
The Announcement (5)

"Hello, everyone. My name is Zhao Guowei, CEO Li's assistant. Thank you all for coming today. In the past few days, there have been rumors of CEO Li dating, and today's press conference is to address it."

As Guowei spoke, Longwei walked through the doors of the room where the press conference. The moment he walked through the doors, every reporter in the room turned to face him. Taking photos as fast as their fingers would allow, the reporters dare not miss any changes in his poise or expression.

Guowei stepped aside as Longwei approached the front. Bowing down to the reporters, Longwei made his way to the front.

"Thank you all for taking the time to be here today. I am Li Longwei, CEO-President of Sunrise."

Sitting down in the front, Longwei imposed a chilling aura, making all the reporters dare not ask anything offending.

"We will be taking questions now," spoke Guowei.

The moment he said that questions were allowed, no one dared to make the first move to ask. Turning to look at their fellow reporters, everyone waited to see who would ask first. Suddenly a reporter raised his hands shakily.

Raising an eyebrow, Longwei stared at the reporter that singly raised his hands when no one else was willing to.

Standing up, the reporter cleared his throat. "CEO Li, is it true that you are seeing someone?"


Hearing Longwei admit that he was seeing someone raised the curiosity of all the reporters. Soon everyone's hands shot into the air as they tried to ask questions about who the mysterious girl was.

"How long have you been dating?"

"1 day."

"Will you two be getting married soon?"


"What is it about your girlfriend that attracted you?"

Staring at the reporter that asked the question, Longwei smirked.

"Her beauty, brain, and the fact that she's the only one who isn't attracted to me."

Hearing Longwei's answers, all the reporters were speechless at how shameless this man was. He was admitting that he was dating someone who didn't even like him back, yet he didn't seem to care.

"There were recent photos of you bringing a bouquet to the hospital. Was it your girlfriend that you were visiting?"

"Yes. She had gotten hurt and had just recovered."

As questions continued to fire at Longwei, Guowei looked at his watch. Noticing that it was almost time to leave, he turned to signal the security team. Letting them know to prepare for the CEO's leave.

"The press conference will be coming to an end now. Thank you again for coming," said Guowei.

Sitting down, all the reporters grumbled as they felt that they had not yet got enough information.

Standing up, Longwei fixed his suit as he walked off the stage. Suddenly he stopped and turned to face the reporters before leaving the door. Noticing that Longwei had not yet left, the reporters turned their attention to him.

"I almost forgot. The woman I am seeing is the Vice-President of Neng Corps, who is also my fiancee I am engaged to."

Finished saying what he had to, Longwei left the room leaving all the reporters speechless again.

Suddenly the room was in an uproar as all the reporters realized what they had just heard. The CEO of Sunrise was engaged to the Vice-President of Neng Corps. This was huge news. The number one bachelor of the country was now engaged.

"Quickly! Call the company, tell them that we just got big news. The CEO of Sunrise is engaged."

"Get me information about who the Vice President of Neng Corps is."

"Boss I got big news for you!"

"Thank god we came, we got huge news, this will give us a promotion for sure."

As the reporters talked amongst themselves, the rest of the country was talking about it as well. Since the press conference was stream live, the news of the CEO of Sunrise's engagement was all over the place.

Standing in the mall, Li Hua felt her legs go weak. She had been watching Longwei's press conference when he suddenly announced that he was engaged, and the person he was engaged to was no one but her!

"The woman I am seeing is the Vice-President of Neng Corps, who is also my fiancee I am engaged to."

Those words repeated in her head as she stared blankly at the big screen. As Longwei said those words, she felt as if he was looking at her. Suddenly Li Hua collapsed on the ground.

"Li Hua!"

"Young Miss!"

Seeing Li Hua suddenly collapsed, everyone rushed to her side. The leader of the guards quickly called for the car to be pulled to the front and prepare for them to return to the old residence.

The maid quickly checked Li Hua's pulse and had a guard help her carry Li Hua and put her into the wheelchair.

"Li Hua. Are you okay? Speak to me."

Mei Xing was just as shocked as Li Hua was. She had not known that her best friend was already engaged, and before she could ask, Li Hua had already collapsed to the floor. This told her that Li Hua didn't even know that she was engaged as well.

"Mei Xing." said Li Hua as she held her best friend's hand. "Let's go home quickly. People will start to recognize me."

Understanding what she was implying, Mei Xing and the bodyguards quickly moved Li Hua out of the mall.

Already people were searching to find out who the Vice President of Neng Corps was. As photos of Li Hua popped up on their screen, many recognized her as the girl who had entered the mall earlier with the model Mei Xing.