
Opinions of the Herrscher of Dominance

"I am the Herrscher of Dominance, The Herrscher of Legion." "There are thousands of me." "Thousands of me who can think in sync yet independently." "Thousands of me who can infinitely revive." "Isn't this clearly a BUG-level learning and growth system!?" "...Wait, let me emphasize that it's a learning and growth system, not a clone dating system!" "What do you mean I'm a Bride!?" "I never even thought about anything weird like a harem! I'm serious! So, you weird women, stay away from me!!!" — As usual, a MTL+Bot assisted Translation and heavy editing of a CN fanfic being put here for easy reading. CN Title:千人律者的一己之见

Bismarck_Imperia · Video Games
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23 Chs

Chapter 8: I Owe Her Everything

"I heard you didn't eat anything yesterday. What's wrong? Is the food not to your taste?"

At lunchtime, Himeko happily enjoyed her potato brisket, while Angel, seated opposite, seemed indifferent to the food, quietly flipping through a book like an emotionless robot.

After Himeko ate a few bites to relieve her hunger, she smiled and said, "People are made of iron and rice is made of steel. Honkai energy cannot replace food!"

Angel raised her head slightly, staring at Himeko with cold purple eyes. In fact, she was already drooling in her heart, but she relied on her dominance to keep her expression cold.

'It smells so good, I want to eat it...'

'Calm down! You have to maintain your sensitive and autistic persona!'

'But it smells so good!'

'Think carefully, the chefs of Saint Freya are likely recruited nearby. Shenzhou cuisine! Otto dotes on Theresa, so he must have arranged the best food and beverage... Shenzhou cuisine made by the chef of Shenzhou! Ah! I can't take it anymore, just one bite, even if it's just one bite!'

Most of the Angels couldn't bear it anymore. The Herrschers didn't need to eat, but the Angels still had human bodies. Even if they wouldn't starve to death, they would still feel physiological hunger. They hadn't had a good meal for too long. The save point plan they thought of yesterday hadn't officially started yet. Now there was only one Angel outside, and she couldn't eat the delicious Shenzhou cuisine. This was simply torture.

In the theater, a group of Angels were rolling on the ground. But the most painful one was Angel in the real world because she faced temptation directly. She not only couldn't roll around but also had to concentrate on maintaining her persona.


Angel lost her focus for a moment, her eyes unconsciously drifting towards the food, and she sucked her saliva with a blank expression. The Angels in the theater quickly reminded her.

Angel's expression quickly returned to indifference, and she continued to flip through the book expressionlessly.


"...What are you laughing at?"

"I remembered something happy."


Angel said coldly, her fair face turning red little by little, but she still maintained a cold expression.

'As long as I pretend it didn't happen, there will be no problem with my persona!'

'It's just a piece of food, even if it flies to my mouth, I can't...'

Himeko held the beef close to Angel: "Ah~~"

Angel opened her mouth: "Ah!"

Angel chewed the beef handed over by Himeko expressionlessly. Three seconds later, she disappeared from the chair.

According to the law of conservation of mass, the quilt on the bed bulged up.

"Hahaha! I'll go out for a while and come back to chat with you later."

Himeko couldn't help laughing and left the room.

On the bed, the bulging quilt began to tremble slightly.

'Wow, so embarrassing.'

'It's obviously not me, right? It must be a spy, kick her out of the group!'

'Okay, okay, be serious. It's embarrassing, but my autistic and awkward persona fits my experience in this world. It's not a flaw.'

'Relax, don't be afraid, continue to insist on a hunger strike.'

'That's right, hold on for two or three days, then pretend to faint from hunger, and then accept the kindness naturally and slowly cooperate with Himeko. This is the best script!'

The Angels in the theater proudly planned their next steps, savoring the deliciousness transmitted from the shared taste. Only Angel in the quilt was whimpering in the darkness.


Himeko shared the funny incident she had just experienced with Theresa. Kiana was also there because she was concerned about Angel's situation. Raiden Mei followed Kiana, and Bronya followed Raiden Mei, so the trio was all present.

"Hahaha! What a funny character! Not only did she go on a hunger strike, but she also went too far, hahaha!"

Kiana laughed wildly, curling up and twisting on the sofa, like a restless big bug. Raiden Mei tapped Kiana's head lightly with a knife, half blaming and half helplessly saying:

"Kiana, don't laugh at people behind their backs."

"Tsk! She almost disfigured my pretty and cute face, and I can't laugh?"


"Yes! Mei is right, I will listen to Mei!"

Kiana instantly stuck to the cook, hugged her arm, and shook her coquettishly, so cute. Raiden Mei was completely helpless, touched Kiana's head, and gave up preaching for the time being.

Theresa watched this scene with a smile, then coughed dryly and said seriously:

"Ahem! Okay, Kiana, let Mei go first. Mei, I think Himeko told you about the child's situation last night. So, what do you think?"

"I... I listen to Teacher Himeko and Principal Theresa."

Raiden Mei's expression froze instantly, twisting her fingers and replying weakly.

Theresa frowned and looked at Himeko. The tacit understanding of many years of getting along made Himeko understand. She turned to Mei and said as a teacher:

"Mei, you know this is not what we want to hear."

"Teacher Himeko, I... I... I want to help her, although I don't know what I can do and to what extent, but I want to help her."

Under Himeko's encouraging eyes, Raiden Mei finally revealed her thoughts with a sense of relief. The conversation had already started, and the people present were trustworthy partners and elders who knew the truth. Mei touched her chest and continued:

"She is very similar to me. She suddenly lost her family and elders who protected her, suffered school bullying, and lost control in darkness and despair... I feel like she is another me in the world, but..."

But Mei Raiden was lucky enough to meet Kiana Kaslana, who rushed into her dark life and illuminated her world. And Angel did not meet the light that saved her. Raiden Mei touched Kiana's head, her eyes soft and touching, and she whispered:

"I already know what a Herrscher is, and I also know my unshirkable responsibility in the Nagazora City incident. It was me who created a girl who is so much like me. When I think of this, I can't just sit back and watch. I am very grateful that I was saved, and because of this, I want to help her as much as I can... Although I am still very scared and at a loss, I don't know what the final result will be, but I will try my best to bear these things. This is my idea, Teacher Himeko!"

"Mei, you are so nice. Don't be afraid, I will always be with you no matter what!"

"Thank you, Kiana."

"Hehe, Mei doesn't need to say thank you to me, what is our relationship, right?"

Kiana hugged Raiden Mei and rubbed against her, smiling foolishly.

Himeko also laughed in this atmosphere, gave Theresa a look that she had expected, and then nodded:

"You have grown up, Mei. Teacher, I am very happy. Well, I have to go see that awkward child. Look forward to it, I believe you will become good friends."

"Yes, everything is up to you, Teacher Himeko."

Raiden Mei bowed and watched Himeko leave, then dealt with Kiana's usual excessive enthusiasm with distress and happiness.

In the peace, no one noticed that Bronya, who was listening silently, tightly grasped the plush arm of the Homu doll, her eyes looking a little gloomy.

'The victim of Nagazora...'

Then this sin may also be hers to share.

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Chapter 1-50 available at patréon.com/PorterOfSomething

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