
Chapter 5

My heart was running a marathon in my heart as I sat right next to him as he slept peacefully. I held my breath due to being nervous in fear that I may disturb him if I breath. I watched him sleep and he looked more beautiful while sleeping than when he is awake.

"It is rude to stare." he said and I looked away but I couldn't help stealing glances at him. He was gorgeous and I'm captivated by his beauty, there is clearly something wrong with me. How is it that I can't look away from a boy, it is because of what he did for me right. "I can still feel your eyes on me," he said getting up and looking at me "do you see something you like." he continued with a smug face.

I looked out the window to the passing trees to avoid answering his question. " How about we make it interesting abit, every time you stare at me you have to pay me a dollar." he said with a proud smile on his face like he had just won the lottery or something. I look at him with disbelief written all over my face. I can't believe how absurd this boy is how can he make such a request.

"Do you really think that I am going to agree with your silly deal ?"

"I am just that you have to pay me a dollar for every time you stare at me as you seem to have a problem of looking at me longer than normal people do."

"So are you saying that I am not normal."

"No, I didn't say that," he paused and moved closer to me which made my heart skip a beat. He was so close to me that our legs were touching. "I don't think that you are not normal, infact you are very much normal." I moved back a little to create distance between us and he also moved towards me. I kept moving until my back was on the car door and he was so close to me that he was literally breathing on my neck. I felt goosebumps all over my body when his warm breath hit my neck. The heat on my body was rising slowly and so was my heart beat.

"What is wrong?" he whispered in my ear sending a shiver down my spine making me tremble slightly. "You don't seem fine tell me what is it." he placed his hand on my lap and gave it a gentle squeeze and my breath hitched. This is so wrong it is way beyond normal and I knew it but I don't want him to stop because for some reason I like what he is doing.

"We are here," the driver informed us and he moved away. The warmth I was feeling also left me, I was a bit disappointed but I don't know why or for what reason I felt like that. He was just teasing me which is what friends do. We got out of the car and got our luggage with us before the driver turned the car around and left.

When I turned around the boy was already walking towards some big building and just then I realized that I didn't know his name. I took my bags and hurried to catch up to him. "Listen can I ask you a question ?" I asked him when I finally caught up to him.

"That in fact was a question, so why ask permission for something you have already done?" he asked me in a matter of fact manner and I simply want to beat him up. He is not only beautiful but is also the queen of sass. Yes, I know that he is a boy but he is more beautiful than any woman I have ever met. And I have met a lot of them since I am a celebrity and all so I know what I am saying. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't watch where I was going hence I bumped into something or should I say someone.

We both fell to the ground and I landed on top of him. You asked how I know it is a he before I even get a look at the person, well the answer is simple I landed on a perfect six pack chest that must belong to someone who goes to the gym. I myself am not bad but I don't have such a chest so I can already tell you that me and this person won't get along. He will make me feel less a man and I won't allow that but man his chest is so soft.

"If you are done feeling my chest you can please get up." I heard that very same angelic voice that belongs to the beautiful boy so I looked up to his face and he was grinning at me. I got up and dusted the dust on my clothes and picked up my bags and his. I was sure that my face was red by now so I didn't dare look him in the eyes. I snapped his finger in front of my eyes bringing my attention to him. He held his hand in front of me and I was confused because I had no idea what he wanted.

"What is it?" I asked him and he smiled at me. That smile was not the beautiful one he gave me at the cafe but it rather looked sinister. I was becoming fearful a bit and who can blame me, I can't begin to tell you how much i have embarrassed myself in front of this boy in the two times I met him. For some reason I find myself acting on impulse around him and I don't even process anything before I do it. Its like my body is a slave to him and it just moves on its own and does as it pleases leaving me completely embarrassed. He must think that I am a weirdo and who would blame him when all the impression I have given him of myself are not so good.

"You seem to have forgotten so quickly but you owe me two dollars and before you ask me why I will tell. One was for staring as we were walking and you fell on me and we made a deal that every time you stare at me longer than normal you have to pay so pay up." he said with a smirk on his face.

"And I never agreed to that so why should I pay you."I tell him with a grin of my own but instead of his smile falling like it was supposed to, he stretched it some more and he moved so close to me that our foreheads were touching, something inside me told me to run but my body as usual didn't listen and froze in place. He leaned his head to right and leaned in and I closed my eyes automatically and held my breath in anticipation and that feeling that I felt in the car come back. My body felt so warm and my heartbeat increased once again. His breath tickled my face and then he was gone.

I opened my eyes to find him with that knowing kind of smile. Like he knew something I didn't but that wasn't enough to dispell the disappointment I felt in my heart. Don't even ask me why I am disappointed because I can't tell you something that even i myself do not know.

"Will you pay me or not." he asked again but with all the disappointments I have had today I have lost the energy to retort to that. "Sure."