
A Date (4)

Hearing the scream and excited talking on the phone, Longwei knew it was a girl friend of Li Hua's. Putting his uneasiness away, he listened to the music while thinking of where to go on their date. Turning to look at her, Longwei caught Li Hua staring at him before quickly turning away.

Seeing Li Hua looking at him, Longwei couldn't help but think that they was talking about him since she started to whisper. Soon Li Hua got off the phone and turned to look at him.

"Done?" he asked her.

"Mmm. Sorry about that, it was my friend Mei Xing."

"It's fine." Longwei said as he returned her headphones. "Are you ready to go?"

"Go? Go where?" Li Hua asked as she drank her tea. He couldn't be talking about the date right? He must've been joking.

"Our date."

Surprised, Li Hua choked on her tea and started coughing. Patting her chest, she cursed the shameless man for assuming she would happily go with him on a date.

"Are you okay? Be more careful." Longwei said as he patted her back.

"I'm fine." Li Hua said. "Thank you again."

"Mmm. Good." Longwei said as he got up. "Let's go." He said as he held out his hand.

Looking at his hand, Li Hua placed hers in his as he firmly gripped her hand and helped her up. Helping her to her wheelchair, Longwei made sure that Li Hua was securely seated before pushing her back to into the residence.

"Shall we leave the chair here?" he asked.

"Why? If we are going out it's best to bring it incase I get tired from the walking."

Smiling at the women, Longwei kissed her head. "It's okay. Let's leave it here. If you get tired from walking I'll carry you. I am a strong man after all."

"Are you sure?" Li Hua turned her head and looked up at Longwei.

"Mmm. I must be able to do all this for my wife to fall in love with me."

Her cheeks turning red, Li Hua quickly turned away.

"Weirdo." mumbled Li Hua as a small smile appeared on her lips.

Returning to the living room, Li Hua excused herself as she went to her room to change clothes before heading out. As he waited for his lovely wife to return, Longwei talked to Neng Chao and Jian about business.

Soon Li Hua returned to the living room wearing a light blue dress with white floral patterns. Coincidentally, her dress matched Longwei's outfit for the day as well.

Saying bye to her family, they both slowly walked to Longwei's car. Once inside, Longwei helped buckle Li Hua in her seat and started the car.

"Before we go on our date, I have to stop by the office quickly. There's a meeting I have to attend but it'll be quick. You can wait for me in my office." Longwei said as he looked at Li Hua.

"If you have a meeting, we can go out a different day."

"No it's fine. I'll make it quick. I promise"

"Okay." said Li Hua.

Arriving at the company, Longwei helped Li Hua to his office and helped her sit.

Sitting next to Li Hua, Longwei held her hand. "Wait here for me. I'll be back soon."

"Mmm, I know."

"Guowei." called Longwei.

"Yes boss."

"Attend to her well." Longwei sternly looked at his assistant as he spoke. "If she is mistreated in anyway before I come back, you can just leave and not hand in a resignation letter."

Feeling a chill, Guowei shivered. "Y-yes boss."

Staring at Longwei, Li Hua scowled. "Get going already. You shouldn't make people wait for you."

"Yes my dear. Wait for me." Longwei said.

Smiling like a fool, Longwei kissed Li Hua lightly before leaving his office.


Li Hua felt a bit lonely without Longwei, but she didn't like the man. He was bothersome. Kissing her and holding her hands like they were lovers. She didn't like it, but she also didn't hate it. Smiling, Li Hua put her headphones on as she waited for Longwei.

Unknowing to Li Hua, Guowei was silently taking photos of her to send to his boss. Hoping these photos would pacify his anger.


On another floor in a meeting room, two man sat facing each other. The temperature in the room was freezing as the two man stared at each other.

"I'm sorry to have made you wait CEO Wang."

"It's alright CEO Li. Today is my last day here and I would like to come to an agreement before I leave."

"Of course. I feel the same way. I have to leave soon too as I have an important date that I can't miss today."

Tilting his head back, CEO Wang laughed loudly. "Who has made CEO Li willing to cancel a whole day if meetings to go on a date? I would love to meet this girl who has finally made you want to push everything back just for a date."

"You can meet her after the meeting." said Longwei as he smiled at CEO Wang's comments.

After two hours, the two man came to an agreement.

"Well I look forward to working with you CEO Li." CEO Wang said as he held his hand out.

"Same here CEO Wang." Longwei said as he shook hands sealing the agreement and contract.

Smiling, CEO Wang patted Longwei on the back firmly before saying, "Let's go see this marvelous woman who has you tied around her finger."

"Ofcourse." Longwei said and he lead the way to his office.

Entering his office, Longwei saw Li Hua listening to music as she sat in a chair. As he approached her, Li Hua noticed Longwei and removed her headphones.

"All done?" she asked.

"Mmm." Longwei said and he helped her stand. "Dear this is CEO Wang. CEO Wang this is Ning Li Hua, Vice President of Ning Corporation."

CEO Wang shook Li Hua's hand as he smiled at her. "Ms. Ning, should I call you Vice President Ning now?"

"Please, just Li Hua will do." chuckled Li Hua. "How have you been CEO Wang? It's been awhile since I last saw you."

"Yes it has hasn't it? I've been doing well, how about you? After I heard what happened to you 4 years ago I couldn't believe it. Are you better now?"

Nodding her head, Li Hua smiled lightly. "Yes, I'm doing a bit better now."

Nodding his head, CEO Wang turned his attention to Longwei. "CEO Li , you are lucky to have Ms. Ning. She is a bright and smart woman."

"Yes I am." Longwei said as he wrapped his arm around Li Hua's waist. "Do you two know each other?"

"Yes we do." said CEO Wang.

"Really? Where did you two meet?"

"We meet a while back when I met with Producer Diamond C."

"Producer C? Did you meet him? No one knows who he is other than the artists he works with."

"Ah, yes I did." CEO Wang said he took a glance at Li Hua. Seeing her fidgeting, he guessed she must have not yet told CEO Li.

"I did meet the producer, and was amazed at his talent. He is a very kind and polite young man."

Nodding his head, they talked for a bit more before seeing CEO Wang off.

"I hope to get an invitation soon." CEO Wang said as he smiled at the two young lovebirds.

"Of course. I hope to be sending them out soon too." Longwei said as he smiled.

"Well then. I'll be waiting."

Saying their farewells, Longwei and Li Hua saw CEO Wang out to his car before entering Longwei's car.