
Chapter 6

We walk to the big building I mentioned earlier where students who looked like they arrived today just like us were sitted down talking and getting to know each other which reminded me that I had yet to ask this boy what his name is.

"Will you please tell me your name." I asked him directly because I have already learned how this boy gets with words. He can't twist something that is so direct because there is nothing to twist, he will simply have to answer me. He kept walking until the end of the hall at the corner away from everyone and sat down and I followed him to sit at the chair next to him.

"So you want to know my name ?" he asked after keeping his bags down and I nodded and he once again gave me that sinister smile. It really surprises me how a beautiful boy like him can afford such a smile on his beautiful face. "I don't want to tell you."

"Why not," I asked him confused, why would he not want to tell me his name.

"Why do you want to know." he asked me looking directly into my eyes but not losing that smile. I feel like he is teasing me but I really want to know his name.

"Because I need something to call you with and I can't simply keep referring to you as that beautiful boy." I say in irritation and he looked shocked for a moment before he gave me an even bigger grin.

"You think I am beautiful ?"

"Seriously do you not look at yourself in the mirror, you are not beautiful but dead gorgeous. You are the most beautiful person i have ever that even the actresses and models that I have met pale in comparison to your beauty." My irritation was getting the better of me and it was only after I was done talking that I realized what I had just said. I curse my brain that fails to work whenever I am around this boy, I hate to admit it but this boy is not good for me. The way he affects almost every part of me with his presence isn't good for my health and this is a fact.

I get up to leave when he pulled me by my hand and I lost my balance and fell on him. I once again came face to face with him and we were so close to each other that I could hear his heartbeat which was just as fast as mine. " You think that you can call me beautiful and compare me to women and I would just let you go." he whispered the threat in my ear in a husky voice and I shuddered with fear. My was sending me warning signals but my body's reaction shocked even me. Despite being threatened the warm feeling came back again and time I didn't feel warm I felt hot like someone had placed a fire nearby. My body was burning up and my mind was a mess and I couldn't think straight.

The feelings I have felt since I met this boy are all new to me, it is in a whole different level than anything I have ever felt before. It was driving me crazy and for unknown reason I wanted more of it, whatever it is. It felt so warm and for someone who had been lonely and cold for most of my life it was not just amazing but wonderful.

"Are you done daydreaming yet ?" he asked me bringing me back to reality "If you have then please get up. It is the first day of school and the teacher will be here soon.You don't want people to misunderstand anything do you ?"

I got up and sat down next to him, I did my best to try and calm my heart but it became stubborn just like my body and now it wasn't listening to me. Why does he do this to me and why does my body react like this towards him. I am losing control of my own body and heart and I am not sure that I will remain in control of my mind for much longer. This is just the first day here and I am supposed to be here for three months, how am I going to survive with him in the same school.

Not to mention that I don't even know who he is since he refused to tell me his name. Should I ask him again or will he refuse to tell me but the more he refuses to tell me the more I want to know. Before I can ask him what I want to know the teachers arrive at the hall one by one and sit down. It was then that I noticed that the hall was now full and there were so many people not to mention how big this hall is. It is almost as big as the last stadium where I held my last concert.

"Hi, am Claire and I am new here." said the girl next to me as she held out her hand for me to shake. "Hi, am Brandon and it is nice to meet you." I reply as I shake her hand.

We start talking about life and our expectations as the teachers waited for the remaining students to arrive. We talked about the subject we would take and the clubs we might want to join in the future and it just so happened that took all subjects together. We had everything in common and we became friends immediately and it made me happy. The first real friend who was interested in me because of my family status, lady luck truly has shone on me. Everything seems to be going well for me and I couldn't be happier. I even forgot about those people who I left at home and felt at peace.

I felt a hand on his thigh, " Did you forget me so quickly." he whispered in my ear in a soft voice that made the words I wanted to say to Claire get stuck in my throat. "N..no," I stammered the answer to him. I have never stammered in my sixteen years of my life and I have doing things I have never done before since I met this boy. "Then why are you ignoring me for that girl. Is she more important than me now." he asked as he rubbed my thigh making me loose my mind. My senses were becoming a blur.

The headmistress started with her speaking and I couldn't hear a word she was saying because my mind was not in its right senses to process everything that she was saying. Even Claire said something to me but I couldn't make out what she was saying and this stupid boy who refused to tell me his name never stopped moving his hand on my thigh and each time it drove me mad. Does he know what he is doing or is this what friends do.

I don't have many friends and the last time I had an actual friend was when I was ten. I don't how teenage friends behave since I don't have much experience with having friends. He removes his hand from my thigh and I feel empty, I get confused with all the emotions he provokes in me. This is all new to me so I am most confused. The speech ended and everyone got up to leave, he held me back.

" My name is Reiner Devon." he whispered sweetly to me before leaving.