
Chapter 1

The first chapter is finally here........Enjoy

Rimuru POV:

"Worthless, to think that you are a product of the Grand Master and former Grand Mistress. Such as shame, I know that you are aware that they would do so much better without you" he spat, it hurts to even cry. I've always thought that I was fortunate enough to have so much people around me that would stick with me even after death.

In the shortest amount time, love can become hate, admiration can become disgust, and generosity can become envy. They say that the worst pain in the world goes beyond that of physical or emotional hurt. It is the betrayal of a friend. "You two had so much promise, but you choose to serve those below you. I was rooting for you, hoping that you'll come to your senses soon or later. But I guess I was mistaken" I watched as the only two people that stayed by my side endure the onslaught of kicks and attacks.

I looked on helpless, not being able to protect the people how stood up and endure for me. Why was fate this unkind to me, in all my life I've had to bear and suffer. Why me, why me. Motionless and paralyzed, the pain have long gone numb to me. I can no longer feel anything in my surrounds, I feel weightless and heavy at the same time. I can hardly see through my eyes, my ears are only part of that functions well and how I know that is because I can hear the breaking of the bones of my comrades, the sounds made when each attack is received.

I could only lay their and glare at them while they beat my friends to death. I wished in my heart that some higher power would feel the grieving of my soul and help them, even if i were to die, I want them to be free of this hurt and pain, I just want them to be safe.

I glared hatefully as I see that they are now approaching me. Please let them still be alive. I watched as he approached me smiling if he is just won a prize and is the luckiest man alive."So, guess its your turn huh senior brother" he asked still with a smile, that slowly turns into a smirk green with mischief and hate. "Pll....ease let them go" I pleaded coughing up blood. I sputtered as I feel the blood blocking my air way. I am kicked to the side so that the blood could run out. "It ain't time for you to die yet, little brother" a voice couple feet's ways replied with a cheery tone.

"Since your clearly still able to talk and hear me, means that your still not where I want you to be" another said voice, bringing back such good memories at such a bad time. I heard the clapping of hands and a happy shriek. I stared blankly at the person as they approached me with a beaming smile. The longer I stared the more hateful and vengeful my soul and spirit became, this person was once someone that I vowed to protect and risk my life for.

My soul ached at the thought of being used as a golden thigh. "How about we have them thrown in the magic beast forest and watch as they are devoured" I can just imagine that my eyes bulged out of my head at her statement. Not even to get a proper death, death by a sword or by magic right now would be considered a mercy. Guess there is no going back from here huh. " I swear on my soul that your karma's will be worst than dying a thousand deaths" I was able to get out smiling at all the persons who stood around and over me.

"Sanu Chen, why does he look so creepy, hurry and throw him in the forest" Weii Chan said showing how ruthless and how foolish I was to have been lead on all this time. "Elder Lee, how about you do us the honors" Cheru said laughing as if he is enjoying the best entertainment that this world could offer. I laughed to myself, to think that so much of them would be involved in my downfall. I have by no means hindered any advancements or plans for any of them.

Right as I was about to curse them to my hearts content, my vision and hearing became blurry and in a flash the feelings of my body comes back, along with the pain, I wheezed noticing that I was tossing on my only friends, Samu La and Ruco Shen. It seems that my mind was distorted for a while for us to end up in the forest. I froze upon hearing the howls of the magic beast. I don't wanna die, I want to enjoy life, I want my friends to be safe and live happy. I cried out internally.

At that moment a numbing pain rendered my mind blank, the last thing I remember before passing out from the pain was the faces of my executioners and the face of my dead comrades........ "Please" I begged before succumbing to darkness.


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