
Only you can give me that feeling

Melanie is 21 and taking the leap and going to college, amid her fathers protests, failed relationship after failed relationship, can Mel find someone who's worth it? She has some dark and hidden secrets but will she find someone to open up and share her past to? Follow her story for laughs, tears and heartbreak in the very best way.

Savyrain · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter seven- Waitressing?!

Brody and I have been inseparable for the last 3 weeks, well apart from now but hey the guys got to go home at some point, doesn't he? I've learnt so much about him, how he scrunches his nose when he tastes anything I've tried to home cook and pretends its the best meal he has ever had. How him and his childhood best friend agreed to go to college together but got accepted to different colleges so now don't see each other very often. He hasn't mentioned his mom since he told me she died and I haven't wanted to push him but I just feel like there is something he isn't saying.

I decide to go grab a quick coffee from the coffee shop by my apartment, dressing down in some skinny jeans and my Seattle university sweater I make my way. I choose a simple vanilla iced latte and as I go to pay with my card its declined. Weird, I guess their machine isn't working right.

"I think I have cash in my bag, I'll check." I say politely to the cashier not wanting to embarrass them by bringing up their machine may be broken. I find the cash and pay for my coffee. I know I should definitely get back and get into my studying, I've studied while I've spent time with Brody but not as much as I should of. I skip up the steps to my apartment instead of taking the elevator, got to get them steps in am I right? I stop short at my door as my landlord is stood outside.

"Hey Stephen? Is everything okay?" I ask hesitantly, I haven't seen my landlord since I first signed the lease.

"I'm sorry Ms Collins but your father has informed me you'll no longer be residing with us." He looks kind of mad and so am I! This is my apartment, my dad can't just decide I'm not living here!

"Well, that's not really his business, if I'm the one making payments I decide when I leave." I try to keep my cool and cross my arms so I don't take my anger out on poor Stephen.

"Actually Ms Collins payments haven't been made, so I approached your father, he says you have been cut off and won't be residing here anymore. I can give you a couple of days to collect your things." and with that he stalks off. I don't know how long I stay stood there with my jaw on the floor.

When I finally can make my body move I rush into my apartment and call my Mom.

"Melanie, I was expecting your call." My mom sounds different, composed but I can tell there is a strain to her voice.

"What is happening mom?!" I frantically ask.

"It's your father, he's wiped your accounts, we couldn't stop him, he's taken all of your money, everything except the trust your grandparents set up for you for college when you were a baby." Her voice cracks slightly.

"But why? What am I suppose to do? Where am I suppose to live?" I can't believe this! I want to cry why is he doing this to me!

"I'm sorry Melanie, I can't help you, he wont let me, I've said too much, I have to go." and with that the line goes dead.

"Wait you're telling me he just wiped your accounts?" Liv rushed over here the second I called her blubbering.

"Yes Liv, I'm so shocked, I can't believe he would do this to me!" Staying with Liv is already out of the window, she's going away for a month with her family.

"What am I going to do? I can't be homeless and I will not go back to my parents house, that's exactly what they want!" I know I'm on the verge of crying again after it took Liv so long to calm me down.

"Okay this might be crazy but could you live with Brody?" Liv suggests.

"No! We've only been together for a few months, it's way too soon!" I spit out mortified.

"I know but you've seen each other so much recently, and he's super sweet, I think he'd love it!" Liv encourages. "Just think about it, give lover boy a call and then call me and update me!" She gives me a hug goodbye and then she's gone. Could I really ask to move in with Brody?

And that's how I ended up here, surrounded by my boxes which are never going to find a place in Brody's tiny apartment.

"Are you really sure you're okay with this? I know I'm putting you out so much and we've only been together a short amount of time and that-" I'm cut off by Brody giving me the most breathtaking kiss.

"Of course I'm sure, I can't think of anything better than living with my girl" he smiles that near maddening smile and I know everything is going to be okay. I'm so happy, I know the apartment is small but I also know we can make it work, I don't care where I am as long as I am with Brody, the L word is on the tip of my tongue when Brody says...

"So when do you want to start looking for a job?" I'm dumbstruck, then I realise, of course I need to look for a job! I have no money what did I think? I could just move in with Brody and go to college without any money!

"I doubt my father will give me a good reference for all the hard work I put into his company, so I guess I'll have to look for a job at a lower level?" I suggest and Brody nods.

"I have a friend who could maybe get you a job waitressing at the silver rose hotel?"

"Waitressing?!?" I reply horrified. My father always had the worst opinions of waiters, the lowest level, only here to serve us and while I don't agree with his thoughts on that, I know I'll be shunned even more so now if I am a waitress. What the hell, can't get worse than it already is can it?

"Okay okay! Make the call! I'd be delighted to be a waitress!" Brody is looking at me like I'm kind of crazy but he makes the call. You're now looking at the newest waitress of the Silver rose hotel, aka my families favourite place to eat.