

This is the story where love changed the fate of someone. Aurora and Ava are identical twins, but with opposite lives. Aurora was hidden from the world for candid reasons, while Ava was displayed as the only child from their mother. Aurora was blinded from the truth, not until their mother's murder. After being forced to escape the town, aurora began to find out the secrets one by one and it crippled her.Join the twins story, as one was out to find treasure, the other was to find love and peace.

Trisha_Pabor · Urban
Not enough ratings
6 Chs



Aurora was breathing heavily, her heart pumped so vigorously that it seemed like it was about to escape her chest.

She was both shocked and confused as to why Hendris was in her home, and why he had her locked in a corner.


His strong hand was firmy pressed on her mouth, his other hand crossed her chest, pressing her hard on the wall.

When he saw how terrified and in pain she was, Damien reduced the strength in which he locked her mouth. But as a short time went by, her eyes began to settle on his. So much so, that he began to feel uncomfortable.

She had soft blue eyes. A blue that merged with white, if you looked deeply. Damien knew her eye color, he assessed her from afar way before that moment. But as he stared at her so close, there was a different ring to it.

He suddenly felt still and a lightness spread through his entire body. He found himself wanting to look at her even more.

He caught a hold of himself, let his hand completely loose and away from her mouth.

Aurora was free, and instead of running, she stood, resting on the wall and catching her breath, while still intensely staring at Hendris.

Damien was very uncomfortable with her stares, he hated been looked at for long. And the fact that he had to stare at her too was not something he entertained.

Aurora soon got to her senses and remembered that she was in her house. She had to check up on her mother before getting to the root of why her customer was inside her home.

As she turned to leave where they hid, Damien placed his left hand on the wall, blocking her movement and placing her to pause.

" Stay where you are. " He said in a low tone.

Aurora was confused, she turned to him with squinted eyes and before she could say anything he said.

She was hearing Hendris talk for the first time and that fact made her yield to him with curiosity. The man looked like he was out of a blade movie or the matrix.

" If you want to live, stay where you are. "

Aurora didn't understand his statement, what exactly did he mean by 'If she wanted to live?' what in the world was going on?

As those questions came to her, she was crippled with more fear. Was her mother safe? did their house get robbed? and worse, was it gang related?

Aurora needed to check on her mother, but before she could make another step, Damien walked in front of her. His huge body covered her as her head rammed into his back.

" I.... I have to check on my mom__

He turned around and looked down at her, " Do not speak. "

Damien had heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Based on his level of expertise, he could tell that it was just one person by listening. He had been in the house long before aurora came, so he knew that seven armed men had entered.

" Stay right here, don't think of moving. "

He warned her and slowly moved from their position. Damien tailed the man and followed him outside the house, where he watched the man make a phonecall.

" I told you not to call me blood, that's risky my man. "

The man was speaking to his caller.

" You stupid fuck, I'm right in the middle of the execution. If the others hears about this shit, its over and im toast. " The man was very well watching his back every seconds, Damien could tell that he didn't want his buddies to know who he was on the phone with.

" Dont tell the boss shit yet, I'll tell him myself. " The man ended the call and slid the phone into his pocket.

Damien knew that the phonecall was done, and the man would soon be heading back to where the others were. He saw an opportunity to capture the man and take him in for questioning.

He had to be quick and not to draw any attention. There was no way he could kill all seven men, if everyone assembled on him.

He went rapidly and quietly behind the man and snuffed him by wrapping his hand around the man's neck.


Aurora couldn't take it anymore, she wanted to move from her position. Just as she walked out of the kitchen, she entered the sitting room. Her gaze travelled up the stairs, and just by looking, she could tell that something was wrong up there.

Her head turned to the front door, where she could hear silent struggles. She decided to leave the stairs and to go outside to check for the source of the noise.

There, she saw Hendris bending over to a man who seemed dead. Her chest rose as she wanted to scream.

Damien appeared in front of her and placed his hand on her mouth again.

" Don't scream, "

He remained in the same position until he was sure that she had calmed down. Damien was well aware of the dangerous situation he was in, and how he needed to act fast.

He knew what was happening up the stairs and why the man he'd just made unconscious came down. He couldn't allow Ava go upstairs, because she will not make it. Thus, soiling his very important mission.

He lowered himself to her ears and whispered to her, " There's a black car packed down the hill, just under the big cotton tree. Get into it and wait for me. " He ordered and placed the keys into her hand.

He wasn't worried about her running with his car, he knew what she was capable of.

Aurora shivered to the effect of having his lips close to her ear, and having his words roughly brush into it. So without thinking, almost as though she was hexed with his deep and stoic voice, aurora accepted the keys and moved to the direction that she was told to.

Damien immediately carried the man and placed him on his shoulders. Without looking back, he evaded the scene, before the other men noticed one of them was missing.


When aurora got to the location that was told to her, she saw a car. She didn't want to believe that it was the car she should be getting in to. She hadn't seen such perfectly crafted car in her entire life. It looked like the batman's car In reality.

The car was too exquisite and expensive. She glanced around the vicinity, there wasn't another car in sight. Just in the middle of her scrutinizing the car, Hendris walked in carrying the man she thought to be dead.

" I said get into the car. "

Somehow his voice was low, but carried a strong amount of authority.

That was when aurora began to struggle with the keys. Damien moved over to her, took the keys and pushed the open button.

He gave her a look in the eye that meant for her to enter the car immediately, and she understood.

As soon as Damien placed the unconscious man inside the boot of the car, he started it and drove off.


Almost five minutes into the ride, aurora began to think things through, and the reality of her thoughts scared her to pieces.

What the hell was she doing? she began to think as the driving progressed. What was she doing inside the man's car? aurora began to observe a mental breakdown of how her night started.

How she walked into the open door and got the shock of her life, by finding Hendris in her own home. He was the man that sat alone at the restaurant where she worked, he never once said a word to her, why was he in her home?

And the man that he'd killed? what was he doing in her home too? Was her father's past coming back to haunt them?

Instead of her to be checking on her mother, her delusions had caused to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Where was she even heading to with the man who had a dead man inside his car? Aurora started to feel terror, as her stomach contents were moving in reverse.

She slowly glanced over to the man driving and saw his eyes still and tender. He appeared so unfazed of the obvious serious situation.

Aurora began to weigh her choices, she'd already seen the gun he had on his waist. She bet if Ava was the one in her place, she'd have found a way to escape.

Regardless of how slim her chances were, she was determined to find a way from the shackles of Hendris and go back home.

Her mother could be in trouble.