

This is the story where love changed the fate of someone. Aurora and Ava are identical twins, but with opposite lives. Aurora was hidden from the world for candid reasons, while Ava was displayed as the only child from their mother. Aurora was blinded from the truth, not until their mother's murder. After being forced to escape the town, aurora began to find out the secrets one by one and it crippled her.Join the twins story, as one was out to find treasure, the other was to find love and peace.

Trisha_Pabor · Urban
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6 Chs




Before she knew it, the car came to a stop. If she was calculating correctly, which she wasn't too sure, the entire car ride didn't last more than fifteen minutes.


" Don't move. " He said to her.

Damien came out of the car and Immediately went to check on his prisoner, the man was slowly coming back to life.

Damien stood with his right hand stroking his chin as he stared at the man regaining his consciousness. Damien had commenced reading and studying the man.

" who are... who are you? " The man asked in a sluggish tone.

" What is your name? " Damien sneered at him.

" Atra.... "

Damien smirked. The fact that the man answered him at first demand, gave Damien the sense that atra may not be easy to handle. Giving names meant giving your identity.

Atra looked at Damien's face keenly, he was trying to see if he could recall the face. Of course he knew that he had been kidnapped, and that his captor wasn't some clean sheet Gerald. His captor most definitely was affiliated with the dark side, like him too.

So atra basically wanted to know who he was, but his face wasn't forthcoming. Maybe he should ask for a name.

" What Is your own name? " atra asked.

" Step out of the car atra. " Damien commanded him instead.


Aurora remained where she sat, like she was told. Her head was swerving and her vision blurry. She was overhearing the conversation and realized that the man inside the boot was not dead.

The realization came to her as a relief. Maybe the situation wasn't as serious as she thought. But what she heard after quickly changed her mind. It was the sound of two gunshots.

Aurora heard a yell afterwards. It was obviously from Atra. Aurora was insanely terrified at the hearing of the gunshot. She lowered her head and bounded her hands on the both sides of her ear. Also closing her eyes tightly, it made her teary.

She began to hear a long sound of someone being dragged on the floor, and it was headed to her direction.


Damien opened the door to the passenger's seat and saw the scene of a girl in abject fear.

At that moment, he paused and thought of what to do with her. He knew she would have questions, to which he was not sure he could answer.

He now saw himself getting physically entangled with the girl way before he wanted to, which caused him to think of making hard decisions.

Should he just allow her go back home and be killed by whoever killed her mother? Yes, Damien heard the screams of an old woman before the gunshots rang. He knew that Denise was dead and in the most terrible way known.

He could imagine how torn Ava would be if she gets to discover the body, but that was none of his business.

What mostly got his attention was the unknown men in Ava's home. With the phonecall he heard, it was an execution. Meaning that the men were there to kill. That got him wondering, who would be so concerned about the life of a comcubine of the dead and useless Wright Lockwood?

The lockwood dynasty is dead and long buried. They have not been active either. So why now? After all these years? why was it so important to kill the mistress of a dead nobody?

Damien was itching to question Atra. This could be the big break he had been waiting for.


Aurora had to slowly lift her head and gaze at Hendris, since he'd been standing by the side and uttering nothing.

Damien set his sight on her beautiful eyes again. He was aware that his mental thought had given her eyes the adjective beautiful. And although it was evident that she was scared, her eyes still possessed a tranquillised essence.

" Get down. " He broke out of the staring.

Aurora sniffed and exited the car. Outside and on the floor, she saw Atra laying on the bare ground, both his legs had been shot. But he was still alive.

" The password is 405722, open the door and press the red switch on the wall to your left. "

His voice was once again low, but authoritative.

As Aurora began moving to the door, she could hear from behind her Hendris pulling the body on the ground and atra welping in pain.

She didn't turn around and headed to the door. Once she was in, the door immediately shut and locked. Aurora's heart skipped a beat, had she done something wrong and locked Hendris out?

She frantically ran her hands around the surface of the door, but there was no way to open it. She glanced to the left and sighted the red switch. She did as she was told with it.

There was no result as she could see. Aurora kept exploring the front door, in a bid of getting it to open.


" Its locked. "

Damien said from behind her, he'd entered the house through another entrance that aurora initiated by pressing the red switch.

His body was tired already and he yearned to take a shower and sleep afterwards. But the reality check was that he had to settle some maters first.

He'd made sure to place atra in a position where he wouldn't loose too much blood. He'd crippled his legs to kill any idea that he may have about trying to escape.

Damien still tied atra good, just for safe keeping.


Aurora stood in front of the door, with her hands hiding behind her back. Her heart was pounding fast as she tried to think about her fate. What was he going to do with her?

Damien had to stare at the girl intentionally. Their eyes met and in as much as he hated direct eye contact, his thinking about her presence caused him to stare at her. Maybe he would get an idea by looking at her.

There she was, the girl he'd been stalking for years. The girl whom he knew everything about, but from a distance. The soft hearted, selfless and easy-going Saint that irritated him the first few months he watched her.

Soon, the irritated feeling turned to pity. He began to pity her when she would fall victim to people around her taking advantage of her naivety and innocence. At that point, he very well noticed that he would get fed up and release sighs after watching her get trampled on. The worse part was that she never learned, it kept on happening.

At the later aspect, he began to feel more than pity. Anger began to settle in. Why did he get annoyed when a customer spilled cold Coca-Cola on her? or that time that mr Bill slapped her?

How did he know the customer's name? Damien had done something that he didn't believe himself to do. Matter of fact, when he was done, he couldn't live with himself for a long time. He couldn't sleep at night, he spent hours second guessing and asking himself why on earth he was triggered to go that far.

It was one year and four months into his watch, he witnessed a fat male customer with shaggy brown hair slap Ava. Damien remembered springing to his feet with his arms reaching for his gun. He was ready to eliminate the man that exact instant.

He wasn't sure why the action caused him to get all bitter in his chest, but that was how it went. Damien was angry. He waited for the man to finish his cheap lunch and followed him all the way to his house.

The man lived alone and his name was Bill.

Damien killed Bill. He shot his five times in the skull.

After killing bill, Damien continued his watch. But he only saw his act as punishing a man who was violent with a woman. But wasn't shooting him five times in the head too drastic? Damien asked himself, but he didn't have the right answer.


Damien sighed, he could feel Ava's tiredness from where he stood. He didn't want to offer her a shower or whatever. Neither did he want her getting all comfortable inside his home, or personalising his personal space.

Damien didn't want her to even see where he kept his items such as clothes and other personal materials. He was that particular about his space. His real reason was also because he was protecting his heart from melting over the presence of a woman in his delicate quarter.

" Have a seat. " That was the best he could offer.

Aurora's legs instantly moved as the order-like words came out. She found solace on a black leather cushion, which was weirdly the only chair in the house.

It was long, and had a glass table sitting in front of it. On the wall was a television so wide that it touched both sides of the wall.

Aurora slowly found herself scrutinizing the home of the man that was a mystery to her for a long time. And how she was now in his own home, she couldn't believe it.

In the midst of her thinking, he brought a bottle of expensive alcohol with two glass cups and sat down next to her.

As his butt pressed on the space by her left, she turned her attention to him and asked.

" What do you want from me? "