

This is the story where love changed the fate of someone. Aurora and Ava are identical twins, but with opposite lives. Aurora was hidden from the world for candid reasons, while Ava was displayed as the only child from their mother. Aurora was blinded from the truth, not until their mother's murder. After being forced to escape the town, aurora began to find out the secrets one by one and it crippled her.Join the twins story, as one was out to find treasure, the other was to find love and peace.

Trisha_Pabor · Urban
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6 Chs


Aurora had stood in the same spot, in the middle of the room for almost ten minutes, staring into thin air. She didn't blink, her mouth was slightly open and her legs were tired.

As the wind settled more in her eyes and made it heavy, she finally blinked and dropped hot tears down her cheek. That was when she sprung out of her dilemma.

She wanted to go after Kenneth, but he would be long gone. What happened? What went wrong? Last time she checked their relationship was perfect and nothing had gone wrong.

Did Kenneth find out about her lies and secrets? that was impossible, there was no way he could. But that was the only motive Aurora could think about since nothing bad had happened between them.

So just like that, the only emotional hold she managed to forge with a man in her twenty four years of living had broken, and her family issues may very well be the cause.

Aurora's anger was now settling in. She had passed the first stage of silence and anger came few minutes later, as it always does.

And the fact that she couldn't do anything and watched the moment slip, it caused her rage to be destructive. But she always raged alone, where no one could see.


" Arrrghhhhhhh! " She screamed.

Aurora took the bun off her straight blonde hair and tore it apart. She harshly ruffled her hair, causing her to look like a mad woman who was stuck in a hurricane katrina.

She was breathing heavily now. She dressed her hand over a table near her and dropped everything on top of It on the ground.

That wasn't enough, as she breathed heavily, she lifted the iron chair that was closet to her and descended it all the way to the glass window. When the chair met with the glass, it shattered it.

Aurora tearfully fell to the ground, landed on her knees and began to sob. The sobbing continued until she heard a chair scrub the ground lightly.

Her heart skipped a beat at first, she didn't expect anyone to be inside the shop, it should be empty.

Her heavy eyes tried to find out the source, it met the same location Hendris usually sat. She didn't want to believe it. But she saw a stark silhouette of what appeared to be a man rising to his feet, it was indeed hendris.

His huge body soon backed her, with his newspaper in his hand he aimed at the door without glancing her way.

Aurora was panicking, did Hendris witness her private moment of rage?

" Hey... " Her broken voice called out to him, and he ignored. He pushed the door and walked out.

Aurora didn't want things to end, and the fact that he was once again ignoring her was sickening. His silence was only adding to her miserable state. She took off behind him.

" Hey! " This time, she yelled and he stopped. But he didn't turn to her, he backed her.

" What did you... how much did you see? " She had to know.

He hesitated.

" Answer me. "

He turned around and glanced at the broken window, and then back to the woman that had been the center of his life for a long time.

Before he sought to open his mouth to speak, her phone rang. It was in his favor, he didn't want to even verbally indulge himself with her. As she was briefly distracted with her phone, he slid away into the darkness.


Watching Ava Lockwood's anger was the highlight of his life, seeing that he was watching her everyday. The lady was probably the only calmest and easy going person he'd ever met, and he hated that.

Yes, he shouldn't care about her natural displays, but since he'd been watching her, he found himself subconsciously caring.

She would let just about anybody to get through to her, and would always give a smile when no one asked. it irked him. Soon, he got to discover that she had a hidden rage, but it was infact, hidden. She never publicly showed her anger, she was that shy.

The first event was when he followed her from a park to the car lot, where she kicked the living daylights out of her tires while screaming. Apparently, she received a phone call that made her pissed.

He was relived to see that at least, Aurora had anger, even though it was hidden. He believed that everyone needed that aspect of fierceness and terror.

There was something he needed to check, and it had been disturbing him for a while. He didn't like how comfortable his job of watching her was getting. If not that he needed to do it, he would have stopped ages ago. But the motive behind was more important than anything.

Was he getting attached in some way? It was impossible, he was Damien Wayne, there was no way he would began to harbor some emotion against his will. He was in control.

As he approached his car, he perceived something odd and wrong. He had long learned to trust his instincts and far from that, he perceived a familiar cologne. The smell was strong and fresh, he knew who it was.

Damien glanced around the vicinity in search of escorts. A few walks away from where his car was, he spotted a black sedan. That was the escort he knew was around.

Instead of entering the front, Damien went into the back and met his stepbrother, Gideon seating comfortably at the backseat with his legs crossed.

Damien pointed a gun at him.


" Take that weapon away. " Gideon growled without the sign of fear in his eyes.

" You are inside my car, without my knowledge. I could have killed you. " As Damien spoke, he stared at his brother's face so keenly, in order to read the reason behind his coming before time.

" But then you already knew it was me, you smart bastard. "

Damien withdrew the gun and pressed his hair backward. " Why the hell are you here? "

" Father doesn't like that the heir of the Wayne bloodline is going solo, he__

Damien sarcastically scoffed, interrupting Gideon.

Gideon was immediately offended, for his pride was worn like a scar on his forehead.

" Are you mocking me? "

" Are you now our father's messenger? "

Gideon smiled sharply, " What's on your mind? why do you think I'm here? "

Damien nodded slowly, everything was beginning to make sense. He was seeing through Gideon's facade.

" Tell father that it's the same as it has always been, I like to work alone. "

" But how can you prevail? even God has angels for his every control. "

" I work alone. " Damien merely said.

" He wants you home, Micha is coming and he has a very important prisoner. "

Micha was Damien's father, Calisto's younger brother.

" I will be there then. " Damien knew that Gideon wanted more information of his solo mission, but he didn't want to give him audience.

This was where he expected his brother to make his way out of his car, but he still sat.

" So, how is stalking Wright Lockwood's daughter going? any luck? " he asked in a mocking tone.

" I know that's why you're here, if dad wanted to pass an information to me, he'd have sent a menial. "

" Well then, you got me. "

Damien sighed, " What do I need to tell you that you don't already know Gideon? "

" You think I'm watching you? please... " Gideon laughed, " I told you that what you're doing is a wasted effort. The Lockwood girl doesn't have the rust. "

" Okay. " Damien wanted nothing more than for his brother to get the fuck out of his car. His temper was already rising.

" You've been following her around like a sewage rat for almost two years. Don't tell me that you fancy her now... " Gideon was inciting him, " The lockwood dynasty is dead and useless, no good will come from marrying her. "

Damien bit his lower lip, " And you following me, what does that make of you? a street cat? "

" I thought you would make big moves like me, but its too late now. I run everywhere. "

" I heard about what you're doing in every region, leaving dead bodies in your wake. "

" That's the will of certifying power and fear, equalling obedience as father taught. I control every casino, every bid fair, private or public. Even the brothels and clubs. If anyone tries to sell the rust, or has it, I would be the first to know. " Gideon boasted, " The rust is pretty much mine. "

" I guess it is now. "

A knock was heard from outside, it was two of Gideon's men. He finally was ready to go.

" Tell father that i will be there when Micha arrives. " Damien told him.

Gideon stood in front of the open door.

He sent his right hand for the bloodline's signature handshake.

" Beginning to the end, the ship sail on the dust, within the shores of the island rust.... "

Damien had no choice but to complete the chant, " The nomad shine through the immortality of odin's bloodine. "

They clawed hands and Gideon left.


As Gideon went to his car with his men, something went through his mind.

" He's been following that girl for ages, " Gideon was speaking to himself, but his men were hearing.

" You think we should follow him, to know what he finds? " One of his men asked.

" I want more than following him, and I have an idea. "


As Damien settled in the driver's seat of his car, he drew his phone out and made a call.

" I need you to fix a glass window. " Damien informed the man he called.

" When sir? "

" Immediately. "