
Theory Class

The guy wasn't just eavesdropping but he also butted on our conversation. Velker apologized on his behalf but you could see the tension in the air. All the remaining group looked on our direction, watching our every action. "We might be defeated by Clint but we wouldn't be defeated by any of you." Ytra swore and looked at Liam straight to the eye. Damien looked amused and Cora looked nervous. I was again reminded that this class was special. Nobles and recommended by top Orders. Ytra was a black rank mid level, Damien and I were red rank mid level, while Velker and Cora were blue rank mid level. Our team was the weakest. We don't have white rank while the others have.

Liam, who was a white rank mid level, looked at each one of us and stopped on me. He smiled and nodded before exiting the room. He was strange. He particularly took a liking on me. I looked at Velker and he smiled then exited the room following Liam. "Do you know each other?" Ytra voiced her question and looked at me. I only shook my head and looked at the exit. I was also asking that question. We bade farewell at each other and left the room.

My next class would be Spirit Class. I entered the room that was assigned on me and saw a few people. They were all red class, it seemed each rank were given a class of their own. The class started and no one in my special class was there.

"The spirits were all divided to five different types: Wind, Earth, Lightning, Water and Fire. There were sub-spirit too which were Wood and Ice. Spirits and Elementals are different. Elemental uses mana in their bodies whille spirit user uses the mana surrounding the area. The spirits are reliant on the attribute of the battlefield. For example you have a water spirit yet you are fighting on a volcano. Your water spirit will be weak and also they could be easily exhausted by the contrasting element that they use. Spirit user were greater than Elemental user before but now the lesser spirit were weak that needed to stay away on their opposite element."

Our teacher explained that spirits could manifest their selves but it was before the spirits were weakened. The spirits declined after their kings and queens disappeared. The cause were unknown but people assumed that the greater spirits all died. Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh, Edea, Titan, Leviathan, Garuda and Odin. It was also popular on Earth those summons. But here they were true. If it was true then the information on Earth was transferred here to make it easier for us to understand. Elina said that the language here were different but it was somehow translated for us to understand. The class ended and I entered a room.

Summoning Class was next. It was the same. All red rank students were here. The next class was an eye opening for me. It was a different type of summon.

"Summoning is the ace to control a battle. Rogue also knew summoning based on their jobs. Summoning could be used by all of people. But that was not true summoning. True summoning were divided by two types. Beast Summoning and Beast Take Over. Beast Summoning is an ability which could summon beast who were loyal to them through a true contract. While Beast Take Over is an ability which let the user borrow the power of the beasts they encountered or defeated. A lot of people uses beast summoning but a few could only excel because beast summoning takes a lot of burden to summon and control the contract. The contract could be destroyed by a beast which seek power. Those beasts were born to ascend so they killed their owner. We called it loyal but it was never faithful. Beast Take Over was a lot easier than beast summoning but it also have a lot of burden. To make it short, summoning is an ability with a lot of restrictions and danger."

True contract and Temporary contract. True contract could only be found on an ability user while the temporary contracts could be bought by any one as long as there was money involved. Beast summoning was not a rare ability but not all of them could summon a lot of strong beast. There was a strong beast summoner and that was the one who sell temporary contracts. He was called the beast master and he wasn't an Order. He has his own group and organization and he was also a partner of the three countries.

Range and Elemental classes were a breeze. I didn't need to participate nor study hard. Cynthia was a well known as the Princess Elf who excel at bows, guns, and Elementals. I could learn a thing or two but it couldn't impact my knowledge greatly. The last class was theory. It was located on the same floor as the rank testing. What greeted me surprised me. The special class was once gathered on the last class. I took a seat near the front. The door opened and I saw Frizzia walking at the front.

"Welcome. You all know me so let's skip the introduction. As you all know you were all in a special class. Every special class have a complete schedule. Some might skip the other class but the first and last class were too important." Frizzia with her long hair studied us one by one. "You were all promising students. Never let your rank define who you are. Always remember all of people here could grow as much as the top Orders. Now, let me explain you why Theory is important. What you will learn here could impact your views and goals. Have you ever wondered where the ability came from? How the races were restricted at some point? Did you know that all races was once equal and living harmoniously?"

Frizzia asked us one by one those questions and all of us were dumbstruck. Frizzia revealed her ability on us. She said that she could foresaw future and look back at the past. She said that the past were too different from the present. She also said that before ability was not called ability at all. It was called specialty. There were only a few people back then. Two humans, two elves, two dwarves, and two demon. Demons, elves and dwarves were also like human. The only difference were the dwarves was smaller by a foot, the elves have pointy ears, and the demons have a horn. The descendants of the four races then build their own forces and subdued each other. The demon with their powerful race then chased away the humans from the Gomuan. The exalted bridge and the ethereal river was built to serve as the middle. The ancestors of the 4 original races vanished into history and were replaced by the history of the world divided into 2 continents.

The human scared by the power of demons protected their lands by sacrificing a few to built a mirror that would prevent the red moon from entering the Gomuan Continent. It was then the 4 races became wary of each other. The dwarves settled their selves on the mountains and volcanoes, the elves settled their selves on the sacred forest, while the human took all the land and soon divided it into 3 countries.

"Human greed isolated the 3 races from helping us from the incoming battle. With the work of Hanz and Elina, we established a communication with the Elves and Demons. The only race that we couldn't communicate were the dwarves. They were used by human greed so much that they isolated them selves. I believe that one of you here could finally reach the dwarves and finally set us free from the long term hatred of the four races."

I was once again surprised by Frizzia. She had a lot of secrets. One by one we could unravel the world's secret. By the help of this class each one of us could finally take a step forward to a brighter future.