have to know where the wind blows, where the nearby water sources were and what path do the children and your side of people would take. You have to know all of it. Only then you can lay a trap."

"Now just input the same complexity in the Mecha Designing, consider each part of a Mecha or a Battle Armor as a landmark or item and construct a simple relation diagram in your head. The rest is just filling in the blanks."

Fan Lin slowly explained.

"That's too much trouble to capture a soul beast."

Gu Yue while understanding his words. That also explained why his designs felt like a trap to her.

"I never said it was for the soul beasts though."

Fan Lin calmly replied and Gu Yue instantly enveloped the space time around her. She had nearly forgotten about his no sequence speaking.

"The traps were laid in such a way that no animals or the residents of the forest (and us forest guards) would be harmed, friendly fire is a no no."

Fan Lin continued while reminiscing about his good old past days as a forest guard where he had just began killing.

Firearms weren't that useful in a jungle as the hunters and poachers travelled in vehicles or motorbikes and their weaponary was far better than the simple old style arms of the forest guards.

Like after you fired one and began to reload and fire another, the enemy would have already holed you down.

Traps were better, you can get live information then leave the poachers to die and blame it as late arrival. It didn't even left fingerprints of any kind.

Sometimes, you can even feed the poachers to the animals when you feel good and want some entertainment in your life.

Those were some weirdly odd days of his life.

"... You here?"

Gu Yue asked after Fan Lin was silent for too


"Yeah. So just imagine that you are conservation area worker and your task is to stop the poachers. You want to lay a trap but you have to make sure that the traps hurt no one on your side, be it your subordinates, the soul beasts and some innocent bystanders that got lost in the forest."

"So you now have to lay a trap in such a way that only the poachers are caught in it. That's what I did. That's my design inspiration."

Fan Lin explained in Douluo Douluo terms.

"So that's why."

She replied and looked at the scenery that he was watching. It was just buildings and shops with people going on their errands or doing nothing

"Do you like humans?"

She asked again.

"Depends. I loved someone who was a human, had human friends and even some human companions and a human mother."

"But most of the people that I hate were also humans, but saying I hate all humans is completely wrong."

He calmly replied, his eyes still on the passing sceneries as memories seem to flash by his eyes, just like the scenery.

"Hmm. What about those that you hate?

Gu Yue continued to talk while observing him. Fan Lin replied without any change in his tone.

"They are no more."

"Hm? What about the person you loved. Your friends and others as well."

"My friends should be good. My colleagues were also good(reincarnated)... as for her, she is dead."


Fan Lin and Gu Yue were silently sitting in a cab to Shrek Academy.

Fan Lin had told her that the person he loved was dead and then he became silent and silently peered through the cab's window, his mind lost in thoughts.

She didn't know if Fan Lin was lying to her or not when he said that, and unnecessary information about him might confuse her judgement on Fan Lin later on.

Information was only valuable when it is an asset, when it wasn't, it's a burden.

Fan Lin regularly lied or hid things from her, he even manipulated her for his own purpose and she knew that quite well. He will leave her without a single thought when he fulfills his purpose.

The same was true with her as well, even she didn't want extend their partnership any more since Fan Lin was unreadable to an extent.

She actually didn't know half his thoughts, the other half that she can understand was quite chaotic and innocent at the same time. Yet something told her that Fan Lin wasn't to be trusted.

He wasn't like Tang Wulin or her friends, something felt off about him even though he was a human, maybe his maturity, his secret vials or the fact that he wanted to create another Starduo Forest.

Hence she didn't ask him the question in her mind.

Does he still miss his mother even now?

Fan Lin had said that he had a human mother and 'her... she is dead.' without actually giving much details.

She remembered that Fan Lin was an orphan and was most likely talking about his mother when he talked about his loved one.

Fan Lin was 13 years old in the present and Gu Yue knew about his life in the Glorybound City till he was 9.

She had personally seen him till he left for the Earthrock Alliance when he was 9 and a half years old.

She also knew about his life at Shrek and how he spent his three years in loneliness.

She had a rough idea of his life and knew that Fan Lin had never interacted with a female in that way.

So Fan Lin talking about his actual love when he was saying that his loved one died, she didn't think about it at all. She just thought that he was talking about his mother and how she had left him all alone to fend by himself in this cruel world.

And her thinking was rationally right.

With his age, he can have a crush for someone but not love as a person in emotional and sensual sense.

He was just 13 and had spent most of his years alone. So him actually having someone that he spent the best memories of his life, a person that he truly loved and a person that has died.

That didn't seem possible.

But since Gu Yue didn't want to pry too further in his emotional matters, and the fact that he could he using this as a way to get her to do something, she remained silent throughout the ride.

The same with Fan Lin as he turned to look at the streets again while reminiscing about his past.

Or at least what he remembered as his past.

An hour later.

The cab had dropped them near Shrek and they decided to go their separate ways.

They both had parted ways and someone saw that.

Fan Lin entered his small shop and delivered the storage soul guide with the shipment.

Gu Yue returned to Shrek Academy to complete the remaining designs of her friends.


"That's Gu Yue, right?" [Xie Xie]

Xie Xie said while nudging Xu Xiaoyan. Yi Zhengyu also turned to look at the direction that Xie Xie was pointing at. The three had come out of the academy to eat something cheap and tasty.

"Yeah, she is Gu Yue with... former senior Fan Lin." [Xu Xiaoyan]

Xu Xiaoyan muttered while squinting her eyes.

"Didn't he leave Shrek Academy? What is he doing with Gu Yue?"

Xie Xie said to the others.

"She must have been returning from the Spirit Pagoda. From the looks of the situation, Fan Lin might have decided to join her since his shop is just in front of the academy."

Yu Zhengyu said while rationally analysing the situation. They knew that Gu Yue was a member of Spirit Pagoda.

They also knew how Fan Lin had quit Shrek to join the Spirit Pagoda. And it was common knowledge that Fan Lin had a shop in front of Shrek Academy that everyone in grade 2 knew about.

"Look, they seperated. She is going to Shrek and he entered his shop. I was right."

Just like he had thought, Fan Lin and Gu Yue might have just decided to fare together from the Spirit Pagoda.

"Well it seems so... but don't you think that something sus is going on here?"

Xie Xie said with obvious disappointment at the situation. It was too normal.

"You forgot the beating that you got from her when you thought Wulin and senior Yu swing that way. What about the next day's beating for running your mouth about her?"

Xu Xiaoyan acted like she was contemplating the past actions of Xie Xie. A few black lines came into the foreheads of both Xie Xie and You Zhengyu over the mention of a dark past.

"Now quit your yapping and let's return to the form, we are going to be left behind if we didn't work harder."

She valiantly said and started walking towards Shrek Academy. The other two said nothing as she was right and slowly followed behind her.

Yu Zhengyu took one last glance at the figure of Fan Lin that had left the shop.

'Nothing, right?'

He thought about the words of Xie Xie and shook his head. No way it would be possible.


Fan Lin sat on the cab after giving the last of the shipment to the handler.

"Let's finish at least 10000 restoration places by the end of this year."

"I have to increase the range of the Moon Forest as well."

He whispered to himself while calling Gu Yue on his soul communicator.

{Need something?}

Her calm and clear voice came, though she was confused on why he called her less than a few minutes after they departed.

"Are you free this month or the next? If you are, can you go to the Moon Forest and just casually throw the things I give you."

He asked since he schedule was more packed that he thought.

He planned to reforest 10000 vegetation points, that was a little less than a fifth of the total re-vegetation areas that he marked in the Douluo continent.

He had to restore around 40 re-vegetation areas everyday to reach the 10000 mark that he set for himself.

"That's impossible."


"Ignore that. I have something else to do. Can you do that?"

{I will. When are you leaving?}

"Right now."

{That's quite abrupt. Did you plant it before?}

"A month ago."

{Didn't you ask me if I can go to the Moon Forest with you this month? That was a lie?}

"I asked you six weeks ago. The month had already ended and two weeks had even passed since I said that."

{I said if I can free my schedule.}

"I know. I was a student of Shrek as well, I know just how many stupid stuff they add in the teaching curriculum, Plus you guys will have it harder than me(since you are the protagonist group)"

{The Headmaster did made things hard for us.}

{How was your life in Shrek?(why did I ask this?)}

"She is a good person, just too blunt with her words and she also had the tendency to held grudges quite easily."

{Headmaster Cai? I don't see her as a good person. And you diverted the topic of your school life.}

"My life at Shrek... it was fun, although disappointing, boring, repetitive and annoying."

"What about your stay in Shrek?"

{The same. How will you give me those vials if you are going right now?}

I had prepared some learning materials for your Mecha Designing. Just show any of that to my shop assistants and they will give you the things that you need. Also learn from those papers and make sure to tell your master that I did teach you."

"You have my number, ask me or talk to me if you don't understand something be it about the vials or the learning materials."

{... Ok. Anything else you have left.}

"I don't know if you can do that, so let's not talk about that."

{Tell me, I will try.}

"Na Er is at Shrek. Can you keep an eye on her."


"I told you, you are not ready."

{I will burn those vials}

"She is Wulin's sister."

{Why do I need to spy on her for you?}

"She is special, just know this much for now."


Fan Lin cut the call at that moment as someone stopped his cab ride.

"Mind if I get in?"

"The President wants a cab ride?" [Fan Lin]

"Even I want to enjoy some of my previous memories."

"This is going to the soul train station." [Fan Lin]

"Don't mind that."

Qiangu Donfeng said and got in the cab.

"I heard that you are leaving for your project?" [Qiangu Donfeng]

Qiangu Donfeng asked.

[3 hours ago]

Spirit Pagoda Headquarters.

"Sir, Fan Lin had submitted his reforestation route of the next 7 months to the Pagoda and had asked us to inform the local officials there... There are more than 10000 locations."

"...?" [Qiangu Donfeng]

"Did he make a mistake and added one more zero?" [Qiangu Donfeng]

"I verified with him and he said it's indeed ten thousand."

"Can he do that?" [Qiangu Donfeng]

"I don't think it's possible. He would have to reforest 40-50 places everyday to even have a chance to finish the task. That's impossible."

"Where does he plan to start from?" [Qiangu Donfeng]

"From the south. He is currently planning on finishing all the places in the south and then moving forward to the east finally west."

"Hmm. Is he focusing on the rural and suburban areas first." [Qiangu Donfeng]

"Yes sir."

"That's a problem, the south is problematic. I won't be able to stealthily create the laboratories there." [Qiangu Donfeng]

"What can we do to make him succeed faster? He has huge soul power reserves or he wouldn't have been able to use his Battle Armor in his Spirit Ancestor rank." [Qiangu Donfeng]

"He also won't accept any soul bones." [Qiangu Donfeng]

"Find out all the external soul bones that provide restoration effects or are from Healing/support type soul beasts from our inventory and the market." [Qiangu Donfeng]

"Also get the fastest flying soul car that is available in the market or our research labs." [Qiangu Donfeng]

"Sir, he is leaving tonight."


The past month, he was creating years worth of shipment of his shop and teaching Vice President Leng Yaozhu's disciple on her request."

"Now that he had taken care of his shop and his task from the Vice President, he was free to go."

"He said he didn't have much time, since he also had to focus on his cultivation and other things while doing this hence he planned to leave by tonight."

"..." [Qiangu Donfeng]

"Get the things ready as soon as you can." [Qiangu Donfeng]

"Yes sir."

[Cut to a minute ago.]

"We got the things sir."

The secretary gave the storage soul guide containing the fastest flying soul car that he could find and external soul bone to Qiangu Donfeng.

He had to spend quite a lot of resources to get these things done as they were in another place and had to be delivered by a Titled Douluo at full speed to the Spirit Pagoda Headquarters as time was of essence.

Qiangu Donfeng took the storage soul guide and immediately sensed Fan Lin.

Not even a moment later, he flashed near the cab that Fan Lin was in and stopped it.

The cab driver looked at him in horror but Fan Lin calmed him down and looked at Qiangu Donfeng.

"Mind if I get in?" [Qiangu Donfeng]

He asked while showing a warm gentle smile.

"The President wants a cab ride?" [Fan Lin]

Fan Lin questioned in his emotionless voice.

"Even I want to enjoy the memories of my youth."

"This is going to the soul train station." [Fan Lin]

"Don't mind that."

Qiangu Donfeng said and got in the cab.

"I heard that you are leaving for your project?" [Qiangu Donfeng]

Fan Lin nodded his head at his question.

"I saw your target, it's indeed too much but since you are planning on it, the council has decided to bestow the two things for you as an apology for the previous time." [Qiangu Donfeng]

Qiangu Donfeng slowly said while passing the small storage belt to Fan Lin.

"Inside it is a special flying soul car and an external soul bone of the Spring Green Lotus. If can aid you in your journey." [Qiangu Donfeng]

"Use this without worries and treat it as a personal gift from us, not a reward from the Spirit Pagoda." [Qiangu Donfeng]

"I wish you success on your endeavours." [Qiangu Donfeng]

Qiangu Donfeng disappeared after saying that. Fan Lin remained silent throughout the cab ride.

In his hands were the storage soul guide that Qiangu Donfeng gave.

The cab driver also silently and speedily drove the cab to the soul train station as if his life depended on it since after the mysterious person who stopped his vehicle disappeared, the aura that he felt from his customer didn't feel any good.

Fan Lin still remained silent. An hour later when he left the soul train, he was still silent.

Even when he was using his Flying soul car to rush to the South of the Douluo continent, he was still silent.

The next day.

Fan Lin was standing on the area that he was going to reforest. Since this place wasn't sand, he didn't need to use his crystals for anything.

He just threw some vials of the rejuvenation toxins and others according to the land and moved onto the next place.

He didn't forget to act like he was using his combined soul skill to affect the area

"I will kill that guy."

'Fan Lin' finally spoke after a day. His mind as calm as an ocean.

In his mindspace, more cracks began to appear as his Spirit power reach the peak of Spirit Abyss realm, just a step away from the Spirit Domain realm.


Part 1 of the Big chapter