
Order Keeper

From just an average teenager to someone the world fears as death itself, he transmigrates moments before his death to a journey filled with blood, misfortune and losing loved ones. Luo the one who was labeled by misfortune since birth breaks his curse secret moments before death and chases the seemingly simple truth, trying to find meaning in his desolate world filled with nothing but withered flowers who once bloomed only to deepen his bleeding. Fighting what fate throws at him as he marches through the corpses of comrades and friends, pilling up his sins and dimming his emotions, trying to find peace only to end up recreating the order itself. Behold the journey of The Order Keeper, someone who journeyed the void into the deepest parts of the world. He ascends as the mightiest of all.

DaGAuthor · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs



A bald one-eyed tanned military man shouted from a pedestal to some kids ranging from all ages in separated in 5 groups each containing a duo facing each other in different cages, each holding a small knife with scared expressions tainting their faces some even crying and trembling. In the 5th cage stood a tall teenager with a solid build, his hair was cut to military one from his facial features one could tell he is Asian. This teenager wasn´t as scared as the others. He was cautiously observing his opponent as he thought to himself.

`What F-ing life from a demo psychiatric ward to this shit hole´

Japan, 3 months prior, 16-year-old student Luo was walking home from school.

"Ahem, excuse me author it's not a ¨HOUSE¨ It's a demo psychiatric ward. Get it?"

Well, back to the story Luo was a very clever and rational child but despite him being first in his year, good looks and great physique he wasn't very popular at school as most avoided him due to his parents who were very superstitious, when I say very, I meant they are a bunch of kooky and nutjobs who are only a couple years short of being admitted to a real psychiatric hospital well this aside, the reason they became like this was actually because of Luo, yep it all started with the 3 year old Luo telling his mother that he can see some colours around people from time to time leading to her dragging him straight to a prayer house where they spent the night making him drink and try all types of exorcisms, after that incident young Luo learned his lesson and never complained about seeing stuff anymore in hopes of not living the same scenario once again but alas his parent had a different say, after the incident they became very superstitious starting from the wife and then soon after the father joined in since then his life became hell as he was dragged along their shenanigans from fortune tellers to religious meeting to witches even ended up joining a firkin cult man and Oh poor Luo being the calm and patient boy he is, endured all the suffering and loneliness as he swore that the first thing he will do as soon as he legally becomes an adult is to send his parent off to a psychiatric hospital in hopes of moving out of the country and starting anew.

Well, that was the plan. When he got to the demo psychiatric ward as usual passing through the door to the house filled with talismans stuck all over the walls, passing through the corridor filled with all types of statues to reach the dining room. Just before he entered the room filled with the sound of prayers, he put on the brightest smile he could muster. He slowly opened the door and walked in, to the usual insanity.

`Patience Luo you got this, just 2 more years and it will be done, I'll my life to fullest after sending these Nutjobs where they belong´

`Now since I can´t beat them I´ll join them´

Luo ventured deeper into the room to reach the kitchen where his parents sat with some middle-aged lady. Luo was surprised by the appearance of the random guest, but he didn't dwell on it for too long as he knew that anybody hanging out with these pre-patients wouldn't be any better.

"Hi mum, dad it seems we have guests over"

"Ooh, good Luo come sit next to Mom let me introduce you.."

What can I say Luo, you couldn´t have guessed it any better as the moment he made his presence known his parents' eyes twinkled with excitement and the lady shot him a very lecherous gaze making chivers crawl all over his skin.

"Miss, this is my son Luo the one we told you about"

"Hi, I´m Luo"

Even though worry was already rising in Luo's mind as he felt something was wrong, he still kept a kind smile on and extended his hand.

"Hello, Honey I´m Emiko"

The lady returned the handshake while acting shy making alarms ring in Luo´s mind louder than ever until the bomb dropped when his mom said

"Son I'm very happy today congratulations we decided that you both will marry each other after we checked that ancestor will bless us if we bring you two together and ..."

Luo's face became white as a corpse's as his color drained away. His brain was totally cloaked out trying to make sense of the situation but to no avail, his eyes darted as he saw how they were all talking excitedly already arranging the wedding date and all that, even his father his last hope was already on the phone talking to the agency. He couldn't help but pinch himself not believing this is reality. He couldn't process how his parents reached this conclusion; his thoughts were cut off by his mother who pulled him to sit next to the lady.

" Just look at him acting all shy, no need to thank me son just make sure to deliver my grandchildren soon"

Luo turned to look at Emiko only to find her eyes filled with zeal. She was on the brink of pushing him down. At this moment Luo felt his world collapse, all his plans and dreams were shattered along with the barrier holding him from exploding.

"Shy you say, marriage you say, what a good idea mom you are just as creative as ever"

Luo said with eyes filled with anger and a cold smile that his mother missed.

"Right son, I think so too that this is the best decision I´ve ever made"

Luo's body shook as he stood and spoke with a trembling voice and veins popping all over his body with clenched fists.

"Best Decision you say, Huh, BEST DECISION MA A$S"

Luo shouted the last part very loudly as surely even the neighbors heard it. He also kicked the table flipping it all over, startling his parents along with Emiko.


Luo´s parents were petrified. Never since the day he was born did they see or imagine their child mad and cursing much less cursing them. Emiko though thinking this is just some normal kid tantrum held his hand and spoke

"Honey am I not to your liking?" She brought his hand to her chest as she spoke

Luo looked at her with perplexed eyes only to start trembling after her words set in and feeling her chest

`Hee at end of the day he is nothing but a little boy and in front of my womanly charm he stands no chance'.


Luo was on slaying mode right now. He slapped Emiko´s hand away leaving her speechless and totally mind blown. Not only her, but even his parents could not believe what they saw.


He turned to his parents shouting at them all he could come up with. The emotions and suffering in his words can be noticed by a baby much less grown adults. However, his mother as if she had gone totally mad, she still continued spouting sh#t

"Listen to me my dear this for your good trust me, the ancestor told us he would bless our lives if you both marry"

Her eyes turned more frantic when she mentioned the ancestor, making Luo realize that his parents are gone, no longer in their right minds.

"Ancestor you say huh? Well ok don´t worry I understand"

The moment he came to the conclusion that his parents have gone 150% nuts, his mind cleared and the route to take came up. Resolving his self he stated

"Well listen you psychos from today onward I´m no longer a part of this family, and you guys better lawyer up because trust me I´ll make sure you end up where you belong"

Just as Luo´s mom breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that he understood she was struck back with his next sentence.

"What are you t-talking about? What about the ancestor son if-f you don´t marry her you will be bringing us ruin"

"*Pft* HAHAHHAHAHAH, ruin you say HAHAHH you guys are really hilarious"

Luo just couldn´t hold back from laughing as he saw the three trembling of fear. They were not fearing being sent to jail or the law but fearing some stupid as$ ancestor long dead in his grave with not even his bones left.

"Well since you guys worship this ancestor of yours so much tell him so something on my behalf, that he can come and EAT MA A$S"

Hearing what he said both Emiko and his mother fell to the ground passed out from the shock while his father just ran outside jumping the fence, even Luo didn't expect their reaction to be so extreme as he was a bit dumbfounded but that didn't last, he hurriedly went to his room packed some clothes and other things such as his computer and phone then he went to his parents' room and looted all the cash he could find after finishing he stormed off to the closest street where he took a cub straight to a PC café managed by his sole childhood friend.


'I´ve gone and done it, well nothing to mourn about anymore, Izuki will certainly know some people to help me'

Inside the cab Luo was reminiscing about what transpired to come up with better decisions for the future as his long and cherished plan to achieve his dream was crushed and shattered by his parents or ex-parents but he obviously didn't give up on it. Right now, he was on his way to meet his childhood friend who is a few years older than him, they were very close when they were young as their situations were quite similar, they hung around each other until Izuki started working in the underworld so as to not implicate him, he refrained from meeting him most of the time. Luo already called to inform him that he is coming over, soon the cab reached the destination as Luo paid the taxi driver, directly inside a three story building and went directly to the second floor where the café was, after entering the store filled with computers and people on in and about

'Seems like business is going quite well for him'

Thought Luo as he made his way to the counter only to find a guy wearing glasses around his age sitting at the reception desk staring at his screen without looking up he said

"The fee is 350 Yen for each 30 min, how much do you want?"

Luo laughed, making the part-timer lift his head in annoyance to see whose making fun of him.

"Hey what are you laughing ab-, Huh Luo-chan? How are you doing man been a while"

The part-timer was pleasantly surprised to see Luo as he hurriedly stood up and placed his hand on Luo's shoulder.

"Well, nothing much just became homeless recently. I'm here to meet Izuki is he upstairs?"

He didn't immediately understand what Luo meant but once he did, he started laughing as he patted the latter on his shoulder as if to congratulate him

"Hahahah, congratulations man, took you so long to do that if I was in your place, I would've kicked the bucket ages ago"

Luo smiled wearily while scratching the back of his head

"Head upstairs Izuki been training there for a while"

He said as he threw him some keys. Luo caught the keys already familiar with the café he quickly made his way to a door holding the sign of 'staff only' he opened it and headed upstairs to reach a well-furnished house with a kitchen, 3 bedrooms, a living room he directly walked to the 3rd room with sounds of a sand bang being hit sounding from it, after knocking the sounds came to a halt not long after the door opened as a huge bald man with muscles bulging from his baggy hoodie came out, the moment he saw Luo a smile beamed on his face as he put his hand around Luo neck while ruffling his hair.

"Wassup Bro, I missed you"

"Hahah, yeah me too Izuki"

The duo then stepped inside and started catching up. Basically it was Luo who recounted what had happened to Izuki.

"*Sigh*, they finally lost it huh well it can't be helped, listen Luo I can give you two solutions"