
Chapter 48

  Carina's POV -


  I picked up a graphic novel from the shelf. I flipped through pages, seeing all of the sex acts displayed in the book. I flipped to a page where an anal sex was shown. At the sight of it, I fell weak on my knees. I've always fantasized being fucked in my anus. I find it erotic, too.

  "I don't think I'm gonna return this." I said. "It's too good to be returned."

  "Trust me, this isn't as good as the few things I flipped on." Gabriella showed me the gems she'd unearthed, all with appropriately sparkly covers,

  "Uh... 'Who Am I Without You', I like the title."

  "It has this steamy sex scenes that's really great."

  "I'll have to just find out if it's great as you say."

  Seemingly three hours later, I emerged from the rows of shelves, drunk on the book candy and the scent of well-read pages.

  With a spring in my step, I headed for the security gates. A guy was already strolling through, a battered skateboard under one arm, it was Vincent.