
He is mine only 5

Douluo Continent

Shrek City

Spirit Pagoda Headquarters

Spirit Soul Tower.

Trial of the 80th floor.

He gently looked at the snake soul beast with six eyes.

The Six-Eyed Titania Snake was also looking back at him.

"Beautiful!" [Fan Lin]

He whispered to himself. Now completely lost to the spiritual interference.

Fan Lin continued gazing at the Six-eyed Titania Snake, admiring it's beauty. The mental unstablility was taking a huge toll on his mind.

The Six-Eyed Titania Snake was also staring at Fan Lin because it couldn't find any possible ways to attack him.

Fan Lin had finally gotten serious and had unleashed his Spirit Domain level spiritual force, killing intent and a bit of slaughter intent around him, along with the energy storm's passive damage, the Six-Eyed Titania Snake was scared to approach.

Unlike the previous Golden Armadillo who could tank the energy storm without being affected, the Six-Eyed Titania Snake had a lower defence and couldn't continue the situation for a long time.

It was an agility type soul beast with commendable speed and one hit KO attacks but it didn't want to wander near Fan Lin at all. It was both an instinctive feeling and the effect of his danger sense. Something about his eyes made its scales colder than ice.

But then it also couldn't let the situation remain in the deadlock for longer period of time as sooner or later, the damage would pile up on it, weaking it's strength and speed. Maybe that's what the human who was quietly observing him was waiting for.

Or why else why would he not attack even though nearly 100 breaths have passed since he was staring at it?

The Six-Eyed Titania Snake conjured the possible scenarios that it could face and finally chose to attack the very moment. It's body appeared beside Fan Lin at the exact instance it got impaled as well.

[Soul skill fusion: Blue Silver Energy Spear + Boundless Energy]

Fan Lin quietly stared at the disappearing body of the Titania Snake and wonder if it was an extinct species by then.

[80th floor cleared]

The floor clearing message panel appeared as usual as he waited for the next one to appear.

[Two more fusion remains]

'Fan Lin' said.

And this was his trump card: skill fusion.

He was different. His body had some perks due to being God created, causing a lot of stuff to not apply to him and his skills like it would on other people.

One of the benefits being that he has no problems in merging his skills and spirit rings.

But this weird perk of his also had many, many downsides.

Generally, there are three major factors that determine the base strength of a soul skill/ability. It didn't apply to him.

1. Soul Power (Density - Quantity),

2. Control (Skill Mastery),

3. Spirit Souls/beasts affinity with the martial soul.

Among the three, the soul power and mastery are simpler to understand. The more mastery you have over your skill, the more effective ways you could utilise it.

The more soul power or the more dense your soul power is, the stronger your skills will be.

Simple, isn't it? Now let's continue to the confusing parts.

Affinity with the Spirit rings played a huge role in the strength and attributes of the skill that you could gain. It was on the level that Spirit rings with clashing attributes sometimes can't even be absorbed by the Spirit Master and they have to choose another one.

In the not so confusing terms, it is generally like a healer works best with healing type soul skills taken from soul beasts that either has healing or light attributes or possess some form or auxiliary abilities that were related to healing.

In the same way, different skills have different martial soul affinities like attack type skills suited attack type spirit masters or defence skills for defence type Spirit Masters.

And this was just a general path, exceptions existed everywhere with there own choices, situations, familial inheritances or just poverty and hence they often possess different combinations.

But Blue Silver Grass wasn't an exception and neither was Fan Lin.


The three factors that determine the strength of the soul skills are interdependent on each other as without mastery, pouring too much soul power was just a waste and without affinity, a skill could never show it's 100%, much less surpass it.

This was the also main reason why parents often spent a good amount of their fortune to get spirit souls that are in affinity with their child's martial soul and also why Tang Wulin went into near depression when he got the grass snake.

But as we have previously said, Fan Lin wasn't an exception and neither was he normal.

Fan Lin's skills don't follow the above mentioned rule because his body was created by the God as a vessel that contained his gift with his spirit rings becoming the medium for the transfer of his gift.

This is the reason why he is able to fuse his spirit rings and spirit skills into one as they are sort of from a single source and he was just a tool that harnesses it.

And that's what Fan Lin had done. His spirit rings fused to become the Boundless Ring, not just enhancing the power of all the skills but also evolving it to their next stage.

Although it wasn't Fan Lin's conscious actions that lead to the Boundless Ring, Fan Lin was quite happy about it and that's why, he started to 'consciously' do the same with his soul skills since soul skill fusion was more potent than the soul ring fusion. At least that's what he had read in the records from the Spirit Pagoda Headquarters library and information unit.

To his knowledge, the Spirit Ring fusion was either an enhancement effect of the skills or a self created fusion attack whose strength increases with the user. Fan Lin had also done the quintuple ring fusion in the hopes of getting the fusion skill but the results were known to all.

And after all this time, Fan Lin had come to a realisation (acceptance) that his spirit rings might never produce a fusion skill due to his 'special' condition.

So he had to put his sight on the other stuff: soul skill fusion.

'It's one way or the another.'

With that came the problem, what were his usable skills that he could fuse?

Energy Body. [Active - non combat]

Crystallokinesis. [Can't show]

Petrosapien Physique. Lots of skills. [Locked - Required Crystallokinesis]

Song of the Frost Sirens. [Active - Non combat]

Blue Silver Energy Spear. [Can't show]

Boundless Energy. [Active - Plant type limitations]

The six skills of Fan Lin, 4 of which required the assistance of his 2 attack skills that he couldn't use at the moment.

So what to do?

Continue with the fusion. Something good will come. Trail and Error. If he gets something😊, if he doesn't get it still😊, because he had Gu Yue.

So with sheer utter confidence and hope, he succeeded and the result: three fusion skills.

All centred around one of the strongest skill of the Blue Silver Emperor and his second strongest skill, Blue Silver Energy Spear.

And that should be enough information for the current scenario as the reader base might be getting impatient for the plot.

So continuing on where we left.

Spirit Soul Tower.

Fan Lin once again suppressed his emotions, entering the Dead Calm state for the 198th time in the same minute.

Behind him stood a soul beast that Fan Lin thought as a crossbreed of Deer, Moose, Barracuda and Piranha.

[Kinda reminded me about Avatar.]

(The bending one😏)

Meanwhile, the soul beast casually destroyed the floor that Fan Lin was standing on, throwing his body in the air as it dashed away as fast as it could.

From the situation and analysis of Elder Yang, the soul beast seem to have adopted a hit and run tactic as it was harrassing Fan Lin from all side and angles, leaving no stones unturned. Quite literally as the destroyed floor was being flung around here and there.

As for why, Elder Yang didn't quite get it. The only thing he knew was that Fan Lin was taking damage but regenerating so fast that the damage wasn't even showing.

The beast was hasty, ferocious, rageful, and in terror as the human was releasing a symphony of terrifying fear and soothing calmness, attracting the beast to get closer to the human.

The soul beast clearly got the feeling that it can die anytime but it hadn't. The human seem to be toying with it causing angst and uncontrollable rage in it.

And yet it could do nothing, escape was out of question. Where would it even escape in a circular arena?

All the one-hit KO attacks of the soul beasts had failed to one hit. The human was always alive, silently staring at it.

So after accepting its situation after a lot of contemplation, the soul beast decided to either slowly wither out the human to death or die by his hands. With that resolve, Fan Lin had become the ragdoll of the hybrid soul beasts intense flurry of attacks.

Fan Lin on the other hand was facing the complete onslaught of the mental polarity as the spiritual force on his mind was far more ruthless than before.

He now was switching in and out of his emotionless state five to 7 times with each passing second and this caused him to change from his ready to kill(emotionless state) to not kill( normie self) multiple times in a same moment, thus giving the scares to the hybrid soul beast that was unable to properly assess the intentions of Fan Lin.

Not its fault though, it wasn't a spiritual type soul beast and neither could it have the strength to understand the complexity of Fan Lin's mind at that moment.

Even Fan Lin himself was unable to understand that because he, at that moment, was thinking about many things but anger and resentment about his current situation wasn't one of them.

He didn't have the mind to think about those things, all his thoughts being congregated to just one single desire : to complete the trial and that's why he was focusing on surviving the beast attack.

The completion of the trial was a necessity for his plans since it would make things easier for later on. He had no idea of exactly what had transpired in the outside world.

He just calmly looked at the ceiling and decided to get with it.

The soul beast sensed fluctuations of the Fan Lin's spiritual power as he was in the air from ground attack of the hybrid soul beast. The end was near.

The Soul Beast immediately charged another water bullet-thingy the size of car, targeting him mid air and sending him thrashing down to the walls of the arena.

The attack was strong but it was still ineffective against Fan Lin incomplete Petrosapien Physique because except for extreme heat, disintegration, soundwaves and some other attacks, the Petrosapien Physique was the bane of attacks or abilities that caused physical damage.

More so, Fan Lin wasn't weak, or he would have already admitted defeat since he never planned to have a bout to bout battle with the soul beasts that would go on and on for minutes or hours.

He would have admitted defeat... if he couldn't end the soul beast in front of him in a single attack. Prolonging a stupid battle wasn't something he wanted to.

Due to the rapid mind interference, what would have been a single skill takedown by the Dead Calm him had become a time waste one sided beatdown of his, as he was fighting himself while trying to fight the soul beasts, which in turn has resulted in him focusing more on his own mental troubles and ignoring the soul beasts, leaving them to their own accord, aka, Fan Lin pinball'd version.

What else would the soul beast do in a big room with just a single human in it and no way of escape? Dance?

Dance of the Death, that is.

On the other hand, Fan Lin was still in the thought process that once he had his mind calmed down, he could take care of the enemy because his normal self was completely unable to put a fight against another soul beast or animal with the mind interference.

But till they he would just pass the time and win by default when the surviving timer ends.

He had already motioned the mysterious death in action, now finding other people to kill could potentially destroy his plans. So one less way of mental serenity for him.

His Dead Calm state was something that he would have used to end the battle in a second but... mind interference.

Now that he was being assaulted by the Hybrid soul beasts for quite a while, he realized that it couldn't go on like this anyone longer because he wasn't advancing any further, and if the future fights are going to be like this, he should just give up and leave, his mental unstablility was devolving his mental growth that he has achieved till now. That was another thing he could not lose.

He couldn't even go out and kill humans to sooth his mind anymore or his plan might go into ruin, once again, like most of his plans.

He still didn't know...

He thought that the trial would automatically advance if he survived three minutes as the voice said. He didn't need to kill and neither was his current condition allowing him to end the battle in an instance.

Fan Lin chose the peaceful way then, deciding to be the punching bag of the beast and successfully pass the future trials.

That was five minutes ago. He still hasn't advanced, the beast was still grounding him and he was still assaulted by the mental interference.

Now either the voice forgot its words.

The words were only valid for the first two fights.

Qiangu Dongfeng had realised about his mental condition and is purposefully torturing him by not prolonging the battle.

It could be one of the three.

'Three minutes huh?'

After getting to a conclusion that he might be toyed, Fan Lin finally made his mind to put his love and guilt aside and sighed softly while spitting the water that got in his mouth.

He gazed at the Hybrid soul beasts with myriads of emotions, his state of mind didn't matter at that moment because it was the same thought, be it his Dead Calm state or emotion state, end it all.

He calmly got up from the crashed site and,

[Triple fusion skill - Boundless Energy, Blue Silver Energy Spear, Energy Body(pseudo)]

26 lightly shining Energy Spear floated above his right shoulder as the hybrid soul beast just gave up. Finally the human was at chaotic peace.

[85 floor cleared]

It was that easy. Just a certain someone didn't want to hypothetically get his hands soaked in hypothetical blood of the hypothetical soul beasts that he was killing in a half real half illusion world.

Although it made a lot of sense to him, and it was also the last threshold of Fan Lin human kindness, 'Fan Lin' didn't care about it.


Three Chapters today.

God_Handcreators' thoughts