
Order Keeper

From just an average teenager to someone the world fears as death itself, he transmigrates moments before his death to a journey filled with blood, misfortune and losing loved ones. Luo the one who was labeled by misfortune since birth breaks his curse secret moments before death and chases the seemingly simple truth, trying to find meaning in his desolate world filled with nothing but withered flowers who once bloomed only to deepen his bleeding. Fighting what fate throws at him as he marches through the corpses of comrades and friends, pilling up his sins and dimming his emotions, trying to find peace only to end up recreating the order itself. Behold the journey of The Order Keeper, someone who journeyed the void into the deepest parts of the world. He ascends as the mightiest of all.

DaGAuthor · Fantasy
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17 Chs

New Start

"*Sigh*, they finally lost it huh well it can't be helped, listen Luo I can give you two solutions"

"Either I help you forge a new identity and send you aboard to study or you can go ahead and sue them, and honestly I prefer the first choice, so what will you do?"

Luo is currently in a dilemma about what to do. For him it had always been his goal to live a free life away from his ex-parents' stupid doings so when Izuki told him that he could help him arrange a new life he couldn't help but feel excited about the idea but he held himself back and thought carefully about his decision.

'Although Izuki's work involves many shady things, he knows how to differentiate between a friend and a stranger so I can trust him when it comes to things related to me as I know how much he cherishes our relationship. However, living overseas won't be easy in a place full of strangers. I'll need to not only learn the native language but also make a living so I most likely will have to give up my studies and find another path to earn money. But staying here and hiring a lawyer won't be easy either. I will have to depend on myself financially while having to attend school, but since Izuki gave this as an option, I'm pretty sure he will resort to extreme lengths to make sure I live my life in peace'

Luo kept weighting the pros and cons of each decision and after deciding he spoke

"Izuki, I'm heading overseas"

Izuki who has been silent all this while patiently waiting for his cherished friend to make his decisions couldn´t help shake his head as if he already knew the answer beforehand.

'This kid really hasn't changed, always afraid of giving me trouble'

'However, that's what made me like him'

"Then it's decided, I'll send you to the US. I have a friend who has a wide social network there he can easily hook you up Give me a moment I'll make a call then get back to you"

Izuki stood up and walked to his bedroom to make the phone call leaving Luo by himself

"Damn, I guess I will have to man up. The road ahead won't be easy"

Feeling quite lost Luo got up and started working out as a way to clear his mind

'I guess there is nothing better than working out to clear the mind'

20 minutes later Izuki walked in on Luo doing pull ups without a shirt with sweat covering him entirely

"Hey Luo, I've got good news"

Hearing his friend´s voice Luo got down and walked towards him showing a well sharpened physique unfit of his age. In response Izuki whistled as he said jokingly


"Dang dude I would've pounced on you if I were a girl"

"Bruh, If I didn't know you, I would've taken you for someone who swings the other way"

"Hee, try me then. Anyway, jokes aside I've got good news: your flight will be the day after tomorrow, my friend Jack will personally pick you up he happens to be acquainted to a retired university professor who's single and looking to take on a student he will hires you as his assistant and teach you about real estate business additionally you will live in the same house as him, I've also already checked his information, his wife died 10 years ago in an accident leaving him by himself since then only focusing on growing his wealth through real estate"

Luo was surprised at how smoothly things worked; he was digesting the information when he heard Izuki say

"Well since we've got this done let's go out and have some fun. Let this big brother invite you I know some really good places"

Izuki wrapped his arm around Luo's neck and whispered the last part with a "Ya know what I mean" smile

Luo shook his head, but his eyes were burning with excitement as the duo got ready to go out

Thirty minutes later they both got out of the car in front of a huge building. Izuki passed the keys to the staff for him to park the car as they headed inside. They walked to the reception and Izuki took out two invitation letters

"Excuse me, Miss do you mind guiding us?"

Once the receptionist saw the VIP invitation she hurriedly stood up and respectfully replied

"This way please, sir"

She indicated with her hand while slightly bowing. The receptionist led the way while the duo followed behind. After passing through a door they arrived at a huge theatre already filled with all types of people wearing formal clothing. The lady continued leading the way for the duo until they reached their sperate room.

"Izuki, you got quite a good one this time, huh?"

"Hahhaha told ya didn't I?"

Izuki and Luo have actually been big fans of musical events since they were young. After Izuki started working, they frequently went to all types of events whenever they had time. After enjoying the opera both went to a famous restaurant to dine. While they were eating, they got approached by two beautiful foreign ladies.

"Hello boys my friend and I are newly arrived here in Tokyo, we are hoping to make some friends so how about we join you for dinner, we will pay our own" (English)

Izuki and Luo exchanged glances before agreeing to the girl's request. Sitting at the table they started introducing themselves as they ate.

"We are from US we came here as vacations, also hoping to get to know some natives are you both from here?"

"Yeah, I'm Izuki and he is Luo. We both grew up here"

"Really? Your English is so fluent, and you don't look like a native here"

"Well, my mom is Canadian so I'm not purely Japanese"

Izuki looks are that of a foreigner, so people mistake him a lot for being one. His blue eyes and red eyelashes and beard make him stand out a lot especially with his big physique. Therefore, unless people hear him speak Japanese most people will assume he is foreigner

"And what about your friend? He is quite handsome how old are you?"

"I'm 19 this year excuse my accent I'm not very fluent in English"

Luo lied about his age without battening an eye. This is not the first time older women approached him because of his looks, when he reached 14 he was tall compared to his peers and his handsome and athletic body quickly mistook him for an adult. He is around 6 feet tall with a square shaped face, a straight nose, thick sharp eyebrows and slicked back black hair, if it weren't for his parents' bad reputation in school many girls would have secretly fallen for him.

After having a good time with the ladies, they parted ways after exchanging numbers

"Don't forget to hit us up Luo when you arrive in the states"

After hearing about Luo moving to the states the duo promised to show him around once he was there and to call them when he was free. Luo and Izuki made their way home and went straight to bed.

Two days later, in front of the airport Izuki and Luo were saying goodbye to each other.

"Listen Luo make sure to live your life to the fullest brother achieve your dreams so that you can give me those first seat tickets dude and don't worry I'll visit you frequently to check up on you just make sure to keep in contact and ask me whenever you need help"

"Got you dude I´ll become the most brilliant pianist ever"

Luo was so good at piano that, if not for his parents, he would've already been scouted by the school's music club, so now he couldn't hold back his excitement about officially starting his journey.

After hugging the souls out of each other they parted.

Luo got out of the terminal the next day after arriving at Washington's national airport and walked around in search of the man who hooked him up, Jack. A while later he spotted a man in a suit with his hair combed to the back, blue eyes, fairly built standing there holding a sign with the name [Liam Jones]. It's Luo's new identity so he walked up to the man.

"Hey there, are you Jack Izuki's friend?"

Luo asked prompting the man to look in his direction

"Is there something wrong?"

Luo asked again as the man continued sizing him up without saying anything making him quite uncomfortable

"Not bad you shall do, yeah I'm Jack, follow me let's talk on the way"

Jack threw the sign to the side and started walking

"How's that bald dude doing?" "He only calls me when he needs something."

"He is fine. He told me to send his regards to you."

"Good, okay let's get down to business, it's rare for that creature to care about someone so I made sure the place you're going to is safe, you will be living with Dr. Charles, he was a famous professor back at Oxford he retired 8 years ago after his wife death by 2 years he's been living alone ever since he has no sons or daughters he earns his money through his real estate agency, he is 62 this year, he is an honest and upright man he never got involved in any illegal or scandalous incidents"

Jake paused and side-eyed Luo to see if he was keeping up then continued

"After his wife died, he didn't get remarried nor had any type of relationship. Recently he was looking for someone to take on as a disciple and make him his assistant. I've put quite a bit of effort into this for you. If not for Izuki personally asking me, I wouldn't have bothered. Therefore, don't do anything stupid and appreciate the opportunity."

"Got it thanks I'll make sure to do my best"

"You better be, get in the car we will be heading to your new home"

By the time they had finished their conversation, they had already reached the side of a Blue G wagon and begun to drive away.

A blue G Wagon stopped in front of a huge mansion, and two handsome men got out of the car. They approached the door and rang the bell, and seconds later the door was opened by a middle-aged man.

"Hello, you must be Sir Jack, get in Dr. Charles has been expecting you"