
The Date (5)

"Well then, let's go on our date now." Longwei said as he sat next to Li Hua.

"Oh. Where are we going?" Li Hua asked as she looked at Longwei.

Longwei smiled at her and pushed a stray hair out of her face. "Mmm...it's a surprise, but I know you will like it a lot."

"Can't you give me a hint?"


"Not even a little?"

"Not even a little."

Frowning, Li Hua turned away and looked out the window. "Fine." she mumbled.

Seeing her pout, Longwei smiled and told the driver to drive. He had plan the date based on the knowledge of his servants at home. After hours of asking every female servant in his household what their ideal date was, he decided to pick the most popular one as today's date. Afterall, Longwei has never gone on a date himself.

Pulling up to a restaurant, Longwei stepped out of the car, and held out his hand to Li Hua. Grabbing his hand, Li Hua stepped out of the car and looked around. They had arrive at the Senchia de LaRosa restaurant, a 5-star restaurant. This restaurant was a very popular place, as they are said to have the best food. Getting in to eat here and make a reservation was difficult. The waitlist was long and not just anyone could get in. Even the President had to make a reservation to get in to eat.

"Senchia de LaRosa." Li Hua said as she read the name out loud.

"We'll be having lunch here before going on to the next location." Longwei said as he watched Li Hua's reaction.

Surprised, Li Hua turned and looked at Longwei as she asked him, "How did you get a reservation here? I thought the waitlist was up to 3 years already. It would be impossible to get a spot."

"Nothing is impossible if it's for you dear." Longwei said as he put his arms around her waist. "Come, let's go. You must be hungry after waiting for me."

Walking into the restaurant, Longwei told the receptionist his name before being led away to an elevator that took them to the very top floor of the restaurant. Once they got to the top floor, they were led to their table. A waiter came and poured some wine for them as they waited for their food. Once their food came, Li Hua marveled at how good the food looked. Taking a bite, she closed her eyes and softly moaned. The food was so good, it practically melted in her mouth.

Longwei happily watched as Li Hua ate. He liked the food here, but watching his wife eat was more fulfilling to him.

Opening her eyes, Li Hua found Longwei watching her with a smile on his face. "Is there something wrong?"


"Then why aren't you eating too? You're making me feel awkward if it's just me eating."

Realizing that Li Hua was embarrassed, Longwei smiled even more. "I like watching you eat. You seem to really like the food."

Blushing, Li Hua drank some wine to clear her throat. "The food is good. You should have some too. Here."

Grabbing some food, Li Hua held it out to Longwei to try not realizing that her action had caused the man to be surprised and extremely happy.

Seeing her want to feed him, Longwei leaned over the table and ate the food before letting her realize what she was doing.

"Mmm...it's good." Longwei said as he smiled at Li Hua. "I really like it. Here try mine."

Cutting a piece of his steak, Longwei held it out with his fork towards Li Hua. Li Hua took a bite and smiled.

"It's really good!" she exclaimed.

"Have more." Longwei said as he continued to feed her.

Eating everything he fed her, Li Hua didn't realize that their action made them look like a loving couple. Once they were done eating, they both headed to the next location for the day.

Seeing the ocean, Li Hua turned to look at Longwei excitedly. Getting out of the car, Li Hua grabbed Longwei's hand and tugged him towards the water.

"Longwei. Hurry, let's go to the water." Li Hua said as she smiled at him.

Holding her hand tightly, Longwei walked quicker towards the water.

Once they reached the edge of the beach, Lii Hua took her shoes off and let the water cover her feet.

"So cold." Li Hua said as she moved her feet away from the water. "It's so pretty. The water, the sky."

Sitting down, Li Hua leaned her head back as she soaked in the sun. Longwei sat next to her as he watched.

Opening her eyes, Li Hua smiled as an idea came to her mind.

Turning to Longwei, Li Hua cleared her throat and said in a polite voice. "CEO...ahem. Longwei, let's build a sand castle. Please?"

Surprised at her suggestion, Longwei could only agree. Afterall, she did call him by his name without him requesting for it this time. This goddess did not know how lethal she looked at the moment. Just hearing her call him by his name and the pleading look she gave him, made him want to give in to her.


Together Longwei and Li Hua built a sand castle. Longwei called for his driver to go buy some supplies they needed to build a sandcastle quickly. Once they had all the tools required, they started to dig in the sand. Longwei went to fetch the water they needed while Li Hua worked on making sure the castle had a sturdy foundation.

"Pour some water here. Slowly. Don't pour so much, the castle will fall. Hurry come here. Help me hold this part up. Just a little more."

Staring at his wife, Longwei couldn't help but admire the way she looked as she focused on building their castle.

"Longwei, can you get more water please?"

Hearing his wife's command, Longwei got up and grabbed the bucket to get more water.

"Thank you. Okay, almost done now."

Putting the final touches to the castle, Li Hua and Longwei stepped back as they both admired their hard work. The castle looked perfect with its tall towers and white flags waving in the wind.

"That was tiring." Wiping her forehead with the back of her hand a bit of sand fell into her hair and stained her face. "Let's go wash our hands in the water."

Following her into the water to clean their hands, Longwei attempted to help Li Hua clean her face when he splashed water into her face when she leaned down. Shocked, they both stood still where they were. Longwei didn't think that Li Hua was going to lean down, so when he cleaned his hands to help wipe her face, a bit of water splashed onto her face instead.

Wiping her face, Li Hua looked at Longwei. A smile slowly spreaded across her face as she slowly approached the man.

"CEO Li, you know the saying an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth right?"

Longwei nodded his head slowly.

"Great! Well you see, I like to apply that saying to my life. Since you splashed me with water, I should be able to do the same to you as well right?"

Again, Longwei nodded his head.

"Perfect. Then stay still cause I always pay back a hundredfold of what I got."

Standing like a statue, Longwei closed his eyes as he waited for water to be splashed on him. After awhile of nothing happening, Longwei opened his eyes to see no one in front of him. Surprised and alerted, he turned his head to search for Li Hua. Spotting her standing on the sand laughing at him, Longwei sighed in relief. Slowly he approached her.

"You know it's not nice to tease people right, my dear?" Longwei said as he got closer to her. "Especially me."

I'm ginally back with another chapter!

Sorry for the long wait. I've been writing and trying to get as many chapters as possible before releasing anymore.

School's finally over for me now, so I can focus more on my writing. I've been job hunting the last few days and I'm hoping to get results soon.

Let's all hope for the best!

TiffinyMcreators' thoughts