
Opinions of the Herrscher of Dominance

"I am the Herrscher of Dominance, The Herrscher of Legion." "There are thousands of me." "Thousands of me who can think in sync yet independently." "Thousands of me who can infinitely revive." "Isn't this clearly a BUG-level learning and growth system!?" "...Wait, let me emphasize that it's a learning and growth system, not a clone dating system!" "What do you mean I'm a Bride!?" "I never even thought about anything weird like a harem! I'm serious! So, you weird women, stay away from me!!!" — As usual, a MTL+Bot assisted Translation and heavy editing of a CN fanfic being put here for easy reading. CN Title:千人律者的一己之见

Bismarck_Imperia · Video Games
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25 Chs

Chapter 9: Cunning Angel

"Hmm... a strange ceiling."

Angel opened her eyes and saw a pink ceiling and walls. Bright sunlight streamed in through the exquisite windows, casting a warm glow over the room. Beside her pillow lay a bright yellow Homu doll. The whole room was exquisite, cute, warm, and comfortable.

"Huh? Have I said this line before?" Angel thought, slightly confused.

"I don't know whether you have or not, but it's the first time I've seen someone starve themselves to death," Himeko entered with hot white porridge. Seeing Angel still lying motionless on the bed, she sighed, "Stubbornness has its limits. No matter what you plan to do in the future, you have to eat first to survive, right?"

Himeko moved the white porridge in front of Angel. The faint fragrance of rice was very tempting to someone who had been hungry for days. But Angel still tried to maintain her persona and remained unmoved. Himeko then held the plate in one hand and lifted Angel's body with the other, moving her to sit against the head of the bed. She scooped up some porridge with a spoon, blew on it gently, and brought it to Angel's mouth.

"Don't be stubborn. When I sent you to the medical department, everyone there looked at me with condemning eyes, thinking I was starving you on purpose! Even if you don't care about your own health, at least give me some face? I haven't treated you badly these days, right?" Himeko continued to feed the porridge, helpless and frustrated.

Angel kept a wooden face, though she couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

This was all part of her deliberate plan. She had fasted for a few days, and when her body was really hungry, she relaxed her control, so she fainted. Judging by the current treatment, Saint Freya didn't seem to have the technology to detect Dominance, at least not in ordinary physical exams and medical treatments. Now, Angel's last worries could finally be put to rest.

'Aunt Himeko, I'm sorry. I will find a way to compensate you in the future,' Angel thought to herself. Her dry lips moved, and she said weakly, "What do you want to do to me?"

"I'm scared for you! To be honest with you, Saint Freya is a school for training Valkyries. We want you to enroll and learn how to become a Valkyrie... Even if you don't want to become a Valkyrie, at least learn how to control your power to avoid hurting innocent people or yourself in the future."

"...Is it that simple?"

"What else? If I really wanted to do something bad to you, I could have done it when I brought you here! Have you noticed any parts missing from your body?" Himeko said, helpless with dark circles under her eyes, nearly out of patience.

She was the second-in-command of Saint Freya, the top combat force in the Far East next to Theresa, and even the Herrscher of Thunder could be reasoned with using a greatsword. Normally, she wouldn't need to personally observe and negotiate with wild awakeners.

Due to the intense situation caused by Angel's awakening, Himeko was worried that the child's experience might be spread around, causing her to be alienated by her classmates when she entered school. That's why Himeko took time out of her busy schedule to accompany Angel. Despite her anger and amusement at Angel's stubbornness, she was now physically and mentally exhausted.

Looking at Himeko's helpless and tired expression, Angel felt even more guilty. She knew she had persisted long enough and quietly opened her mouth to eat the porridge.

Himeko was stunned for a moment, then her expression brightened. "Oh my God, you're finally willing to eat! If you didn't open your mouth later, I was going to use a funnel!"

"(ᗜ ‸ ᗜ) Huh!?"

"Ahem! Just kidding! Eat slowly, you've been hungry for a few days, don't be too anxious. Come on, open your mouth, ah~~"


With intentional cooperation, one person fed the porridge, and the other drank it, creating a warm and harmonious scene. A bowl of porridge was soon empty. Angel touched her warm belly, and Himeko felt deeply moved.

"It's not easy; it feels harder than carrying out a mission!"

'QAQ Yes, it's not easy; I'm almost starving.'

"Okay! After observation, it's basically confirmed that you won't lose control easily, so you can live here for now. We'll talk about enrollment later. Anyway, we won't force you, so don't worry."

Himeko gently patted Angel's head and smiled brightly.

Angel narrowed her eyes, looked up, and questioned, "Will not force me?"

"Of course not, we are an organization that protects the world, not a terrorist organization!"

"Heh! Who knows?"

"What I said is true, I didn't lie to you!"

Himeko rubbed Angel's hair with both hands, feeling helpless again. If she hadn't fed the porridge herself, she would have thought the situation hadn't changed at all!

"Adults lie, you are the same, they... are the same..."

Angel lowered her head, her last words almost inaudible. 'Mom and dad in this world, and mom and dad in the other world.'

'I'm so sorry!'

'Your most lovely little Angel is now in a super dangerous world and has a super deadly identity!'

'In order to live more safely, I have to use your name occasionally!'

'For your beloved baby Angel, please forgive me!'

The Angels in the theater made the sign of the cross, put their hands together, or prayed devoutly, using different ways to express their apologies to their parents on both sides. In reality, Angel hugged the Homu doll that was originally on the pillow and buried her face in the fluffy stuffed toy.

"Have a good rest, don't be afraid, no one will hurt you here," Himeko said softly, with a warm maternal glow on her face. She stood up, took the empty bowl, and left the room quietly.


After stepping outside and closing the door, Himeko turned and saw three people stacked at the door frame. The top one was Raiden Mei, followed by Kiana, and at the bottom was Bronya. Perhaps because Himeko lost her balance when she stepped out, Bronya's head had landed firmly on the ground, and her small body was forced to bear the weight of Kiana and Raiden Mei, yet she couldn't complain.

Bronya: "(ᗜ ‸ ᗜ )..."

"Ah!" Himeko sighed, turning and walking downstairs, unsurprised by the scene. The three stacked together looked at each other for a moment, then carefully separated without making any sound and went downstairs together.

"Teacher Himeko, how is she?" ×3

After sitting down in the living room, the three asked almost simultaneously. Kiana was concerned because she had been saved once during a hunt. Raiden Mei hoped Angel would get better out of guilt and pity. Their thoughts were transparent, but Bronya's excessive attention puzzled Himeko.

"By the way, Bronya, you actually vacated your room for that kid and even left your high-end limited edition Homu doll that you've been collecting. Isn't that a bit too positive? Although, as a teacher, I am very pleased that you care so much about new students."

"Bronya's room has the best lighting, which is helpful for mental health. Bronya just thinks newcomers need this environment more. As for Homu... besides the one in my hand, the others are just a matter of money, no need to worry," Bronya said expressionlessly in her usual soft, cold voice, holding the Homu doll that Seele gave her.

Her words were reasonable and well-founded. Besides, Bronya couldn't show emotions on her face due to brain damage, so Himeko didn't think too much about it.

Want to see advanced chapters? Chapters 1-100 available at patréon.com/PorterOfSomething

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